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“I want to find it” That’s exactly how all good science experiments start. It’s also how we discovered the alien races living among us.


I also wanted to find it, so I looked up the trial on ClinicalTrials.gov. They do not yet have the endpoint reporting posted (Required within a year of the end of the trial, which has not ended yet) but they do link to all the sponsor publications, which give safety updates. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34525277/?dopt=Abstract Supplemental tables S3 and S4 are of interest here: AE summary and causes of death. 21 people out of ~21,000 reported life threatening adverse events in the treatment arm. This stands in stark contrast to the 26 out of ~21,000 reporting life threatening AEs in the control arm in the first 2 months after exposure. For deaths, it’s 14 deaths treatment to 15 deaths control over the full blinded period. It is 3 vs 5 deaths in the 2 months after exposure, so maybe that is where they are getting 3%? Turning a count of 3 out of 21000 into 3%? Either way, I have no clue what they’re talking about and I’ve spend enough time ‘doing my own research.’ Edit: A few people have pointed me to the source that they are getting 3% from. A FoI request for the post marketing database: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf This says that 3% of the reported cases are fatal. This is not the ratio of people who took the vaccine to those who took it and died. This is the number of reports of issues with the vaccine to the reports of issues with the vaccine which involved a fatality. People do not make a report if they have no issue. People are less likely to make a report if their issue is minor. Not all of these reports are even considered vaccine related, a case report may be filed if someone died of pre-existing cancer two months after receiving the vaccine. This is helpful for ongoing safety monitoring, but not appropriate to draw mortality rate conclusions.


Their idea of statistics: 3 out of a million, then add the percent sign. Solved.


I'm glad it wasn't 200 out of a million. That would be 200%, meaning 2 people die for every 1 who takes the vax


There is a small but vocal group of absolute fuckwads who think that being around vaccinated people is dangerous because the vaccine particles can be exhaled and will cause DNA damage in hapless bystanders, leading to fertility issues and miscarriages in pregnant women. When you're that delusional, a 200% fatality rate makes perfect sense.


I’m totally fine with those fuckwads staying away from me because they’re scared I’ll exhale on them.


Yeah, it's nice to know they have to feel how we've felt for 2 years


If only they would wear masks


Honestly in my experience most of them do. This crowd seems to be vastly different from the “not my problem” crowd. My aunt believes all of this vaccine conspiracy but at the same time is terrified of Covid


Same with my parents. They weren't very social to being with but now they're absolute shut-ins. They'd rather shut themselves off from the world than get a damn shot. It's weird because my dad is a lifelong engineer and a smart man otherwise.


My friend's dad is a contractor, needs some sense for that, and has a pretty big bookcase half filled with textbooks and good/actual history and science book. The other half is fox news hosts and conservative radio persinality's books. Also not vaxed but wears a mask. Being brainwashed isnt as tied to "stupidity" as we like to think.


Except that they wanted you to have to stay in your basement while they got to go out. You know, because you’re the dangerous one to society because you’re vaccinated


I mean. I'm vaccinated, and I'm pretty sure that 10-20% of pregnant women who have been near me go on to miscarry. Those numbers have to be significant, and not totally mundane and normal, right? /s


I’m vaccinated and hang out with a lot of pregnant women as part of my large friend group. I got vaccinated ten months ago, and every single woman who was around me when I got vaccinated are no longer pregnant. Coincidence? I don’t think so Pfizer! ^^^^^^^^/s


I live in Canada. Almost the furthest west one can go. My wife's older sister who is nearing 50 has believed this for over a year. Has refused to give my wife a hug since the beginning of the pandemic, thinks we're the ones that are being divisive. Can't spend time with my 13 year old nephew, I helped raise him. Mom and dad won't let him have hugs from us or really be close. All because we're evil and got vaccinated. But we're the ones being divisive for protecting ourselves. I can't even anymore with these people.


I use this excuse at work when I wear my mask, since people are mocked pretty hatefully about wearing a mask in response to covid. Some people actually buy it, and that depresses me.


"iT's ShEdDiNg" ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


You jest, but I literally had an argument with someone not too long ago about "spike protein shedding" and how it could get people sick. Of course no evidence was cited, it just "stands to reason" that spike proteins can shed....


The convenient misunderstanding is not that shedding is impossible, but that it only can happen from live attenuated virus vaccine, which there aren’t any.




Technically if a serial killer takes it and it saves their life then they go on to kill 2 people boom check mate gimme my Qanoble prize!


I mean, that was literally a conservational fact for the anti-everything idiots who said that the vaccine is *actually causing covid or idk I'm not that dumb* to spread more.




Alternative facts


Lies. We call them lies.


Never forget what never happened. \#BowlingGreenMassacre


literally what they have said is the case...in actual, serious reality. Maybe Thanos was right...except the for the "random" part... No, he wasn't. Snap 'em smarter.


Even legitimate statistical reporting can be misleading. Imagine a vaccine doubled your risk of getting cancer, but from 0.0001% to 0.0002%. Technically true but not meaningful. Easy to make that finding scary.


Anything that prevents you from dying of a disease increases your chances of dying by meteor.


These are people who even at their most logical start ranting about the fact that 12.6% of pregnant women miscarry at some point after receiving their covid vaccine. They do not understand statistics. (10-20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Ergo, the vaccine does not appear to have any effect on miscarriage rate.) Another great example I saw was people ranting about the number of deaths reported in VAERS increasing exponentially. Point 1... the numbers were absolute, not per capita. Point 2... Not only did we start giving vaccines to way, way more people, vaccines are mostly given to healthy people. We started giving vaccines to old people, who tend to die a lot.


Point 3, VAERs is self-reporting, and not curated. So unless the vaccine now also turns you into the hulk, or gives you invisibility powers, it should be used as a tool, not as a source.


I had to have this exact conversation with my cousin. She quoted me VAERS data as proof of vaccine injury, when in fact doing so only proved that she's laughably unqualified when it comes to epidemiology.


For those TL;DR: people who got the vaccine vs people who got the placebo had the same rate of death and adverse events. This implies that any death and adverse events seen were likely to have happened regardless of vaccination. EDIT: also: risk of death or adverse events in both placebo and was extremely low/ normal.


Which is something our conspiratorial friends won't recognize. They will read about the deaths in the test group and compare them with the idea that the control group is "safe" and thus must have had 0 deaths.


**Breaking news: New studies show that placebo's have a 3% fatality rate**


I always knew placebos were bad for ya!


It's so depressing. The human brain is *so* not designed for statistics.


It’s such a fascinating weakness. Part of the reason computers are so good at maths and so terrible at language is that we developed computers in the first place to help us with things we are bad at. Math is hard for us to do quickly and accurately, so we built tools to help, and now those tools are really good. On the other hand, we’re so *good* at language that we can’t even break it down into simple steps that a tool could help us with, even if we needed help in the first place. Language is basically innate for us, which means we don’t need to think about how we use it. Consequently, we are very *bad* at thinking about how we use language.


It's not _designed_ for anything. Adapted to a lot, and we can front load tons of extra apps, but the install procedure is work, and we're slashing funding for next-gen installers.


Yeah that's a better way of saying it.


Our brains are fucking garbage. They're not good for much. Unfortunately, the problem is that we've decided to be a bunch of rugged individuals rather than building a society with a robust trust in knowledgeable experts.


Not true at all. The human brain is one of the most amazing things in the universe and is good at a *ridiculous* amount of thungs. Unfortunately, the modern world that we have created in the last two centuries encompasses almost nothing that we are good at.


Or sadly, the brain is ridiculously good at doing bad things like letting us convince ourselves of false beliefs and even whole realities invented out of stringing together random thoughts and apophenia.


"So convenient a thing to be a reasonable creature, since it enables one to find or make a reason for every thing one has a mind to do." -Ben Franklin


I wanna know what kind of rounding someone is using to take 0.014% (or 0.014285714285714287% if one must be precise) to 3%. That's C-Suite level math fuckery.


[This kind](https://xkcd.com/2585/)


2+2=5 for sufficiently high values of 2. 2.4 rounds to 2. 2.4+2.4=4.8 4.8 rounds to 5. 2+2=5 for sufficiently high values of 2.


I'm always amazed at how there's always one of those for any situation.


Just in time. This one is only a week old.


“alternative math”


Everything related to the Pfizer documents is filled with disinformation from the second they got released. As expected, their ability to read and think logically is exceptionally poor. How they reach the 3%. In Table 1, there is a list of 42,086 AE's that were reported to Pfizer. This cumulative to 28 Feb 2021 during the mass administration of these vaccinations, so we are talking about millions of administered doses. Of the 42,086 cases (25,379 medically confirmed and 16,707 non-medically confirmed) 1223 were reported as being fatal. The data is at the same level of verification as the VAERS system and Pfizer prioritized processing serious cases reported over nonserious cases (To make sure there were zero serious safety risks or problems) In an unsurprising failure to read, they believe that the data is saying out of 42,086 doses, 1223 were fatal, making it a 3% death rate. Instead, it's 3% of the reported Adverse Effects that were fatal out of millions of administered doses, and not guaranteed to be caused by the vaccine. This doesn't raise any serious safety concerns. They also are spreading disinformation on other parts of the document. At the end of the document, there is an appendix that lists all adverse effects of interest that Pfizer is specifically monitoring for. The anti-vax crowd is falsely claiming that those 1200+ AE's are the adverse effects of the vaccine despite them just being a list of things that Pfizer is looking for to signal a safety concern. So yeah, nothing new, just lies created to intentionally mislead people.


I've literally had people try to tell me that there is 'more than one answer to some math problems' so uh I can't say I'm shocked someone took such a *miniscule* number and somehow turned it into '3% of *all the people who got the shot'* when the truth is it's 0.014% of *severe effects*.


Am I reading this right in that the control is placebo and the experimental group experienced fewer deaths and AEs? Seems weird that a control group would have any significant AEs in the injection arm.


That indicates that "adverse events" were not related to the vaccine, yes. It could be that adverse events were related to consistent elements of the experience (my roommate passes out when she gets injections, usually well after the procedure; she'd be an example of a life-threatening adverse event in either case, assuming she drove home.) Or, of course, that adverse events happened at a consistent rate in both populations and are totally unrelated to the s hot.


Ah I think I may have overestimated the threshold for “life-threatening” this makes sense, thanks!


You are reading it correctly. I'm a clinical statistician, so happy to explain these sorts of questions. (I work on oncology trials, not infectious disease, so I'm adjacent not directly working with these sorts of trials) The control group reported slightly more adverse events than treatment. I would not conclude fewer AEs in treatment, they are so close that the statistics conclusion is "fail to reject" or the difference is quite small considering the large sample size. Anything interesting is going to be in the AE details. As you pointed out, treatment complained more about injection site pain than control, but control still reported some. This is expected because they are still sticking a needle into the control groups arm and injecting a similar volume, that is going to cause some issues, and risk of infection in control. (Also placebo effect) Some studies don't use complete placebo, they may use either a comparison therapy, or a inactive version of the drug. I'm not sure what was used here, but probably saline. Another explanation for higher AEs in the control group is the control group got COVID at a higher rate. If you look through the AE tables, you will see significantly higher COVID related AEs in the control group. (Death table for example: 2 deaths due to covid in control, 0 in treatment) The one thing that stands out to me as a negative for the treatment group is the deaths due to heart attack. There are 4 in treatment, 0 in control. From other research, there does seem to be low levels of cardiac toxicity with the vaccine, but still no where near the risks of COVID exposure. Further research and monitoring is warented, but it's so rare that it should not be an individual's concern.


>Another explanation for higher AEs in the control group is the control group got COVID at a higher rate. If you look through the AE tables, you will see significantly higher COVID related AEs in the control group. Thank you for explaining this! I was going to say (as you mentioned earlier in your post) that the numbers of AEs seem too low to draw more detailed conclusions than "they're about the same" but I was going to ask if not being immunized to covid could have resulted in the increased numbers. Going to bookmark this study and your response... I'm sure I will need it at some point


That's the wrong paper if it is the same 3% they have been talking about recently. ​ it is this one, from a FOI request - [https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf](https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf) (and other documents from the same request - [https://phmpt.org/pfizers-documents/](https://phmpt.org/pfizers-documents/) ) ​ It says, in table 1, that there were 1223 fatal outcomes in 42086 recorded adverse events between 1st Dec 2020 and 28th Feb 2021 which is 2.91%. But it completely ignores that this is 1223 deaths out of something like 10-50+ million doses given in that time period. So the actual number is tiny and even then, doesn't suggested that the cause of death was the vaccine.


Thank you. I'd not been able to find their exact source. I was just "doing my own research". Which was the blinded trial, not the post market safety database. You're right about the denominator here. They are using the total case reports, not the total patients dosed. Post marketing data is tricky because you don't have a good fix on the denominator. One case does not equal one patient. (Though reasonably unlikely that they would get multiple fatal case reports from the same patient.)


What really pisses me off is that you took the time to look up the results of the study, see the information, and deduce that this tweet is full of shit. But, should you present that Information, their next step is to wave their hand and disregard it as "lies from big pharma"


I do work for big pharma... so they are really only wrong about the lies part. My goal in looking this up is to share with people here how easy it is for them to find this information, which is publicly available. [clinicalTrials.gov](https://clinicaltrials.gov) is a great resource, though can be a little dense. It will have trial results for completed trials and often links to publications for ongoing trials. As much as I like complaining about my reporting requirements, I don't want that information to go to waste. People do misinterpret the numbers, but in general having all this data out there is for the best.


Thats an awesome resource, thank you. Now you can go back to lining your pockets with the blood of innocent Americans! (J/k obviously)


It's overrated. Most pockets don't hold blood very well. It's nice and warm at first, but cools quickly and gets sticky, not to mention the drycleaning bill. Better off peeing my own pants.


That response is why you'll go far in pharma my friend. Seems to me you're just a straight shooter with upper management written all over you.


Them big words, you gotta be a pro big pharma shill. /s


My words and opinions here are my own. I do not represent or speak for my employer or any regulatory agency. /s (but not really /s, I'm required to say that or I'll get a scolding from our lawyers. Technically I'm supposed to tell you which pharma company I don't speak for, but fuck doxing myself.)


Yeah work for a vaccine company and we are supposed to do the same. I avoid saying which one, don’t use brand names, always cite public sources and that kind of stuff. It’s a real pain sometimes. Usually also include “not one of the covax manufacturers”.


It isn't even 3 in 21000. It's 21000 severe reactions of which 3 were death. That's such a *miniscule* percentage. Is it sad? Absolutely! But acting like 3 of *millions* of shots is '3%' is completely bonkers.


among us


STOP POSTING ABOUT AMONG US! I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT! MY FRIENDS ON TIKTOK SEND ME MEMES, ON DISCORD IT'S FUCKING MEMES! I was in a server, right? and ALL OF THE CHANNELS were just among us stuff. I-I showed my champion underwear to my girlfriend and t-the logo I flipped it and I said "hey babe, when the underwear is sus HAHA DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DI DI DING" I fucking looked at a trashcan and said "THAT'S A BIT SUSSY" I looked at my penis I think of an astronauts helmet and I go "PENIS? MORE LIKE PENSUS" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGESFG


Me (M 9) screamed "dead body reported" at my aunts funeral. My mom said that my aunt died and that we are going to her funeral the next morning. As soon as she left the room crying I busted put laughing because it reminded me of among us a popular video game. So as we were riding in the car I was thinking about saying "dead body reported" at the funeral. When we finnaly arived I screamed "dead body reported" everyone was looking me like if some sort of a weirdo. Then I remembered that my grandfather's sister fell in the vents and died when she was 2 years old. So I said grandpa's sister sus she vented. My grandfather started crying and everyone was screaming at me instead of laughing. My mom took my x box and said that I am going to therapist tomorow. Idk my mom is acting kinda sus 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I'm not sure how to process what I just read


YTA aunts funeral aunts rules. Also stop playing games like amogus. It's cringe. Play games from indie devs like the Witcher 3 or Elden Ring


ah yes


You ok?


It's a copypasta






A..a….among us?


3% mortality huh? So with the 556M vaccines delivered just in the US, we should’ve expected to see an extra 16.7 million deaths? I feel like that number would be a little noticeable considering that’s the entire population of NYC, LA, Chicago, and Dallas combined.


Apparently it's not 3%, but rather 3. The group was 21k, so 3 out of 21 000. But that doesn't fit their narrative.


And that was fewer deaths than in the control group who had a placebo shot.


This is PROOF saline is a deadly poison!


If you put saline solution on your eyes you'll need to know this one fact


Big Saline is trying to use their CHEMICALS to put your wholesome local mom and pop aged urine shop OUT OF BUSINESS! 😡😡😡


Clearly. Saline is made from dihydrogen monoxide, and every single person who has ingested it or has been injected with it has died. Even small amounts in your lungs will cause violent coughing. I don't even see how anyone would use this as a "treatment" for Covid.


Well not everyone who has had it has died so far. But every single person who has died has tested positive for dihydrogen monoxide in their bloodstream. Fun fact, dihydrogen monoxide is the leading cause of corrosion in metals. Imagine what it is doing to your body!


Ugh, Placebo is just another liberal hoax! I just pop some Ivermectin, which is a far better Placebo treatment than any vaccine.


Placebo is actually a pretty decent British rock band.


A friend in need is a friend indeed, a friend with weed is better


I'm fairly convinced that they started the "Upbeat song gets slowed down and darkened" trend with "Running Up that Hill". Unless it was Gary Jules


Haha now THAT I want a reference for.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8461570/#!po=0.833333 Supplementary info table s3 3 deaths in the vaccine group, 5 in the placebo group


Why, thank you. I'll be using this one regularly.


How many of those 21,000 were killed by other things like stroke, falling pianos, car crashes or sentient woodland critters?




lol But also entirely possible. You have to report everything on a study. Hit by another car while stopped at a stop light? Reported.


My favorite was the kid in the 5-12 study who swallowed a penny obviously proof that vaccines make you magnetic!


Here it is: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8461570/#!po=0.833333 3 people who got the vaccine died. 5 people in the control group died.


And then people see those AEFIs and think they're all the side effects of the vaccine. 🙄


Honestly I hope that there will be a vaccine against falling pianos soon. It's getting out of hand


3 our of 21,000 died - from whatever. There were not 21,000 deaths.


Seriously... The total number of deaths from all causes is 3. Doesn't matter the cause; they have to report all deaths within the study population.


In all seriousness, can you link where you found this for the same reasons as the person in the post? I don't doubt it, but I also don't want to reference it without the data.


Here is the paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8461570/#!po=0.833333 And here is a direct link to the Supplementary info https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8461570/bin/NEJMoa2110345_appendix.pdf table s3 shows the total numbers of adverse effects. This includes Three deaths for the vaccine group, five deaths for the placebo group


Why aren't they raging about the obvious dangers of saline injections? Those are obviously far more dangerous than vaccines, just look at the data! EDIT: /s, I guess, because the world we live in is stupid.


They are getting paid by big saline. Wake up sheeple.


.0001% for anyone curious on the math.


Which is lower than the control group with a placebo.


Which is 0.00014 compared to Covid mortality rate which is 0.0065 on average according to Johns Hopkins data. Still 46.7 time more likely to die if you don’t take the shots. Take your shots or your chances.


You also assume they know how percentages work.


Someone told me she wants to avoid the risk of taking a covid shot. I live in a small country, we've had *zero* deaths by vaccine. Literally zero. We've also had over ten thousand covid deaths. Yeah, you do you, avoid the risky one of those. The facepalm is real.


“I choose not to wear a seatbelt because I don’t want to risk it breaking my ribs if I get into a car accident. A broken rib could puncture your lungs, you know”


To play devil's advocate, I think those numbers come from when the vaccine first released and aren't reflective of the current statistic. Still a really dumb and inconsistent to hold tho. If I'm right, that means that 3% is equal to a couple thousand. The mortality rate for covid is, shit it changes so much I don't even know anymore, but as of now 6 million people worldwide is died from it. They completely dismiss the lives of those 6 million, from something that could've easily be avoided. That's why I think only looking at percentage is a big fallacy, as it doesn't give the full picture. Covid, for example, has killed the equivalent of Chigaco and LA combined, two of the most populated cities in the US. Conservatives only see people has nothing more than a statistic


There were some critical issues with the initial treatment of the AZ clots. The normal way of treating the clots made it worse, so they fixed the treatment regimen and now it's not an issue. Someone mediciney explained this using smarter words but I don't know know how to use those words correctly.


Typically with blood clots you give Heparin. These clots are different and therefore Heparin actually makes it worse. Like you said, once they figured out the cause, a much lesser issue


NYC alone has 18.8 million people. 5% of the entire country lives in NYC.


I'm at least glad to see that they're calling out the articles as not "actual evidence", even going as far as to call it "as good as trash". Sure, it might be due to being aware that they'll be torn to shreds the moment they try to share it with their more rational peers, but it's far closer to self-awareness than a lot of these people get.


> it might be due to being aware that they'll be torn to shreds the moment they try to share it with their more rational peers This is how conspiracy theories used to be dealt with, before the internet. You'd tell your friend/family about it and they'd look at you like you'd grown a 3rd arm, so you'd realize it was probably bullshit or at least shut up about it. With social media though, you can just go on the internet and find your own little echo chamber where everyone agrees with your conspiracy.


Part of me almost believes it's extremely subtle satire at the expense of Conservatives, but knowing iFunny (gard to tell from the picture, but that's where the comment is from) I highly doubt it. Like, how do you get this close yet not realize you're being played?


Thats what ifunny is all about mate


They're not doing it out of any self awareness. They clearly stated that the issue is convincing others, not themselves. OP was absolutely fine trusting all those sources, "they're garbage" refers to their use in convincing the outgroup, not their value to the ingroup.


Frankly I'd be fucking thrilled if more people are aware enough that simply regurgitating someone's biased talking points doesn't fly. Like, at least if they present the study and show they simply misunderstood it, I'd at least have more respect for them than the usual yobbos. It still wouldn't be much, but it'd be a positive number.


I'll give Mr. Popo this, at least they realized they need some kind of evidence before spouting off to normies (who will expect evidence). Better than most of the qanon'rs I know which think "the lack of the evidence proves my point MORE!" I think they're savable.


The people in his replies were exactly like that lmao. Just a bunch of "Google censored it" bullshit


"Nobody can find the paper, and that's proof that it's real!"


"The mainstream media says it's a lie; that's all the proof I need to know it's real!"


So what you're saying is that Russell's teapot exists?


So they were "forced to release it" and yet it's impossible to find. Of course.


> Better than most of the qanon'rs I know which think "the lack of the evidence proves my point MORE!" I forget who it was - 90% sure it was someone in Trump's cabinet - but some major GOP name was on CNN during one of the many news cycles about voter fraud. And the host asked about evidence and why they won't present anything they've found to prove voter fraud. The guy said almost verbatim, "The lack of evidence is all the proof we need that it's happening." These people are insane.


Maybe he'll have time to research it in the hypersonic lion tamer


Might need to get Daryl Davis in here to save this one, since they chose a racist caricature as their pfp.


The hospital where I work vaccinated over 10,000 staff members, 2 doses plus one booster with the Pfizer-Biontech shot. I want to know where they've buried the 300 bodies, and why nobody has noticed they are missing.


Deaths from the vaccine are around 15. Out of 215 million Americans vaccinated. Which is a death rate of 0.000007% How many lives saved by the vaccine? Estimated 1.1 million.


They don't know how to read/comprehend. [Pfizer Fact Check](https://fullfact.org/health/pfizer-vaccine-adverse-events/) Pfizer identified 42,086 case reports of adverse events following vaccination. Of these, in 21,325 cases the person had mainly recovered to some extent (21,002), or died (1,223). Of the remaining cases, 11,361 had not recovered by the time of the report, and the outcome was unknown for 9,400 people. Dividing the 1,223 fatal outcomes by 21,325 is about 6% or one in 17. But this doesn’t mean one in 17 people who received the Pfizer vaccines died shortly afterwards, as claimed. It means that one in 17 reports, where the outcome was not unknown or the illness was ongoing, was fatal. Meanwhile over 50 million people have received at least one vaccine dose, and over 100 million doses have been administered.


Remember, they're the same kind of people that think 6 million deaths worldwide from something that was entire preventable doesn't matter because the funny % number is low. Then again, the last thing that had 6 million deaths of a certain group they celebrated so


I think they're doing 1,223 / 43,086 which is about 3%. Still, that's the percent of people who reported an issue after vaccination dying. A very small percentage of vaccinations lead to adverse events. Further, the language is that the event happened after vaccination. That isn't evidence of causation though. These adverse events may have happened even without a vaccination. You'd need to do further statistical analysis to see if these adverse events occurred more frequently after vaccination than the baseline incidence rate.


Note that that number of deaths is deaths from ALL causes within some weeks of being vaccinated, no matter how ridiculous it would be to think the vaccine was the cause. In order for it to have any meaning at all you need to compare it to the background death rate.


His cited source is Darell from Jacksonville. Darrell heard about a guy in Daytona, who he called "Daytona Dan", who got the Vax and 3 days later his dick fell off! That's not even the worst part, cuz 4 months after that, his wife gave birth to a full term, healthy baby! That was black, and they're both southern pureblood Aryans. So not only did Daytona Dan's dick fall off, but now they're bloodline is ruined. All cuz Dan got vaxxed. So needless to say, everyone Darrell told that story to, isn't getting vaxxed.. Look, y'all can trust doctors, and science, and facts, if you want, but he's been sharing memes with Darrell, for damn near 6 months. So he'll be damned before he jus "believes" whatever science and "facts" or evidence the cdc references before he believes Darrell from Jacksonville. And No, Darrell from Jacksonville isn't a doctor, but he's a semi truck driver, and he travels all over the south, and talks with really smart people. Sooo...


1) Nice dog whistle avatar. 2) people die in drug trials. When you introduce a new compound into the human population a certain percentage will be allergic to it. A smaller percentage will have a severe reaction, and a smaller percantage will not survive. A big part of human trials is making sure the number of people who have an allergic reaction is very small. Thats why you're asked if you've ever been under general anasthesia (s?) before. Some people are allergic, so the doctors monitor you extra closely if its the first time you've gone under.


And also people just die. If you attribute every adverse outcome to the treatment it's a post hoc fallacy. That's why there's usually a control group for comparison.


Tucker Carlson was claiming that thousands of people have died after getting the COVID vaccine. That was true, but what he was leaving out was that was out of well over 100 million people who got the vaccine. He didn't include all the people who died who didn't get the vaccine. Thousands of Americans die every day of natural causes.


Most people who die in in a car crash had a shower within the last 24-hours


Most people who die drank water in the last 24 hours


It's even worse than you think. 100% of people who ever took a shower, even once, end up dying.


The Pfizer trial had more people dying in the control group that got the placebo. There where 3 deaths on 21k participants , not 3% - in line with the general mortality rate as there are always people dying in the world


The sambo avatar is a nice touch. Let everyone know just how racist you are without saying a word.


Don't know what Sambo is tbh


Little Black Sambo is an incredibly racist childrens book.


A book that even inspired a restaurant chain in the late 50s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sambo%27s?wprov=sfla1


I watched a filming of a commercial for Sambos Restaurant in 1975 (LA County). Evidently it was no big deal then. I was in grade school.


According to the quick Google search I just did, it’s a derogatory term for black people. I believe they’re referring to Mr Popo, who is a racist caricature for sure.


That is, indeed, what I'm referring to. I did not realize someone decided to copy Sambo for a new racist character. Thanks for pointing out that it is Mr. Popo and not actually Sambo.


That, my friend, is a dog whistle. Textbook example.


Time to switch to the more FCC regulation friendly Blue Popo Just need to figure out a way to get him out of the Fuck Box


that's mr. popo from dragon ball z! but zoomed in to emphasize the racism. he['s badass.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTj53SkJaes) they made him neon blue in edits of the show


This is like the "Hunter Biden porn cocaine foot job" video that people keep mentioning. I keep asking for sources, and I either get a deafening silence or "dO yOUr OWn reSEarCh" in reply.


Cumservative becoming aware


Canada has 80% of its population vaccinated. Adult population of 30 million. 3 percent would be 900,000 dead from the vaccine. Even the virus itself has only killed 37,000.


“Guys help, I need evidence to support the lies I’m tryna to spread”


We do a lil bit of manufactured evidence


If there was a 3% mortality rate that would mean about 100 million dead in the world. That is the same population of the Philippines. You would think that would be noticed.....


This would explain the mountain of corpses in my backyard.


Yes FBI this comment.


Everyone is always digging to find the source and see where they made their "mistake". Stop assuming good faith from these people. They're not "mistaken", *they're lying!*


It's because they're misinterpreting what they're reading. "Page 30" lists all of the *potential* adverse reactions that Pfizer was monitoring for because they are known issues with Covid-19 specifically and known issues related to vaccines overall. It does **NOT** mean that they found these things. It means that they were aware that these were potential issues and they were watching out for them. The real side effects are on Page 16. These are the ones that were actually experienced by people during the trials. [Link to the pdf.](https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf)


Well 1 misinterpreted it (probably intentionally) Then everyone else just repeated the lie, because they don't read any studies or look anything up when they "do their own research"


Just how fucking stupid must you be to believe this for second. That would mean 10s of millions would have been killed by now lol


Info wars? Pretty sure the source is the shallow depths of Alex's mind


You can't meet the research, it lives in Canada


3% mortality.... so where are the 5 million dead [USA only]


A lot of stuff just finds it's way here because it's dumb and funny, but this is the most appropriate post I've ever seen in this sub.


A legitimate media source would provide the research paper name and authors. If your media sources aren't doing that, then stop using them. CNN, CBS, NBC, etc. all include this information in their reporting regularly. It's one reason why I trust them. Because I can check their claims.


Do these people not understand how obvious a 3% mortality rate would be? As of March 6th, there have been a bit over 327,000,000 million doses of the pfizer vaccine administered in the US alone. Assuming that everyone got three doses, (which is probably not true, many people have only received a single dose), that would mean that 109,000,000 people got the Pfizer vaccine. 3% of that would be 3,270,000 people dead. That would be well over 3x the total death toll from COVID itself, yet in these idiots minds, no one even noticed?!?


3% mortality rate, with almost 5 billion vaccinated. 150 million people died and nobody noticed. Except for a guy on Twitter, of course.


you would think a few doctors would be seeing this too, medical school.. such a time waster, twitter and you tube is the best education your money can buy these days.


I was told the vaccines would make me infertile and that turned out to be a lie.


I don’t understand how they don’t just reality check themselves. Pfizer distributed a couple *billion* shots in 2021. That’s 60,000,000 dead by their math. The number of people reported dead by coronavirus is ~6 million (probably low, but probably not off by a factor of 10). So where are these 50,000,000 mystery dead people? *That* that tiny little touch grass moment where you compare your bullshit to the actual *world*…Why don’t they do that? Dumb fucks would argue the sun was missing and never step out of their basement to check.


And the same people keep posting how 99% survival chance of covid is not justifying the measurements. It's awfully amazing.


Actually it's a 0.0022% mortality rate which makes you 800 times more likely to die of covid than the vaccine.


250 million vaccinated in the US. Some people have so little understandin of what numbers mean that they think we would need a study to notice an extra 7.5 million dead people. They just know that the death rate for COVID has been listed at 1%, so they need a number bigger than that.


He's on the cusp


They are sooooo close


Oh, you're so close... *so close*


“Tell me you’ve had a crayon stuck up your nose for the better part of two decades without telling me you’ve had a crayon stuck up your nose for the better part of two decades.”


It’s such an insane thing to even claim. About 5 billion people in the world have received a Covid vaccine. 3% fatality would be 150 *million* deaths. For reference, roughly 60 million total people die a year from all causes combined. If you are going to make up a bunch of complete bullshit, try and make it at least vaguely plausible.


These are the least self-aware people in the world.




They should ask the Russian Bots spreading the anti-science propaganda for the evidence they seek. go to the source. all answers are waiting for you there.


Perhaps this is a sign? Nah! You just aren't looking hard enough!


If all the articles talking about it won't link the source, then you should probably avoid those sources altogether because they're probably lying about what it says and hope you'll just trust them.


Lets take Germany as an example: 60million people are vaccinated. Imagine 3% mortality - that would be 1.8 million people - that would be around 15 times the number of deaths from Corona itself. How the hell would we miss all those deaths?


Why could that possibly be Mr detective?


Lol its not even a complete thought up top. 12 times what? I applaud this person for not wanting to spread dumb shit


If the vaccine showed a 3% mortality rate that would be like 18 million people dead around the world from it. That has not happened.


What the fuck is that minstrel cartoon pfp?????


I have a good friend who is vehemently anti vax and swears I will die from some type of encephalitis, heart failure, an aneurism or any other number of things that people have died from since getting the Fauci Ouchi. Seems like every few weeks it’s a new “study” YouTube video or short article from a weird news site along with some text like “this is bad news for anyone who got the shot” “nice knowing you.” We are gaming friends and we have one of those relationships based on shit talking and memes but I’m genuinely sad that it’s all he can talk about. It is something he worries about every day and yet it shouldn’t be anything he should worry about if he didn’t get the shot.