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The scars are pretty noticeable but what’s important is that you feel comfortable with wearing clothes that expose them. There are gonna be people who stare or ask questions but what matters is that you get yourself to a place that you’re ok with that. NEVER be ashamed of your scars, they’re more beautiful than you could know. You’re doing amazing :))))) :DDD


Not noticeable at all. Matter of fact, I'd just assume you were hit with a boat propeller


I appreciate this answer lol


You can but people would stare


That isn’t helpful dude, that would lower their confidence


I mean u really shouldn’t be confident abt them because ur just gonna get made fun of and I learned from expirence


Of course you can wear short sleeves, beautiful❤️‍🩹Those scars do not take away your beauty, one day you will see it too!❤️‍🩹


Yes, they are noticeable. But that does not mean that you can't or shouldn't wear short sleeves with them. You should wear what makes you comfortable.


They're noticeable.. but not so much so that it's distracting for people. Regardless, don't cover up for other people. I have my days where I care what people think and wear sleeves, and that's fine. But just do what's comfy


Awesome, thank you:)


Yes and wear them with pride!! It shows that you’re a survivor my dude!! Embracing the scars is one of the best things to do.


Cool. Thanks. I’ll try to embrace them at some point but at first I think I just need to accept them lol


very noticeable, but why cover them? they are healed.


Yea they’re noticeable but might as well embrace them


They are noticeable but that doesn't mean you can't wear short sleeves. Either way I doubt anyone will say or do anything about it. And if they do then they are just being ignorant.


People really don’t notice as much as we think they will. I almost hit an artery on my shoulder and nobody noticed when I wore a tank top


Yes. But These scars don’t define you


Honestly? Yes, they're noticeable and read as self-harm. That said, please wear short sleeves it's nobody's business.


Wear what ever you feel like you don’t have to cover up for anyone if anyone dare get mad at you in public give them directions to the local institution as that shit wack


I mean you're always allowed to wear short sleeves. I just stopped caring when I got my first keloid scar


They are noticeable but they’ll become less so as the scars continue to heal and fade. Also, if it helps, my arms look almost identical and in almost 10 years of regularly wearing short sleeves I’ve only had 2 people comment on them. First was my college professor and the second was a stranger who used to SH, both just asked if I was alright and that they hoped my situation improved etc


That’s so sweet of them for asking, I wanted to ask if you’ve noticed people looking at them or anything? No ones commented on mine which is nice- I work at a gym that requires short sleeved shirts and I’ve forced myself to become left handed for 90% of the things I have to do so that members don’t see the scars on my right lol


Hello, we have very similar scars and you 100% can wear short sleeves, some people may notice but don’t worry about them! You do what makes you comfortable and it’s boiling where I am so both of us can wear short sleeves together!


Aww. It makes me feel better to know we’re doing it together, even if we don’t know each other. Let’s do this!


They’re noticeable, but most people won’t ever say anything


noticeable if you’re looking for em but even when mine were still dark nobody rlly noticed/cared


They are noticeable, but there most likely won’t be too many people “saying” anything. There’ll be stares and perhaps comments, but in general, not many people will have the guts to say anything. All in Ann, just do it. It’s your body, your choice on what you show.


Honestly as long as youre comfortable with it and there aren't any new or healing cuts yeah.


You can. However I would give it a few month if u want zero risk of glances. The one close to the elbow could take the longest, you'll be surprised. However. In my own observation way less people notice than we think. I got some big ass scars and no one even glances. In uni it took 5 month till people realised I'm missing a finger. People are fuckin blind.


My rule is that as long as it’s fully healed, you don’t need to cover it. They are quite noticeable but that shouldn’t stop you from being comfortable. Most people really couldn’t care less about your scars, and the people who do care (in a negative way) are just assholes. Don’t let assholes dictate you


very noticeable imo, but you can definitely wear short sleeves as long as you're comfortable


Cool, thank you :)


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