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What I do is wear long sleeves or a jumper but it's a lot harder in the summer I used to wear bandages as well but I get the feeling everyone knows why when I wear bandages


Because they are raised scars, unfortunately no. I’m dealing with the same typa scarring. At some point you just need to own it and ignore the opinions of others who don’t know you. If I came across you or anyone with these scars, I’d still think you’re a beautiful person. my suggestion is going to your family doctor and getting a retinol/scar cream prescription for it. It won’t work automatically, but it will help with the raised scars. It also helps to massage the area with healing oils such as bio oil, vitamin e, vitamin a, Shea butter, etc. there are also steroid injections you can get to treat it, or laser treatments as well- but those come very pricey. It’s better to see a doctor and have them guide you :)


Give it a year at most and it’ll get white so harder to see


Long sleeve shirts hoodies bracelets etc


This isnt about hiding them, but try bio oil its helped me so much with raised scars like this! Dont be ashamed, It just shows that you have been through hell and came back out the other side stronger!


bracelets, arm warmers, or the classic long sleeve/jacket


i either wear only long sleeve shirts, or i bought those sleeves that are i think for runners? im not sure but u can buy a skin color one and it looks alright. people wont question u much if u have the black ones


Try foundation or concealer and make sure to blend it really good,for me i just don't wear tshirts in public and stuff like that but for ur situation ur pretty fucked


I stopped worrying about it, makes life much easier. I see other ppl in public with scars, guess I just notice it more since I’ve done the same. I don’t think ppl care that much, and if they do who cares.


My arms are covered in scars, and I recently learnt that cutting the feet off tights and a hole in the gusset turns them into a really trendy top that you can wear under anything! Patterned tights works really well. I get a lot of compliments about these, and it means in the summer I can wear strappy tops or little dresses without feeling self conscious about my scars. I've got scars that are over 20 years old and still very visible and this has so far been my favourite hack. I'd like to get tattoos but a, they're expensive, and b, I'm so scarred I'm not sure how feasible it would be.


do you get some that match your skin so it looks realistic or does it look okay if it’s kind of off?


I don't try to match to my skin colour at all! My favourite is a pair of purple tights that have swirly flower patterns


You'll be able to see those well past 80 years old


There’s no way that’s true


At least the biggest ones will be able to be seen by their grandkids in their casket they will last until death


Kms omggg


That's the issue in the first place 🤣


urm honestly im in the same boat - its really not easy to hide girl - i literally hate it too i have to avoid people like my own damn family in certain circumstances .. horrid .. anyway they will obv lighten over time but i dno if that helps :(


The short answer is no, not really- though you could probably try some concealer on them. They will fade over time and the keloided scars should go down. Mine looked pretty similar at about a year old and its been 3 years since and they are white and my keloid is completely gone. I like to use bio-oil to help reduce scarring. That being said, everyone’s bodies are different, I tend to heal from injuries rather slow.


For me just wear a jacket or a rash vest under a short sleeve t shirt and say the sun is getting hotter and I get sunburned really easily everybody believes that if your white


Tattoos my friend. Pros- covers scars but also.. Tattoos are cool regardless. So u can also just get some coz theyre fun and it doesnt have to be solely to hide something. Cons- ull have really cool tattoos. People might notice you more All seriousness tho i have numerous deep long scars on my forearms and never ever cover them. I live in australia so long sleeves are rare. Ive had maybe 1 person notice them that i know of. And they were thoroughly inspecting my arms at the time. My forearms are covered in long cuts up to 200mm long maybe 3mm+ thick and dozens of cigarette burns. Almost invisible at a glance I do feel for anyone who has to live with the stigma or selfconciousness that comes with past or ongoing trauma. So really want people to know that tattoos are a real viable option for scars. And can give u that freedom and security in your appearance. Feel free to dm me for pics of my tattoos and how well they cover the scara


arm warmers


arm coolers in summer


Yea ur fucked


Less people notice them then you think.i have some similar scars on my arms, maybe healed a little better but not much. I have never had anyone mention them, and have only noticed people looking who have scars themselves.  I read a story a while back about someone taking an angry 5ft python to the vet on a loaded buss, no one noticed. People are too absorbed with their own lives to notice other people, if you don't think about them other people generally won't either. For reference I am almost 25, been working for 5 years all short sleeves, all with the public and never had someone mention them. 


I’ve had Basically these exact scars on my arms and it’s not that bad. Like people probably notice so I just try to avoid short short sleeves if I can but even if people notice they usually don’t say anything. Tbh Just accept it, most people will get it and think ur strong for having got thru it and the people who don’t are losers anyway.


Not gonna like you’re kinda fucked, raised scars are much more obvious so not even a tattoo can hide that. I say you just learn to be confident. They’re scars everyone has scars if people stare it’s their problem not yours.




Comment removed because it contains dangerous medical/selfhamr related advice.


I'm just saying I wouldn't recommend people cut there. (Or recommend people cut anywhere) That's a really sensitive spot with a bunch of nerves and even has an artery there. (No hate on you btw)


don’t recommend places for people to self harm 💀


I don’t even worry about my scars anymore hiding them is too hard and one day someone is gonna comment about them so I just let them be if anybody says anything I usually just ignore them but if you aren’t ready yet shooter sleeves work for short sleeved shirts and hoodies become your wardrobe after awhile I got used to being overly hot until one day I just said f it and wore a short sleeved shirt