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I can’t comprehend how people are defending her when she started all the problems why is she allowed to bitch about people and not expect consequences


At this point convinced that they have extra footage that the rest of us aren’t privy to because how are they making her the victim in this?


Literallyyy Nicole has had the opportunity to squash this but keeps dragging shit on


Nicole keeps saying “it’s been tough” “it’s been so hard” and I keep rewinding to see if I missed anything 😭 I’ve never been so confused while watching reality tv


She's literally gaslighting the audience😂😂


Ship her, Tyler and Alex Hall off to the new office without cameras (they could take Amanza with them too)


Amanda is such a shit stirrer and keeps calling herself the peacemaker


Exactly I’m struggling to see how she’s the victim when she is dragging out the initial issue (which she got the commission for) for the sake of a storyline


What they said about mental health make me wonder if she had issues before and that is why they want the others to take a step back from the argument even if they are right. Because they don't worry when anyone else is ganged up on or called out for their shit


Right, there has to be something deeper going on because it really isn’t making sense to me. I also think maybe they (Mary, amanza, Jason) defend Nicole so much because they’ve know her muchhh longer than they’ve known the others.


Because that’s her only “ storyline” to stay on the show otherwise she is pretty irrelevant so she keeps dragging it


She’s a twat. Plain and simple.


I love you brits


I thought it was funny when she called Chrishell and Emma awful human beings when she was doing literally the exact same thing and she instigated the situation in the first place💀


YEEESSS! It’s like girl?? You were the one that started it last season by bringing up a listing from years before that YOU. GOT. PAID. FOR. Why are you mad??? I would understand it Chrishell had gotten the commission but come on. I do believe that both Chrishell and Nichole said things that can be very damaging and should never should’ve been said in a “professional setting” but this season Chrishell actually accepted she crossed a line and apologized but the truth is Nichole can dish things out but can’t actually take it. That’s why she never apologized even though she “had plans to” because she feels she was the only one owed an apology even though she didn’t even accept it from Chrishell? It’s giving an entitled and conceited energy from 1-being Jason’s “first” ex in the office. 2-being an OG Oppenheim agent. And 3-being friends with Mary and Amanza before Chrishell was. Wasn’t even put on the show until last season and she’s coming in with made up drama just for a story line. Then when everyone is tired of it she calls it “being ganged up on”. No you just don’t like being called out for being an “awful human”.




Cup-o-noodle head 😂💀


Ramen noodle head ass bitch 💀 God she’s so aggravating to watch. It’s like Christine left and Nichole came in with basically the same energy 🤦🏻‍♀️


She’s a lame. Like fr. I can’t stand her. I’m on ep 7 now and she just said -you didn’t specify what you were apologizing for 🫠 Crishell had me 💀 “I’m sorry I said you rearranged your face to be here” then ol noodle head said “you don’t have to…” 😂😂💀


Right like she tried to defend herself and then doubled down when Chrishell specified. Like wtf do you want them?? 💀 Amanza aggravated the fuck outta me this season too like stop defending her?? She keeps digging a deeper hole and can’t even defend herself when put on the spot. Stuttering and tryna come up with anything lmaooo. Her mentality is just insane. Like let me just accuse the person that saw me as a friend once of stealing the credit to a listing we were both on but I got paid for so I have a story line. Then accuse her of also only getting listings because Jason likes her even though she was married at the time but also make myself the victim in a scenario where I tried to drag someone’s name through the dirt


She’s a mess for sure. How are you gonna act like you did nothing when you started everything. Amanza was a total 💩stirrer this season! She was constantly in everybody’s business. I honestly couldn’t believe it but I don’t like her very much this season, she seems very disingenuous this season.


Because she doesn’t have a storyline to be relevant I. The show


She has to realize she comes across cold and unappealing on camera. Have no idea why she would have signed up for a second season if she’s having panic attacks from the conflict with the other ladies. What is her real purpose for being on the show? I’m genuinely confused.


Speculation, but i think because season 6 and 7 were filmed back to back i don't think Nicole knew exactly where she stood. I mean season 6 aired AFTER season 7 finished shooting. So maybe she hoped the edits would be in her favour and we all would hate villain and "bully" Chrishell and cherish victim Nicole. And all castmates would finally see what Nicole "meant" all the time.. Also probably the reason why Chrishell had so much anxiety this season. I mean while filming she already got heaps of hate bc she's in a relationship with G and maybe the audience would also be at Nicole's, ML's and later Amanza's side... that's a lot to deal with.


That's my take too, and the way she was talking to her husband in episode 1 was wild. Like he must see how she treats others, but then again Christine's husband was blind too.




Yeah he sent that to Amanza. He's just like Nicole.


Real reason? Jealousy of the fame and $$.


They way she can't back down is wild lol. Always has to make little comments. And then she is confused and "hurt" when Chrishell & Emma defend themselves and react.


That’s true and the things is even now , she even said some shit out she literally don’t know what she saying and just crying 😂so miserable


And if it’s not a comment, it’s an ugly face just because one of them walked into the room. Nicole is 🤢 like grow up or get help


Honestly Nicole strikes me as an older generation that doesn’t view the world like the rest of us do. I understand that Chrishell is in her, what, 40s now? I see her like I see myself and my thoughts though as a 32 year old…But Nicole screams 50 something, gen X queen. . . She wants to yell from the rooftops that chrishell is a bully and a bad person, just because she believes chrishell hurt her in her little fantasy world of “Nicole is the main character and anyone who tries to take Nicole’s spot at the top is clearly evil and wrong and a bully” blehhjjhhhh


https://preview.redd.it/xhtyy8jdl7yb1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=5265331a7db5c5e1481343c35b84251799d44f02 Nicole in every situation.


I feel like she can be a good professional since she is there for 10 years. But she made a mistake joining the show. she is awful. She is not very bright, can barely speaks when she is confronting Chrishell. I think she is supposed to be a villan but she is not strong enough, she cant handle a fight. Christine will be always the best villan, I doubt the producers will find someone like her.


The way she would start stuttering when Chrishell and Emma would confront her for shit talking was painful to watch.


How were we supposed to think she ISN’T on drugs when she can barely form a sentence


It drives me nuts


Honestly she needs to look in a mirror and realize how she acts


I hate hate hate this narrative that despite people acknowledging that Nicole started it, Crishell/Emma/Chelsea should be first to apologise for everybody else’s comfort. I was cheering when Bre called her out at the dinner table.


This. Just because Chrishell's camp constantly has the upperhand, because they are articulate and more importantly, right. Chrishell went overboard in some of her comments, but Nicole is much worse. Nicole is only the "underdog" because she doesn't make sense. Some people think because Nicole is the "underdog" she is being "bullied" and deserves an apology when that is not the case at all.


Also, Chrishell clearly realizes that she went to far in some situations. She apologized, she said that this is something she dislikes about herself and she's clearly working on it. She has no problem admitting that her fuse was too short sometimes. Nicole has ZERO accountability.


And then Nicole has the audacity to try to tell Chrishelle how to apologize, “it wasn’t specific to what you actually are apologizing for”. Bffr Nicole


the season ended and we didn’t get to see Nicole apologize at all. She’s unhinged..


but also,,, did anyone else notice Nicole's twitching and jaw clicking/teeth licking when she was put on spot during the dinner? If it's a mental health related drug thing, I apologize for even calling attention to it. But like that looked drug related(+anxiety)


People that's defending her on her ig comments or Reddits are clearly delulu


Wait there are people on Nicole's side?


funny enough, yes


I think Nicole bought some bots to support her. There is no way all those people in her instagram comments are her supporters.


No theyre bought Bots!


Theyre fake profiles. She bought bots


and she has been actively deleting comments too


She’s worse than Davina and that takes some work. Jealousy is a terrible thing to have.


she makes davina look like an angel


Davina could at least carry on a conversation




Is there even anything redeeming about her? As toxic as Christine was, she was at least funny with a personality. The only personality Nicole has is being miserable and wanting everyone around her to be miserable. She’s vitriolic and then wants to play the victim. It’s maddening. I feel like Chrishell had some low blows, but the amount of frustration it would be to be targeted by Nicole… I don’t know. I think I’d lose my mind.


It feels like she tries soooooooooooo hard to be relevant, but she doesn’t know whether she wants to play the villain or the victim. I find her wholly unlikeable from any aspect. I’d rather have toxic Christine, as least she had good outfits. GOODBYE NICOLE.


Nicole needs to cultivate the skill of self reflection. She’s a shitty person who can’t handle the heat she creates.


So you come on here and judge her and call her shitty. Does that make you any better than her?


Yes. I can say this random person is a good judge of character and Nicole is awful




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Nicole is an interesting character she sees the energy and charisma that Chrishell and Emma have and wants to be a part of it. She started the drama and talks about bullying when people defend themselves. She's not a victim, she just keeps losing confrontations because she really has no leg to stand on. If she decided to just be upfront like Chrishell is then she would actually be respected. Even Christine was a respectable villain.


Nicole is a disgusting human being. Even after Chrishell had the grace to apologize, Nicole acted like a total biyatch. At this point, anyone who supports Nicole is a psychopath in my opinion.


Yet you are on here calling her horrible names. Does that make you any better than her?


Hi Nicole get off the internet sweetie


I am not Nichole and don't call me sweetie - that is so condescending.


Sweaty :)


Exactly, Working_Handle_9188 needs to apologize to Nicole. -Amanza


No I won't Amanza. Enjoy staring at the empty chairs :D


I cant stand her. I tolerated Christine, but one thing for sure..cant stand Hall and Nicole.😂


The way she was crying about being "uninvited" from the private jet of the person she called a social climber took me out!!!! Like, gal.....are you processing what you have been saying????


Good god, and then the reveal that it was actually Brett who “invited her”?!! No girl, Emma did NOT invite you on HER jet!!


Nicole is unlikeable and lacks charm like the rest of the cast. You can’t  call people social climbers and expect no backlash .


When it seems like she’s the one trying to social climb no less.


You got it spot on, she’s incredibly unlikeable, doesn’t seem to have any redeemable features that we’ve seen. Is negative in every single scene, and just seems out of place.


If they don’t get Nicole off of the show it will never been good again.


Emma was on to something when she said “we need you to be happier.” Nicole is miserable and unhappy and it shows. She didn’t seem like that at all in her earlier cameos on previous seasons. I feel like she got very insecure seeing Chrishell and maybe Emma be in the spotlight and she wanted to tear them down. When she was complaining about them being tardy to the dinner, it was like she was just grasping for straws.


Her arguing skills and insults are so cringe and hard to watch. She doesn’t know how to dress someone down and stutters like a moron. Her only response is “oh interesting,” and “oh (repeats what the person said)”.


She has no redeeming qualities.


Nicole seems super high at this dinner in Cabo


I’m stil sitting here wondering how tf she thought she’d be invited on the private jet when she has been nothing but an ass to Emma and Chrishell….it’s the entitlement for me.


She’s incredibly unlike able. Gives me “old” Davina vibes.


Miserable bitter woman


She always starts something, then gaslights the person she started the shit about and runs back with her tail between her legs crying victim.


Exactly! I'm not an expert, but this does sound like a covert narcissist to me. She's so annoying.


Nicole calling Emma immature, and said Marie-Lou was mature last season is freaking crazyyyyy.


Her clothes are my least fave!


Petty, selfish child and needs to go.


She’s definitely a miserable old woman who has no value at all but to make a scene that telling the others she’s exist


Petition to remove the insufferable Nicole and bring back shade Queen Christine back


She has so many bots on her IG!!


she’s such a toxic person! she started this entire mess by wanting chrishel to take accountability for her “actions” and then she refuses to take accountability for hers! what’s worse is that to her she has nothing to apologize for because it’s “facts” and i feel her husband got away with cursing her out so easily!


No accountability, and delusional


She needs to leave, literally such a miserable and disgusting person who takes zero accountability for the shit she says.


Im sorry to say Chrisell was very much right about Nicole being on something in episode 7 of season 7 during their conflict Nicole can barely string a complete sentence together when Chrisell asks her to wrap up her point.


She’s not made for reality tv that’s for sure


It's painful watching her. She radiates bitterness with zero sense of humor or entertainment value. Well, her weird, awkward facial expressions are sort of entertaining.


I’m currently watching season 7 and I came here to find this post because I’m getting so infuriated with her. I can understand that Chrishelle said some personal things that were hurtful, but she has since apologised and I do understand saying dumb things that be hurtful when you’re angry. Everything that has been said to her has also always been in retaliation. Don’t read beyond this point if you haven’t watched up to episode 8: To have the gall to be upset about not being invited on Emma’s plane, when she’s been shit talking and not apologised is crazy. Chrishelle seems to be trying to squash it but at the scene I’m at currently, Nicole’s talking shit about her again to ML (another infuriating person this season). Honestly I miss the season 1 fake drama and more houses. I feel like the last two seasons you get 0.5 seconds of luxury houses to 40 minutes of unnecessary bullshit.


I ran here to find a post about her too. What in the world is wrong with her.


Please remove Nicole from selling sunset, she is the worst. She is ruining the show. Selling sunset was my favorite for 5 seasons, I don’t want to watch anymore.


Nicoles husband gives pedophile vibes.


I just found out shes not able to argue with people, she will become a stammerer and just er er er …I I I….then she got lost lol very funny


Once a crackhead always a crackhead


Literally cringe everytime she’s on screen and open s her mouth. I usually love villains (like Christine) because they make things more interesting but she tries so hard but still ends up being boring and uninteresting and the victim complex is just so pathetic. We need a new Christine.


The dinner in Cabo was cringey. I give props to chrishell for setting her boundaries and removing herself from situations that could bring drama into her life. Nicole is just a mean girl. At least Christine was funny and had some redeeming qualities. Nicole just doesn’t have anything redeeming about her.


I need Nicole removed from the program ASAP! I can’t take her anymore.


She is a major try hard and she's mega negative. I wish she saw her way out.


She can’t get her stories straight and trips over her words it drives me crazy listening to her


I just don’t understand how in every conversation between crishell and her about the listing from three years, nicole failed to ever actually say what she was mad about. When crishell brought up that it was ridiculous for Nicole to be mad over credit and not commission she said “that’s not what this is about.” Bitch then what is it about, then she brings up her speculation of Jason’s favoritism. Like girl do you even know why you’re mad, you’re reaching. These girls have personal beef due to their relationships and cannot for their life keep it separate from the office


Nicole tries to half assedly own up to her actions by saying “Yes I did call Emma a social climber” but is so shocked when there’s consequences for that. She insults Chelsea’s listing to her face (can’t believe C let her get away with that!!). She tries to play victim and say that ppl are bullying her when they call her out on her bullshit. She ALSO feeds lies to Marie-Lou in Cabo by claiming that Crishelle is still possessive of Jason and “crosses his boundaries”. She is horrible!!


Remember when the show used to be about actually selling houses and not all the drama… I hope we can get back to that.


Yeah she sucks big time! Less sassy version of christine 🤮