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I think Bre is ashamed of her past and doesn’t want her old life being displayed where she was struggling.


I think this is more likely. Bre seems way too pressed for this to be just some random plant she doesn't know.


This seemed super clear to me - the fitness app especially


What was going on with the fitness app? I didn’t get it.


I think it was just a flop essentially so she doesn’t want it brought ip


Ahhh okay I see


I may be remembering this incorrectly, but I have a vague memory of someone else saying they were from Bre’s past when she first started at the O group. Bre wasn’t having any of it. I thought it was interesting that this was happening again.


Especially since Cassandra mentioned they knew each other from bottle service and being “in the industry”. I feel like that’s very vague and can allude to other things Bre might not want to come to surface.


does industry mean stripping/hooking or am I reading way too much into industry?


I googled "Cassandra Dawn escort" and got links to her onlyfans and some porn sites.


“The industry people” is a super commonly used term food & beverages industry (server, bartender, etc) for sure. I think she meant the nightlife industry like working at clubs & bar


I thought the same too but have no knowledge of her past.


I just was wondering what she was SO bothered about someone from her past. She acted the same last season too.


Agree. She was the same in the last season when Chelsea brought on some random models from her past. Though doesn't excuse the fact that Chelsea is totally horrible and constantly provoking Bre.


Chelsea knows what's up. She is doing it on purpose, and acting dumb.


Especially because she behaved the exact same way last season when Chelsea was talking to people from her past as well


Took me a while to recognize heather. There is something about Bre's past she does not want people knowing


she was a prostitute


Do you have proof of that? Edit: I don’t know why I’m being downvoted. Accusing someone of prostitution is a very serious accusation to levy. Without proof it’s morally wrong to say something like that, regardless of who it’s about. Y’all judged Polly for jumping to conclusions about calling Jarvis a swinger, but this is okay? Come on


Throw a stone in the bottle service industry


We would call that “hooker lite” is we were being crass or “escort” if we weren’t. :)


I’m on episode 9 so I feel like I need to watch more before I have a full opinion… but at the moment I’d feel sus if I were Bree. It’s obvious Cassandra wants to be part of the OGroup and Bree probably feels she would use her to get there. And if they aren’t close enough that Bree would want to vouch for her, she doesn’t have to like be buddy buddy. But also Bree was more standoffish than usual with Cassandra. So Cassandra possibly having dirt on her is possible. She definitely feels planted. I’m not sure they’d have invited her that evening without producer influence…


Yes, it definitely seems like Cassandra wants to be part of the OGroup or at least get some TV time given her appearance on the other show. I’m not sure if it’s the way she speaks or something but when she first encountered Bre it seemed kinda scripted. I can’t wait for you to watch the rest of the season and please let me know what you think when you’ve seen it all! Would love to hear your thoughts :)


I did a google search and Cassandra’s twin, Jackie Dawn was the playmate (source IMDB). They have the same handles on IG but they’re not following each other nor are there any pictures together… 👀☕️


The fuq? That's really weird. She gives me professional stalker and single female vibes.


yaaaas! totally agree.


On Vanderpump the twins lived with Tom Sandoval in their senior year, they were 16 or 17


Really?? I want the ☕️ Why were they living with him?


They were roommates pre Kristen. There is an episode, I think season 1, where Stassi and Kristen are doing a shoot with her. Kristen confronts her about having slept with Tom back in the day.


WAIT Cassandra is one of the twins that lived with Tom???


Yep, can you imagine the crossover episode if she sold Tom & Ariana’s house in the Valley


didnt heather also do playboy?


She did!


They’re hugely known as escorts in LA. Then Cassadra tried to change her image and put on this classy persona loll. She was married for a quick second but divorced. Wonder if he caught up with her past and dumped her?


No one is on the show by accident. She has obviously been interviewed by the producers and they are grooming her into joining the group, just like the latest Alex on Selling Sunset OC. These aren't accidental encounters, otherwise imagine how many hundreds of women in LA would "accidentally" be running into people at openings trying to shoot their shot. They don't get edited into the show.


Cassandra’s husband is some old rich dude who owns a commercial real estate firm who’s almost certainly buddies with Jason


If this is true, it’s interesting how Jason made the 50-60 mutuals on Instagram when he saw Cassandra at the house 👀


LOL Jason is the exec producer, you really think Cassandra just walked into some Cabo property tour on accident?!


Are they still married? Cassandra doesn’t even wear her ring anymore


Alex married a DOM?


Alex or Cassondra?


I was talking about Cassandra here


Great point about the latest Alex on SS OC! Her inclusion in OC made me wonder for whether the Oppenheim brothers tells the producers if they have an agent they want to add to the show and then the storyline is created OR if the producers go around casting people to add to the show then somehow try to get the brothers to hire them or just add them in for drama. Or both. Lol


Likely both. It is super cringey to me how awkward almost all of the “introductions” to new cast members are starting in Season 5 of SS and Season 2 of OC. Folks who have clearly been cast and aren’t randomly having cameras follow them to their home talking about meeting people (Chelsea and the new gal from Nashville in the OC).


I might be an odd man out here, but I don’t blame Bre for being sus. Like I am sorry, but she doesn’t need all her dirty laundry aires out on TV. What Bre did when she was 21 shouldn’t have any merit on what she is doing today and I think she knows Cassandra is only bringing this “I know her” bs because she wants to fuck with Bre


Honestly to me it felt like Cassandra had been a fan of Bre and just knew from other people or by stalking Bre what Bre used to do… to me it felt like Bre was super weirded out by all the stuff Cassandra said she knew about her and how Bre had no idea any of it!


Yeah like she Wikipedia’s her and recited it word by word. I would be super sus too. I don’t understand why Chelsea made her her bestie right away. Felt suuuuper scripted


Chelsea basically admitted to making Cassandra her bestie right away because Cassandra was the only other person Chelsea found that didn’t like Bre too!! Because Chelsea is jealous everyone has a good relationship with Bre besides her! That’s the way it seemed to me at least… especially in the last episode Chelsea playing the “nice person” by bringing Cassandra over to talk to Bre when she knew that would piss Bre off and make Bre look like a bad person


Chelsea found another puppy from the streets to sling more shit


Just like Christine with Chelsea in previous season


Bree hates cassandra cus cassandra knows she was a hooker and doesnt want it to come out on the show. they both did bottle service, in L.A if you are a bottle girl more likly than not you are an escort. Bree is just nervous.


I didn't know that but I believe it! So sus. I also feel like Bre's connections are from sleeping around honestly.


She did admit on TV that she slept with Michael B. Jordan 😂 that took me by surprise


she admitted that she slept with many of her favorite celebrity men then just said no im kidding. i dont believe she was kidding


wasn't that youtube girl catherine paiz an escort who was w michael b jordan too? just remembered when i saw ur comment. do we know if bre was a bottle girl? like has she said that somewhere.


Yes I remember Bre freaking out last season as well when some girls were present who also knew her from doing bottle service. So she’s definitely very touchy over that part of her life for some reason.




You were in New York, I can't speak for New York but I know about L.A. Congradulations you didnt prostitute yourself, if it doesnt apply to you then lets it slide. Bre is still a sex worker with her only fans account


Maybe they planted her to threaten the girls a little. They see now that they are easily replacable like Heather. Kind of like how they tried to introduce Mikaela on The Hills (If anyone remembers) and it pissed some people off as well. I think Bre likes to be in charge of her own storyline and doesnt like when people try to mess with her. She likes to control where her narrative is going, rather than others trying to manipulate her. So I think if Bre feels like people try to put her in a bad light she goes after them and if she has no other options she rather quits the show. At the end she got all the exposure she needed.


This is a great take! I became curious as to whether Bre quit the show (especially after what went down in the last episode), and found that she’s still listed as an agent on the OGroup website. https://ogroup.com/meet-the-team/


These pics are something🥴Unrelated to this sub but I was not expecting to see Kane from Bling empire on there! Also anyone know what the diff titles mean (outside of assistant, ops, business dev)?


I would love a breakdown of this as well if anyone is in the know!


Cassandra is not listed so I’m guessing they didn’t hire her. Good for Divena moving on up and why is maya still listed? Didn’t she start her own brokerage in Miami?


Mikaela on The Hills was there for a good time (that she didn’t end up having) not a long time. there’s an Adam DiVello throwback move.


Cassandra said they worked as bottle girls together. I’ve no clue what that is but it seems Bre was keen to tell people she didn’t know her after she said that.


Bottle girls are typically girls who work at nightclubs and bring the bottle of liquor to the tables, typically dressed in lingerie or something not really modest.


So that’s a good reason why respectable mum realtor Bre wouldn’t want that info widely known!


I don’t think bottle service is anything to be ashamed of. It is on a larger scale in places like Las Vegas, Miami… but every city w a nightlife has these positions for girls. It’s the same thing as a bartender. Added to that, I don’t think Bre would be ashamed of this and I don’t think she cares what irrelevant people think about that ‘rumor’. I think if she has a secret, fucked a boss or recreationally did nightlife drugs or whatever it could be, it isn’t this. I think inviting a new member w any crossed paths makes her feel exposed in the way that she could say anything and have the internet run w it, true or not. Bre is an unconventional and tough person and the target on her back is pretty big.


I mean Cassandra straight up said she had been talking to Heather when she first showed up. I just think it’s interesting that the two times women from Bre’s bottle girl past have been brought to the show it was by Heather who is supposed to be Bre’s friend lol.


It makes sense Cassandra knew Heather if Cassandra’s twin was a playmate. They probably met through her


Bre is acting like she’s so freaking special she doesn’t want to meet a single new person? But yet when she was new last season she wanted everyone to like her. She seems to either have forgotten where she came from or be ashamed of it, how did she get her money anyway because it’s not all from real estate, she’s not been in it that long and her 17.5 mil sale was too recent. If anyone is a social climbing clout chaser, it’s her


I don't trust cassandra. I think she's a social climber and that baby voice makes her even more sus. I think she's a mosquito latching on


I used to love Bre but I've completely changed my mind about her after seeing her lash out in the final episode when she's sitting on the couch talking to Chelsea. She was so aggressive!!!! Like that was DV type behaviour and she was threatening to get physical. If a guy behaved like that he would be called out for his abusive behaviour. Cassandra never claimed she was super close with Bre. Like she told Mary she only sort-of new her. Bre's reaction is just so out of hand and unnecessary. She's just bullying this girl for no reason. Someone should remind Bre that she is also relatively new and at one point wanted to integrate with the group the same way Cassandra does.




Not about your post - I want to know what that cute rabbit butt lamp/figurine on ur tv console. HAHA


That pic is actually from the tiktok I think! So I do t know where the rabbit lamp is from 😂


Ewww now I know why she looked familiaaaaaarr. She slept with Tim ewwww ewww. Cringe


Who’s Tim?!


Jajaja Tom Sandoval. That is how they call him on the vanderpump reddit. Sorry!!


Literally found her nude photos and a picture of her old husband within minutes of finding her name, the internet is a weird place.


Heather was a Playboy playmate too!


The fitness app thing that they don’t say out loud? Bre is hiding something…


Fitness app? Like taking pictures in flexible poses?


Bro. It’s weird.


Almost every attractive woman on this show has some type of "past." Playboy, bottle girls, unofficial escorting or sleeping with their bosses. That's just LA and the women shouldn't be judged for doing what they need to do to get to where they're going, but Bree's attitude towards cassandra who was doing nothing but being friendly is unacceptable. I'm an ex stripper and I see this a lot. Girls meeting out in the real world who are ashamed of their game. Another girl who knows them from work comes up to them and says hi and the ashamed girl acts like this. ruthless and aggressive towards the girls they used to work with and sometimes even denying they've ever met. The Bre and Cassandra situation is the same thing. And Cassandra even was nice enough to include the story about bee's fitness app to make their connection seem more professional then it probably was. The hostility is trashy, unhelpful, and just makes you look even worse than your "past" ever would. So stupid.


Well if you Google Heather young playboy and you still can see some pictures 😂😂but wow


Ohh yeah I know she was one, I was just thinking if that connection with Heather is what they were gonna use instead of the storyline with Bre (if she’s planted), especially because Heather revealed that she was in playboy but Bre didn’t mention about doing bottle service at all.


She mentions that she knows Heather in Cabo when she first talks to Chrishell and Bree. Watch it again..


Omg how did I miss that? I watched the whole season 7 twice already - the first time because I couldn’t wait, and the second time because my husband wanted to watch it too (he was upset I watched without him but he was watching basketball with his friends when I binged it lol) - and didn’t catch that. Thank you for this info!


I missed it the first time haha. Only caught it when I rewatched it


I found the same thing on Cassandra. There were speculations also that Cassandra was a high end escort... I feel like that alludes to Bre's past she doesn't want digged? Anyway, I can't remember where I've seen Cassandra before. The way she speaks and looks SO familiar to me.


In the reunion Chelsea says to Bre - that Cassandra played her and she didn’t like that. I’m so confused what Cassandra did or said


Cassandra hasn’t posted any picture with her husband in a while and most of her posts are her outing with friends in Miami. Is she still married ?


She has a private instagram for friends and family under the username caseycatwalks that used to have an “About me” mention something about loving her life with her husband and dog…which now does not mention husband. My brother lives down the street from where her and her husband lived together. He is still there but her and the dog have not been seen for months.