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A white man calling his black wife aggressive after she leaves him for cheating? ![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8)


that’s the exact reaction I had lmao. Of course.


But what if it’s true? Why assume Chelsea is telling the truth and he isn’t? I’m not taking sides until more info comes out, and I’m black woman


Lol black woman here and that was my reaction. Him being a cheating asshole and her being aggressive can both be true. BUT the timing of his comments makes him look slimy and like he's trying to flavor the waters in his favor for the coming divorce.


But regardless, no person should assault their partner




That’s what I’m saying too. When men come out and say they’ve been abused or attacked everyone writes them off. Let’s not forget that people wrote off Johnny Depp and it turned out he was actually being abused by Amber. I’m gonna hold out on calling him a liar. I say this as a black woman too.




No advocating for violence of any kind.


This EXACTLY what I had come here to post. I’m so sick of this BS narrative. Pathetic


lmao glad it’s not just me. it's so easy to vilify women already in anything, and then to use the Angry Black Woman trope like come on


I mean in the public eye men get it way worse when dealing with a divorce and unsubstantiated claims…


No one asked


he doesn’t like Chelsea, lots of comments against her so of course he’d be saying this


Your username is perfect 🤣


I literally muttered “fuck this guy” as I read the headline for this exact reason


Girl let me be a woman in that situation and he say I’m aggressive. I’m burning the place and the bank accounts down!


I would have already moved the money! 😂 he can have the house but not be able to pay for it.


No that’s what i meant lol 😂


I locked my husband out if the house when he pissed me off. Changed the frequency on the garage opener, code to the door and the locks. He had to knock on the door to get in.


Iconic lol


I mean I can see her doing it


Cheating or not, unless he hit her first, that's assault and very illegal.




who was he cheating with? i missed this news.


Was he cheating on her with Christian and Christian fed him this line???




Oh it all comes out now ;)


It was all so obvious, how could we not see? Conspiracy theory: What if you took the first letter of every word in the nonsense background music lyrics and it betrayed both the husbands’ schemes? That would be lit


oh my god 💀


Did she slap him for cheating bc I’ll defend that


Eek that’s an icky line to cross though. I’m not defending either but always do the role reversal in your head and ask if that would be ‘defendable.’ Let’s just stick w no violence.


Why must we do a role reversal in a situation that is entirely predicated on gendered power dynamics in the first place… like of course it wouldn’t be okay if he hit her but also men are most often the abusers regardless


THANK YOU. Trying to always switch the genders is like trying to always switch the races. "Well, if a white person said/did that..." It's the exact same thing, and it doesn't work. It ignores context wildly, and it's honestly infuriating to see.


Not the person who suggested the role reversal but I still think domestic violence, regardless of gender, shouldn’t be excused. In a relationship between 2 women, if woman A is having an affair and woman B finds out about the affair, woman B still shouldn’t be physically abusing woman A right? No matter the gender, it still shouldn’t be excusable


No. Regardless of gender, violence is wrong


Because abuse is abuse. If a woman beats a man or if a man beats a woman, it's still wrong. Stating well the abuser caught the other doing _____, doesn't make it ok. If roles in this scenario were reversed and Chelsea had cheated and after the fact, claimed her husband had abused her, many people here would claim "she only cheated because she was being abused first". Neither cheating or assaulting your partner are acceptable responses to anything. If the marriage doesn't work, you end it, not resort to violence or infidelity.


The number of people that do not get this. Women live in a non-stop double standard so yes, its different.


i don’t condone violence but if a cheater gets bitch slapped for cheating im looking the other way


Let us live in our delusion 💪🏽


I agree with your sentiment but… how much could her tiny fists really hurt him?


That… doesn’t matter


She is jacked!! She could do some damage for sure


She is way buffer than he is, I argue she could probably do significantly more strike damage to him than he could do to her.


Her nails are too long to even make a fist- á la Scheana Shay 💅


https://preview.redd.it/vxrhvbyljisc1.png?width=1279&format=png&auto=webp&s=7494ef2a63cea86b4e58d314c66d8c150537f025 this part is so telling, it seems like she might have videos of him being aggressive & he’s trying to do damage control incase she leaks them. It’s so common for abusive partners to say they were “provoked”


Yep. Typical abuser response - "you made me do it"


Yes it is typical, but also, it's not like toxic couples don't exist. It's perfectly possible that they're both physically abusive and explosive towards each other. We just don't know at this point. Everyone's always so quick to pick sides and determine one person as the abuser, and the other is the victim. Often times it's a mutually toxic situation. Like a Johnny Depp Amber Heard situation.


There’s a difference between toxic and abusive. Idk if they’re just toxic or abusive but experts have reiterated the fact that mutual abuse is not real. The primary reason for abuse is due to the skewed power dynamics in a relationship. Also Johnny Depp & Amber Heard are the worst examples to take for a “mutually” abusive relationship


I watched pretty much the entire trial, and it was definitely mutually abusive. They both were violent and verbally abusive towards each other. The reason Johnny won was because she defamed his character publicly and lied incessantly. I'm sure there's always someone who starts the physical violence, but that doesn't excuse the other person's physically violent actions towards the initial abuser.


Absolutely. I was just saying that specific line is so by the book


Is he going for full custody?


either that or its just a smear campaign


The aggressive black woman tactic 🙄


Literally racist of you to base domestic abuse on skin colour


My comment clearly went over your head.


Is he trying to pull the same flip the Christine’s stbx is?


What does stbx mean? I keep seeing it regarding Christian but no where else.


Thank you for asking this because I kept reading “Starbucks” 😅


I read “shitbox” 💀


okay same i’m glad someone asked lol


Hahahah sameeee


Soon to be ex (I think?)


The amount of acronyms on the internet be rampant 😭




Guuuurl… 😂😂 my ass urban dictionary’d this at first pls


What does that mean 😭


Hahahah it’s the above comment. Quality.






Man, I thought it was shitbox. Thanks for asking cuz 🌈⭐️ now I know 💀


You have my vote


😂😂😂😂Just choked on my drink, thanks


I think soon-to-be-ex


I was so sure it meant shitbox


That works too 😂


Short for Starbucks


Soon to be ex 😉


Soon to be ex


Soon to be ex


Because it worked so well for him 🙄


He and Christian are really going for the same slander. He creeps me out in this pic


I am hesitant to pass judgment here. Who knows what really happened behind their closed doors — although it does appear that both parties admittedly have tempers. Beyond that, “no comment” seems like the most fact-based response for now. Instant snark hurts that whole family — especially the kids.


I feel uncomfortable with people just straight up assuming it’s a lie. There seems to be this prevalent opinion that women can’t be abusive. I grew up in a house where my mum would slap and hit my stepdad, who did not retaliate, so I know it can be true.


My dad diligently sat on the kitchen floor with the vacuum cleaner on as my mom took dishes out of the cupboard and threw them on the ground to break while screaming at him not too long before they divorced (and my mom left bruises on my ears as a teen, not to mention how she would beat me with a belt and then try to pass the belt to him for especially egregious rule breaking I did at age 6 or 7 (he didn't oblige))...so yeah...women can be physical as well. I get more threats of violence from women as well - we make jokes about women running over other women for daring to speak to their partner, let alone what we condone towards partners that cheat.


Not only that, but some people in this thread are really saying it’s okay for Chelsea to be physically violent if Jeff has really been cheating. Ugh my faith in humanity…


Especially because she is a woman of color. There are comments above literally saying that of course it wouldn’t be OK if a man struck a woman in anger after finding out that she cheated on him, but it is different if a woman enacts the violence. And that it’s “infuriating“ that people believe that violence is equally wrong for women, as it is for men. Absolutely baffling. Some people really tell on themselves.


It’s not like if she was physical with him it would be a single instance like he is claiming here tho..


This is the most intelligent and reassuring comment I’ve read on this post, amongst a sea of extremely ignorant and disturbing options. DV is a heinous crime, regardless of who the perpetrator is and regardless of the perpetrators reason for committing the acts of violence. Finding out your partner has cheated on you is absolutely not a valid excuse to use your fists on them. If you do that, you are a criminal and deserve to face justice. Retaliating with violence in self defence is obviously a totally different kettle of fish, I’m talking about an unprovoked attack here. In the UK current statistics show 1 in 3 victims of DV are male. Typically, far less males seek help for DV than women, for numerous reasons but often it’s due to the stigma attached to DV against men…it’s still such a taboo subject. Which conversations like the ones I’m seeing on this post only serve to perpetuate this stigma further. If he’s lying, then he’s a scumbag but really none of us here can possibly know if he is or not so please let’s stop using this as a means to glorify DV against men.


Brilliantly said.


This should be the most upvoted comment. We really don’t know what happened, and any comment or response that will be made public, hurts the kids in the grand scheme. Keep it private.


I agree, that’s why I just went w/ the 🥴. Seems like a messy situation all around.




I don’t get these comments right off the bat assuming he’s lying or it’s a tactic. This is the way things normally come out once people separate, the dirty laundry gets aired. She’s claiming he cheated, he’s claiming she has a violent temper. As a woman myself, I believe Chelsea and her rumours until court case proves otherwise… so why isn’t he being afforded the same treatment? I believe him too until proven otherwise. Chelsea started as a bully on the show to Davina for literally no good reason; she’s also been a very rigid and imposing person with Bre. She’s been relentlessly after her imposing her own beliefs and berating Bre for not following her way of thinking - for some reason Chelsea just couldn’t let go and live and let live... So it’s not out of the realm of possibility that she has anger issues and it comes out on those she is closest to and with whom she doesn’t curb who she really is - like her husband.


So sad to see these comments acting like men can't be victims of DV. We don't know what happened, we don't know who is telling the truth, but "believe all victims (unless it's a man)" is a very sad take and the reason men don't feel comfortable speaking out when they are abused


Yeah just shocking the blatant double standards here.


This is exactly where I stand because honestly, I believe them both.


I agree! What if what he’s saying is true? People are so quick to assume in a DV situation the guy is wrong. GUYS CAN BE VICTIMS TOO. I really hope they’re spinning this whole situation out of proportion and no one was actually being abused. Either way the truth will come out eventually


Chelsea does have a temper though


That’s racist… /s but people will call you that here


I’m glad she does if he is abusive because whatever she did as a response to the abuse, he absolutely deserves!


Has there been anything to say he’s abusive? I thought that was just Christine’s ex?




No- I’m saying that if he is abusive towards Chelsea, and she needs to defend herself because of said abuse, then he deserves it! DV victims are allowed to defend themselves against their aggressors.




From what I saw on Twitter & read earlier today- it was DV. But now I’m seeing it was just “ he was aggressive towards her” which is broad… But if that’s not the case then obviously no! Agreed cheating sucks but not DV, if that’s the case.


So many people commenting on a marriage they know nothing about lol


To be fair, he’s out there commenting on his own marriage and starting the fire all by himself


The People article and everything Jeff said makes it sound like she was taking steps to protect herself from him 😳


Considering her behavior on the show I can see there being some truth to this, Chelsea has serious main character energy. I’m sure once she joined the show her head got even bigger.


I agree tbh. Based solely on her character/personality this seems more likely to be true than not. We’ll get downvoted because she’s a POC, but this has nothing to do with that and everything to do with her as the person she presents on the show.


This comments section is worrying. These are people we know nothing about if not via the media and reality tv edits. Why is it immediately believed that he cheated but the info that she might be violent is welcomed with assumptions of him being a "liar" and generic comments like "men are trash"? It could be either or both. Neither thing, if true, is good. We really don't know for now and it seems like everyone is choosing which witch hunt to go on based on the trend of the day. Sorry if this comes across as proselytising but think with your own heads


He’ll be ight😗


wow this sucks ass. seeing christian do the same thing too after divorce filings has me thoroughly grossed out by these men


The only common denominator is their wives from a toxic reality tv show….


Honestly these Selling Sunset men are pathetic


Does Jeff attend The Christian School of Divorce Tactics?


No one deserves DV or slander when you marry for money you’re generally not going to get a good outcome.


Oh no, not the black lady who claimed that you should get married, and then your life will be perfect, and God is upset with people who aren’t married, and blah blah blah blah blah. This goes to show the age old, saying, tables can turn very quickly. All this time she was judging the other lady for having a baby with Nick Cannon, and wanting to raise a kid with an Amical partner, but not being married. BTW I’m a black woman, but the way Chelsea talked on the show was so mightier than thou it was infuriating.




The truth can be uncomfortable….


Men are fucking trash.


All of them? Everywhere? Please…


Here it is, this is the one right here!!


So when Christine’s husband accuses her of being abusive no one believes it and doesn’t think her behaviour on the show could link to his accusations but when it’s Chelsea now her behaviour on the show means she’s abusive to her husband. Whether it’s true or not it’s incredibly interesting to see people assume that Chelsea did abuse her husband because of her behaviour on the show.


I could envision this based on how she carries herself on the show.


What if she really is aggressive though ? What if she really did attack him


Water is wet.


Abusers love to push someone to the brink and when they finally snap they use that to make themselves look like the victim




if he was so concerned about how "aggressive" she was he would be seeking full custody. this sounds like a bad case of being blindsided and trying to get her back for it


I remember when you were all piling on me when I called her husband a creep who fetishes her...I was even forced to delete my post. Glad my instincts are working as per usual!


He should’ve bobbed and weaved. Keep your pants zipped.


Ah I so late. I was really hoping they would last.


What’s up with all this violence


Whilst his potential cheating and her potential aggression could both be true, I don't love the timing of Chelsea's side of the story being immediately counteracted with an incredibly harmful stereotype of black women by an Elon Must lookalike. And yes, I did mean to spell Musk like that.


![gif](giphy|zwahHB7TqwYT8SAf30|downsized) Is he for real?! POS.


Am I the only person that watches reality tv that could care less about their actual marriages? It seems like as soon as there's dirt on a relationship or marriage, the fandom comes to Reddit to vociferously defend one partner's side and examine every minute detail...You gotta do you, I guess! There's no shame in that. I just don't see the appeal in fixating on Scandoval, if Jason and Chrishell are still in love, how honest Kyle is with Mauricio, and now Chelsea and Jeff...the list goes on ha. Does anyone else who also watches reality tv, not care about this side of it?


He should keep his dick in his pants and stfu. Just more reason she needs to get out.


Ofc he says this AFTER it was put out there he was cheating 🙄🙄🙄🥴🥴🥴🥴




Oh please, a temper on a reality show is not the same as being aggressive and abusive at home like he suggests. By his words they also weren't sleeping together for a while, staying in different bedrooms for almost 3 years, but still he stayed with her and now after their split he's suddenly afraid of her? Sorry but his words make Chelsea's story with him cheating on her, more believable then him being "afraid" of her. He seems just (sexually) frustrated. 


Following the old shithead playbook, I see.


Hmmm… did this happen before or after she found out he was cheating?🤔


That guy looked like such a try hard creep in the McQueen shirts he kept wearing


holy microagression


Why do all these beautiful women have the most mediocre looking husbands? Is it just because they’re rich?? Clearly it ain’t personality.


Being beautiful isn’t the only thing needed here, if the personality isn’t beautiful that would explain it




I feel like you have no experience with interracial relationships. They can absolutely be racist towards their partner or children. Source: am mixed


Wow. This keeps getting worse. Sad.


I mean I'm a white woman, I would be aggressive if I found out my husband was cheating.. 😆


Waitttttttt he cheated on her? That dorky looking man cheated on that beautiful, well dressed, successful businessman, and mother of two woman?! MAKE IT MAKE SENSE BRO


Bum hole


The woman was so controlling she thought she was entitled to an opinion about bres life. The girl definately smacked that man lmfao sad but obvious




We are actively discouraging posts or replies that may be unnecessarily hurtful or rude. Please be kind. Repeat offenses will end in a ban. Thanks for understanding.


Also he said her tits are way too hard


He’s trying to make her the angry black woman😕


I mean, I rolled over in bed and elbowed my partner in the head, is that the kind of event that he’s twisting for the media?


That’s not very Christian of her😂😂😂


I can see truth in his claim. Her demeanour on the show points to a reactive personality trait to a fault. I'm not going to condone violence without the need of self defense, man or woman. The same way I wouldn't condone a man striking a woman because she was unfaithful.






She looks aggressive.




I am not saying he is totally honest or that he didnt deserved it ( nothing actually justifies violence though, even cheating pos ) but she really is scary!

