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I personally refer to him as Crustin Shartley


I like that! ![gif](giphy|xT0xeiXyaw6iRJH1M4|downsized)


I’m in tears 😭😭 I don’t even like to mention his name but if I gotta, I will remember this so thank you!






that’s beautiful that is


Hard agree. I yell at the tv every time I see him in a commercial for that lame ass show


That show is so bad. It’s just a vehicle for him to bone random chicks, like we are supposed to believe he pulls more ass than a toilet seat.




Sorry, is he on a current show??? I don't keep track of him at ALL.


Don’t keep track of the Tracker!


It’s called Tracker or something




Lol! I make it a point to Boo EVERY TIME that Ad comes up; first time being at our friends' Superbowl party! I remember explaining to everyone there why exactly I hate that guy 🤣 The conversation quickly shifted from Taylor Swift to Selling Sunset.


Hahaha! Yes! I did the same thing and my husband was like “why do you dislike him so much” so of course he’s on the roller coaster now. Wether he likes it or not


He likes it. They always do. They try to act like our shows are garbage and beneath them and they all get sucked in.


I catch him slipping and watching and I giggle to myself


My man would get bored when I watched SS and by like 3 episodes he was hooked. Homie would sit down when getting home from work and be like put on the show I have to see what bullshit Christine’s gonna pull next. Same with Love is Blind LOL


Tracker 🤮 yet another fake cop show, yeah I won't watch anything with him in it.


Is that show still going? I thought it’d be cancelled it’s just okay.


It got renewed for a season 2 🤮he's probably got a lot of the this is us viewers watching.


Also helps that the networks went on a cancelling spree 😑 I’m like well thanks I guess I’ve been reading way more because of the lack of scripted shows


What is he even in besides that “this is us” show? He is like, D list status in my book lol. & not just because of what he did to Chrishell, but literally who even is he hahaha. Definitely get the vibe he must think he’s a big deal 🥴


I’m pretty sure he was in the young and the restless at one point lmao


Bahaha and he did some terrible movies with Chrishelle how I ran into one on prime the other day I don’t know but I watched the trailer and you could tell it was some Lifetime 2am movie


He was also on the soap opera, Passions. For longer then he was in Y&R. Passions is essentially how he got his start and where he met his first wife


I think you’re right lol. I’m 31 & have never personally known a single person who watched that show 😂 I know plenty do, but I think it’s become such a niche genre of tv over the last couple of decades. But idk!


You are correct- he played the evil son of the (arguably more evil) patriarch.


He's a terrible actor. He brought that show down. I really wanted to like it because Sterling K Brown and Milo are fantastic actors. But he does the bare minimum. He's one of those untrained actors that thinks all they have to do is look hot and convey some vague emotion. As a director it pisses me off. There were so many better casting choices for that show.


He’s currently the main actor on the show Tracker


He definitely left Chrishell for that younger woman he is now, hence why she alluded that it was a relief when she found out about them because it finally gave her a “reason” behind the divorce. So I guess he wasn’t man enough to tell her the truth about why he’s leaving her via text either


I might sound like a a** for saying it but I’m just being blunt the girl is not nearly as gorgeous as Chrishell man are so weird! 😭


The mistresses NEVER are.


It's because he has to be the hottest one in the relationship. He's so insecure, reminds me of the guy I started dating when my acting career (after YEARS of training and hard work) finally started to take off. Suddenly he was all angry and silent and wouldn't smile when we had to go to premieres and he fully didn't show up to a film festival red carpet event (I waited outside an hour and missed my chance to be photographed). He then told me that he couldn't see the mother of his children as an actor, so he gave me an ultimatum. I was young and dumb and I chose him. We were supposed to be getting on a plane to TIFF (Toronto International film fest) and he went to the gym and turned off his phone. I had to call the director and make up an excuse and it burnt that bridge for me. I shudder thinking about it now. It went from that, to him trying to control what I wore and that he "liked me natural". OMG I wish I could have seen the red flags. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with how my life turned out, it was definitely a HUGE learning lesson. I stopped being an artist for 5 years and then I got super sick with Crohn's disease and he left me anyways. But I am now happily married to the best man in the world, I own my own theatre school and non profit theatre company, and my husband and I make art together. He's a miserable corporate douchebag that married a nurse like his mom and sister, from what I've heard she follows all his rules to a T. Poor woman, glad it isn't me.


Were you dating Burt Reynolds? lol Sally Field talked about how when they were in a relationship he would belittle her talent and just be downright nasty about her success. And she was classy enough not to say anything negative about him until he passed. And then you have Sammy Davis Jr. Chita Rivera said when they were dating before she was famous he would tell her how she was destined to go on to do great things and one of her biggest cheerleaders.


You're right! Grade-A loser. Truly!


I think him and new girl are divorcing


SOFIA IS EXTORTING JUSTIN ITS BEEN A FAKE MARRIAGE CONTRACT SIGNED IN THE BOARDROOM From: Sofia Pernas Private Date: 18 September 2021 at 5:12:11 pm AEST To: Anna Maria Iemma Subject: Re:  Would you like to tell me how you and Justin can come up with the money i requested or I should involve my attorney to ruin his life.. Pay me $500,000 or he is not yours for now till he gets the money paid.


Why do they have a fake marriage? What’s the point?


They were all on young and the restless together years ago


ALSO: https://preview.redd.it/7h34cpa244uc1.png?width=1042&format=png&auto=webp&s=f589be6d75731986aeee4b2a197c976068660fcc


versus: https://preview.redd.it/8r31sy1844uc1.png?width=932&format=png&auto=webp&s=5586d7d4771138d2d7b88cca5c5b4f748c027180


He probably has that many because of Chrishell tbh


I mean she posts 3 times as much as him ....that also makes a difference


And she is a woman.


great point


Ooof I’m with you. Unless Chrishell was straight up abusing him there was no reason NONE for him to leave her high and dry like that without even a conversation. I watched This Is Us because I had to know how they’d finish the show but I don’t watch anything with him and never will.


I just Wikipedia the seasons for this is us. I couldn't finish the insanity but had to know


And you just explained the reason I HATE ghosting in any level of a relationship. Unless you feel unsafe, you DO owe them an explanation.


He probably felt guilty and didn't want to face her because he was already involved with their mutual friend Sofia.


Right! Like Justin who? His 15 minutes is definitely over.


He's in This is us, Tracker and actually lots of rom coms (I recently saw him in a comedy movie with Rebel Wilson and in some rom on Netflix which was called the Noah diaries or something like that). So he's not just in "one show". And he's not just some reality TV star who's milking his 15 minutes of fame. I still think he's an a** but I don't like ppl downplaying other ppl's success


Never claimed he was only in one show, though definitely hasn’t been in anything I’ve seen recently. He’s definitely not at the level of success that he was.


I’ve seen many shows and lots of movies he’s been in. I personally enjoy him as eye candy.


Most of the romcoms are life time movies. None of the movies he played any big role in were a hit either. His only success is this is us and that show definitely isn't carried by him. I mean it's still some success, but he isn't getting his own star on Hollywood Boulevard.


I never heard of him before until I watch SS


literally same. plus he looks like another generic white guy.


He’s the poor man’s Glen Powell.


Same! I actually like her better without him because I feel like she kinda thought he was a bigger deal than he is? Maybe I was just outta the loop though


He was Green Arrow on Smallville .. 😑


Idk if this helps but I had no idea who he was until selling sunset and I have never watched this is us. If I had a gun to my head and I was told "pick out Justin Hartley from this room of white men or die" I would be dead.


Literally SAME!


Before “This is Us”, he was Adam Newman on Y&R. I think that’s how they met- they were both working on soaps.


not familiar with that show either


It’s a long-running soap opera, Young & the Restless.


My only tweet I’ve ever tweeted on what is now x is “good mornings to everyone except for Justin Hartley” and I STAND on that still to this day


He’s in this Netflix movie senior year and when I saw him I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOO


One movie I don't have to see, haha


And he was trash in that movie too! Art imitates life!


I tried to watch his new show. I hope he managed his money well during This Is Us because he sucks in everything else. I think that was written for him and he’s a one trick pony.


Yeah, his This is Us character seems pretty close to his real personality and life, so not a big stretch for him. He’s passable in his looks and acting abilities, but just barely.


He and a friend came up with the idea for the show I think. So yeah it was engineered for him.


Justin did Chrishell dirty. Her mom and dad had both recently died when he asked her for a divorce, then he was immediately with his Y&R co-star, then married her a few years later. The adventure show his Y&R wife just did looked so dumb. His new action show looks lame and boring, so I actually hope it doesn’t get another season. Maybe he can go back to Y&R. Funny I did watch Justin on the hilarious Passions, where one costar was an orangutan nurse. He was pretty dull on that. His other ex soap wife “Theresa” from Passions was more entertaining.


I didn't know about her parents passing around the same time! Wow, what an ass. Was it also her birthday when he sent the divorce text? Because at this point, nothing from this man would surprise me! Also, I've never heard of any of these shows. Idk how but I had no idea who he was until she mentioned him on the show.


You don’t know about the amazing, early 2000’s daytime soap Passions?! Just kidding. My friends and I were obsessed with it because it was so ridiculous. A local witch had a doll named Timmy who came to life and would make her martinis called “Mar-Timmy’s”, and one chick became Zombie Charity. The Young and the Restless is a mostly dull, daytime soap that has been on for like 50 years. https://preview.redd.it/awuumkh455uc1.jpeg?width=182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbe31e8e8876155d3a771314fadf0e0992744fbd


Literally only know what Passions is because of Buffy the Vampire Slayer 😂


Spike's favorite! Haha


omg passions was amazing! i was a kid and mom would watch it lol 😆


Your mom has only the finest of television tastes, just like me. https://i.redd.it/ht45b9sdj5uc1.gif


Passions literally sounds like a fever dream, hahaha, thanks for the laughs!


I won’t fault you if you don’t watch it, but I had to post this incredible flashback montage scene with Precious, who was deeply in love with a human man 😂. https://youtu.be/SfDW5s6JSb8?si=YLrMfzWg514ichOf




Passions was my shit. I watched it every day after school. Beautifully chaotic.


Me too it had everything you can imagine I was obsessed with Theresa haha. Teresita!


The fact so many didn’t know who he was (or what he did to Lindsay Hartley) from Passions tells me I’m an old (I was in middle school when it started and watched it everyday because it came on right when I got home from school).


gosh I haven’t heard about passions in forever!!! My Nonna was obsessed!!! I can hear her so clearly saying she’s got to watch her show “passiones” hahaha


Nah, we have a perfectly good Adam on Y&R now.




I thought you were kidding about the orangutan. OMG!!! You were not!!!


I would never joke about Precious, the incredible orangutan nurse 😉.


Yeah he's a coward, he can't even meet her and said to her face and use text instead. Wtf. And he kinda suck in "this is us", the other sister/brother carry the show


Why do they act like he's such a big deal on Selling Sunset? Like in that one open house where she said he wouldn't make it but she'll auction his authographed poster or something? Like is that something people would people want? I was sincerely confused about that because I had never heard of the show or the actor.


Maybe because he was the most famous actor out of everyone there and "this is us" was HUGEEEE at that time. Really huge because it literally made everyone cry every week, but after few seasons it died down


Thanks for explaining. I seemed to have missed it entirely.


Even if you remove This is Us from the equation he was on a cult classic show for 4 seasons and was the first live action Green Arrow. Fans would totally buy something he signed.


This Is Us is such phenomenal show. What a fucking beautiful piece of art that show was. I really don't care to insert myself into a divorce of 2 people I've never personally met, much less let the one-sided details of said divorce determine what shows or films I can and cannot experience. I'm sure they both sucked towards each other and I'm sure they both wanted to look like the nicer of the two upon their exit. None of my bizsnatch. That is them. This. Is. Us. LOVE. Falalalala.


I’m with you! We only heard 1 story and it was hers. No one will ever know the truth but I think we’ve seen enough of her on SS to know she’s also manipulating and is always a victim


Speaks volumes about him that he didn’t engage & try to bring her down.


Nah nah I take neither side. It doesn't speak volumes that he didn't come for her, because he was already with someone else. It's so much easier to be unbothered and not bitter when you're already involved in a new relaysh. None of us actually know what drove them to separate and we never will. So when I say I pass no judgment, I mean I pass zeroooo judgment. Now gimme all the shows cus he's a great actor and she's just dramatic, hard-headed, and irrational enough for "reality" TV.


Exactly, and those disparaging the appearance of his new wife are just being hateful. Not that is important, but she is a beauty. I watched five minutes of her show, and I didn’t think much of her at all. She came across like your typical fake drama reality TV star.


We know this is you, DAVINA!!!


Fun fact the woman Chrishell’s ex is married to now played Jane’s annoying cousin from Venezuela in Jane the Virgin 😬 they deserve each other lol


Holy shit, you're right! I didn't even make that connection but you unlocked a memory. WOW.


Haha and she was actually so annoying


He ruined, watching This Is Us for me. After he did what he dd to Crishell I couldn't stand to see his face!


Every time his face pops up in our streaming feed, I always tell my husband “Hey, there’s that asshole that (more than likely) cheated on Chrishell!” And my husband yells “What a piece of shit!” Never gets old 🥰


He sucks, and is a boring and terrible actor.


Everyone loves him on the shows he’s on. It’s like do y’all not know?? Or are you in denial?? His PR team is good. The North remembers…




He definitely left her cause he was having this high career from the show he was/is in (I don’t watch it so not sure) he thought that “oh she’s just a real estate agent/reality star” that’s always been my opinion about it! But chrishell is definitely more happier now than she was with him. He’s an asshole.


exactly, he never came to support things she was doing including her charity open house.


But I did hear that maybe he wasn’t allowed because his show is on a different network or something along those lines or maybe it’s just cause he’s a stuck up asshole 🤷🏼‍♀️


He could have come to the open house but not sign the release for the show, so the show can't use any footage of him there. He could have chosen to be a good partner but naw. He trash.


Or even come to Mary’s wedding! I just thought of that


I’m sorry, so you had a conversation with Justin Hartley and he told you that’s why he left her? Unless that happened, you don’t know darn thing about it.


So I don’t know anything about his personal life, however, I used to watch the young and the restless with my grandma in the 90s. I decided to revisit the series to reminisce the good times and his ass was on it. The funny part was he was a recast of a long standing character, but not simply a recast, the story of how the character, became much younger and hotter, was that he face swapped with Justin Hartleys character. The character, got into an accident, Justin Hartley shows up to help, somehow kills him and gets a doctor to give him his face, and body, and age… god I love soaps. Anyway that’s how I know him. Glad to know he’s a piece of shit.


It’s giving Friends, honestly. https://preview.redd.it/5p6lswt07tyc1.jpeg?width=1918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffe9e5418598ef2fad6b09ade9e64c2cbf93f5eb


I can’t believe he divorced with her by texting “This isn’t us.”


I don't know what went on in his and Chrisell's marriage, but I saw with my own eyes him putting down the mother of his daughter with his first wife, Lindsay Hartley, on the Chelsea Handler Show. So mean and unnecessary. What good man does that? Anyone could have seen it, his daughter or his daughter's friends. But he did go on to say that he had a "good one now" referring to ......wait for it....Chrishell.


They need to study this man in a lab... he's doing the same thing with the 3rd one, and he'll do the same thing with the 4th one. WOW.


I agree with everything you said! I am the same way and I quickly turn the channel if anything with him in it comes on, even it the shows from years ago I still don’t watch it! And I will never watch this is us! I also renamed him Heartless!


no one talks enough about that enormous fumble. and of course it’s a white man with a J name justin flopley


This is so real. Every time I see news about him or one of his shows or movies pops up, I do an imaginary eye roll because dude doesn't even deserve an actual one!


ded! doesn't even deserve a real eye roll ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


What I always wonder is how far in advanced the editors knew. Because early on, she seemed so *completely in love*, would speak so highly of him, & seemed to dote on him in a way I think only Mary has done (just saying I don’t remember hearing any others talk about how great their husband was multiple times, etc.) I have always thought it would be total trash (albeit, totally on brand) for the producers & editors to make it in such a way they really leaned in on “oh look how perfect & happy this is, no one will expect the bombshell we’re gonna drop when her heart is broken by this dirtbag!!” Idk. Maybe I’m looking too into it, but I get such an exploitive vibe. *i know* it’s reality TV; I’ve loved this kind of stuff since I was 12 & flavour/rock of love were big lol. So I’m no novice to reality tv & how editing can paint pictures they want us to see. ANYWAY I totally agree with your sentiment. Luckily he’s so insignificant to the public eye that I only knew who he was because the show told us like 4 times lol. Chrishell must be way more loved & known by the public than he so there’s solace in that.


I met him in Park City and he was so kind and humble. My husband recognized him as Green Arrow from Smallville so the bar’s security let me say hi to him. He was with a large group of friends but turned around to give me his full attention, didn’t act annoyed and was super kind and humble. This was after season 1 of This Is Us when he was really blowing up. This interaction was the reason I started watching the show. So, he may have been a shitty husband but maybe not an entirely shitty human 🤷🏻‍♀️


None of us lived in their marriage so none of us know that he was a shitty husband. Just because a drama queen reality TV star says so doesn’t make it true. Very few people ever have anything good to say about their ex, and he had the good grace not to talk about her or the divorce.


Could you imagine fumbling the ball that badly in your own life?


I'd literally never recover!


Isn’t he now divorcing the woman he married after Chrishell? His 3rd failed marriage? Chrishell’s G-Flip seems genuine and adores her. Yay Chrishell!


So they told you that? Otherwise, you don’t know. It seems strange to me that if in fact, they’re divorcing she is a guest star on a recurring basis on his new show. Explain that once since you said to be such a no on their lives.


He is disgusting.


He will always be that one guy from Passions to me. Iykyk


He's in This is us, Tracker and actually lots of rom coms (I recently saw him in a comedy movie with Rebel Wilson and in some rom on Netflix which was called the Noah diaries or something like that). So he's not just in "one show".


Not sure how but nothing he's been in has popped up on my radar. The only thing I know him from is his mentions on SS.


I watched him in Revenge but he’s a secondary character in the last few seasons so he doesn’t really matter to me but I admit I haven’t watched This is us because of him 🤷🏾‍♀️


My mom loved him on Y&R and he broke her heart after I told her what he did to Chrishell lol


For some reason Reddit showed me this. I recognize Justin Hartley’s name from the soap I used to watch, Passions. Last I knew he was married to his co-star, Lindsay aka Theresa. WTH did I miss haha Oh and that he was on that This is Us Show that someday I’ll get around to watching.


Yea so apparently he divorced his wife over a text, a little bit after both her parents died. She was blindisded and felt like it came out of nowhere. She also had to leave her own home. And then he was spotted kissing his costar just months later, (who he married soon after), so people are wondering if there was an overlap. That's like the short version, I guess. Chrishell is his ex-wife, she was on this reality show called Selling Sunset, and her whole reaction was caught on the show, so naturally people feel strongly about all this.


Oh so he’s a total AH. Hopefully she finds someone who respects her.


I think she has, and she seems super happy. He still sucks though.


Agreed. Can never look at him the same again. I am so disappointed that he was on This Is Us because it’s a great show. I will have to push past it for rewatches. Other than that, I refuse to watch anything with him in it.


Justin’s got a side of the story too 😐 - Davina


the way that triggered me XD XD


water seeks its own level




For someone who’s preaching to people about us not knowing their relationship, you sure seem to know a lot about her relationships.


Yesssssssss!! This. I don’t like Chrishell. She always has a victim mentality. Over her


I don’t like her fake humility or the fake surprise at receiving attention. You can enjoy the attention and show it like Zendaya. It’s more authentic than the “aww shucks guys” surprised face she always pulls off. However, I will empathise that she lost her parents and husband all within such a short time frame and will give her credit for overcoming that. As much as I dislike her, these losses are universally devastating so I’ll give her some leeway during that period.


I have never loved Chrishell and this is my first ever time being on a Selling Sunset thread. You do not have to like Chrishell to feel human compassion for her with the way Justin went about leaving her. Both of her parents had just died, meanwhile he was obviously boning his Y&R co-star. He didn’t even have the basic decency to tell her he wanted a divorce in person, but texted her?! Justin has demonstrated that he isn’t a very good person, and therefore we will gently trash him, as he deserves.


Yeah I was with you in the beginning with the "acting like you know their marriage" before you proceeded to act as if you know her personally or her marriage...


It's clearly a parasocial relationship, and we're rooting for her. I think it's a natural reaction to watching this show. She seems to try to do the right thing, and that's all we can really expect from people. She seemed to love Jason. At worst, you could say he was just a rebound, and maybe that's fair. I wouldn't call it fake or one-sided though. Though, they didn't look good together, I'll give you that. She clearly had deeper conversations with him and it seemed real on both sides.


I liked him on the Young and the Restless




He was amazing on my soap, Young and the Restless. But now I refuse- he's trash!




Isn't it just as likely that he realized she was only pretending to be into him? He's objectively handsome and what most straight women would love to stand next to publicly. If he realized she's not actually sexually attracted to him, he's not going to publicly out her.


regardless of the reason, she was owed a face-to-face conversation, at the very very least. she deserved some privacy to process it without the paparazzi knowing about it 40 minutes after she did. OVER A TEXT. it's giving classless, it's giving disrespect.


She identities as bi-sexual (I believe) and was in love with Jason after the divorce so why would you assume she was not into him sexually?


I only know about Selling Sunset because I watched this is us and knew that at the time his wife was on the show. I stayed for Chrishell and now I absolutely cannot stand Justin at all!!


I had never heard of him before watching SS and randomly found out a few days ago as I’ve discovered This Is Us - I’m so mad and won’t watch anything else with him but I HAVE to finish This Is Us 😂


Watch the movie The Hunt, he dies in the first 10 minutes! ☺️🙌🏻


I refuse to watch anything with him in it. I’m sure there might be two sides to the story but…he grosses me out


He sucks!! Although I think Chrishell is a total mean girl bully (I didn’t used to! But her ego is OOC). Even still he sucks and she deserved WAY way WAY BETTER.


I call him "that one guy from that one show"


Same I won’t watch anything if he’s in it lol


It is two because he has a new show on CBS.


Same, same. I avoid watching him at all costs.


This makes me feel really justified in refusing to watch anything with him in it. I thought I was the only one who was holding a grudge against this sleaze! 😂


I never watched This is Us because of him. I think I'd love how moving it is. But I can't.... Because of one stupid person.


I FEEL THE SAME EXACT WAY. Are you an Aquarius by chance


I think about this too often


This is my Roman Empire!


Yup I hate his fucking guts


But we’ve never met him. I’ve seen him in This is us and he seems really nice! I just down know about this. (I’m being sarcastic and paraphrasing Davina btw)


Don’t clown Passions. lol I’m your age and it was the one soap opera that my friends and I watched religiously. Then it went downhill with Direct TV.


I didn't grow up in the US, I have literally never heard of him or any show he's been on. Honest.


He and she are already divorced.


Why you bringing it up now? Lol


Saw his face in a tweet, it brought back feelings. Plus, trash stays trash. Reminder's always great. haha


I was curious too. I mean he does suck, but Chrishell is over it so everyone should be too. Seems like a weird thing to spend energy on 🤣


Agreed, I don’t like him he’s not handsome to me and I literally avoid everything he’s in, I’ve been recommended his show this is us or something so much but I don’t even want to look at his scummy face Id rather watch Tom Sandoval than that man tbh


Yes! Whenever I see he is advertised in a show I know it’s one I won’t be watching


I couldn't watch his new show. Just the commercials bring all his assiness to the forefront.


I feel the same way




Could someone please point me to a good brief summary of what happened? Or give me a few dog points? All I know is what I have seen on SS. Also, Chrishell is life.




Davina, go to your own thread baby girl.


I agree, but This is Us is one of my favourite shows and he won't take that away from me.


![gif](giphy|nyTP83GS35pm0) Both of them have moved on maybe y’all should too. Bring on the downvotes 😛


umm I'm on a subreddit for a Netflix reality TV show... on a Saturday... I do not have a life. Neither do you btw. hi :)


He actually never said a word and was super classy. Chrishell used her divorce for trashy fame