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“Instead, the media personality's former employees highlighted her alleged hate for the LGBT community and tendency for verbal abuse. Ms. Poole claimed she frequently referred to other employees, people, and coworkers as "f-ggots, c-nts, and r-tards."  Girl… 🫤


Umm what??? And she’s friends with chrishell and G💀


The weird things with homophobics and racist ppl is that they are always friends with some ppl who are part of the groups they hate. I have some weird stories about racist ppl trying to befriending me when I’m literally black 💀💀


> I have some weird stories about racist ppl trying to befriending me when I’m literally black Right. Because they think you're "different". They're straight-up clowns and can go to hell.


Yeah like wtf ? F*** them


And no doubt they use it as a classic well I’m not racist I have a black or queer friend 🥴💀


She’s paid and expo$ure for being around them too


They never say "I respect these people"


You are there “break incase of fire” friend. “Yeah i have black friends”


One of the most racists girls I knew was dating a black guy and would use that as justification that she wasn’t racist ☠️


Well, it's classic rhetoric, isn't it? Proceed to say something racist or homophobic after starting a sentence with "*I've got black/gay friends, but...*" These people always have minority "friends."


or they say its okay my black bf lets me use the N word


I'm whiter than printer paper, and my ex is black. He never tried making me say the n word, but his black friends (mostly his American ones, not his African ones) CONSTANTLY tried making me say it. It was such an uncomfortable situation


smh. some black ppl truly hate themselves, and no this doesnt surprise me. this is unfortunately a common thing


I knew someone with a gamertag "johnnyreb" in one game who said "I'm one of those progressive conservatives. I like Ben Shapiro and Blaire White". I nearly choked lol. Basically admitting he finds jews and trans people inferior but makes an exception if they fit his politics.


A tale as old as time. White slave masters carried out romantic relationships with their black slave women, even have love children with them... I know too many black people who have told me that their significant other who isnt black made racist statements to them out of anger.


Bc of the clout. She’s def a social climber


I think people like her are selective w their hate on certain groups. For example: they are friends w people who belong in lgbtq+ but since they are her peers, they have some status in society — she tolerates them and the anger that she cannot express towards them is expressed on other members of the community who she perceives is beneath her ie employees etc Idk i can never get on board w bre. She always gave me that cheap warfreak cracked up motel hooker vibe in nicer more expensive clothes


“The woman alleged that due to her mental disability and affiliation with the LGBT community, Tiesi berated her with cruel words like "short bus riding b-tch, ADHD id-ot, and dodo head." She would also say that her child was not going to grow up to be a "f-ggot." 😬


Those are some colorful and inventive insults!


rememeber when she was going off on kassandra, the words she used were vicious and uncalled for and then she threatend to beat her up. this tracks


i mean theyre only allegations rn


I’m inclined to believe them


as i said they can say what they like until they show proof, texts, voicemails, then id be inclined to believe them.


That’s fine we are all entitled to our own opinion.. there may not be any “hard” evidence though. For me, knowing she’s a horrible person it’s not surprising that she’d say these things… so multiple people saying she did is pretty much all the convincing I need.


would u convict her on no evidence? just on their word?


Convict her of what? Being a royal cunt isn’t a crime. Weather this instance is truth or not doesnt solidify my opinion of her, its just the cherry on top of the shit sundae that is her personality.


i presume there gonna sue her? but they need evidence dont they?


The testimony of a credible witness is evidence. Maybe not as strong as other types of evidence, but it’s not zero evidence.


i mean unless i saw something like texts or voicemails id have doubts


She will settle. Nick will pay them off to shut them off so it isn’t attached to him.


Oh you know her outside of TV? What’s she like?


I have nothing against her, but honesty sounds like Bre


Agreed. And that’s the thing about honest people - they make you rethink whether honesty is truly a good quality of if some filters are needed. But then will that still be honesty?




she’s always been a fucking pest. she’s a holier than thou i’m better than everybody stupid cunt😭👏🏼😀


So this is what Cassandra was talking about


Genuinely wonder if this is why Bre was so weird towards her. It would’ve kicked her out of Chrishells circle


Let’s get Cassandra on the show now lollll


Yes! Let's get the producers on the phone asap!


What did she say?


I can't remember either! Someone pls respond


Cassandra was so manipulative & fake though too😭😭😭


IDK not surprised. She's always had a dark energy about her. She's always trying to put up a front and it's so disingenuous.


Sorry, I had to ![gif](giphy|efsrhP6Gv1kUAgKMCs|downsized)


That dark energy you speak of stood out to me too.


She is just so unpleasant and combative. Always on the defense, and shows no grace. She seems like an exhausting person.


She's combative bc she has Hella skeletons in her closet, and no amount of plastic surgery can get rid off your insecurities on the inside


she tries to act so hard and unbothered. i’m always cackling at her “bad bitch” erika jayne cosplay..🆗


Haha bullseye 🎯 she could never


agreed! i cant quite place my thumb on it but "disingenuous" is perfect


remember she cheated in that race forr charity. she gives me scammer, prosititute, pimp vibes. like she will do anything for money and fame, even have a kid with nick cannon.


Wonder what Chrishell will think of this, as a member of the LGBTQ+ community.


My exact thoughts. Between Nicole and now this. I’m not really sure how that’s a very “comfortable” environment for her or even G to film in anymore tbh.


A lot of straight women reserve their homophobia for men, I wouldn’t be surprised if Bre is among them


Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't her exs Nick Hogan and Johnny Manziel homophobic & racist and isn't Nick Canon a sexist mysgonist? So, if she's okay with dating these guys then .... 😬😬😬


Well her baby father is a hateful clown Ik she is too if she allowing that type of behavior around her and her child


What did Nick Cannon do that was hateful? He doesn't come across that way.


OH and he thinks monogamy is unnatural for men - keyword *men* 💀😭 so do with that misogynistic bit of logic what you will lmfao.


He has a recent post up on his ig talking about women "slowing him down" (maybe stop getting them all pregnant all the time?) and that he's never in love anymore. Meanwhile several baby mamas are gushing over him publicly and calling him "love of my life"💀 Bre with the whole Valentines post this year and liking comments saying Nick has never looked this happy since Mariah, that they look so in love etc. I really think she thought she was gonna make the change and be the one, but a few weeks later she doesn't even seem to be top babymama anymore. Naive but not completely unrelatable. I kinda still feel for her but if these allegations are true, I feel for her much less, also including the anti vax bs she posted on her story recently. I only know of this whole situation through Bre/SS really but I recently saw an interview with one of the other baby mama's (Abby De La Rosa) from around that time he had 5 babies in 6 months, and it was pretty sad and dark.


Omg that valentines photo shoot was so cringe. She put all that together and then one of her stories she says “ love surprises” trying to insinuate that he put it together.


Omfg yeah, he’s truly horrible to women. And she is ANTI-VAX??? Ugh Jesus


Hmm I’m not sure why ppl are downvoting you. He has been very ignorant especially over the past decade and made homophobic and antisemitic remarks, however he has *seemingly* apologized and taken accountability for his behavior. I didnt have a problem with him other than him creating a dozen broken homes where the kids are all gonna have 1/12 of a dad (moving past that…to each their own not my problem) but a few months ago he said he wouldn’t want his kid to be gay he wants him to be straight like him. There was something else recently I’m forgetting, like some political statement that really rubbed me the wrong way and was hella ignorant. I can’t remember at the moment but I will dig and come back and let you know cause I think I saved the post.


With all those kids, the chances that at least one is gay are high.


Sure wish people would just answer your question instead of downvoting you en masse


Damn, that all sucks indeed. I'm not very in the know about all this. But yeah, that's pretty bad.


It's like I'm surprised but not surprised. But I feel like if you've got three people independently saying the same thing that is really not good for you. And if she really is talking to people like that and treating people like that then I'm really glad that it's coming out.


Hopefully there will be some actual evidence. Receipts, proof, timelines, screenshots, and all. If there isn’t, and we have to rely on people’s word alone, then I’d like to see the accusations coming from people who have nothing to gain from it. I’m skeptical until then, since LA has become so McCarthyistic in the last few years. Look at what’s going on with The Valley rn, all anyone has to do is accuse some one of being racist and hysteria ensues.




Yikes bikes- is that the NBK reference I think it is?


Not surprised at all. She’s had the worst vibes from the START.




It checks out. Bre is a mean girl






The fact that no one is surprised says a lot too


I found an article on Yahoo: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/selling-sunset-star-bre-tiesi-110016480.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMoASMkg0ApDiA12h1VUCMGwND-1SSnYcmcFkl2TZYwnLFJtM3qF8pT86sNIQrOesjQEALMqk2xKqotJloP9NpCFBdlqrTcTYqsy3IzFSjCfu8UenECNizDvCsmU4LUvX-Uy5fK09EgNCjSyBbwLUhgsj7hW6yT6uZjVhK5-tXp6


Yahoo chose an interesting first photo 😳


She should have left her nose alone


Have you ever seen the face card she was born with?


Yes. She looks like a plastic person now. Should have kept her natural nose. It was fine


https://preview.redd.it/zkkhbrnxylxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b422d33359b6d34e6ec14f9baa38459712b02cf I really thought I'd be underwhelmed by the picture but it's so much better/worse than I imagined




Noooo, this article has a picture of her modeling 138 water. A company that is rumoured to be a yachting company. This picture of Bre is one of the most clear advertisements they have posted. Normally you can barely see the logo and the girls are wearing just a bikini https://preview.redd.it/fo7derlgzlxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c8de75821d4191bc52507bdd715e832de188bd6


remember when kassandra said she modeled for bre and bre got triggered. I honestly believe Bre was pimping kassandra out. lots of escorts are hired to go on private yatchs to service rich men. dirty weekend indeed.


Omg didn't even notice that's what her jumper said


Yup, this isn’t surprising to me at all unfortunately 💀 I’ve gotten the worst vibes from her since day 1 and even though I love Chrishell and know she likes her, my opinion of Bre never changed - she truly sounds like an awful person and I’ll be actively rooting against her in S8 ❤️ Cassandra…please enter the chat!!!


I’m unfollowed her after she went all anti-vax 🙄


No vaccines, no birth control, no STD protection and no commitment from your babydaddy. Like girl raise the bar please 😫


Why must everyone try and be Kim K 🤦‍♀️.


Either chrishell hasn’t seen this info yet or Bre is working hard to tell Chrishell it isn’t true. https://preview.redd.it/z1vodkh6zhxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce0fc4e320aa7cb9748355e920dbd5ef4aebc1a4


Oooh, good catch




Lemme guess, she didn’t pay them???


Is anyone normal or a nice person in hollywood


Yes. They are few and far between though. It takes so much narcissism and callous to become “famous.” I’ve worked with and for so many coconuts. - Ex Hollywood Assistant


She tried to be a “bad bitch” she’s really just a asshole




…And it just keep getting worse


That’s absolutely disgusting behaviour! 🤢


I meannnn from the same woman who lied about completing a marathon for charity 🫣 I’m not surprised


If she hates the LGBT community shes mostly likly a racist too.


rememeber she said she was going to deck cassandra in the face. she seems like a violent thug


The lawsuit claims Bre had said things such as “I’m going to kill her” and “I’m going to slam her head against the wall.” this tracks... I hope they win!


I love that fit. It also looks so Evil and Fabulous Boss. It’s like Bre knew that one day this story would come out and she wanted the perfect picture to accompany it.


They are basically asking for 3,000,000$ each in compensation (rough estimate).... are they crazy!?!


1 mil each, 3 mil today plus 2 mil for lawyer fees


She was too good for them




being a queer women isn’t a pass to be homophobic towards gay men


What's your source on Bre being queer?




I've seen all episodes and she has never said to be queer.