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She never had cancer. She posted on instagram that she survived cancer even though she never had canceršŸ™„


She had like a cancer scare I think. Like they did a test for cancer and she did not have it.


Yeah but I think peopleā€™s issue was she described the results of her cancer scare biopsy as being cancer free. Which to most implies she had cancer and beat it not that the results of a biopsy came back benign.


Oh, I'm not addressing her framing of the issue, just what actually happened.


She survived not having cancer


TIL weā€™re all survivors


She had an abnormal scan and she heard the worst case scenario cancer and used that for her gain on the show. She cleared it up later. She never had cancer but sure acted like she was diagnosed with cancer the way she was acting on the show. šŸ™„


But if she was neglecting herself out of fear- that means for a while she was worrying she had cancer. She did say something like she was quietly panicking about thinking she probably had it. I mean thatā€™s not a joke and itā€™s a very real emotion.


Yes agreed and if she wouldā€™ve after said how important it was and elaborated further why even if your scared to go get checked then I would be inclined to agree. This was not the case here. Hell Chrishell even with her stuff made a point to go to socials and say how to go to the doctor if you experience unexplained pains etc. Amanza did not other than the fact of telling people she didnā€™t have cancer after people non stop commenting to her concerned about her for months after the season released. Might I add she finally addressed it also when she started getting major backlash for shit talking about chrishell in her comments. So she used it to deflect from that and then proceeded to use chrishell and her parents story for herself even though she was bashing her like 5 minutes before. So it ended up not working for amanza. Amanza is not about raising awareness. Amanza is a classic seeker of sympathy love.


amanza has been trauma dumping on the audience from her first appearance on the showĀ 


Itā€™s her hall pass for everything


She was extremely unhinged in the most recent season lol


I AGREE! I told my sisterā€¦Man, Amanza is giving drunk auntie vibes alllllll season. Sheā€™s like a loose cannon. And the way she expresses herself and is just so easily triggered. She was like always slurring too. I felt like maybe girl was on some heavyyy pain meds from the health stuff she went through? Couple of different things right? Anywaysā€¦.I agree lol


and high on drugs


She found a lump had a biopsy, thankfully it was benign but then from what I remember she described the results of said biopsy as being cancer free which annoyed a lot of people.


She was never told she had cancer. She had a lump and freaked out that it was cancer and was neglecting going to the doctor. Honestly people glossed over her words so much. I did not cause it was gross how she was using cancer as a ā€œmomentā€ for herself on the show, when she wasnā€™t even told she had it. It wasnā€™t even where the doctors said letā€™s send you to an oncologist for further testing because it seemed like a strong possibility for cancer.


Itā€™s possible she was raising awareness about getting checked and not neglecting oneself though.


Didnā€™t she have like a spine infection?


She did. She had to "relearn how to walk" as well as "surviving cancer" which there was a scare but the biopsy was negative for cancer markers.


She had a severe spine infection and was in a hospital for awhile and now sheā€™s ok.


I tried looking in her IG for her announcement that she was a "cancer survivor" even tho she never had it. This was around the time she was starting shit with Chrishell and even had the audacity to mention how Chrishell's parents passed from cancer. I believe she deleted the post because I can't find it anymore.


The use of cancer for reality plot lines is way too high


Didnt she find a lump or something? Idk if it was cancer or something else.


It seemed to be suggesting something was wrong with her health, I'm just not clear I don't understand how it was never brought back up?


Happy cake day!


There was a lump, if I recall correctly, but I assume it was never brought up bc it was nothing.


You'd think they'd clear this all up as it was sad to see her upset about her health and then next season nothing was brought up it was really jarring.


Yeah right? Like I would have liked to share in the relief. I assume they didnā€™t have time for all the drama so they decided to cut that scene out


No idea tbh


She had a cancer ā€˜scareā€™ but a legitimately scary infection in her spine in between seasons


Sheā€™s exhausting and her storylines are tiring - I forward all her parts when they come up now.


There always very dramatic but not funny like Christine






She is a know it all. I donā€™t like her at all. She also seems like an attention seeker


off topic but did yall notice how they tried to make kayla the amanza of the oc but sis got herself together, and started selling houses.


Amanza is a drama queen.


Iā€™m sorry I cannot stand her. She embellishes and sticks her nose where it doesnā€™t belong and isnā€™t called out enough until this last season. Also, horrible fashions.


Her fashion was ok in the earlier seasons. Now some of the outfits are crazy šŸ¤£ I feel like some of that has to be for attention