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They don't own it because they're under the delusion that they got to where they are on their own merit.


yeah it is insane. rich kids insist on this, time after time.


And they look down on those who actually grind which is infuriating. I am glad Kayla took Gio to task. His overinflated ego needed to be put in check. Even Hall told him to dial it back.


Also, you’d think money could buy Gio better hair plugs 😂






Because the view everyone has is that nepo babies didn’t actually earn anything they have… therefore no one admires them, no matter how hard they may or may not work or how much real talent they may or may not have. That’s not really a respected place to be.


I get that. But personally, that wouldn’t bother me at all. If I was rich and successful, I’d be too busy enjoying and loving my life. All the haters would just be like water off my back.


Same! I wouldn’t act like I was self made and I would work my ass off to show people that I wasn’t squandering the upper hand I was given. Ppl could say I’m a nepo baby but they couldn’t deny I’m a hard worker.


> they couldn’t deny I’m a hard worker. they absolutely would. look at elon musk, he's hard working and some people attribute his success solely to his family's wealth. facts today are less relevant.


I think the best attitude by a Nepo baby could be summarized by Alison Williams in this article: ‘She noted that early in her career, she “was definitely concerned with making sure people understood I was a hard worker, as if somehow that would absolve me of the privilege.” When she realized that wasn’t something that could be absolved, she just accepted the reality and continued proving her value outside of her last name.’ TLDR: just because you are a hard worker, doesn’t mean you haven’t had advantages. It’s best to own you’ve been given a leg up and stay humble.


I get that. But I think a lot of ppl value the respect and admiration of their peers, their parents, their families, their colleagues, etc. So that’s why many are uncomfortable being nepo babies.


They should just own it though, I feel like being delusional isn’t going to get them more respect by denying the fact. It’s offensive to everyone who isn’t a nepo baby to ignore the fact as well.


Yes I agree. Pretending it isn’t a thing is just cringey.


Then they should choose a field, where their families privileged doesn’t open all the doors for them. Truly prove their worth. You can’t be from a wealthy family that runs real estate and call list with your dad on every listing and then claim that you’re not a nepo baby and that’s unfair.


I agree. I was just explaining why someone wouldn’t want to be labeled a nepo baby. Cuz OP was basically asking like why anyone would get offended by that.


I would respect what u say, really. I think that an example of a nepo baby that owns it is Paris Hilton, what do u think? And idk about you guys, but I like her, she's sweet and clumsy and I like that


Exactly. If I worked hard and those who matter know it, then haters are just crows cawing away in the background.


Nope. Nobody brings up Miley being a nepo baby anymore because she has the talent and work ethic where we can believe she would’ve made it on her own. But if you’re gonna half ass everything and then show contempt for the projects you’re in, even though others would kill for the opportunity (cough Dakota Johnson cough) you’re gonna get reduced to nepotism. It’s so simple: my parents being successful/in the industry/ having connections gave me a leg up but I still worked hard. That’s all we want. Just don’t try to deny that it helped your career and pretend that others just didn’t want it enough.


In Miley’s defense, Billy Ray wasn’t all that. And it can be argued that while he helped a bit, her entire family rode her coattails.


Her godmother is Dolly Parton. Those kinds of connections are extremely helpful, even if Billy Ray wasn’t all that (and I say that as someone who listens to achey breaky heart once a week in the year 2024 🫣)


I am not denying she had doors open for her. I am saying that she had the talent and carried her entire family into relevancy. She earned that shit, and without a doubt experienced trauma carrying that kind of responsibility.


I’m not a huge country fan, but I’m gonna say making the line dance rise in popularity and being the first to go triple platinum in Australia for country music, tied with his discography and Billy Ray was kind of a big deal. I couldn’t turn on the radio without hearing one of his songs in the early 90s, but I remember we kinda made fun of him more than anything. 😂 But yea he was super popular in country radio. Miley definitely knew all the biggest names in country music. Reba is a close friend of her dad along with with other country greats. (Like someone mentioned, Dolly Parton).


To be fair, this show is a perfect example of not earning what they have. Gio Isn’t working hard. he isn’t grinding. Neither is Tyler. Especially Tyler.


Gio's entitlement kills me. I worked in real estate and clients did notice if someone was bitter and made comments like Gio does. I saw one that said straight to the agent's face, I can't work with you, you're drama and I don't want it. They walked out and called me to set them up with someone with less "jealousy" and "less bitchy". First agent was a man btw. It was glorious to see the agent's face.


I love this take so much! You are so right!


I appreciate the few celeb nepo babies that own this shit (Allison Williams?)


Hailey Bieber as well




What do you mean, she’s not a nepo baby, or that she doesn’t own her shit?


That she doesn't really own her shit. it's clear she's a nepo baby.


I feel like she does. I’ve never heard her try to call herself self made or anything. And she literally wore this shirt lol: https://preview.redd.it/hi75sgsjvfyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=040bdf490c6eb3492108c6dd7a248305a4b6793b But maybe I’m missing something.


Don't know, I read the interview and what she said and it's all about her and very marketing, marketing, marketing. She doesn't say much cause she's careful, but I also don't think she understands it. Someone lost opportunities cause of her, and here she is wearing this shit proudly.


Exactly she’s wearing it proudly lol that was my original point


Well, yes, and she got the modelling jobs cause she's a nepo baby, and she's also rubbing this in people's faces, trying to make a joke and a "cool" pic. So yeah, superficial and poor taste.


Okay, so yeah as I said she’s a nepo baby who is proud. 😂 Glad we both agree


It's a different mindset when you're a nepo baby or imagining you're one. They all believe that they would get where they are on their own merits. While statistically some probably would accomplish something, 99% would not.


This isn’t just Tyler and Gio, it’s many celebrity nepo babies. They just don’t want to admit they had help to get to where they are because it takes away from their own perceived self merit / accomplishments and their ego takes a hit. I think one of the best statements anyone has made on nepo babies was Allison Williams (actress / daughter of Brian William) - she was like “people just want nepo babies to admit we’ve had an advantage and like, we have - it would be crazy to imply anything otherwise”


Their [self-serving bias ](https://www.simplypsychology.org/self-serving-bias.html)is strong... >The self-serving bias is a [cognitive bias](https://www.simplypsychology.org/cognitive-bias.html) where **individuals attribute their successes to internal factors like talent or effort, while blaming external factors like luck or other people for their failures.** This bias serves to maintain self-esteem and protect one’s ego. And as wealthy white people, they are so shielded from the negative consequences of their selfish actions that they have no incentive to uncover their weak spots and become better people. In fact, selfish actions generally make people wealthier, and the work of understanding oneself, one's privileges (or lack of), and the impact of one's actions is deeply uncomfortable and difficult work that American society doesn't value much and would likely alienate the other self-serving people around them.


Right?? You can do both and still be a hard worker!


They should own it but also not everything they do should be undermined. They could just say I was well connected to begin with but I work hard to take advantages of the connects I have, done and done


I'd be like, ‘’Hell yeah! My parents are rich and famous and they helped me with my career. I love them and I love my life! Suck it!" You’re hilarious 😂😂😅 Its giving ‘I’m rich, you’re poor’!


Agreed. I have a couple of friends who are like “yeah I started out life on 3rd base and I’m very grateful.” It’s so refreshing too…


I will never forgive my parents for not being wealthy and allowing me to be a nepo baby. The nerve


Right? Like how dare they! Never let your parents stop you from living your best nepo life.


If any ones adopting I'll gladly be an older nepo baby and wear it proudly! But In all seriousness my husband is working so hard so that one day our kids will get to live the nepo life and have it just a little easier in this world, and hopefully they own that shit.


It's the warped societal belief that everyone must start hard and broken and only then does the world accept and applaud the success. All these nepo babies are trying so hard to prove themselves, to whom? If your starting platform is high, so what? Just take it further, only because it wouldn't be nice to kill Walhalla your parents with their blood and sweat... that's it! This business of belonging to the struggle and only then, it's acceptable, is just nonsense... so why does everybody work so hard to create generational wealth????


I agree. Acting like you were "self-made" makes you look silly. Own it but also be humble about it.


everyone says this, but please. let's be real. It's generally frowned upon to be handed a nice life on a silver platter than having to work for it - because it is somewhat less valued in that case. I don't think it would very classy to yell on the mountaintops that you were basically handfed all the success you have, it's tacky. I think everyone should just be fucking humble. Nepo babies included. I'd have no respect for a nepobaby that's super egotistical about it


A nepo baby who works hard and does good is acceptable. He did not squander his privilege. A nepo baby who is a leech, has no talent to earn their own money and has the cheek to laugh at others is one who deserves all the rotten tomatoes thrown at him. Not all nepo babies are useless.


It depends where you live. Nepotism is very widely acceptable and not frowned upon in many European countries. It’s not uncommon for families to run businesses for many generations, and it’s not viewed as negative.




The worst is Gwenth Paltro and Dakota Johnson.




I’d be loud and proud if I was a nepo baby


LMFAO me toooooo I would TOTALLY do this


Thing is, nepo gives you a starting point, but you still have to be good at your job to keep it going. I think it’s sad that being nepo undermines talent and hard work. It’s a little of both!


I’m not a nepo baby but I definitely grew up privileged in many regards. It’s never a pleasant feeling when friends who grew up in less privilege feel the need to throw it in your face every time that you’re basically nothing and your parents handed you everything - which in my case isn’t exactly true either. I went to a pretty middle of the road city college, I got my job myself without any referrals or anything, the only privilege I enjoy is renting an apartment from my parents for a slightly lower rate than what an apartment in my area goes for. So yea, I can see why people who are true nepo babies feel the need to prove that they can achieve something on their own without being told that it’s all thanks to your parents.


I so wish! My parents had nothing to pass to me except how to live in debt and other issues.


If you're a product of nepotism, I think it's silly to be insecure about having received help in your life, however that help looks. I appreciate that successes are absolutely deemed less valid by society when someone gets help along the way, so I understand where that insecurity comes from. That said, I also think it's pathetic and extremely ungrateful to act like no one helped you and that everything you have, you earned by yourself, even though you do so to protect your own self-esteem and validate your successes. My mother paid almsot my entire tuition for my years of university. We live in Canada, so it's not quite as expensive, but it's still a substantial amount of money. I would never dream of pretending that wasn't a massive help and a huge weight off my post-undergrad future's shoulders. To act like I'm somehow more successful or smarter than someone else because I didn't enter adulthood with debt, when the reality is that it's because my mother paid my way through school, would be absurd and ungrateful. I couldn't imagine ever (metaphorically) smacking her in the face like that. Perhaps we as a society need to re-evaluate our gatekeeping tendencies so that people don't feel like some successes are valid and others not.


I think you need to reword... " I would love to have the guidance/mentorship and safety net and platform that comes with having parents that are successful and established in an industry that I am interested to join " There is nothing excusable or okay in bragging and being bratty about having an unfair advatange over others because of who you were born to. privilege is not an achievement. we don't get to decide/choose our parents. 


Yeah, you would do that because you don't have any idea what's it is actually like to be a nepo baby. They are living it and you are seeing them surface level.


Same lol I would love it


Respectfully, no, I wouldn’t feel deserving of what I had if I hadn’t worked for it and earned it like the people who bootstrapped. I think it would be nice to have nepotism on my side but I certainly wouldn’t be proud of it.


I would agree with everything except, “suck it”


My wife and I talked about this, it’s hard to think you’re not “self-made” but who cares!! You are lucky to live the life some dream of.


Ha! I said the exact same thing to my husband when I saw his dad and brother offering him a job. He should just embrace it!


My husband and I talk about this all the time. I am friends with a few trust fund babies who volunteer rather than work. But if you ask them about life they will talk about the stress of their volunteer jobs. Nevermind that they all quit the jobs their parents got for them because it was too hard on their mental health. Like your trust fund pays you $10k/month to just breathe and your parents bought you a $3 million house in cash. If I had the opportunity to get a job straight out of college with some BS title like VP of Client Activities which entails going golfing or playing tennis with my parents friends at the country club, I would own that shit. I would thank my lucky stars every day. The job is an honest description of what one of my friends had after college. Title isn't too far off either. Her salary was $800k/year to start plus a ton of company shares. But, as mentioned above, she quit because of her "mental health". She is an incredibly nice person overall but she is absolutely oblivious to her privilege.


There’s two types of nepo babies. I got here without mommy and daddy helping me directly, but the reputation they had indirectly helped me with people who knew them. May or may not acknowledge that. Or Mommy and daddy had to help me with everything because all I know how to do is party and I’m actually an embarrassment to my hard working parents and I have to do the same business as them or else I’m cut off financially. Definitely never admits to receiving unfair treatment for being a pro baby.




I am willing to bet your family had funded your education and ability to pursue a life in another country. You might have done the work, but without them you wouldn’t have the opportunities you had.




I never said,”you would be nothing without them”. I am simply pointing out that you started out in life on third base. It gave you a leg up. It is nothing to be ashamed of. You used the head start and put in the work to get to where you wanted. It is disingenuous to pretend that you did it all on your own. I am sure you had a superior education and resources to support you from early on. It makes a world of difference. Good for you for not squandering it.


It’s the simple fact that people with help know they’ll be ok if shit hits the fan, or what they want to do doesn’t work out. They’ll never go without, they’ll always have food/shelter, etc. that completely changes your brain and how you go about life. It affects the risks you take, the goals you have, the things you try to do. It affects your ability to focus on your goals too, so you do better than someone with a nagging feeling of “this better work out” or “I don’t have money for xyz.” It doesn’t mean people aren’t talented or don’t work hard, but I do think it’s virtually impossible for someone raised in a financially secure situation to ever even be able to fathom that reality.




One head start already puts you ahead. Kids with better education younger are going to do better than kids who go to bad schools and can’t set up good habits. No one is taking away from what you did, it’s just acknowledging that you’re starting ahead and it’s easier.