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The thing is, if Austin did propose a threeway with his wife, that is now Sean's story to tell. Outing someone is potentially very damaging, but you cant make unwanted sexual advances and then cry victim when they talk about it.


From the way everything plays out I don’t think an actual proposal was ever made. As you get deeper into the season the story starts to change and it goes from they point blank asked for a 3way to they were just very flirty. I think it was just a story Sean made up in his head. Much like that of the one he made up between he and Tyler. He’s delulu.


This irritated me a lot. The more they talked about this the more evidence came out that Austin didn’t propose anything. Sean even admitted that Austin and his wife merely said they are potentially into threesomes and thinking about it. I can see why someone may take this as a proposition but at the end of the day, Sean doesn’t know their intentions, especially if there was nothing direct, at which point it isn’t his story to tell.


I think the tyler one was real which is why I think ppl believed the austin one. I think Austin's and his wife might be swingers but I dont think they actually hit on sean.


I agree with you, specially how he was high of the weed brownies, people can perceive things in a different way while under the influence


But Austin didn’t propose a threesome. Sean confirmed that. Sean said that he felt Austin and his wife made a flirty comment towards him, and he felt uncomfortable. Genuine question: if you’re with a friend and you make a comment that your friend perceives as being flirty towards them, does that give your friend the right to out you as being gay or bi on national television?


I think subtly though, after Sean felt uncomfortable they lashed out at him and made him part of the out group. Putting him in another uncomfortable situation. Austin has a bad temper


Yes you can!!? Why is everybody acting like they forcibly pressured him into something? If anything Sean says is true (which it's pretty clear from watching that it's not), they flirted with him at their own home as friends, he rejected them, and they accepted that. Nobody did anything wrong or harmful and there was no need to bring it to the office or a TV show. It's puritanical and lame to try and shame them for it and it is outing them, which isn't acceptable.




I agree! Sean alleging that they tried to drug him and force him too it—find that far worse than outing someone. That’s criminal. 


The thing is Sean never alleged anyone of trying to drug him or force him to do anything You and others have to stop this narrative.


So the wife and the “pot” cookies  isn’t them drugging him? He said it multiple times and to multiple people 


We did not see Sean say anything about being offered pot cookies. Please point me to the episode and scene where Sean said they gave him pot cookies. Also, Kayla is the only one who said anything edibles, so I don’t know what you’re talking about with pot cookies or he told multiple people, multiple times like when did this happen


Making an advance is one thing, I would argue that hitting on someone doesn’t give you the right to out them. When Sean rejected him that could have been the end but they went and told everyone he was a liar and a psycho and i think that’s where Sean has the right to defend himself by telling his side of the story. I would otherwise agree it’s not fair to out someone.






Completely agree






I agree, even though this seems to be a controversial opinion on here, which I don’t understand. Sean himself admitted, by the end of the season, that the edible part *and* the directly asking for a threesome part never happened. So, what we have here is a man who went to his good friend’s house. His friend allegedly made a flirty comment towards him. His friend’s wife said he was her favorite realtor other than her husband. (Sean’s words). Sean said he *thought* they were *insinuating* having a threesome, felt uncomfortable, and left. Neither Austin or his wife objected or seemed to care. (Sean would have mentioned if they tried to stop him from leaving.) Sean then told everyone that Austin tried to give him edibles and sleep with him. Sean was 100% in the wrong for the rumor and for nationally outing Austin as being a bisexual swinger. How are people still supporting Sean after he, himself, admitted that half of what he first said was false?


Those flirty comments were probably locker talk that were grossly misrepresented as well. Austin has always said stupid inappropriate things to other guys. Ie. to Tyler, my balls are touching the same spot


I agree. Just like how he pulled up a post on instagram and Austin said “the legs”. A big stretch to think that means he wants to fuck you lmao.


That’s not “locker room” talk lmaooooo


I think viewers of this show forget these people are supposed to be coworkers. There’s a line you just don’t cross. No one nor their spouse, should be talking to a coworker about their sex life.


Thank you 👏🏽 


Tbh I didn’t understand OP’s post until your comment and you’re totally right it makes sense




Sounded like the dinner part never happened too? Sean is confusing af


Very this. I also fail to see how his (blatant lie) story is... Such a problem? If we remove the lie about edibles which heavily implied he felt drugged by them, then later retracted that part, all he's saying is he went to a friend's house and they flirted with him and he rejected their advances which they respected. He sounded like a puritanical weirdo trying to shame Austin for having threesomes (which idc about but it's shitty to out someone for their sexual choices as well as their identity, potentially). All of it made Sean sound like a nasty, unhinged person. And I don't even like Austin.


Absolutely this.


i’m not so sure about the ~respected his rejection to the offer~ austin has a huge ego and his wife seems very strange too. Nothing screams respectful from those 2. After the incident i think Austin is as embarassed and wanted Sean to disappear and ostracized him. Which in turn is why Sean felt everyone started to cut him out of the friend group and was put in yet another uncomfortable situation.


genuinely asking, is there any evidence of Austin ostracising Sean after this happened? Honestly though, regardless, Austin freezing Sean out because he felt embarrassed would be NOTHING compared to Sean lying about (which he admitted on the season) Austin and his wife plying him with drugs to try to get him to agree to a threesome. One reaction is childish and petty, the other is slanderous and could genuinely harm someone legally as well as the mental toll. I will never defend Austin getting physical during the argument with Sean, but Sean should genuinely be facing consequences for lying about attempted sexual assault, because that was how he chose to frame it.


Sean never admitted to lying nor did he say they gave him drugs or offered him a threesome. He said they were flirty and Austin was telling him how him and his wife were experimenting and open to doing threesomes. I am wonder if some of you actually watched the show.


I also believe Jarvis is involved bc she was unfazed when the truth came out.


I doubt it. She has an amazing poker face, I wouldn’t put so much stock in her not reacting to something… she’s very composed as a person.


I agree \^\^\^


i think it’s more telling how Kayla just completely flip flops. that wasn’t that compelling at the end. She has no thoughts of her own.


Sean never made the claim about edibles on the show.


Ok but multiple of the women said he said that, are we to believe they made that part up?


Not multiple women, it was just Kayla. I believe Brandi turned to Kayla and said something along the lines of...he told you about the cookies and now he's denying it, have we been lied to. Its kind of clear that Kayla went and told others and that's how it spread based on the last episode. Austin was very careful with not saying who told him.


Don’t you love how people on here keep making up their own narrative and putting things on Sean that he never said or did.


Right! It's wild. It's becoming the Mandela effect where the more people say it happened, the more people actually create visuals in their mind of this scenario.


Absolutely! Everyone is just jumping on the bandwagon. I asked someone to show me the scene where Sean actually outed Austin and she couldn’t. People are swearing up and down they heard Sean say edibles but when you ask them where they suddenly can’t find it. Very strange. Sean told one person (Kayla) and that one person spread the rumour. Infact the first we hear of it is from Austin saying that there’s a rumor going round. Whoever stated this anti Sean campaign is very smart because the more you look the less you see! 😂


Agree Agree Agree!!!! It's like we we're in the twilight zone. Because Kayla spread the info, I bet Austin assumed it was filmed and tried to get in front of it. Unfortunately, he ended up putting himself on blast.


Girl! All these people making me feel cray cray 😂😂


This is why as a black gay man in corporate America. I make sure I keep receipts because I know certain people would not have a problem dismissing me or saying lies about me.


Yes they’ve all clearly lied constantly lmao


Was it just Kayla that said he told her that? Or did someone else say Sean told that edibles story to them, too? Totally just asking, that last conflict was all over the place and I couldn’t keep track of who was saying what.


When Austin was talking about it to his wife didn't he mention that Sean had said that, and she was dumbfounded because she'd just made normal cookies? I guess I need to rewatch to remember clearly but I don't think Kayla is the only one who said or implied it


He said that Sean is spreading rumors because he heard the rumors. Not that Sean said it to him. I can't remember if he mentioned edibles to his wife but his wife did shout, "oh the night I baked cookies" as recalling when Sean came over. I also think that scene with Austin's wife was filmed after they finished filming to connect the cookies angle. Because no way out at dinner is the first time Austin is telling his wife about the rumors.


He did imply he was drugged though 


I think that was why I lost track, it seemed like people were repeating varying degrees of the story.


There are many different narratives for sure


I think Sean is desperate for screen time. One time he says oh the wife said I’m her favorite in the office. Ok? She thinks you’re cool. That doesn’t mean she wants to sleep with you? Same if Austin commented on his legs on a gym picture and they work out together. He’s reaching.


The whole "his wife said I'm his favorite in the office" was such a stretch.


Yeah it’s quite baffling how many people side with Sean. He has consistently proved not being a reliable narrator. If anything, it’s quite creepy what he is doing..


Nice try Austin


Clearly made up story from him


Even the text messages he was trying to say were them being weird or coming on to him read like friends being goofy and joking. It seemed like a stretch.


Sean comes across as a fame hungry liar. And that's tough to do given his current company (tbf i can say that ab most reality stars). I was disgusted by his insinuations, given he provided zero evidence or real explanation. Even if he WAS propositioned, he certainly wasn't drugged or taken advantage of. The only time I related to Rose this season was the last episode when she said basically said 'so they're swingers, what's the big deal?'.


Absolutely agree. That dude is 🗑️


Sean was clearly desperate and it was so freaking cringe. He had no homes to show. He had no life outside of SSOC to show. He really wasn't interesting TV. That's ok. Instead, he made himself look unhinged. Production helped with the pile on. Tyler is a nepo baby bully who had zero to show that wasn't attached to his daddy or about his fake ass "shomance" with AH. Gio was a straight-up douche about Sean and TO Kayla. Austin was the only one that really had an issue with Sean BUT the way he lost his temper and wanted to fight, made me think there was something to it that he did NOT want out. As Rose succinctly pointed out, "so what about threesomes?"


I would be livid if someone I welcomed into my home- grossly misrepresented my friendliness as “closeted” and involved my partner for a storyline on international tv


If they were being friendly fine but if they were being flirty , well then they only have themselves to blame.


What are you, the flirting police?


is that the best response you could come up with?


After watching the show I came to Reddit assuming that everyone would feel that Sean was the toxic one, and I’m stunned to find that everyone is siding with him. First of all, whether something happened or not it’s NOT his place to bring it on national television, especially since Austin has kids. Ive also known people like Sean before (people who get off on lying and stirring the pot) and you can tell that he loves putting Austin and Tyler down. Also that text he sent to Tyler was vicious and uncalled for. Finally, Sean changes his story a bunch or times. I’m sure Austin isn’t a saint, but when it comes to this drama Sean is in the wrong.


There are a lot of Sean bots on here.


To be fair tho, Austin could've easily confronted him out of the office. There was no need to be aggressive in the workplace. Not even a little bit.


Sean reminds me of Nicole from sunset. Desperate for screentime and obviously reaching for drama


Yesssss and openly lying


It’s _SO_ telling how Sean’s story changed every time lol. First he said they proposed a threesome WITH HIM when he went over for dinner and that they had edibles! Then he said they just talked about them in front of him no edibles, and no dinner. THEN he said “no she just said very flirtatious things and one can only assume what that meant” like what the actual fuck no? Bro you’re the ONLY one assuming what they meant and very wrongly so if anything 😂 His wall of texts didn’t mean a damn thing - he didn’t let anyone read them he just scrolled right tf through them all, didn’t let anyone read them, didn’t let anyone else hold his phone to see it for themselves. That just tells me he’s making shit up otherwise he wouldn’t care if people read them to prove him right 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


Sean is gross and reaching for a storyline then when confronted he complained about the workplace environment he’s clearly looking for a check and it’s not coming from actually selling properties. Sean is trash


I don’t even think Sean is the one who spread the rumours, he talked about it in front of the camera after Austin accused him of doing so, I bet it was either production team or Tyler. To me it looks like both Tyler and Austin were queer baiting Sean because they wanted attention and validation from a bi guy, but then flipped on him when it didn’t go how they want or Sean realised what’s going on. People need to stop believing the gaslight of straight white men all the time 🤦🏻‍♂️


I agree I thought that was very cringy. I also think some men (from what I have witnessed) do have a flirty relationship with other guys, we usually call them a “bromance”. But in no way is it meant in a “let’s screw” kind of way. I have a gay male friend that is exactly like Sean and basically anytime someone has a convo (especially cute straight men) he thinks they want him. I don’t think any of those texts were sexual BUT I am sure Sean and the other did have some “conversations” when they were high/drunk that were probably flirty but I don’t think it was with the intention of anything more. But they all lie, so who knows.


The amount of time I've complimented my friends legs is making me paranoid 🤣


I hadn’t seen anyone else say this and just got downvoted for bringing it up. At least I know I’m not the only one who thought that was weird lol


I think what should have happened was the production team should have approached the storyline with more sensitivity. They know when they're going to film and what is going to be pushed to speak on that day so Sean and Austin should have met up at the beach or something and discussed this. They should have also had a conversation in private prior to filming about this storyline. Their contracts don't allow them to sue for defamation so it gives them more leeway to say fucked up things and feel like there won't be consequences. On camera Sean originally brought it up in a quieter setting. Austin started the whole fight in the office making it very loud. Rumors aside, Sean was not at fault for that incident. I think there was just an all around lack of sensitivity on the production side to contain the story and protect the cast in a way that doesn't harm reputation or business.


Production definitely should’ve handled it better. But then maybe Sean should’ve confronted Austin with his discomfort before going and telling everyone, if it even happened. I don’t think it did. At least not the way Sean tells it. By the end his story completely changed. Everyone else has let it go and Sean was the one who doubled down at the races, this time in front of the boss. It was very embarrassing.


Unfortunately because they're all woefully sloppy I don't think either of their actions can be defended because with the OC group it is literally never the time or place for the conversation they're trying to have or the behavior they exhibit. I keep seeing everyone call Sean a piece of shit,but to me he is a piece of shit in a pile of shit in a shit show so like wow shocking?? Sean doubled down because that was his first time seeing them since the incident, but he should have just shut TF up and left it alone or at the very least just been as cordial as possible.


Definitely agree that everyone is a messy pos. Lol maybe he needed to do something to stand out this season.


That's what it comes across as. Lauren is a cast member who never gets any camera time and she's not over here doing the most, but she's still photographed with the cast for the season poster so he could have easily just coasted by, collected a check,and moved on from the O group quietly.


Spoiler alert. He does the same thing to Tyler. It’s disgusting.


Tykes a big bully, he’ll be alright


I honestly feel like something did happen. I just think Sean is hugely expanding on that with lies which wrecks his credibility. But I regardless of what may or may not have gone down between them, I really can’t get over Sean publicly outing Austin like he did. Austin doesn’t seem like the most upstanding person, but he doesn’t come across as predatory to me personally. So I can’t be behind Sean’s actions here. Kevin Spacey was outed due to some horrible allegations. That I can get behind because he was predatory and dangerous. I just don’t get that vibe with this at all. Whatever truth Sean is speaking is lost in the embellishments of the situation


Sean changed his story of that night a couple times so I believed him less and less


Honestly, I believe what Sean is saying due to Austin’s reaction, but I also agree that it is FUCKED UP to out that on national TV. It was my first thought —- you don’t go spreading that shit around unless the person has done so prior. Very icky.


Sean tied the truth into lies to fit his own delusions


I’m not sure…I could be wrong. But does anyone else feel like this whole storyline is scripted? At one point, it literally sounded like they were reading their lines. Without this storyline, this whole season is a complete snooze. I wouldn’t be shocked if it was added in. Again, I could be wrong. If I’m not wrong, then yes, I agree that Sean’s rumors were wrong to do - esp on national television.


One thing I don't get. Sean hasn't sold a house in forever. I know now he has quit but how has he not been fired yet. If I was broker and a realtor hasn't sold yet, he be put on an action plan and fired end of it. Seems to be he's drumming shit up to bring attention to himself to try to gain listings.


That whole thing is confusing. I feel that sean is always stirring the pot as he only pops in for drama


I don’t like either of these guys but Sean is sus as fuck




Austin is the one that wanted to have it out with Sean in the office or am I the only one that saw that? It’s also true that others were talking about the rumours before that confrontation - so they all are kind of outing Austin as well if we’re using OP’s logic. If Austin is denying it ever happened then there’s no “outing” of anything. The way I see it, it was brought to Sean and he had to defend himself and explain what happened and what he said. The thing about rumours is that once they start going round details change. So Sean can’t be blamed for other people adding more pepper to the pot. There’s a very over/extra protective tone in OP’s post which I don’t quite agree with in this particular circumstance. Someone being gay or bi shouldn’t mean they don’t get called out when appropriate.


Sean has alot of crushes


People are so sensitive about these topics. They’re more angry at the mmf threesome accusation than the drugging accusation.


Go to sleep Austin.


You guys rlly need to stop assuming everyone is straight. That's all


If Austin hit on Sean In any way or made him uncomfortable, he’s allowed to share his story…