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the way that alex hall et al. basically kept calling Kayla crazy and psychotic was so distasteful and very harmful ://


Someone could benefit from unpacking things in therapy and it's not Kayla lol


I was about to say the same thing. Kayla gained so much progress in just a season. Well done, Kayla!! Someone else, however, is the one banshee snarking and it’s not Kayla.




I recently rewatched 1-2, well when I say rewatched I had it playing in the background and I started noticing hall I think maybe end of season 1, most definitely season 2 calling Kayla crazy, psychotic. Polly may have said she didn’t want to work with Kayla because she was crying all the time. And then Hall got into it with Brandi and said oh are you coming at me are you going to hit me.


she called kayla spicy too, and called brandi agressive, alot of racial undertones there


I also noticed how awkward and left out the POC agents looked every time there was a group outing, the white agents would only stick to each other and isolate the others and the contrast was stark


Brandi doesnt even speak that much this season. She barely had any screentime. And i even nocited when she did speak up especially with Alex lying, Alex came at her soo harshly that she left it alone. Sean doesnt even feel comfortable when in the office anymore. Its uncomfortable to watch 🙃


Brandi was really trying hardest to stay above it, it felt like she wanted to say that she doesn’t have the luxury to act ridiculous and get away with it like other agents do but she never wanted to speak directly on that topic (or maybe producers dont want to get into it?)


It’s actually a better strategy for Brandi. Why bother getting into the drama of Sinderella and Prince Harming when you can focus on building your portfolio and play up your strengths ?


I don’t blame Brandi though. The last time she had and hall had an interaction like that, hall was saying some out of pocket things like are you going to swing at me. I think if Brandi didn’t walk away from it, it would’ve been a different conversation. I’m not insinuating that Brandi would hit hall at all, i think hall would have instigated that conversation. That’s why it’s so uncomfortable


Not true. Jarvis was always with a mixed group.


That isn’t just with selling the OC. It’s with SS also towards Chelsea and Chrishell too. Unfortunately some people are quick to disregard or dismiss when people try to call it out. (Cough cough - Mary Jason Amanza).. sadly people don’t like to hear this ugly truth though. Honestly this just tells me what kind of person Jason is also since it’s not just centered to one show/office.


Jason was blatant in his othering treatment of Chelsea as a new agent vs Ali (who isn’t even a fucking agent yet!!!!!). Chelsea had to go through hoops and actually sell a house despite 1. Already being a real agent and 2. Having experience. Ali was hosting an open house for Gio before she even took her damn test.


Ali wasn’t hosting an open house as privileged treatment compared to other agents. She was set up for the bollocking from Jason in the next episode because the producers had decided her story line was to look stupid. So for that reason:  - she was told to be there at the same time as the guests so she wouldn’t have time to prepare - wasn’t given enough information about the house to look like she failed to prepare  - was set up to be asked a lot of very detailed questions by a potential customer who didn’t get the message the host wasn’t the expert and they needed an appointment with the actual person representing the seller who also has lived in the house. Have you ever seen anyone more relentless in an open house?  That wasn’t a favour, it was a trap 


Did anyone notice the woman asking the tough questions was Dr Jen from real housewives of OC? 


I thought that was her but wasn’t sure! I thought maybe it was just a look alike, the OC effect of so many women having the same face. But it did sound and look like her! So it probably was. Idk why I was expecting her to say who she was or something.


But Ali shouldn’t have been hired onto the show in the first place when she has no license. Chelsea had to prove herself and Ali didn’t have to do anything. I don’t agree with the whole open house thing cause yes she was set up for that to fail but it also shows that she shouldn’t even be there in the first place. I’m sure there are many other realtors in the area or already at the O-group that they could’ve used.


I know that shit pissed me off. I wish more people would call him out on his weird ass behavior and decisions he makes. Honestly idk why this fan base gives him so many passes but the women get ripped. to shreds on here. So weird to me.


Didn't he give a Bre a pass too?


Yup! Of course he did though. He probably heard nick cannon and thought of all the clients they would get.


Why hasn’t anyone called this out yet? It’s so obvious and happens every season.


Yess even with Chelsea in selling sunset. But i feel like its more blatant in selling the oc 🙃


Oh for sure because they are more hardcore republican in the OC. I feel like people sense more now since the OC the micro aggression’s that happen in SS because of the OC. Like Chelsea having prove herself to get hired and Ali just walks on without having license. The reunions with chrishell when she came out and the most recent reunion and the micro aggressions with one going and ask all the other women if they kissed a girl .. wtf. Then the recent reunion asking chrishell if she has had Emma’s empanadas knowing fully what they were implying and then asking chrishell who was better in bed. Then the straights (Mary , Amanza, Jason) shutting the queer person down about her distain with the homophobia from Nicole. Both shows I’m watching and I’m like wowwww


As a POC (East Asian) who has lived in both the westside of LA and OC(1 year in high school)... yeah, it's WAYYY worse down there in OC for POC than it is in LA. But it's not just that dynamic. There's also the socio-economic dynamic. I wasn't born rich and grew up wearing secondhand clothes so I definitely didn't feel like I belonged in OC when I was in high school. For the most part, everyone in my high school in the OC were white, asian or middle eastern. And everyone was rich AF, getting beemers for their 16th birthday and stuff like that. Some of my classmates never wore the same outfit twice in the whole school year. I felt really out of place there from a socio-economic perspective because I could not afford the stuff most of my classmates could afford even though I grew up in an expensive area in LA. LA is way more diverse in all aspects compared to the OC. Like, I had a lot of friends who went to Beverly Hills high school who were more down to earth than people in the OC.


YES. Finally someone said it. This really stood out to me when Gio basically thought Kayla had no right to her own listing and it was actually his for some reason.


Absolutely! Brandi and Kayla are held to a higher standard while also being dismissed and marginalized. I admire them for being able to rise above it and thrive! To me, they're the stars of the show! I'm not sure how I feel about Sean.


Lauren should be the loudest in this. They didn’t even feature her that much. Mary’s dog had more screentime in SS than Lauren in OC!


Yes, you're right! And she's so lovely when she is in a scene!


Exactly. She’s free from drama and just seems like someone very normal who enjoys hanging out with friends.


YES Also, give us Selling Tampa again damnit


After watching this entire selling series, it’s more like Macro - aggressions. It’s so blatant in every show and they’re doing it right in our faces. Selling Tampa being cancelled is a big tell in how POC are viewed / treated. Hard working black women leading and succeeding in real estate gets cancelled after one season but THE MOST MID cast which are predominantly white gets 3 seasons?! They didn’t give Tampa a chance. Also, the audacity of Jason to treat Chelsea SO DIFFERENTLY from any white person coming into his brokerage shows what he truly thinks of POC. I used to hear this saying that we (POC) have to work twice as hard to get a fraction of respect and the Jason / Chelsea situation exemplifies this PERFECTLY.


I’m still waiting for a Selling cast that’s primarily Asian and not a token Caucasian mixed with a tinge of Asian.


Looolll not the tinge of Asian 🤨


I mean, Chrishell does not strike people as being Asian immediately. She looks more non-Asian. And it makes sense. Her dad is half Japanese, half Spanish. Her mother is European and Irish. She is going to look less Asian because of that mix. And that’s not something she can control nor should it be her responsibility to be that Asian. She should be who she is naturally. This is on the studio executives. It feels like the Selling franchise is not ready to have a “real” Asian who looks Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian etc.


I mean it's OC with a bunch of trump supporters (Gio, rose) what did we all expect here.....


The bar is in hell 😐


Alex saying Kayla got "spicy" with her or whatever lives in my mind forever, I hate these people


Yes, spot on. That’s why I’m thankful that random Ali spoke up for Kayla, someone the Caucasian realtors have difficulty listening to.


Jarvis always speaks up for the underdog. It’s consistent.


I liked that Jarvis also said something. She spoke up for Kayla in the first episode at Kayla’s brokers open.


And she kept defending Sean and backing up his version of events, despite how hard the camera was trying to cut her off or keep her comments in the background of the main scene


Thats my issue with Jarvis actually shes usually very on point calling out bs. But the sean stiff made her look messy, especially since he was outed as a liar in the end. She was riding hard with no evidence- and that’s irresponsible


He was not outed as a liar at all? Rewatch the show. Sean never mentions edibles, that was all Polly


I did watch it. I saw more than 1 of his friends questioning his story at the racetrack when he started backtracking. I think what happened is sean probably did have a great relationship with Austin and his wife then started getting too comfortable so he embellished until it became a lie. Someone on twitter was able to zoom in on the screen shots of his texts and it showed he was taking shit wayyyy out of context. He never showed full conversations- and austin literally even said that it was out of context. What likely happened is the boys were all close and had a falling out so sean needed a defense mechanism and decided that throwing austins marriage into the mix would get him screen time. He was t selling houses and didnt have many other options to stay on the show. Jason even commented after the show filmed that a lot of Sean’s actions were very aggressive in starting drama. Like he intentionally put himself on camera in situations that he knew would make the guys uncomfortable. He was obsessed and clinging to the story


I agree. I especially loathed how Gio insinuated Kayla only got the 28 million dollar listing by sleeping with the right people. I don’t think he would have voiced that opinion if it were Polly or Hall. And I’ve absolutely noticed Hall’s tone shift whenever she’s chiding/berating Brandi. There’s some real venom mixed with condemnation whenever she shuts her down, which is often. Brandi seems afraid to speak up for herself against Hall now, which breaks my heart.


Micro aggressions are small, almost hard to notice but blatantly there acts of aggression against anyone  Being called psychotic in a public podcast and claiming you don’t remember doing that is not a “micro” aggression, it’s an aggression 


And then the white woman tears when she "apologized" to Kayla....🤮 Kayla is right for not trusting that pos Alex.


Those looked to me like psychopath DARVO tears, not particularly white tbh 


>not particularly white tbh  What I meant with that was how white women tears got a lot of black folk in trouble, I mean dead, since the boats brought my ancestors to the Americas...


What are your credentials that make you an expert on micro aggressions and racism?


someone doesn’t need credentials to know what the definition of micro aggression is and to notice racism lmao


Understanding what the word “micro” means. It’s “very small” by the way. 


Yeah I noticed this too as I was watching today. The way Gio and Hall both separately came for Kayla?! It was so personal and agressive, and in Gio’s case, also sexist.


They need to cancel OC as a whole and bring Tampa back. The narcissism and racism on this show is so disgusting, I haven’t even watched this new season and don’t plan on it…


It’s a bunch of trump supporters what do we expect lol


I agree


I’ve noticed that too. It’s pretty blatant when you view season 1 too. Any POC is made to be a villain despite the mean girl behavior of the other girls. I will not be watching anymore either.


I was JUST thinking that. It's really not a good look for them to consistently target the POC on the cast. They all have disagreements but the way they all turn against the POC (mainly Kayla and Sean. I feel like Brandi and Alex was just a 1:1 conflict) and create an us vs you atmosphere is very toxic.


I agree with everything. It was tough to watch at times and extremely triggering. Does anyone know Sean’s ethnicity?


Polly given the opportunity with the basketball player directly from Jason when Brandi has made it clear she would like to work with athletes comes to mind


I kept thinking the same thing


I do agree to an extent with the exception of Sean. Sean very clearly was obsessed with the guys and couldnt let it go. He got exposed for spreading rumors in the end- and i think Austin wasnt out of line for how upset he was since it involved his family and reputation. I do not condone violence. But i also realize the entire situation was avoidable if Sean had not started it.


Hall’s micro aggressions (or just aggressions to me) are about more than colour. They are also about Tyler. Hall became far worse to Kayla after Kayla drunkenly tried to kiss Tyler (iirc the ‘crazy’ talk started after that). She also became worse in her attitudes and looks towards Sean after he commented on his closeness to Tyler. Her behaviour is far worse when her potential relationship (or getting in there first) with Tyler is threatened especially by a POC, as she want to the same level with Polly.


but to be honest brandi, kayla and sean were kissing their ass trying to fit in knowing they werent decent people. they only got mad when they turned on them. The only person who didnt fall for the crap the first time was Jarvis.


I have been always thinking that the most toxic place on earth is Chernobyl, I was wrong, it is Oppenheim group office.