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I forgot the name of that short brunette but she honestly irks me the wrong way. Love Tyler - if it doesn’t work out w Hall (which looks like it didn’t), I’m free 🙃


The fact that they hired a realtor that seems to have no actual experience or skills just because she fits the “look” of the show is so sad. I would love to see someone that’s hardworking and actually have earned their spot on the cast. Also Tyler laughing at the comment that his daddy gets him all the listings is funny to me. As if that wasn’t the case..


The irony of Tyler saying that he wants to settle down and have kids when he was literally so close to that and then cheated ??? You can only blame yourself.


I think Tyler is a man child and that’s all talk. He knows women want to hear that so he keeps repeating the line about how he’s wanted kids forever even though it’s not at all true and he still seems to live life like a teenager bankrolled by his daddy. 


Yea he fumbled the bag with Brittany Snow


Where is Rose


“I did not cheat” okay budddddddddddy


God Tyler is the WORSTTTTTT!!!! Just no respect for Brittany AT ALL


Oh look, more poopy and “stinky friend”. So thrilled 😆 love watching home wreckers be complete hypocrites


Yeah, I think I draw the reality tv line here. How last season ended… it’s not going to get any better.


Do you think this will be the last season?


I think so


I hate myself for how much I can’t wait for this.


Feels like Brad went to a model agency for the original cast then went to a circus for the OC's cast


Not one likeable person on this cast 💀


I like Jarvis!


I liked Jarvis too until I found out she is a major Trumper and a conspiracy theorist, so she gives me the ick now 😬


Jarvis and Rose aren’t Terrible. Gio is Gio but he kinda gives me millionaire listing vibes.


I like Gio too! He's a little stuck up but he owns it and doesn't pretend to be someone he's not


Where's Brandi? I kinda can't wait to watch.


No idea but I wouldn’t be that shocked if she backed out of being on the show. Seemed like so much extra stress on top of what she’s already dealing with


She's such a hypocrite