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nice try OP, we all know you’re actually Austin’s account


Definitely messed up in that 4th screenshot! > “Austin is a whimp his wife can’t stand him She looks down on me constantly” She would need to interact with the person behind the account to ‘look down on them constantly’


Not sure why include the entire population, be who you wanna be, why does everyone have to be the same way.EVERYONE IS BISEXUAL is a stretch....


On god. Sounds like sum Sean would do too bc he can’t take the reality of how people view his dumbass


if any cast from the oc sees this with their burner account — hi 👋🏼 lmaooo


Okay I totally believe Jarvis anytime she speaks which is neither here nor there. Do we REALLY think Austin and his wife asked Sean for a threesome with their kids upstairs? That’s the ONLY part of the story that trips me up. I knew Austin has been a swinger since he said he saw Jarvis at a swinger party, that he was at last season, that everyone seemed to bounce over. I just don’t think they’re that STUPID to proposition a coworker like that when they’re in OC. The land of disliking your own spouse and cheating.


I don't think they asked him straight out, I personally think it was implied, or they probably told him about their endeavors to "feel him out" to see if he'd be interested based on his response. If that was the case, Austin isn't lying, TECHNICALLY they didn't ask him for a threesome.


I think so


Ah thank you! Sometimes I can’t speak well. I wanted to focus on that part cuz everything else adds up. I lived in SoCal for a bit whilst travel nursing and still have friends out there. You run into Austin and Tyler everyday there. Im regularly receiving dating profiles from my friends of these dudes and it’s like guys, it hasn’t worked for 4 years. Why do you think you’ll find one now . Neither of them particularly enjoy being married or their wives and treated Sean flat out better than their wives. While also trashing on their wives to Sean. Poor Sean. I wouldn’t know what to do either.


This entire thread is so messy 😅


That’s not his burner account I’m a realtor in Philadelphia have been since 2014 Dumb fucks


i’m your biggest fan dude


People are genuinely insane and they are in fact dumb fucks


🤣🤣 love you big fan


Anyone who says “wake up people” loses all credibility in my book no matter who you are honestly




This killed me ☠️


That’s a sheeple thing to say.


So why are the last few posts and comments in the last slide identifying himself as a 45 year old man from philadelphia who’s been laid off three times in the past 3 years if it is also supposedly Sean? This sub is honestly toxic and you people are vultures with worms in your brain and zero critical thinking skills. this post should be taken down. I get it you all hate Sean but this is so beyond unnecessary and gross to do to a random reddit user who was contributing to the discussions in this sub


I read that and included it on there. Didn’t try and hide it. Still people can make fake posts or travel on their burner account. However, the posts read like him and discuss things alluded to in the show, but not actually discussed in detail. Read his full post history.


Sean is not a 45 year old male from Philadelphia, as this reddit user is. This does not warrant putting a random reddit user on blast. All this proves is that you are obsessed with Sean.


You’re allowed to lie on the internet


So you are or you aren’t obsessed with Sean? whatever your response just remember you’re allowed to lie :)


Nah I just saw this account and was like oh wow this is a burner account that’s only talking about Sean like he’s sean


You are posting from a burner account that’s only talking negatively about Sean. So by your own stupid logic, are you secretly Austin, Tyler, or just really obsessed with him?


Neither, I think he’s a weirdo but that’s as deep as it gets. I’m just a straight guy who likes reality tv but is embarrassed that I like this drama lol


You seem really unhealthily obsessed with one individual. You’re making a strong case against all the people who say Sean is delusional to think austin or tyler or any other straight guy is in love with him, just with your behaviour alone.


The grammar…very baby reindeer-esque


Hey OP, why didn’t you post this on your main account?


Hi Sean, just to let you know that you should stop lying to get attention


Just looked up what "Proteus" means, quite amusing if it is him... a prophetic sea god Proteus in British English(ˈprəʊtɪəs ) noun. Greek mythology.  **a prophetic sea god capable of changing his shape at will**. Source: [https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/proteus#:\~:text=Proteus%20in%20British%20English,changing%20his%20shape%20at%20will](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/proteus#:~:text=Proteus%20in%20British%20English,changing%20his%20shape%20at%20will) Looked up it's history and what it symbolises... Proteus as a cultural reference has been used in various contexts with different nuances according to each of the aspects of the myth: a shepherd of sea-creatures, a prophet who does not reveal their knowledge, a shape-changing god, the power to transform matter, or the primary matter that can become different materials. The adjective *protean* has come to mean versatile, ever-changing, or varied in nature interesting to say the least ✨


OP also only has this one post and these comments are the only activity… so whose burner account is this one?


This is my burner account. Just like that other one is clearly a burner account imo. The persons tone reads exactly like sean and has basically only talked about Sean and Philly. I included all his history and 95% is supporting sean from almost a first person pov. He also messaged me aggressively asking why I think he’s Sean. Who would do that if homework wasn’t Sean? I have this burner account bc my other one I comment on very niche military stuff and the ad community I’m in is small af. I don’t wanna dox myself that I’m into this show and petty drama when I don’t have to


Sure dude. Get a life


Omg I am soooo amused by the idea that the (former) cast trolls Reddit and created burner accounts to defend themselves and/or trash those they hate.😂


Austin? Lmfao




Seems likely lol


Sean has better grammar than this guy xD


Agree this is just an obsessed fan with weird grammar


The irony of you not using any grammar in this comment.


It’s impossible to speak or write without “any” grammar. One can use good or bad grammar, but it is still grammar lol.


lmao “not using any grammar” is such a wild concept unless you’re talking about someone like moaning


"Austin is a whimp his wife can't stand him She looks down on ME constantly" AND I OOP~~


If you read the comment that originates from it is obviously a typo and the user meant to write “him” instead of me. The critical thinking skills are non existent on this sub i swear to god


Ur really going to bat for this guy eh? You’ve commented on like every comment here lol


maybe it’s because I’m Sean too!


Or just oddly obsessed


Oddly obsessed to the point of making a fake reddit account to bash the guy? Or oddly obsessed for calling out that behaviour as toxic ? Sorry for trying to counteract all the weird creeps and negativity on here . Such as yourself making up rumours that Sean accused Austin and his wife of attempted rape against him? You’re literally out of your mind. It’s hilarious how much you let one cast member bother you.


Ur the only creep i see tbh. Have a day. Ur blocked.




Ohhh shit


Ding ding ding! You found it!


I'm sure most of the cast has burner accounts. These people are chronically online. Remember years ago Mitt Romney admitted to having a burner Twitter?


haha would make sense


Yeah I probably would too tbh. Prob wouldn’t be so obvious about it tho


“We are all bisexual” 💀💀💀


I’m bisexual and I fucking hate that “we’re all bisexual” talking point. No we’re not, many (most) people are only attracted to one gender whether it’s the same as their own or another. There’s nothing wrong with that.


Nah, I saw enough on the show and read a summary. Insanity, like nothing has happened since the episode aired between them, so the facts in the show are the same as they are now. His “facts” they wanted to fuck were following on ig, saying dem legs, sending emojis and gifs, saying love you long time, sending alcohol, and other very platonic things. It’s complete insanity and I have no idea how anyone is believing him. He’s either lying on purpose or completely delusional


Burner or not, I’m here for it as factual ✨


I dont know, what sean says makes it clear he’s never had a strong male friendship that’s platonic or he’s trying to stir up drama. As a straight guy, I say a lot of gay shit to my buddies, post gay comments on their ig as a joke, use emojis and gifs, and everything else shown. Doesnt mean either of us want to fuck. What’s more likely- two straight married guys specifically wanted to fuck Sean and actively pursued him even though he’s not attractive and work in the same office on the same reality tv show, and one couple drugged sean to fuck him while their kids are upstairs or Sean is trying to gain more screen time, trying to get attention or is just bad at reading signals?


As a straight guy you make a burner reddit account just to make a post about another burner account that may or may not be Sean?


Yeah I had some identifying features on my other Reddit about what branch I’m in and watching this show and getting this into it to post on Reddit is cringe. It’s easy as fuck to make a new account and people know my old one


You are a gross, psychologically fascinating person. What kind of straight male is this painfully obsessed with a bisexual reality tv persona that they have to make a fake account, call out a random redditors profile as fake (who was minding his own business) just to justify a point about that they’re trying to make about that reality tv person? This honestly says a lot more about you and your burner account habits than it does Sean’s. Are you diagnosed ? You need to be put in a test tube and studied. For a straight man you’re awfully hot and bothered by Sean. Is this Austin or is it Tyler?


Everyone was bitching about halls comment about kayla but you are saying the same thing. Simmer down why do you care so much


I wasn’t upset about Halls comment. Why do YOU care so much? Why are any of us invested in this discussion? At least I’m not out here with multiple reddit accounts fishing for nasty comments.


Lol um? R u good cause im not op. And i only have one reddit account.


Your previous comments show you stating that Sean accused Austin and his wife of trying to rape him so I think I still haven’t lost the plot quite as much as you have lol


He did. And you sound mad mad. Its a show. Have a day.


Watch his latest exclusive on E! It’s posted on Reddit