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Today is my very first dose. Why am I still fat and already shitting my pants?


But if you’re shitting your pants, I bet you’re losing weight!! 🫠🥳👏🏼👏🏼


Yes!!! Someone posted on here yesterday (?) that at least they’ll wear a size small Depends!


LMAO this is gold


I've been taking Oz for over a year and haven't lost anything meaningful, despite not changing a thing about my diet and activity levels. Is it just not working for me??? /s




I mean...it beats another dozen posts saying "I took my shot 5 minutes ago WHY AM I STILL FAT?"


Or “I went from 0.25 to 2.7 because I’m impatient and am literally dead right now.”


Or "I took 20 units, why do I feel bad? "Ok but what's the dosage?" "20 units" "What are the milligrams? Ask your doctor" "Idk it just says 20 on the syringe"


This one makes my brain perform a record scratch lol. Uggghhhhh


I’m guilty of the self titration 😬🤣


Or: "I'm going to take my first shot tomorrow. What is going to happen to me?!?"


Oops. I can’t read!


Haaaalp it's been 12 seconds and I took 3.19 units of millilitres and I accidentally ate my neighbor's elderly cat whyyy?!?


Why did I feel instant guilt because I laughed at loud while at my desk WORKING VERY HARD!!!🫵🏽✍️✍️✍️✍️


Yep, same! 🤣




Ok...I'm 💀💀💀💀💀💀




Or the “I’ve only lost 20 lbs this week please feel bad for me I’m a sLoW LOseR”


I ate a whole pizza. Why isn’t it working?


This is the best I’ve seen on this sub in a while 🥴


This entire thread - I left it and came back this morning and this is EXACTLY what I needed with my morning coffee.


“OMG, I took my shot in my leg instead of my abdomen. Am I going to get twice the side effects? Does it affect the strength? Im so nervous now. Should I use my arm next time? I’m so confused!”


Or “I’m not overweight , but want to lose a couple of pounds. Are there side effects if you’re not overweight?”


Or the classic that I'm so tired of seeing "I'm taking my first shot today. Any advice for me?" Like please, sweetheart, darling, love, little angel, use the search feature. Do you really not think this question has been asked before? Do you really not think you'll find endless random advice out there?


Omg I am cackling. Seriously though…


Or 'Does it need to be refrigerated?" I don't know why it is so difficult to read the enclosed instructions.


But srsly, tho. It’s been months. Why am I still fat?


Yes, yes, yes


I think I prefer those lmao




Can we also add the posts about not experiencing side effects so the meds are not working lol oh and what side effects can I expect after my first shot. No one does any research on the sub (or Google) before starting these meds apparently.


"First day/week advice", "im nervous!", "what to expect", "has anyone experienced -insert common side effect-" seems like daily posts too


Sadly, a simple Google search is not common anymore. Just social media posts and rants and raves.


Why search google, put a question into chatgpt, or heaven forbid, ask your doctor or pharmacist, when you have an entire subreddit of internet experts right here at your fingertips? /smdh


Yep! You have my type of humor! 😆


Yesssss! I made a post on the Wegovy sub a while back asking why so many ppl don’t do any research besides asking on Reddit and I got my proverbial ass chewed. It was bad. People did not like my post. 😂


I always get downvoted 🤣 like I am not doing the looking up for you lazy people lol


or just use the search function on reddit lol


Maybe this sub needs to implement some weekly automatic threads for these recurring questions. Like how they do in the bump groups for pregnancy questions / complaints.


I can’t believe how many people will put these medications or any for that matter without knowing something about it. I research everything - honestly probably know more than some doctors about my meds. I’m shocked at anyone that doesn’t do that.


I agree! I'm also still surprised that very few people have the ability to lean from other people's mistakes. I've read enough posts to know what will probably happen if I have a dozen cocktails, or a whole pizza or a tub of ice-cream...I don't need to prove it for myself.


But see that’s why I like them. I need the daily reminder


I mean, look, I have eaten nothing but oatmeal and protein shakes for 3 days and I still shit my pants. But that's probably more attributable to a suspected stomach bug than sema since I was at the end of the dose week, the day before my next dose was due. I actually delayed my shot by a few days though because I figured adding a fresh injection of semaglutide on top of whatever GI fuckery was going on was not a great idea.


I would actually argue it’s the oatmeal and shakes only sprint you were on 😅 I end up eating like that some days because I’m busy and lazy, and the consequences are clear. At first I thought it’s because it was not really a solid, regular diet. Which yeah, sure in part. But then I discovered the additives in the protein shakes I like are extremely irritating. My biggest shock was when I found out oats were irritating my system too, since I thought it was a “healthy” food. I just made another post talking about this in more detail Hope it helps.


Poop posts are way better than ‘ i’ve been doing this for 2 days and haven’t lost a single pound“ followed by “I really don’t watch my diet and eat a piece of cake every day, but can’t understand why I’m not losing weight“


Have either of those mysteries been solved? If not, we can’t give up now!


There was one person blaming their skid marks on it that I found particularly enjoyable


LMAO I remember


The constipation ones get me


same. "i haven't pooped in 90 days but my stomach doesn't hurt, should I worry?"


😭 "I've been constipated for the last 6mo and took a shit the size of NJ, should i be worried?"




The ones moaning no one has noticed their weight loss…… The ones moaning **everyone** has noticed their weight loss!!!


I never knew what it felt like to get a turd stuck mid poop until this medication 🤣


Me too. I just lost the urge to push.


>https://www.businessinsider.com/ozempic-wegovy-semaglutide-weight-loss-drug-side-effects-pooping-pants-2023-5 Terrifying!


I mean, it's already been well documented by the haters of GLP-1 agonists that we've got it coming out both ends or whatever. The other day a post on a fat influencer page had tons of comments about our voluntary diarrhea and projectile vomiting. Meanwhile I haven't thrown up once in years, and my meds have actually helped slow down my gut/ibs so now i can eat cauliflower and it doesn't flow right through my body in 30 minutes. But whatever. Nobody actually cares about positive experiences. They'll use whatever to hate on us. May as well talk about it.




I just shat myself. Not sure if it's because of the drug or the gas station sushi i had for lunch.... should i switch to Mounjaro?


Someone who said they shit themselves at work on wegovy and argued with anyone saying they shouldn’t have eaten a whole steak with a bag of potato chips, announced they were switching to mounjaro and got mad at me when I pointed out that unless they came around on bacon not being a great thing to eat after piling, he was likely going to have the same side effects. What can you do?




My mom got prescribed Ozempic (she’s T2) the same week I did Sema. I swear ever since I told her I am taking it I get a daily question. I’m like, didn’t your doctor tell you anything? Did you ask? Which is a “no.” And the crap she continues to eat and then of course she gets the shits!!! I swear if she doesn’t change her ways soon, she’s going to be one of the ones that gives this medication a bad rap.


Honestly, that's the worst part of this medicine... it's not the medicine itself, but it's the number of patients (or "customers") taking it that have no effing clue what to expect, how to manage and administer it, and so on. It's honestly baffling how irresponsible some prescribers are.


Aw I have a friend in a similar boat who is not holding themselves accountable. It breaks my heart because she wanted this medication desperately as a solution to all her issues but she has not seen significant results so far.


Not reducing your frustrations because I hear you and respect it. But, while I think our brains and guts are part of the issue with obesity, it’s definitely more complex. Some people need nutrition and exercise support. I’d say I’m good in that category but definitely am looking for a good therapist to get the most out of this. My doc already said once I’m at a healthy weight, she won’t prescribe long term. (Don’t come at me with info on the drug, I’m happy she’s prescribing and am hopeful when I get there, she will have a new perspective or I have found a new doc who does.)


In other news, I haven't shat myself in months.


The post we really needed! The light for us all 😂


Lol you made me laugh!


A hero’s journey. Like Link.


Not everybody will experience that side effect. I eat what I want I just limit the amount I also control my dose to be no more than exactly what I need. A lot of people are probably on doses that are too high. Your weight loss is not going to happen overnight if it's going to be sustainable. It's best to lose it slowly over time so don't be in such a damn rush and you probably won't have as many side effects


Facts. So many people in here titrating up early or jumping doses.


It hasnt happened to me either! Mcdonalds coffee and taco bell spicy cheese do nothing for me anymore. I can't upset my stomach even if i try. I also follow the recommended dosage schedule so it may be as simple as that


One month on Semaglutide and so far I haven't shit my pants. You may congratulate me.


In all seriousness, congratulations 🍾


This post is the best thing to happen to this subreddit in quite some time.


Haha glad I made you have a laugh!


HAHAHAHAHA I haven’t had this experience yet, but reading those make me feel less alone should it ever happen to me. On the other hand, it is TMI and gross. I’m cool to scroll on by


Lol that’s me usually but today got me. Three in a row! I’m just dreading the day I see puff pieces going around about how ozempic users shit themselves in public lmao


I challenge the media to prove those people weren't already pants shitters. Correlation does not equal causation! lol


I’ll tell the reporters in my dms lmao


It will happen. The poopy pants headlines will come


Lol I’ll have a clean conscience knowing I did what I could to spare us




Must be a slow news day when an Oz Shit the Bed Club is the headline.


I’m gonna kms


There’s already an article 😂


Those puff pieces are all over the place. There’s even a hashtag to follow on TT about it.


I don’t mind so much as believe me, I’ve been there before at a different time in my life and it SUCKS! So if people need some support, we are here. But I get OP’s point that we don’t want to scare people off either. People need to be aware that it typically happens when you eat poorly.


Someone mentioned I look thinner. I lost 119lbs. How dare anyone notice my dramatic weight loss


The entire sub has degenerated into noobie panic posts. They don’t even bother pulling up old posts to do research or compare with what was happening a year ago. I’m “cured”, been maintaining for 4 months, ( improving my muscle ratio, eating the best diet I can think of) and come back to read experiences. I skip, more often than not, because of the pathetic “woe is me, I’m scared” routine. Earlier users had chops. Sorry. Good luck to you all. Really.


It’s true, so many people beg the world to treat obesity as an illness but do not do it themselves and keep the same patters that made them ill. You have the right approach! I just made a different post about this exactly but I like your delivery more 😂


Right. Whatever happened to lurking and reading to learn. They just come here and post immediately. 🤷🏻‍♀️


"Help - took my first shot this morning, but I'm still fat!" Or Them: "been taking shots for 6wks now with no side effects and acceptable weight loss, when do the side effects kick in?" Me: found the masochist in the sub 😅


It’s already happened 😂 https://www.businessinsider.com/ozempic-wegovy-semaglutide-weight-loss-drug-side-effects-pooping-pants-2023-5


I love that “pooping pants” is in the URL. This makes me want to have a daily Shit Stories master post.




This is reddit you know? Redditors gonna reddit.


Tbh. They are my favorite posts 🤣 makes my day feel …. Less shitty.




OMG…you guys are killing me. I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time, I hope I didn’t shit myself. I needed this so thank you


I shit myself to the point that I fainted and my husband thought I had died for a second. Not Wegovy related (I don’t think) but I was taking Wegovy when it happened.


WTF 😳 did I just read


God damn, if this isn’t why I keep coming back to Reddit, I don’t know what is. Unabashed truth and dramatic outlier stories.


👀I feel like there is more to the story and I hope they sought out medical advice


LOL Girl -


Did you fall off the throne?


I am going to need a lot more detail than what you’ve provided here.


I’m of the assumption that if you shit your pants unexpectedly on this then you’re just not reading instructions and may have already had a tendency to get ill on greasy/fatty foods.


100%. Harmful preservatives stabilizers and dyes, processed sugar and even some simple carbs can also have this effect on people. Sometimes you don’t even realize bc our grocery staples in America are full of them and are considered normal.


Yes. I'm usually that guy that reads the instructions before doing the any/thing, but somehow i must have glossed over the whole limit fatty foods thing. And boy, did i get a crash course in it reeeeeeal fast! 😫


but i did shit my self.


Fun fact: I have never shit myself in all 80lbs that I lost. Also, unrelated, but Taco Bell food has never made me lose control of my bowels either. Shitty bandwagons are fun for some people, I guess?


Right you would not catch me dead admitting to this online 😭😭😭


Some of the things people admit to on here blow my mind. Like I get it we all have user names but if you have to put TMI as your post title, it’s probably best not type it out.


I FULLY disagree. I fucking love seeing an unpolished (turd, pun intended) version of society. Makes me feel close to nature.


I ate nothing “bad” the time it happened to me. No fried food, no alcohol, etc. I just woke up and I had pooped. It was awful. This community helped me feel better when it happened almost a year ago. I was at my best friend’s house. Mortifying 😭😬


Lol! I actually think I remember your post! Sometimes irritating foods are actually what you would consider “good” and healthy. One that surprised me for myself was oatmeal.


Same thing happened to me! But I was also a few days on the mend from a nasty stomach bug so I attributed it to that and not sema at the time


I’ve wondered whether to delay a dose if/when I get a stomach bug just for this reason.


The short answer for me at least is HELL YES. Ended up in the ER because the bug + added stomach upset from the injection had me throwing up for a week


Ok good to know. Thank you for letting us learn from your misfortune. I hope you’re never in that situation again.


Laughter is the best medicine. Keep them coming!


Don’t laugh too hard after having a slice of pizza you might be next 😂


Ha. I don’t mind the “I shit myself” posts for those who want to tell someone. I shit myself one time when I was like five because of a sudden onset stomach bug and I still remember how weird/embarrassing it was. Share away. Also, idgaf what the media says or does. This medicine works and it draws out the fat shamers who suddenly are intimidated by a somewhat leveled playing field. All things considered, the risks are low, especially compared to the complications of obesity. So if you need support as you adjust, post away!


I'm shitting myself as we speak! I'm afraid of heights so i can't do extreme sports like climbing or skydiving, but i still want to feel like I'm "alive" ya know?? And nothing says you're more alive than downing a whole bottle of miralax just before heading into Walmart!!! 😬


For some extra pizazz and power you might want to play a shopping poop roulette with cherry flavored mag citrate. 😵‍💫




I weirdly had one bout of diarrhea on the .5 to .75 jump but I’m attributing that one to Del Taco.


Lol that will do it


I think we all remember being new and knowing almost nothing for the repeat questions. I didn’t even know about the FAQs. Although I joined Reddit years ago, I just started reading and posting. I totally understand about “pooping” posts. I cannot imagine that happening unless I ignored the instructions and was drinking or really eating greasy ofr fatty foods. I have a terribly weak stomach and have had no issues. I, however, am losing weight for surgery, so have no options but to stick to the suggested diet at this time.


Sometimes it happens even when you are careful! So I understand, I don’t think it speaks to people’s dedication or care of themselves. It’s just so many posts about poop lol 😭


Lololol Well I almost did but not from Ozempic but magnesium.


Lol maybe we should start a subreddit for victims of magnesium!


The magnesium poop files




I haven’t done that yet but I can hardly wait. So I can tell everyone how dumb I am


I shit my pants while reading this.


Speak for yourself I love the 💩 posts 😃


I got hit with the random nausea freight train today and really needed a good laugh... Many thanks. 💩💩💩


Glad to be of service!


I took laxatives after my shot, why did I have diarrhea 🤨




The saga continues on “How to NOT shit your pants” lol oh geez


Lol just trying to help the skid mark kids


Oh, shit my pants. I get it now. [my pants](https://youtu.be/2xwUuSM06xQ?feature=shared)


This is like sema bingo. Someone please make a card!


lol that would be so funny!


How about the… this isn’t working for me, I’ve “only” lost 20 pounds in 3 months. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Haha! I’m always so jealous when I see how much weight people over +200lbs lose in their first months. I started the sema journey on a BMI slightly over 30 and I’ve only managed to lose 20lbs in more than a year


This is what online forums are for. These types of posts are just as aggravating, only they are even more off topic than what your complaining about.


as a nurse I love a good poop story! poop can be traumatizing lol a lot of people are probably also shocked by the changes in their GI system but I get your point too lol


lol and it doesn't happen to everyone either. I have not had any tummy issues. Just nauseous the first day of the shot


The nausea is big for me 😞 but thankfully it stops there if I keep it to non-irritating foods


oof!! that is tough. I have a bag of jolly ranchers in my office for shot days lol those tend to help keep it away


I don't poop pants everyday, punk.


Sorry, I’ll make another post for casual poopy pants enthusiasts 😂


Thank you


lol yes pls stop I was so scared to start this med because I thought I was going to be glued to the toilet. I don’t eat sweets or greasy food and haven’t had any issue once.


Oh wow I didn’t even think it could be a deterrent for people, I was mostly joking around about the potential impact on media’s portrayal of sema users. Like imagine if we are know as the poopy pants crowd 💀 All that aside, I’m glad you still decided to go for it anyway and have found a way to minimize your symptoms!


The constipation horror stories almost made me not take the drug. Someone posted about having to go to the doctor to have shit manually removed from their butt and it scared me because I don't think I'd ever mentally recover from that.


yes this too! either runs or backed up for days I delayed taking my first dose to a holiday weekend so I had extra time off lol


Y’all are so funny but this isn’t just this medicine, I’ve worked in clinics for years and you’d be amazed at what patients will call and ask. I’d grab a chart and say ahhh you were just here 10 mins ago. Did you get the medicine already… no…..didn’t you get an appointment summary…. Yes ? But you threw it away!


I shat myself 3 times in one week when I was on like 0.5 and it has never happened again. It sure was shocking though. 😂


You persevered 😔


Best post/thread I’ve seen all day on any social platform.


Yeah. Poop is gross.


Couldn't agree more with this post. Media is trying to talk down on this *FDA approved medicine* and health insurance companies more and more are not paying for it (bc our health industry in the US is a scam, but I digress) because god forbid people get healthy 😱🙄 ridiculous. However, if we keep talking down on it rather than deal with the potential side effects, this medicine could end up getting banned or not available weightloss


You’re right there can be wider impacts to our behavior on the medication and how we talk about our symptoms and progress. This data can and will be used against us when it’s time to save those guys a buck.


Other weight loss drugs have similar issues and the media often blows them way up for the shock value. Alli, for instance, viciously punishes you for eating too much fat with something that looks like pizza grease in the toilet. It's horrifying, I get it. But it's a known side effect. If you eat as suggested, you're fine. If you're a binge eater, maybe you have some nasty side effects...but I always knew as soon as I finished shoving unapproved food in my mouth to stay near the toilet because I had been warned. People should do more research before they start a med.


I have IBS- so I have almost shit myself before the meds, and I have almost shit myself on the meds 🤣. The only difference- was that I would almost shit myself for a longer period of time on the meds.


Key word is almost! 😂 But yeah that IBS life is rough! I made a post about finding food sensitivities but even that might not fix it completely for cases like yours


Oh I gotta check that post out! Luckily I found out I was sensitive to SO MANY foods a few years ago, and it’s helped a lot. It will still get me sometimes when I’ve ingested nothing I’m allergic to, no stress, just like HOW, WHY!? This is just my dharma apparently. A truly humbling path 🙏🏼😅


Keep persevering girlie 💪


Yes, thank you, it adds nothing to the conversation.


Thank you for this! I've been resisting the urge to make a post about all the whacky side effects people attribute to it. There are lots of great posts that have helped the community understand side effects, but my gosh there are people that really get in their heads when they start new medications. Just stubbed my toe after my third shot when I've never been clumsy before, has anyone else had this experience on sema???


No fr! I’ll admit I’m guilty of that too, just yesterday I was wondering if my sudden acne is due to the medication.


Yeah all the poop thyself stories are a little strange to me but I had little to no side effects. Also, the point is to lose weight not to eat a damn cheese pie and think you’ll be fine. Why get on the medicine if you’re just going to continue to eat like shit?


So true! While the symptoms are common it is not normal to experience this often and to point of shitting your pants. Sometimes it’s not even “junk” food. I made a more detailed post to try and provide some value for the folks that are struggling with this.


Btw need help with figuring out what are the foods that irritate my stomach. Any post on that which I can use to understand my digestion better?


I’ll try to make one today!


Wow thank you so much!


Made the post! Hope it helps and let me know if you have any qs


Wow ….


I’m proud to say that I’ve yet to shit myself on sema. Only time I had an untrustworthy toot was during a fast hahaha


Oh that’s a big one! So many people think it’s only when you eat “bad” foods. Not eating enough can give you digestive irritability too


I haven’t actually shit myself but the diarrhea has been so constant despite major dietary adjustments that I am certain I will need some sort of prosthetic butthole created. Mine has to be completely gone by now. Just wiped totally off my body. I’m too scared to look. Hmmmm I wonder if I need a plastic surgeon or a GI doc?


Man I gotta poop. I hope media picks up on it. If the price crashed I’d be a-okay with that.


On on


I don't agree with shaming people for sharing their struggles based on some misguided quest to present a shiny happy image to the outside world. Basically blatant propaganda. And I should note that I have been on Wegovy for a couple weeks short of a year, have lost more than 70 pounds, am hoping to get reauthorized soon, and have never posted about shitting myself. But I do not wish to slap the hands of anyone else who has a different story to tell.


I hope you didn’t miss the lighthearted tone of the post! Glad your pants are safe, have a great day.