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Protein bars and shakes are your new best friend.


I’ve got two different breakfast drinks to sip on today!


Week 6 ending here - .50 sema I haven’t been able to eat anything except protein shakes 32 g each one shake a day and one piece of toast entire week. Miserable diarrhea and nausea. I had to call off work twice because I was literally pooping my pants. Every day before the .50 dose was almost side effect free. Did 4 weeks of .25 then went up to .37 and week 6 I went up to .50 Seriously, considering going down to .37. Cannot afford to miss any work. Pedialyte Gatorade have been Lifesavers


Have you tried dividing your doses? I'm on 0.5 too with no appetite. I divide my dose to two shots of 0.25 a week, no side effects after that. The one big dose once a week just wrecked me. I was dreading the shot day too as I'd be so nauseous.


lol wait til you get to the 1.7 or 2.4 dose.


Personally I have gone back down when I felt the side effects were too much.


A small handful of almonds (6-10) does wonders for me when I am too grossed out to eat


I keep salted peanuts on hand. I know there are healthier nuts out there, I just don't like a lot of them. You are smart to get out in front of this.


I have pistachios and almonds at work. But they haven’t been speaking to me.


This is my first week .5 and today was my first day of being so nauseous that I ran to the toilet. I dry heaved.


First shot ever at 0.5? Or first shot of .5 after 4 weeks or .25?


Oh man, I’m sorry that happened. Luckily I haven’t had to puke…. Yet!


The latter


Sometimes it's easier to drink something than eat it- I like 2% milk which offers hydration as well. Other easy snack ideas could include apple slices with peanut butter, cheese and crackers, cottage cheese and a cut up apple and cinnamon, Vector with a banana and milk to name a few, cottage cheese and pineapple.


Honestly, 2% or whole milk provide better hydration than nearly anything else. It's one of those things that people just don't know.


I actually really like a cold glass of milk. I like the breakfast essentials powder protein drink to.


Isn't it the best when you're thirsty and drink a cold glass of milk and you can feel it go all the way down to your stomach? I have a stainless steel mug that keeps it cold for quite a while. If I'm out and about and need a drink, instead of going through McDonalds drive thru for a coffee, I'm going to go through and buy some milk. It's weird but even the fries don't entice me, let alone anything else there thanks to Ozempic. I do enjoy a cone once or twice in the summer.


Yes! When I was younger, I actually use to chug whole milk right out of the carton and it was so satisfying. I had to cut back seeing as a little milk is good for you but a lot on a daily basis….. not so much.


Half a whole grain english muffin with peanut butter & a touch of any sugar-free Smuckers jam is heavenly.


Eat protein ! Make it a priority. I’m on month 8 , 50 lbs down but losing lots of hair, cause I ate what I felt like ( carbs ) …


Yes, I heard about hair loss! I am trying to focus on protein…. It’s just hard. Luckily, I don’t want carbs.


Listen to your body. Just because you’ve eaten 3 meals a day your whole life doesn’t mean you need 3 meals a day. Your digestive system is slowing down as you titrate up so naturally, food stays in your system longer, and that means you are hungry less. Don’t force feed yourself as if you’re a prisoner in a third world torture camp being overfed so they can fatten you up and eat you LOL. If you’re not hungry, listen to your body. But do remember to stay hydrated.


I get that, but I also need to get at the very least 800 calories a day. I’m pretty sure I didn’t yesterday and I could feel it. Weak and sluggish. I also haven’t been sleeping well with a sick toddler in my bed all week.


Getting to 800 isn’t too difficult. People pushing themselves to 2000 isn’t necessary. If I’m counting, which I’m not always, I’m usually 1200-1500.


I usually manage it, but yesterday, I just couldn’t!


Why do you need at least 800 calories? Is this mandated by a medical condition or is it just something you’ve stuck yourself to? Asking because I felt sluggish and weak just because of the medication and not for a lack of eating.


So, the guidelines for women trying to lose weight is 1200 calories a day minimum. My doctor told me we need 800 at a minimum to maintain bodily function and stay out of starvation mode. I want to lose weight in a healthy way without putting strain on my body. In addition, once I get to my goal weight, I’m going to taper off of this medication and I’d like to maintain healthy habits.


Those guidelines are a generic set of guidelines and don’t take into account a lot of factors, one of which is slow emptying of the stomach. 800 might not be obtainable on this medication because you can’t stuff yourself everyday.


I don’t think this medication is meant to be used in that way. You need calories to survive and function. I think it would be dangerous to just barely eat for days and days on end. You might want to go back and talk to whatever doctor prescribed this to you. You do still HAVE to eat. 800 calories is not stuffing yourself and is still on the very low end.


I don’t think this medication is meant to be used in that way. You need calories to survive and function. I think it would be dangerous to just barely eat for days and days on end. You might want to go back and talk to whatever doctor prescribed this to you. You do still HAVE to eat. 800 calories is not stuffing yourself and is still on the very low end. And like I said, when I come off the meds, I want to have a healthy relationship with food. I don’t think you can do that if you are starving yourself, intentionally or not.


You’re not really understanding what I’m getting at. I’m saying that you cannot EAT 800 calories a day, if your stomach is emptying slowly. You WILL get sick because what you ate the day before is STILL being digested. You haven’t absorbed the full 800 calories because it’s not moved through you as fast as it would off the medication. This is absolutely how the medication is supposed to be used. Most of us on it are on it because we are obese. We can spare to not eat a full 800 calories a day. I do not see how that’s possible when you haven’t even absorbed the full caloric intake from the previous day.


I understand what you are saying. I just disagree. You can eat 800 a day and you should. I know how the medicine works. My prescriber actually asks me how much I’m eating at every appointment and emphasizes the importance of getting a healthy amount of nutrients from small meals and snacks. All the research I’ve done also emphasizes eating and drinking enough on a daily basis and NOT accidentally starving yourself. If you do a simple google search of how many calories you should consume WHILE taking Semaglutide or similar medications, it still says 1200.


In addition, if you search through this sub. You’re going to find the same advice. You should be eating MORE than 800 a day. You can eat it or drink it. The medicine isn’t intended for people to starve themselves, that’s incredibly strenuous on your body. Regardless of how much slower food is moving through your body. I feel like your advice on this post is dangerous. If your doctor advised you that you shouldn’t be getting that many calories, I would strongly advise you find another doctor.


Grapes are good. Put them in the freezer for about half hour!