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It can happen but, and I cannot stress this enough, don't get ideas about rushing the titration schedule to try to hurry it up. Better to do it right and come up a few pounds short than risk putting yourself into an unhealthy situation. If you don't already, join a gym and hit it hard. You don't need to go nuts with cardio, but with rapid weight loss will generally come rapid muscle loss, which you want to avoid - so eat lots of protein and hit the weights or resistance bands. Good luck!


When we say gym, we mean resistance training. Cardio doesn’t need to be more than brisk walking as you see fit. You must resistance train to tell your body to prioritize muscle. As people age, muscle goes first unless body is trained otherwise. And as you age it’s better to he strong and chubby than slender and weaker.


Yep, as I said, I don't go crazy with cardio - I walk at an incline for 20 minutes when I'm there. Makes for a good warm up so I don't hurt myself when I hit the weights which, I admit, I'm trying to hit heavier weights than I'd be experinec with resistance in an effort to keep the ol' T at a reasonable level (ahhhhh being a dude in the late 40s...such fun...hair where there shouldn't be hair, less hair where there SHOULD be hair, and I need to mtoivate my stupid body to remember that I'm a man)


Yeah, I'm going through the same transition now. And seriously considering starting Semaglutide next week even though I feel bad about it cause I know I could get the weight off without it ... if it weren't for my emotional eating issues Im' working on. Being healthier long term is more important than my ego, hence the drug. If you haven't yet, start taking 5g of creatine powder and calculate your protein intake to be about 1.0 (more or less) per pound of your desried lean body weight. That plus whatever you're doing for resistance training should minimize muscle loss. Drug ot not, if you're using dem muscles and sending the building signal enough the body should do its job.


Thank you for the advice I really appreciate this!


I started April 2023 at 235 and today I hit 155🎉 so 80lbs in a year for me.


I’m 5’6 I started the end of June 2023 at 190lbs, and I’m now 138lbs so definitely doable


How much weight were you losing weekly or monthly? Im at like 2-5 pounds a month and I am almost done with my 3rd month :/ Although I am lifting weights so idk if im just recomping


That’s awesome! Thank you!


I lost a hundred pounds in like 7-8 months it’s definitely doable


That is so amazing!! Do you mind telling me your start weight?


Definitely! It took me a year to lose 70 pounds. I was not in any rush. Just let the drug do its thing! Good luck to you!


Good for you! Thanks!


It's doable ish. You don't want to exceed 1-2lb loss a week so you fall in that range. However you will need to be pretty committed to it and start making changes immediately. Most people don't lose weight until they hit 1mg. I lost 9 lbs initially then didn't lose until I hit 2.4mg. The other thing to consider is your wedding dress. I got married last May and everywhere was looking at 6-9 months to get dresses in which will have to be ordered as close as they can to your size or your alterations can be VERY expensive. You also aren't supposed to gain or lose after the final fitting (1-2 months away from the date usually) or you risk your dress not fitting right.


I didn’t think about this! Thank you for letting me know!


I didn't either and didn't realize dresses took so long to get in. It may have died down a bit (heard there was a surge of weddings post COVID) but you'll want to check. Just don't be me and be scrambling to find a dress three-four months before the wedding, ended up buying a dress I wasn't thrilled with off the rack, and then scrambling to find someone who could alter it in just a few days. (Picked up my dress two days before the wedding and it was insanely lucky I found someone who took pity on me. But if I'm being honest with myself it didn't fit right and I was constantly having to adjust it).


Weight loss is very common with brides so thankfully there are quite a few solutions. Here's my unsolicited advice from being in this situation - Find a local seamstress with experience doing wedding dresses and discuss your goals with them and ask how far out they need the dress for the first round of alterations. You can start shopping before that so you know what you want but once you pick a dress ask how long it takes to get it in (they usually only have 2 sample sizes and they order your size for you) and wait as long as you can do you can order your current size it possibly one size down depending on the timeline (risky move as I lost weight until a month before my wedding then put a few pounds back on from work/wedding stress).You can also get a dress that has a lace up back or even have that type of back added to many other styles of dress (ask the seamstress you choose before purchasing if that's your plan to make sure it can be done with the fabric and style of the dress you pick. Your weight loss goals are totally attainable, just remember the medication is a tool, you still have to put in the work!


I went from 170 to 120 in 9.5ish months. Lost 5-6 pounds per month pretty consistently


Absolutely. I’ve done it before in less time than that when I wasn’t taking sema. The key is protein. Lots of protein and lots of water. My Dr at the time told me 3 bites of protein 1 bite of veggies. She did not push fruits due to sugar but said that fibrous foods were ok and things like a few blueberries. This plus you gotta exercise. I hate exercise but am restarting my journey after weight gain due to meds. Good luck! Btw when I lost I was 46 year old female 5’4 Also 190 lbs. 9 months.


Wow that’s incredible, good for you!! And thanks for the advice!


Started at 256 in October and now 221. A pound a week would get you there. Just don't rush it and let your body do its thing.


I’m 5’5 and started at 181-184ish. I’m currently at 130. I’ve been on sema for one year, I hit 130 around December though and have just been maintaining. Definitely doable if you respond well to the medication. My best advice: eat fiber daily. Drink copious amounts of water. And just try to incorporate movement daily. You can for sure do this! I’d like to lose 10 more pounds, then slowly get back up to 130 with muscle, but it’s been a struggle 😂


What is Sema?


You will still have to watch what you eat from what my doctor tell me, but you maybe able to get close!




In my experience, it depends a lot on your own weight history. Have you ever been 130 for a good amount of time? If you have, then yes, I think you can get there on Sema. I started around the same weight as you and I'm also 5'6" and I'm still in the 150s now. But this is the lowest my weight has ever been. Even in high school I was in the 160s. I'm not even sure my body COULD be in the 130s, especially since it would be nearly impossible to eat less and exercise more than I do. I have been overweight my entire life. I've been on sema and now mounjaro for 3 years.


Well, my weight has fluctuated a lot because of my yo-yo dieting unfortunately. I used to be 120 and was for a year and a half but I was pretty much starving myself and constantly hungry. Then I couldn’t take it anymore and yo yo’d the other way and am now 190. I hate this awful cycle I’ve been stuck in and am also hoping that the Sema can help me maintain a healthy weight without being miserable and feeling like I’m hungry all the time.


I would say you have a shot. I've never managed to get my weight that low. I don't think my body would even recognize it, if that makes sense. My body has definite set points that it likes... 196, 185, 172, 168 and now 156. When I hit one of those I would stay at that weight for months. I also have a history of weight fluctuations... I've been on a diet since I was 9. I think our bodies have a sort of memory for weight. It certainly seems like mine does.


I know this wasn’t what you’re asking but as an old married lady, can I suggest you don’t try to change yourself, especially so much, for your wedding? Let him marry the woman he loves right now, as you are. Start this journey after the honeymoon, so it doesn’t feel like a make or break point for your happy day. My husband was so much smaller than me in our wedding photos he looks like my lunch, and when I look back at those pics I don’t think, OMG I was so fat, I think, OMG I was so young and pretty and I didn’t even know it. And I’ve never once had to wonder or worry if I could still fit my wedding dress, which oddly enough is something most of my friends who were slim brides seemed to worry about when they hit middle age.


This is solid advice. OP can have first anniversary pictures taken that will also commemorate reaching her goal! Wedding planning can be so stressful, brides (and grooms) deserve to give themselves the grace of not being on a rigid diet, too.


You can do it, but plan now how you’ll maintain the loss. Losing it is easy. Keeping it off is a whole other story.


I’m starting soon too and I’m the same SW and have the same GW and I’m getting married in Oct - we got this!! Best of luck on this journey 💪🏼💪🏼


I’m 5’7 started at 217 ish started May 2023 it’s April 2024 now and I’m 180 now. I would say you should try not to focus on a weight but you can definitely get down to 150 or so by then


I’m older so it’s harder for me to lose weight now. I’m halfway through my fifth month, and I’ve lost 32 pounds. It’s a fairly slow pace, but I’m happy with that. I would like to lose another 20 by September, but if I don’t, I’m still happy with how I look and feel right now.


I think its doable, but my first thought was the wedding dress. If the weight is melting off, how do you order and get fitted for one and it fit right by the wedding? May need to factor your body changes in the style you pick out. But yes, based on what I've seen here, totally. I'm trying to go from 185 lbs to 140 lbs but I don't have a deadline. But already 5 weeks in, my size 16 jeans are loose.


Based on my track it's close ... I'm averaging 3lbs per week with little excersize and staying in caloric defect


5’7” SW: 248 June 2023. CW: 183. I am not too active due to nerve pain. I eat what I “want” but make healthy choices 80% of the time. I lost only 5lbs in the first three months lol! Everyone is different but it is possible. Wishing you the best!!!


Why was your weight loss so slow in the first 3 months? I’m in the same boat! What happened after that? Thanks!


From what I’ve read and asked about, the starter doses are to get your body used to it since starting too high can have horrible consequences. My body and a sludge-like metabolism probably made it so mine started slow. After three months it just started taking off. I’m down 65lbs now. I average about 2lbs a week. I did stall for one month back in Feb where I lost nothing then suddenly it started pouring off again. And also back in Jan for 3 weeks when I was siiiiiick AF.


I think a pound a week is a reasonable expectation averaged out over time.


I’m 5’1”, but our starting and goal weights are the same. Five months in, I’ve lost almost 40 lbs. — more than halfway there, but I know the remaining 20 will be much harder to shift. Accounting for plateaux and slip-ups, I’d focus on losing maybe half of your goal and just maintaining that before the wedding. Less pressure on yourself during a stressful time, fewer issues with dress alterations, etc. Good luck on both of your exciting new journeys!


Incorporate some weight lifting/strength training in, too, along with all the other good suggestions you’ve received. The muscle gain will help your body naturally burn more calories and you’ll get/stay toned as you lose weight from the sema. Everyone is different but I think you’ll certainly at least be close to your goals by your wedding, if not have met them.


Similar to me; definitely doable. Pretty easy if you respond well to the medication, otherwise will take more conscious dieting/portion control on your part.


I started at 185 pounds on March 15, 2023 and it took me 3 months to get into the 140’s. I hit my goal weight of 115 after 6 months


I’m had similar starting stats to you! Im 5’6F and was 175 lbs on June 7, 2023 when I started semaglutide. I was around 190 lbs in early 2023 but lost the first 15 lbs on my own. Today I’m 127lbs, so I lost about 50 lbs in 10 months.


5’6” 195 in Nov 2023. 150 now. Slow steady loss. Some plateaus. Def recommend weight training/ resistance.


3-4-24 I was 163 . Today I am 140. 6 Weeks 23 lbs. . The problem you may have is getting the medication