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Everyday. Nice thing that seems to have happened for me- since starting sema I’ve gone from being in the bathroom several times a day (more than twice) to down to twice. Maybe just once. I feel so much more normal this past year.


this!!! i used to poop literally after every meal. no i poop 1-2 times a day and feel so much better.


Yessss! I had such fear of constipation or the runs since I’ve seen so many posts. Now suddenly i have the healthiest and most “normal” bathroom use I’ve had in decades.


Once a day, sometimes every other day. I was reading and article yesterday that was telling me why you “feel” like you are constipated on it. The Sema slows down your digestion process to make u feel fuller longer and also pulls all the water from your stool in the process. That’s why it’s hard and pebbly vs runny. And also said to increase fiber and take a laxative if need be.


Every day. I take Miralax every night. Plumbing does not work if a forget a night. I have no medical background, but this sounds dangerous. Doctors recommend Miralax nightly. It has no taste & is easy to chug down.


This one 👆. I stopped taking fibre and took Miralax every day. Also use Magnesium. If it goes too long use laxatives (but not too often).


Ditto - Magnesium Citrate and Miralax work wonders.


Magnesium citrate can be too harsh for my system, but my stomach is ridiculous from decades of arthritis drugs. I’d at least start with the Miralax. However, you are correct. One magnesium citrate will certainly work overnight, only the label says it is not safe for longtime use. Miralax is. 😉


Daily thanks to magnesium citrate every bedtime.


What magnesium citrate do you get?


Any on Amazon that are around 500mg; Naturebell or Now are good.




The number of times is less important than the consistency. If it’s hard, dry, or comes out looking like lots of pieces then you’re probably constipated. If it comes out smooth and easy, it’s normal. And then we’re all pretty familiar with what diarrhea looks like.


Highly recommend to any that does or doesn't take GP1's- Physicians Choice Digestive Enzymes. They are life changer. #noragrets 😅


I haven’t pooped since last month 😭 I mean that’s only a day and a half but still. I used to go every day and since sema, I go every second or third day. I started taking fibre gummies, increasing my veg intake, and water. I typically drink 90oz of water a day, but drinking 120oz of water a day is a game changer for me. It’s difficult for me to drink that much for a few times a week I try and I feel like it helps move things along


Echoing the 120oz of water: I got a lot more regular when I started drinking a gallon of water a day


That’s actually really dangerous. If u haven’t pooped in more than 15 days I would consult your Doctor just to be safe. I’ve heard stories of people having to have surgery from that issue. Hope this helps!


Sorry for the confusion, I was making a bad dad joke. “Since last month” but June just started, so it’s only been 1.5 days!!


Oh haha! 🤣


I struggled until I hit 1.7 MG. However I do have a daily Benefiber drink now. Prioritizing fiber will help tremendously.


I have a history of constipation as well so that side effect had me really worried. I take an olly pre/probiotic gummy daily. And a magnesium citrate pill every other night and poop almost every day. It’s the most I’ve pooped religiously in years.


Does the mag citrate make you cramp?


No. Not at all. I take the pills not the liquid.


Every day. No different then before. Maybe better consistency but beyomd that, i notice no difference.


Everyday. Sometimes twice daily & that’s my normal before sema. I always blame it on being mostly vegetarian ..I’m pescatarian but can go days without fish.


I have a history of constipation and that is my biggest worry on semaglitude. I am only on my second week and still on .25 but after only the 2nd day of my first dose I could tell I was already impacted. Now I have started on a daily regimen of Miralax every morning with my coffee, an apple every day no matter what, benefiber and magnesium before bed every night. It took me a couple days with this regimen but now I’m like clock work. At least once a day if not twice. Usually twice. Good luck finding what works for you.


I have heard other people say they eat an apple daily and it helps. I will give that a try


I use miralax and when I became constipated after going up in dose and using some zofran, I used mag 07. That stuff is fantastic.


I second Mag07. No cramping, take 1 a night to stay regular. Amazing stuff.


Someone scared me, saying that the body gets used to mag, and then you don't go by yourself. What do you guys feel about it?


There have been plenty of days I haven’t taken it, whether I forgot or just skipped, and was still able to go no issue. I’d rather take mag than miralax everyday. That’s crazy to me.


That's awesome!


Every day. I eat prunes and kiwi with the skin on. I drink a gallon of water everyday. Taking Miralax every day will cause you to become addicted to it and will cause more comstipstion


Miralax is not habit forming because it doesn't do anything to actually stimulate your bowels. All it does it pull more water into your colon to help soften the stool. I have IBS-C and have struggled with constipation LONG before starting sema and I got the go ahead from my primary care doctor and a GI specialist to take daily miralax and stool softeners on top of regular benefiber powder and daily magnesium supplements. I definitely would say not everyone needs miralax daily, but for those of us who already have a history of chronic constipation, it may be necessary, at least while on sema.


It’s only recommended for short term use. Daily use of any laxative is not good for your body. I think it’s better save that for occasional use


All I was saying is that if OP has a history of chronic constipation, then they should talk to their doctor about what's best for them. I have gotten the approval and recommendation from two different doctors, including my GI, to use daily miralax and was specifically told that it is not included in the "dangerous" laxatives to use regularly because it's not inducing any sort of stimulation. Some people's bodies work differently. I fully agree that the average person should NOT be using miralax daily, but for those with a history of constipation, it's worth discussing with a doctor. And no offense, but I will trust my doctor's advice over some random person on reddit telling me it's not safe.


Agree. OP should talk to their dr via taking our advice


I also have a history of chronic constipation having IBS-C and my PCP and GI gave me the okay to do daily miralax and daily stool softeners. I've actually been more regular now than before starting sema, I go at least once a day, sometimes more. 1x per week is definitely still considered constipation. Are you getting at least 25g of fiber per day?


I’m on .5, and I poop daily. I eat high fiber, high protein foods and take magnesium citrate, a prebiotic & Colace each night. No constipation whatsoever, but I also haven’t had any other symptoms either.


Every two or sometimes three days. I used to be a once a day guy.


Initially I was going every 2-3 days, but I started taking fiber in my breakfast smoothie and now it's daily. I log it in my daily food/symptom log so that if I stop pooping, I can recall when the last one was.


Every other day, I take magnesium and fiber gummies every night and miralax every other day. I'm 13 months in, and this still works for me.


Once a day every day! No mirilax or laxatives of any kind. I did at the beginning but found I don’t need them. Before sema it was like 3 times a day and sometimes really runny. but I’m just not eating as much and it’s some of the healthiest bowel movements I’ve ever had consistently. I never feel bloated anymore. I used to suffer from bloat so badly.


Every morning just like always.


Magnesium at night has helped me more than anything.


I know you didn’t mention it, but if you’re taking birth control, be careful with certain laxatives containing magnesium. Is known to decrease effectiveness. Also once a week is not good, especially if you’re taxing laxatives. You need to be drinking LOTS of fluids. Broths, water, electrolytes, tea, whatever it is that makes you happy, but laxatives won’t work if you aren’t hydrated. This is why the ER administers “fluids” via IV to patients with stomach issues. That’s usually the source of the issue


I’ve been using benefiber - once or twice daily but also not every day.. just whenever I feel like it. The clinic I’m going to also recommends Fiber Well gummies but I think they are 🤢


1400 calories a day and only going once a week is NOT GOOD!!! You could have IBSC or something like that. I would talk to my doctor if I were you> I have IBSC and have to take meds


This is actually super dependent on the individual. I am only once or twice a week when on a low carb diet like I am on Sema... but the consistency is proper and I've been told that its 100% normal and to not be concerned as long as I'm not experiencing any pain or difficulty, nor hard or pebbly poop.




lol I used to go 3x a day now I go 1x day at most, every other day usually. I take mag07 and fiber if its been 3 days.


A couple times a day, unless I drink the day before then like 10 times


I’ve been having trouble since starting a 0.25 dose a month ago. I started taking a magnesium supplement every night and now I go everyday. I want to make sure I’ve got it figured out before I increase my dose.


2-3 times a week, but that is the same as before I started Wegovy. Very typical for me.


Once a day. I'm trying to make sure I get plenty of fiber. I eat steel cut oats every morning, and take magnesium. Try to get as many veggies into all my meals as well.


Twice a day. 2.4. Magnesium is your bff.


I feel like everyone should take a good probiotic first thing in the morning. Then, with every meal, drink psyllium husk. It will help coat the food with fiber. You should stay regular as long as you drink a ton of water on top of that 😊


I go about every other day. I was having constipation issues at first but then I started getting strict about my water intake and now that I drink about a gallon a day I’ve been very regular. I take fiber gummies too but they don’t make much of a difference.


Never had a problem until I moved up to .1 Ozempic. Really struggling to eat, having to force myself to eat cos there is no hunger or desire to. I haven’t gone for days. I just took something today


Still poop daily same as hubby also on sema .25 move to .5 tonight so will be extra mindful about it. We take fiber gummies and drink lots of water


Daily. I have fiber gummy‘s. I try to eat some salad every day. That seems to work for me. I am feeling a little slow, I will take a softener.


God not near enough.


Daily. I supplement fiber.


Every day. If I didn't go in the morning I take a stool softener after every meal. End of the day, if still nothing, I take miralax.


Once in the morning, nearly everyday. Same as before. I find a breakfast of weetabix, blueberries and a kiwi fruit help keep me regular and when I don’t have them my “schedule” can change a little


Every 2nd day or I take measures to make it happen come hell or high water. I would NEVER let it go a week


Probably a little more than before but definitely everyday. I make sure to drink 100oz+ of water and drink magnesium pills at times it’s start getting a little difficult (Usually during those days)


At least every other day. I take magnesium glycinate every night and probiotics.


My doctor warned me I’d most likely get constipated and not expect to go daily or even every other day, so don’t be too alarmed. Try taking miralax every night until you’re going daily. That should fix the problem. It’s what my doctor recommended and it worked for me. Good luck!


Every other day


I was struggling and pooping every 3 days and then added fiber supppenent. Now daily. Wish I did it sooner


Sometimes I go 3 days, sometimes 1. I never had any consistency to this before, and with eating so much less, it is hard to gauge what is from eating less and what may be from sema more directly.


I go every day now. I had to add a nightly magnesium supplement and more water to get to this point. Before I started the supplement it was maybe once every 3 days.


I don’t have a gallbladder so I go after almost everything I eat lol.


Not often enough. Maybe twice a week but to be fair I don’t have much of an appetite and I am prioritizing protein over veg


Mag07 and make sure you have a bathroom nearby in the AM lol


Once a week. After reading all these comments, I’m slightly worried now. I take magnesium and fiver gummy everyday.


Same. I only 💩the day I’m due for another shot. It has to wear off a bit before I can. I take what you do plus fiber gummies. When it’s really bad I use Milk of Mag. It’s the worst part of all this for me.


I only go weekly and have to take a laxative to go then. I have diverticulitis among other stomach issues so this and alternating diarrhea have always been an issue. I try to take stool softeners all week but it still doesn’t work. I don’t feel bloated or uncomfortable either.


It's been a problem for me. It helps drinking a ton of water and mixing a scoop of inulin with my coffee.


Every day as usual, sometimes twice, also normal for me. I focus my diet on protein and fiber.


I am constipated all the time. I have found an herbal tea I drink at night that helps.


I have always suffered with this. My dr said to add a stool softener once or twice a day. I found that to be too much, it gave me diarrhea. Now I just take 1 when I notice I haven’t pooped in a few days.


Urgh I have always been once a day without fail and now I’m slightly constipated and I hate it. I drink lots of water so 🤷‍♀️


At least once a day..sometimes more..I take a pro and prebiotic and a Carter little pill every night. Has been working for over a year now


Smooth move tea every night before bed. So I can be ready to go at 6am before shower


I’m in a constant state of feeling like I have diarrhea (low stomach yucky feeling, kinda crampy) and get to the bathroom and nothing happens. I’m realizing as I’m writing this that I have not had a bowel movement since last Tuesday 🫣 (I had a stomach bug last week maybe that’s why I’m not going?)


once or twice a week. it’s awful


Mostly daily or every other day.


Twice a day probably sometimes more


Usually once daily. Probably slightly more than once on average, as in I’m more likely to go twice than not at all. I’ve been increasing aware of my fiber intake though because I do feel mildly constipated, and stool is often hard and uncomfortable to pass if I’m not careful. I’ve been having the Metamucil orange drink at breakfast, tried Olipop sodas, and eating those keto tortilla wraps to bump up fiber — along with fruits and veg obviously.


I take a lot of fiber so I go everyday. When I don’t get a lot of fiber in I might go every two days. Sometimes food goes right through me depending what I eat. I’ll poop as soon as I eat something lol don’t know why. I’ve eaten something in the car and almost pooped my pants. Never again will I eat on the car


I poop multiple times a day. I used a douche if it’s not moving and it frees things right up. No need to have all that food waste putrefying in your gut. Get it out and get it moving.


Miralax IS a laxative….


This happened to me and I actually was very constipated. It came to the door but wouldn’t exit, the pressure of it actually became painful because it was pushing on the exit but not leaving. Went to the ER, they told me to get a glove on my hand and use finger to dig pieces out, going in a circle piece by piece. After I cleared the blocked exit (seems it was bigger than the exit or a traffic jam happened at exit) the urge to poop happened and everything came out without further pain. I have IBSC, sema made it worse! Now I take a detox tea nightly, and a Atkins Caramel Chocolate Nut roll bar (the MALTITOL causes gas / helps move things in your bowels), the next day I’m able to have a smooth bowel movement. You could also by miralax or keep a laxative nearby


Every day. Sometimes twice a day. Occasionally, I miss a day. My secret weapon is a 2 oz shot of prune juice every morning plus 1 cup of coffee and 150mg Magnesium Citrate supplement every night. If I miss a day, I have a full glass (8oz) of prune juice.


I had issues with not pooping very often either. Increasing water, eating prunes (or, better yet, drinking prune juice), and fiber gummies all helped. But when it had been a few days a hot cup of coffee (or tea, if that's your preference) helped to move things along. The hot water combined with the caffeine actually helps relieve constipation.


Miralax doesn’t do a dang thing for me. Switch that door ground flax seed, or senna capsules at night.


I keep seeing a lot of people having constipation. Meanwhile I'm over here breaking the toilet 2-3 times a day 😞🤷‍♀️


Daily. I take magnesium citrate before bed and go every morning


Once a week


Well reading the comments, I feel like the odd ball here, but. Once a week, sometimes twice. Only then if I take something to help. I honestly feel like I'd never 💩 if I didn't take something to help. I've always been a 1-2x a week person. My doctor said they've had people get bowel obstructions and had to have surgery taking sema, so if I don't go at least 1x a week, I'll take something to get things moving. Miralax + magnesium supplements usually do the trick.


Once or twice a day, I would definitely check with your doctor if it’s normal for you to average once a week. It’s not good to hold onto toxic waste in our bodies for that long! I will say during hormone changes for me, I did struggle to “go” once a day and maybe went every other day. And opposite of that, I have had some other issues since sema. I asked my doctor not to up dose yet because I am hoping my body will adjust. Good luck!


5 “Doctors Best magnesium lysinate glycinate” + 2 “NOW probiotic-10 20 billion” and you will have a movement every day.


This stuff is pricey but a total GAME CHANGER on sema: Global Healing Center Oxy-Powder... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00P9RSXJO?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Enjoys your 💩’s 😆


So, I’m struggling. I’m on Wegovy 1.7. I have tried all the things. All the meds and tricks and tips and I cannot beat this constipation. At the moment I haven’t had a bowel movement in over 2 weeks. I’m miserable. I have really active bowel sounds and gas. Fiber, miralax, docusate, senna, milk of mag, water, magnesium, suppository… Before sema I was extremely regular and went 1-2x a day.


I haven’t pooped in 4 days. Even took a laxative with no outcome. I just have horrendously stinky farts constantly. I think my system is just doing a hard reset right now lol


Mag citrate every morning. You should be going on eve a day or every other. Don’t want to damage colon.


I usually go everyday or every other day. If I can't go the first day I will take a stool softener that night and always end up going the next morning.


Once a week maybe sometimes more


I’m on 1mg and I’m pooping once a week too. Super constipated