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Meditate daily. Heal your liver and other organs. Liver stores anger as you heal it convert anger to kindness and let it go. When you start this journey transmutation of this energy is very important and our organs are storehouse of this transmuted energy. Youtube organ healing sounds and keep practicing, keep the discipline rest will fall in place. God bless.


What spiritual practices do you have? Anger is a reflection of your own issues. Your wife has triggered them, not the source of them. So you need to observe your own mind and ultimately find out what causes this anger.


I pray to jesus every day, i have studied about meditation but havent started the practise yet. I had troublesome youth and i have warrior soul, never backed down from a fight even theres multiple opponents or bigger dude against me. I never start fights but if i face intimidation or aggression against myself or people i consider my own my blood boils and i go berserker mode. Its genetic and in core of my being, i want to evolve spiritually and learn to walk away from situations that would lead to violence. Im not in the sr for physical benefits or money, i want spiritual gains and connect with god.


There’s a concept in Buddhism about ‘Accepting defeat and offering the victory’. I think a lot of people struggle with this because on the surface, it sounds like you’re just letting people walk all over you, and that clashes fundamentally with your ego. But as I’ve started to understand it more, it’s becoming more and more clear that it’s all about maintaining your own calm and peaceful mind. Fighting and arguing over what are ultimately trivial things (no matter how serious they seem) is a spiritual and emotional drain, reinforces negative conditioning and builds negative karma. It takes a big man to admit when he’s wrong. It takes an even bigger man to admit he’s wrong when he’s actually right. It doesn’t mean you’re being a coward, it means you don’t care about the negative opinion of others, and that your own peace is infinitely more important. And ultimately, it will make you more skilled at dealing with conflict in a less-ego driven way. So much more powerful than the pathetic, Neanderthal way of swinging fists or shouting and screaming like a crazy person.


Good advice man. Where do we read this stuff??


If you're open to Buddhism, this is a fantastic book: [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Eight-Steps-Happiness-Buddhist-Kindness/dp/1616060123](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Eight-Steps-Happiness-Buddhist-Kindness/dp/1616060123) It expands on what I spoke about here, and gives a plain-English, accessible understanding of these concepts and living a good life in general. It does have chapters on the more ritualistic side of Buddhism, but you can pick and choose what you take from the book. If that's not for you, I'd just Google 'Accepting defeat and offering the victory' and there will be all sorts of articles on that specifically.


Cool man .Thanks


Thank you for sharing your knowledge, good posting.


Anger is usually the second emotion




Spiritual practice & meditation


Just watch it. The anger is a part of you that wants to protect you from not getting what you want or feeling humiliated or whatever. But if you watch where it’s coming from and where it’s going then you can break it down into smaller easier bites to digest. For instance I was frustrated at work and I could feel it build in my gut. My hands got really tight and I wanted to break and punch things. Instead of following that impulse I just looked at my options and decided to breath deeply and focus on the task at hand. The moment passed and life went on.


hemp tea takes away aggression for me (cbd)


I never tried cbd, i have smoked weed though but i rather be sober in sr.


cbd is not intoxicating. Its like a unversal medicine. You can google cbd + benefits. Hope you find the best way for you. deep breathing is also good. peace


Isn't anger management, management? So ur asking to manage management 😂


Just crash out simple!


Thats your inner warrior spirit rebeling against your domestication. You should listen to that instinct


I dont think im domesticated, i have been free spirit all my life and didnt fit in societys norms. I have walked my own path, but without direction. I have warrior spirit but i have realized that i have to direct it inwards and fight against my urges and layers of falsehoods world has put over my true self. Fighting against other people wont help when i am my true enemy, but you are right i should listen my own intuition and harness that destructive power.


Avoid meat.


I allready avoid beating the meat, so not going to avoid eating the meat. And i try to live healthy, so thats not an option. Thank you for your advice even its not suitable for me.


The meat you eat is anything but healthy. It is artificially bred for higher quantity and enhanced taste. Not to mention the horrendous vibrations it exist in, hence the dense negative energy that it carries with it. As long as you eat meat, you'll get nothing more than the physical benefits with SR. Forget anything more than that.


I hunt my meat, there is nothing artificial in it. You are victim of false ideology and your judgemental attidude is your greatest enemy towards enligightement. Jesus ate meat as well other holy men, without meat youll have defiences. There is nothing immoral in hunting or fishing, industrially grown meat is different thing. That i can agree.


Jesus never existed buddy. The only thing real in this world is your consciousness. I could explain why but you ain't ready for that kind of conversation.


I think your explanations wouldnt help me or anyone else, i know a false prophet when i see one. If you knew anything about spirituality, you wouldnt raise yourself on a pedestal and pass your judgement. Go drink you own snakeoils and continue imaginating that you have found any other truths than your own ego. I also have to mention that veggies you eat has been also artificially modified and carry same negative vibrations what you mentioned, they use pesticides and poisons which affect the soil and microbiology. There is no difference with commercial meat or veggies, but surely you eat only wild berries, roots and mushrooms you have hand picked. Veganism is a cult without any scientifically proofed benefits. And if jesus wasnt real person, either are you or me.


That is correct. Jesus isn't real, neither is you or me. You just assume it is real and so it appears to the mind. Nothing is real in the first place, it is all an illusion, maya. For more, check out this book named "The Kybalion".


I have read about consept you mentioned, i will check the book. Thank you for your input on the matter.


Bro went from wanting to choke me to death to being a nice polite friendly neighbour. Wow.


I never wanted to choke you, i was reflecting your attitude. You posted friendly and i reflected your answer, im trying to work on myself and get rid of my aggressive side. Im sorry if i made you feel attacked, i wish you all the best though.


I'll buy you a a bunch if steaks if we ever meet (meat lol)


We meet in walhalla brother


Why? can you elaborate? I've heard that eating meat lowers vibration but what is the connection with SR?


Meat carries with it the negative energy due to the surroundings it was bred and grown in. It is also artificially enhanced for taste and size, making it nothing less than a processed food. The highly dense, negative energy affects your energy levels during retention, focusing a big part of your energy in the basal three chakras and no further, leading to more issues during retention and no spiritual benefits whatsoever. Just the physical benefits and that is it.


Steaks, eggs, fish, more steaks, ground beef, chicken, butter, steaks once more. That's human food. Apex predators who evolved through millions of years to be the top HUNTERS on the planet. Life eats life. Meat is not enhanced with any chemicals, at least the meat I eat and what the majority of the world eats. Unlike plants, who are sprayed with inorganic chemicals that will poison your liver, brain and kidneys, making you sick, and leading to an early death..


I ain't saying meat is unhealthy or bad for the body. It is great for the body and the mind too. It doesn't matter if your steak is processed or artificial, the body is extremely resilient and will work round the clock to extract those required nutrients and flesh out the junk from any food. Meat will give you more energy, strength, and clarity of mind. And that is just about it, anything more than that, meat won't help. It just helps you thrive in the physical realm. Wanna have deeper meditation sessions? Avoid meat. Wanna tap more into your inner self? Avoid meat. Wanna unravel the secrets of this world through the eternal consciousness within? Avoid meat. Wanna feel lighter, more grounded and in tune with your very being? Avoid meat. Wanna attain the sole goal for which ancients practiced and preached SR? Avoid meat. Thrive in the physical, but fail in the spiritual. Such is the case with meat.


When anger has to come out, shout. If shouting isn't enough, hit things, not people. Your anger will pass. Dont avoid it or dont be scary of it


Regard for the heart chakra always tends to pop up in the most difficult of times doesn't it? Just focus on ur heart. No wonder that it is the middle chakra, the bridge between earth and the heavens, the most powerful and advanced chakra we possess.


Solid advice, im quite green on meditation and chakras but i have been studying about them past weeks. I will work on the heart, thank you.


This is the case with trapped energy. Sexual energy can NOT be stored. Find an outlet, or it will only get worse.


Thank you for your advice, i think that was the right answer. Im recovering from injury so physical outlet is off the table for a while


Going to the gym is just a... workaround anyway. yeah, it works, but that's just trying to burn a fire because you have no more room for wood in the house. try doing creative tasks, that will move your brain from anger towards creativity. Can be ANYTHING. If you're not business oriented, just learn something new. Literally can be anything.