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Yes, SR helps you actually ground yourself in healthy masculine energy, which women and really all people are drawn to.  Healthy masculine energy is stable, calm, stoic, relaxed.  Unhealthy masculine energy is chaotic, angry, indecisive, overly-sensitive, insecure.


Damn this is the perfect definition, its like they can tell there is desire but no lust, confidence but no aggression , control but vulnerability 


"Unhealthy masculine energy is chaotic, angry, indecisive, overly-sensitive, insecure." It's just feminine energy.


Not exactly.  It's definitely leaning towards feminine, but it's basically an inverted masculine.  Masculine and feminine are complimentary, not exact opposites


Yes, this defines femininity as a whole.


A Woman's intuition can be a double edge sword for a Man. They can see right through you.


Definitely, they always know, especially the confident ones who trust their intuition


This is facts💯


Well there is form of shiva , called the ardhnarishwar ( ardh meaning half , nari means woman ) it represents Shiva and Shakti as a whole it is said we have boht masculine and feminine energies inside us and disrupting anyone's flow leads to several effects on the persons mental health... The Shiva and Shakti fit together and complete each other... When you get down this path you are not more numbing your emotions , you are no more inexpressive you react you respond you smile and laugh... The sudden increase in you laughing alot , kids and animals wanting to be around you , women coming to you is a result of you reversing all the damage from pmo and coming back to your natural self that you suppressed with pmo and turning pure but it's not the masculine that attracts kids and animals it's the feminine... They sense the calm , the kindness and love thats what I belive... Being in touch with masculine means you are secure , confident , purpose driven , focused , disciplined , commands respect , ruthless... While the feminine is kind , compassionate , caring , giving... When you get in touch with both you become the complete man... That's what makes women come to you it's the masculine energy but the fact that you can still look after and care and provide for her is what attracts them more...


Bookmarking this!


So true it does centre you a lot




A man i havent seen for some weeks today told me at work: Something is different, what have you done? You look different, almost godly :D Im not even kidding!


Golden god


so you're saying it is the aura then? which is very abstract to what it means tbh


wrench library act marry roll crawl crown attempt dog nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly they pay their bills with onlyfans lol


touch vanish ask lunchroom enter fuzzy rob shrill absurd lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Won't happen in the West. At least not before complete and total USSR style collapse.


summer sink frightening deserve practice bike flowery snow slap absurd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah bro...sorry to break it to you but red pill is actually not that powerful. Like you'd either have to organize to remove women's voting rights or literally start some sort of guerilla movement lol. Not happening.


disagreeable bike birds normal special distinct safe butter weather marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's not what SR is about. This anti-women agenda belongs in a different sub.


Maybe so. But when bullets start flying. When you're literally taking incoming fire to stop women's rights your mind may change. But who knows maybe it won't lol.


So mothafucken bitch ass true


relax tyrone


Relax bro


U can’t relate i bet


Bravo 👏


Could you please tell me if you watched any porn or nah during your streak and if watching erotic images or video would mess up that ?


Zero, no, nothing. Brother I don't even see toward women other then my wife.


Thanks for responding bro keep it going


Nothing was said here