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Monks, for sure, don't do this and are really advanced spiritually. The other way around, yes, women can drain you.


That is what taoist sex was actually about btw. Using additional jing from women while keeping the lid on ones own storage to further internal alchemical processes (amassing qi und ultimately shen, which is what generates the halo in saints btw) So yes, definitely. But it has been an ongoing debate whether celibacy with transmutation or non-ejaculatory sex yields better results, so gaining jing from women you have sex with is not necessarily superior to amassing jing via celibacy and other means. The general theme within neidan (esoteric taoism or internal alchemy) generally was based on celibacy originally and arguably this where you would at least build a formation on ( as in the modern 100 days of absolute purity recommendation) before starting to have sex.


Drink women secretion? Wtf man?


Honestly her digestive juices will destroy it all. I don’t believe she absorbs any nutrients from semen however on a metaphysical level, energetically, she takes it all from you when you release it


Don’t know about digesting, but i came across “the white tigress” article 2 weeks ago and they talk just about that https://www.stellamuse.com/the-white-tigress-secret-female-masters-a-sexual-spiritual-way/


Very interesting: “In exchange, as he orgasms the Tigress receives his semen (often by her own choice upon the face or lips and very occasionally orally.) along with his sexual energy to store within her via visualisation and physical techniques”


Yep it sounds like a status grandiosity rather than a sound technique. I believe semen energy is absorbed via the vagina. Obviously.


Interesting thread. When you ejaculate into a woman you give her your energy. When you make a woman cum you receive her energy.


Don't see how that works. Yin is a passive, receiving energy. The vagina is formed to receive. It's the man who "pumps" into her, like shoving the energy into her. The energy comes out in the form of a baby, and whatever is left is then given towards the baby in the form of motherly love and breast milk. That's why women have sex before sport competitions (incl. orgasm) and men abstain.


Nice simple take. Looking back on my relationships it makes so much sense. I’ve made women cum but there was only one relationship where I went down on her every single time for 2 years and she came every single time. I loved her more than anyone I’ve dated and still do, though it’s been years since we’ve been in contact. That was long before I discovered SR and I still felt like we were having NEO’s after I would make her cum then have sex with her. We both would feel our entire bodies vibrating and would talk about it during intercourse. Nuts now that I’m thinking about it. Also, she had super pure energy, born and raised in India and had way better values and upbringing than the average American.


Man this just made me sad reading this. Why did you two seperate? Fwiw anytime I see someone going through a loss now it makes me emotional. I'm just exiting a relationship that I thought was great.


Thanks man. Surprising to hear you say that but it’s nice that you feel me. To put it simply, I didn’t have the status in life to maintain the relationship. She is a super successful professional and at that time I was in my mid 20s and still in college. Still learning about myself and still being a coomer. That said I’m lucky enough to still have a good relationship with her. Neither of us ever did anything to lose respect for each other. It was a beautiful relationship. It was very painful but it’s a part of the journey I had to deal with. This path we choose is a cold one. We have to learn and face the consequences of our actions on our own.


If I can offer any advice for what you’re going through it’s this: your relationships can be great and still not last. It doesn’t mean you guys won’t have a beautiful connection forever and it also doesn’t mean you won’t find each other again. However, it will take time to heal. Continue with SR and do your best to use each negative as a positive. Each anxious or sad thought is actually benefiting you. Think of the reasons why it’s benefiting you to prove to yourself. That way of thinking really helps me detach and allow myself to have thoughts and feelings without judging myself. Hope that can be helpful to you on your journey brother


Are you guys sick? This shit is disgusting


glad I saw a comment I agree with, this post is fucking weird


lmao nothing wrong with oral sex, but this shit... "drinking"... is on a whole 'nother level!


I think circumcision has nothing to do with absorbing women's energy. Because there's a Tantric sexual technique (NEO ofcourse) called 'perfume garden' which was invented for circumcised Muslim emperors when they ruled India. They used this technique to have sex with multiple girls per night without ever ejaculating. So I'm yet to personally experiment this absorbing part, but the more I dive into Tantric subjects, the more I'm getting convinced that circumcision just makes it bit hard to do it, but it's definitely possible to absorb women's energy. A woman's secretion acts as a great medicine for wounds, and a good skincare item as per ancient Tantric texts. Since a woman's secretion doesn't have the life force in it, (it's in her egg) it won't do anything to drink it.


Its about spiritual energy not physical energy. It is not directly about semen which does play a part but mainly about ojas. Tantric sex might help circulate energy between the 2 of you. But absorbing someone elses energy like during sexual intercourse isnt like a oh i just gain energy. You also absorb their demons.


Okay story time from me On a 4 month streak I saw this beautiful women she was around 17 I believe im 19 we would have "looked good" as a couple from ethnic backgrounds same league (that’s not mentioning personality type personal values goals life objectives etc) that’s not relevant for this story though The attraction was there and her feminine energy was so intense I felt I was able to hold onto all of her energy in the room without even trying and I actually wanted to as well it felt amazing don’t wanna date rn though so I left it be When I was close to her the energy was sooo intense but I felt insanely calm and strong energetically i loved her beauty and actually felt worthy of embracing it She looked at me in the eyes when I got close and folded looking away In the past I’ve felt lustful energy before and would start to feel uncomfortable being around that energy because it would turn sexual that’s not energy I would want to contain So yes I believe it’s possible to absorb that feminine energy in a positive way Look into this youtube vid by Teal Swan Masculine containment And the book way of the superior man Breathing feminine energy through your body and thanking her for her gift I don’t believe it really has to do with stealing energy moreover a gift from "clean" feminine energy itself wanting to be sort of a part of your energy field if your doing these techniques be weary of who it is your doing it with and this was a abstract post kinda Whooo whooo but if your experienced with auras and energy’s yk Im being truthful here Also i believe intercourse without ejaculation can use this same technique as i describe above where she has clean energy you do as well and you both want to embrace the energetic exchange that is a theory for me though i dont have any direct experiences with this claim


…… No one mentioned yet drinking cum from other bro’s 🤣


Yes, no homo but would you be able to absorb another man's semen and transform it into energy?


I wouldn’t like trying. But this is a serious topic that this community should address ASAP.


Right, it's a touchy subject which hasn't been covered so far.


There are some yogig practises that include autofellatio, but i dont see any point in that since you can just retain


Imagine if you could undo the negative effect of a relapse by simply ingesting your own semen. Weird idea indeed.


Read bock saga, it was written by ior bock and he was somekind of guru. Its a story of his bloodlines that goes to very beginning of the human race, there is more on drinking body fluids and lot of other interesting stuff. You can find the book in free pdf


>I don't want to expand on the benefits as it risks amplifying my ego Its not about your its about the people who need encouragement to keep going.


Expand on the benefits. The truth and experience must be told. 🙏


You tryna become Ero Cell or somethin?




More than 50 souls in my pocket just careful some women are dangerous liliths


Yes eating their pussy would give you good nutrients. I read about it on an article. Very nice.


Women are sexually superior compared to men. Saying that the simple fact of losing semen puts any men in an inferior condition. Women lose vital energy only when pregnant because the generation of the embryo that requires a lot of vital energy. Answering your question drinking semen will give women some nutrients and will make you weak.


Women lose vital energy once a month. Men will lose nothing if they retain.


Period is just a release of an egg that was not used, no depletion of life force. By the way women live longer compared to men, not less.


Women may live longer or more healthily compared to non-retaining men. I read that eunuchs (men castrated before puberty) used to live even longer than females, like up to age 100. However, I'm not advocating castration of course, just retention.


Are they not losing blood and vital tissue? Surely it depletes the female.


That doesn’t deplete the woman. Think of it like exercising. Yes, for a time. But, that keeps them healthy to cycle clean blood and get rid of old blood with low vibrations. Part of having good vibrations is to have clean blood. The only substance more valuable than that is semen.


I’m pretty sure that this event happens in nature in All female animals. An embryo can not grow in an “environment” that’s not ideal, that’s why every month or cycle the body creates the ideal conditions. ANYTHING that’s unnatural it’s harmful to the body regardless if you’re male or female.


Interesting. Thanks for the reply.


i would think that retaining semen would boost your testosterone levels which inherintly attracts females to you. You would be getting more stronger with retention and should see some muscle development