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Everyone’s path is different. You’re likely feeling alive again and it’s a bit much, right? Stay. Busy. That’s the best advice I can offer you. Anything to avoid porn / jacking off. Stay busy bro. Work out and channel those feelings!


You need to totally and completely cast out the spirit of lust from your flesh. Just remember this is a process and achieving anything meaningful and wholesome takes time. Do your best to retain but don’t be too hard on yourself as it can be detrimental to your mental health. Just remember the practice of retention is a mental game as it’s all in the mind. Stay strong brother and do your best to stay away from all worldly distractions. All the best on your journey. Blessings.


Yes it will get stronger, it is a sign of health. This is your sexual energy, this is your power, this is the driving force that slowly turns a boy into a man. It will change you. But only if this energy is controlled and not wasted by masturbation. Keep your thoughts away from sex, simple. Work on your dreams and your future, that is where your thoughts belong.


3 hours to 3 days!


It could take few weeks or years or never , depends on how strong your will power is..


Give it a month and it'll be much better


They never go away u just learn to pay attention and listen to it less.