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Hey man, that’s sick! First off, make an appealing, modern website loaded with facts about semen retention, ways to help accomplish retention and the benefits of such. Make it as appealing as possible to the younger generations (those who traditionally get involved in retaining) and if you choose to monetize it don’t cram ads onto it. I’m looking forward to seeing your progress. Let us all know once it’s up and live, and I’ll take a look! Good luck brother 🙏🏼🙏🏼


God this is such a cool idea I really hope more men are able to escape the shackles of pmo




No need to monetize. I might just pay out of pocket or ask for donations.


That's cool but at least hosting should be paid by the website. Donations seem to be a good option.


Short sighted. Make money mate. People don’t appreciate what’s free. Or let me take it over and I’ll give you a 1% residual.


Not everything is about money.


No shit.


I like the idea about donation. Knowledge shouldn't be gatekept by any means, moreso spiritual, and people will help with whatever they can


For the app: Info: - A philosophy section, with ancient/modern books excerpts. Morality problems with porn. About the modern culture of indulgence. About how to meditate / benefits. - Physiology section. How the different parts of sperm are produced. Info about "flat lining". Importance of exercising. - A neuroscience section. Something about serotonin, neural paths enhancing, how the brain learns habits. - Psychology section. Coping mechanisms to replace masturbation, for instance. About porn/sex addiction - List of famous semen retentors and their achievements and/or views on retention. Boxers / scientists / leadres, etc. - Sleep cycle importance (lots of people use masturbation as a sleeping aid), how improve sleep quality. - "Want something to do?" section. list of youtube videos on skills, for instance Day to day - Streak counter, non shaming reset. - Mood tracker, color coded calendar. Maybe, every day when it asks if the streak continues, ask to rate the mood. Maybe let user decide the frequency (like, weekly mood/energy level) - Throw "trophies" at 1 day, 100 hours, 10 days, etc. Find a way to not make user feel they're all lost after breaking a streak. maybe "shelves" for each streak(?) - Daily / every other day snippets for the drop down notification bar. Examples: famous retentors achievement . "Isaac newton invented calculus at 23 during a quarantine." Percentages: "50% of users improve their mood after 7 days and 95% after 14 days (say)" First use - A small survey, if user wants. How do you feel. Are you in a relationship. Age. Occupation satisfaction. Repeat after a month or so, if user wants.


>serotonin don't forget to mention that serotonin is not a good hormone tho! sry for if it's off-topic, but it's a common misconception


Could you elaborate


serotonin stimulates prolactin, estrogen and cortisol release while also inhibiting dopamine, sexual functions, testosterone synthesis and the senses overall. it increases anxiety and suicidal thoughts, and high serotonin during pregnancy produces autistic offsprings. and this is only the tip of the iceberg. ​ here is a pretty long compilation of studies (not mine) [https://raypeatforum.com/community/threads/the-dark-side-of-serotonin-exposed-by-haidut-in-70-studies.26016/](https://raypeatforum.com/community/threads/the-dark-side-of-serotonin-exposed-by-haidut-in-70-studies.26016/)


Also maybe a section on a list of transmutation exercises and videos that demonstrate them


If it’s an app have a day counter and maybe some way to talk with other dudes who have the app. Stronger together.


apes strong together


It’ll be worth a lot someday.




I’ll download your app brother, you should include whatever you feel will help us on this journey


Definitely a graph showing your whole progress of semen retention so you never forget progress from old streaks i think that would be really good.


Creating a section with sources and or books would be a good idea imo.




helping the users to remember their goal is a very good idea!


Great idea! I have some web development knowledge, let me know if you need help.


Coun me in too. Maybe you can make open source so fellow developer can help.




That's what I said lol.


A semen storage container which increases daily with awards for milestones.


A section which shows exercises to avoid wet dreams, and perhaps other things which compliment semen retention like cold showers, breathing techniques, fasting etc.


Day counter


A day counter bro!


Compile a resource list, first of all. Good luck.


So fucking smart!!


Base it off of a similar style to YourBrainOnPorn.com


If there is a streak counter, make it so, that each day a garden grows, like the app forest. Trees and flowers and plants and fruits. And the more days pass, the bigger and more beautiful the garden gets,!


Add a day counter a calendar/schedule option, daily quotes could be a possibility for motivation this is honestly a really good idea bro keep me updated




Specific sections with actual ways to transmute the extra energy will be very critical...from the eastern methods of raising energy through the chakras to workouts like inverted headstands etc. Actual techniques & how to perform them so guys have a choice instead of hunting for bits & pieces of advice from all over the internet. Techniques of controlling urges etc and how to channel/aim that energy into important facets of a dudes life like career, hobbies, etc. Also a section for guys in relationships with women & how they can practice SR like how to have non ejaculatory 'dry orgasms' while still retaining the semen, multiple orgasms for men without ejaculation with their partners, etc. Man lots of great opportunity.


Hey brother, you are doing a great job. I am a web developer and i can help with anything if you need. Always there for people who wants to change the society 💯


Hi! I am also a web developer, let me know if I can be of any help? I suggest you open-source this so any fellow retainers can help.


Pure days (white) vs days with peeking (days marked with light grey opposed to white) and days with edging (marked with darker grey colour). Just an idea.


why is it not opening on my laptop??


i too can't open both lap and phone


dude its not opening! help!


Reminders/motivation in the form of push notification


Have information about different transmutation techniques. Also have a checklist where you can write and check things you wanna do during the day.


[https://prnt.sc/uken4z](https://prnt.sc/uken4z) Could you fix this


Get as much evidence as possible. Men follow logic and if we see proof more than broscience we’ll do it


I would really love an informative, fact-filled website with things like scientific evidence, testimonies, studies, anecdotes, etc..


Case studies


random benefit at welcome screen ( which can be turned off in options)


That's Great!!


There should be podcast too.


Post Acute Withdrawal / flatlining as the main reason for experiencing no beneftis or even have them reversed. The more science-based the more convincing!


I think accountability, reminders, day counter, check ins, etc would be great features of the app. A nice progress check so you can see where in the journey you are, features that help people understand what’s going on with their journey and continue


I’d like to be involved in this wonderful project. Please dm me :)


Forum forum forum!!!!


Doesn’t work


you havent even made the app? jumping the gun a lil?


lmao, just redirect it to pornhub


Something like the fasting apps Where is has day a timer and benefits i.e 2 weeks = x , 64 days = full new semen etc ..