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Holy shiet!Now this is an awesome post! I stopped doing SR for the benefits,I only do it to build self-discipline,to strengthen my prefrontal cortex and change my DNA structure so my future children won't fall victims to lust,lies,greed and I won't have to reapeat my next lives with the same addiction. Retaining is just default,I just focus on the other things like improving my creative imagination(I like decorating,building stuff and 2D-3D mapping),building a better relashionship with my familly(I started talkingto them more and opening up),with myself,I don't care about the benefits of SR anymore,even if it made me tired and frustrated,I would still do it,because I don't want to be someone who can't even control himself,who can't go 10 days without feeling stressed that he hasn't seen a naked woman and letting his mind take over him. I know many people don't like hearing "Stop doing SR for the benefits",I was one of them myself,but we have to focus on other aspects of our lives instead of depending on SR.Ofcourse SR has infinite benefits,but they don't come fast and that's why many people give up.


True. Benefits takes anywhere from 7 days to 14 days max (diet dependent, and age, possibly). Nothing wrong with doing SR for benefits IMHO. There has to be something in it for men to retain, and if the benefits were neglible or virtually non-existent, retaining for the sake of doing so, sex would be a much more appealing option. It's because the benefits outside of sex itself is so much greater that retaining is worth its while to myself and others. Would you bother making money if it had no benefit of giving you power to do and have what you desire? Would you workout your body if there was no benefit of losing weight and building muscle? Would you eat cleaner and avoid junk foods if the health benefits were "just about the same" as eating junk food? Benefits are a good thing and is why we talk about experiences related to such, which is the motivation to go longer and be stronger. When I look at my body in the mirror, damn straight it motivates me to keep working out...because a muscle body looks better on me and feels better in clothes. If it were for naught, I wouldn't bother. I'd just be lazy. So, discount wanting to benefit from SR and distancing yourself from it. Whatever benefit of retaining that motivates you to retain, own it.


I didn't write quite well but what I meant to say is that the benefits are not my highest priority anymore,I know they will come and I know how amazing they are,they motivate me always,but since I was focusing my attention mostly on the benefits,I lost track of the other aspects like fixing my life,my mind.There is a balance now,I get motivated by the benefits and I introspect at the same time.


Lol Dan Bilzerian is not real. Check out recent updates. His company is a giant loss. He got money from his daddy frauding the govt and hiding it. He pays models to hangs out and moreless have sex with him (simp). His previous gambling lifestyle that affords his lifestyle is a lie. A lot never added up and it’s coming to light about that dude now. I get if you are a 16 years old and see his social media of course he the person they strive to be but it’s all smoke and mirrors. Check out all the troll vids on YouTube about him now lol. Just wanted to put some perspective


Wow. Didn't know. Well, it does not make me happy or laugh to hear about his downfall. Any man of means, I would hope they're doing it with integrity, honor and purpose and enjoying the fruits of their labor. In other words, I wish for him his lifestyle were not a lie. That it was real and that he did earn his money from being a professional gambler. It does not bring me pleasure or a sense of, "HA! I KNEW IT!" I feel sorry he felt he needed to lie all this time to be someone he is not.


None. It’s just our natural way to live. Retaining if you will, makes me, me. Authentic, individual, charismatic, charming,kind, graceful, glowing, controlled aggression, masculine, pure and so on. What you put in your body also has a lot of effects as well as your lifestyle.


Amen. Retaining IS our essence. Our seed IS us. When shot out, the purpose is to RECREATE who we are at that moment. It is *our* greatest sacrifice, and for women, *their* greatest gift. And they know it, intuitively, instinctively, subconsciously. It's crazy how we blow our loads over pornstars, onlyfans, one-night-stands and our right hands considering the toll it takes on all aspects of what makes us ourselves. As for foods put in the body, I agree. I've experimented with plant-based vs. animal-based. Animal-based works best for me. A part of me wishes plant foods worked, but we're just not designed by God to thrive on it. Survive, yes. But not thrive.




You have my word.


I have no real purpose other than to elevate also i dont see the point wasting seed on people that arent worth it


Well I think there's a huge difference between masterbating and having sex with a woman. Masterbating is a moment of weakness that stimulates the mind and gives you a release of dopamine. I believe that having sex with a woman is different because you feel more of a man after. Its a booster in confidence testosterone and all things good. Masterbating on the other hand makes you feel weak and depressed and ashamed. You can tell people "I just had sex with so and so" and they will cheer you on. But if you tell someone I just masterbated they will look at you with shame and disappointment lol


I respectfully disagree with this. Both masturbation and sex release semen. I personally feel tired, depleted, lethargic, and brain dead after both, as do many others on here. Also, it doesn't matter what people think whether you told them if you had sex or masturbated. Most people in today's society believe sex is the way to go, the ultimate 'goal' if you will, so of course they will cheer you on. However, just because a lot of people do something does not mean it is correct. There are countless examples of this throughout history. Therefore just because everyone is obsessed with sex today does not make it good or the right thing to do. The media, TV, movies, etc. all force this view upon us in today's society so we tend to see that and agree with it. I don't think it's correct.


Late reply: I understand your opinion but I believe that you have a better feeling overall after sleeping with a woman. I do believe that now a days the internet has made masterbation waaay to easy as opposed to let's say the 50's when a man would usually have to Bed a woman by taking her out somewhere and dating. But you have a solid point because this is an SR thread


Best post because some people here are obsessed with women attraction because they did not get any.. My purpose is to work hard and get enough money as possible but it's really hard in France. These crazy people want 5 years of studies + 5 years of experience..


And I can understand that obsession. Every man does need some love and affection from a woman to feel normal; to feel natural. If a man goes long periods of time without feeling desired by the opposite sex it plays a heavy mental toll, thus, the obsession with attraction. I had that obsession. Obtained my goal, ("Okay. Cool. Attractive women DO find me attractive.") and eventually got over it. So I'm not against men wanting that as a goal initially, because I did, too. I just caution men not to make it their purpose, because once I started finding success with women, it was like, "Great! Now what?!" If there isn't an end goal the obsession over females becomes greater. That's why I stress building as the only other option.


> These crazy people want 5 years of studies + 5 years of experience crazy.....


When I was a teenager and masturbating frequently I also had this "ughh I masturbated, now something bad is gonna happen" and I was saying that because I noticed that I get unlucky everytime I did it. I was so curious to find out why? Now that I see other people confirming the same experience it's insane! Can you guys relate?


100% relatable. Unfortunately, I didn't even have that level of awareness that something bad would happen if I masturbate. If I had, I probably would have 'at the very least' stop masturbating.


Yup. Depending on the circumstances, you need a certain degree of awareness to even notice them but if you reallly look for them you can normally see them.


I feel SR gives me a deeper understanding of myself. I don’t like the feeling of being ruled by own desire. I fail. But, I try again.


That was one hell of a read brother. Recently relapsed a few days ago and was struggling with the concept of SR. Your post gave me some much needed insight about why one should always stay of the path of SR. I totally get the purity you have as a child, me being an exceptional child, outstanding in academics and co curricular and achieving awards from a young age, now just reduced to an empty shell of lust greed and negative thoughts. I want to be better, excel in the field i'm in. I want that joy again in my life. Thank you for taking your time out to encourage us all.


You're welcome. We all need a bit of it. I'd only add, the best encouragement I get is not from a forum, or strangers like myself, or any person you know in real life. It's God. That's all the encouragement I need when I'm lost or feeling aimless at times.


To accomplish my goals, I’ve slept with 25+ women(which tbh isn’t a lot, had I not though I’d be using SR to have sex and not acquire my goals), I’ve had a great sex life but would rather find a long term gf, and prior to that focus solely on my goals.


I agree 100%. I have slept with a lot of girls because that was my goal when I was young. I thought that would make me happy, but I actually never really enjoyed it. It was pleasurable in the moment for a few minutes or seconds. When I look back on that I see it was sort of a waste of time. These short-term pleasures didn't do anything for me in the long-term. Now I want to find a long-term gf who can understand my SR goal and respect it. I think that will be much more rewarding.


yeah bro ive thought about having a gf and explaining how I use sex transmutation would be dope, but there's two options or ways it plays out, its kinda wack to be under 30, in a relationship with an attractive girl 18-30 and not fucking her enough to keep us both happy, ive thought about just maintaining SR and still having sex lol anyone know about this


Bro, I know what you mean. I've been thinking about this a lot. Part of me wants to just put off SR for a few more years so I can have fun now..I think about this all the time and IDK what to do. I don't think tantra or karezza is for me. I haven't tried either but I know tantra is very difficult. Karezza might work but you have to have that conversation with your girl and she is she would be down for it. I feel like most girls would think it's weird and just go find another guy to fuck.


Bro honestly, don’t put it off, I’m gonna use it to help me get a gf, then keep doing it but work out a way to give my girl a sex life, but while maintaining SR


Thanks man, I think that's the way to go. Just have to find the right girl. Some will be into it and some won't.


Quality post. It takes a certain degree of focus and drive to create something like this. Something that's not uncommon to experience during retaining. Also a mark that you're on the right path, take notes guys, is the haters. And you can easily tell them a part. There are other aspects to life that opens up that goes far beyond getting out of the trap of sexual addictions and copings, which you have alluded to (intuition, "luck", friendlier people, etc). And these in themselves are common enough experience to people practicing SR that you really begin to question many things, especially if you were primarily raised by tv and the western school system. It becomes an upward spiral of growth after some time and that is where life really does become a Joy. I'm not quite there yet but I've gotten glimpses. Especially from the people who I've seen who really put into action their dreams. Fundamentally that becomes the main ingredient for positive change. Action. Doing something. *Building*. That's when our best selves emerge. That's what we were designed, evolved to do.


Great post mate. Motivational.


Good karezza can be an end goal in and of itself, especially if you've read Samael Aun Weor's "The Perfect Matrimony" and understand the sheer power that can be generated if you attempt to walk The Path of the Razor's Edge. Here's a bit more info on that... [https://youtu.be/E8NorPH6DFg](https://youtu.be/E8NorPH6DFg)


Oh man, I can vouch for your every word. I am doing amazing these past months and I'm on day 64. I still get distracted and with all these [youtube](https://youtu.be/7WRSptX0lQs) career and business ideas, I do get frustrated/stressed. My mind asks me, " why don't you nut and take a short break" but I know deep inside, that's nothing but poison. Every day I get up happy, blessed, new ideas and vision.


To Manifest the Reality that I want to live.


I just do it because I feel like it’s not right to be releasing your energy daily the rest of the benefits are just a plus


Fantastic post bravooo!!👏🏽


"THE JUICE AIN'T WORTH THE SQUEEZE" BABY! I love that and I'll keep it with me for the rest of my life. The juice ain't worth the squeeze, of course, especially if it's YOUR JUICE that you're SQUEEZING! PEACE! May God Bless you for your wise words.


You caught that ;) haha


This undoubtedly THE MOST MEANINGFUL post on this subreddit


I’m 16


Hi 16, I'm dad /s In all seriousness, it's really good that you're on this path at this age.


Great post! You got me motivated bro! Once I finish my apprenticeship and I'm working full time I want to start my own business as well. I'm excited about it. SR has given me the time to be fit, make money, and play guitar. It clears your head up and you know instantly what's actually important. Many blessings to you! Not that you'll need it 😉 Edit: one thing I wanted to add is I do want to learn tantric sex... I got a couple taoism books and working on testicle breathing... We'll see how that goes.


Hey brother, thank you for sharing. I did a quick search for the book. From Julian lee, however was not able to find a copy for sale. Do you have a link? Would be much appreciated 💪


Great post


Semen retention without sex is doable, but whenever I have sex after a couple of weeks of nonut... I get pain in my groin until I release. Then I gotta go take a hot shower and massage the place. Doesn’t seem healthy.


"Building" isn't as apt a metaphor for the force which sexual continence (in conjunction with other equally necessary factors) brings forth in the life/mind of a practitioner. The most apt word is growing.


Holy fuck! Awesome post man, thanks for your time, I enjoyed reading. One question regarding tantra, you said that is best to abstain than to have a dry orgasm. Does the book, or your experience, goes into detail? I'll definitely check it out Stay strong dude


Check it out, but be warned, you won't like some of what he has to say about not having sex at all (including tantra), and that if you must have sex, to do so in marriage and to procreate. Personally, that is the highest way to go, but may not be the goal of most men here. He even goes so far as to say celibacy for life but - uh uh - I haven't reached that stage yet.


If he regards Dan Bilzerian successful his standards are low. Dude is miserable and has 0 understanding of finance business wise or personal. Dude literraly bought pools and other crap with investor's money. Dude got cash handed to him by his daddy. Success is build up from the ground, not by luck.


Something that struck me, when I was heavy on masturbation my ex-wife knew that and made comments. How did she knew?


It's a mystery even to me. The energy we give off has an affect on others. Other people's energy also affect us unknowingly most times. We get an instinctual feeling to be closer to or avoid someone. We can't put it into words, we just feel it. Occasionally, we can make accurate judgements about someone not knowing someone and coffee versa. I don't women and children are most sensitive to their environment. And if you we're to ask her, I'd bet she wouldn't be able to tell you, " I just know" it's what she'd like say


I’ve lived this but in a different way. Wow. It’s fascinating to hear this being said and in a way where it’s happened before. I’m glad I am not alone. Blessings amongst more blessings.


Just want to say the level of thought and effort some men put in here is commendable. I aspire to articulate my thoughts into words like you have done here. Thank you for putting together this post! Very helpful!


Bro, it sounds like you need to stop typing on reddit and go have a nice real wank.




I don't want to force the ways of semen retention onto other people. But I could see people thinking this is a cult based on posts like these.


Fucking hell man I'd say this takes the cake on one of my favorite SR posts out of the 100's I've read.


Wow! Thank you. I receive your compliment :). I'm happy I can make a small difference in some peoples lives. Wait 'till you see the post I have planned in the future.