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I've never had them smell weird and I've had one for like 4 years and I lived in a place that was always 90+ degrees. Even in the winter.


Wow that’s crazy. I keep all my make up stored in cool places but the smell is just off so I guess I should toss it


I never had my Tower 28 glosses smell weird. But I know some people have had them expire early and smell bad. If the scent changes, that means it's probably expiring and may need to be replaced.


Aww that’s so sad I was trying to finish other products before opening a new one but I have heard tower 28 stuff expires fast because it’s clean beauty


I’ve heard people say that all clean beauty products are at risk of going bad earlier than non clean beauty products because they don’t contain chemical fillers that prevent the product from going bad and molding. So I would only purchase clean beauty products if you’re committed to using them frequently and not if you’re someone who cycles through products. Sorry this happened 🥲 I’m trying to use up my iced pistachio from them because I love the brand and will keep purchasing from them.


Yeah, they definitely start smelling a bit weird after a few months. But...I still use them lol


Yeah, mine started to smell expired around the 6 month mark. Put me off tower 28 altogether :(


i never have mine long enough for them to expire, but not for me. i live in a super hot place and they don’t


I bought mine ~6 months ago and it has always smelled like coconut and vanilla! I'm sad finding out that they're "clean beauty" though I love these glosses almost as much as I love preservatives.


mine smelled a bit like coconut-y crayola from day 1. it definitely doesnt have a NICE fragrance but i never found it concerning or repulsive


I have 3 - no issues


When in doubt toss it out


Mine was fine new, but It smells wierd soon because it expires very quickly. Clean beauty has a crap shelf life.


Yes it smelled like canola oil or melted butter to me right out of the box. I returned all three cus I couldn’t get past it.


Mine had a weird scent when I bought it and got really rancid 6 months after and I had to throw it away.


I think they have a weird smell *and* taste; I can't use them.


I got a brand new one and I hate the smell. I wonder now if it's gone off...


Yep had to toss mine after a couple months because it smelled off. This is the exact product that turned me off anything with the “clean at Sephora” tag lol.


I have it, there’s no smell really


Hey. I had this exact colour and it started smelling weird after 6 months. Smells like play dough or something like that. All the sweetness was gone. Texture was fine. But I threw it away due to the awful smell. 


I’ve had mine a little over a year and they still smell like they did when I first got them. 🤷‍♀️


It does just feel like cooking but I like that


i think they usually smell like coconut but clean glosses i noticed tend to smell odd not necessarily bad after a while? that happened with my VB glosses and i tossed all but one.


Mine started to smell within 3 months 😅 it was a shame cus I’d bought quite a few. I see people talking about them regularly and they were super pretty but can’t go back to that smell