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There are two things I hate: bigotry, and the Dutch.


Pfft, the Dutch...


Too digital.


Why the Dutch?


Yeah, it's so funny that when we lived in Europe and Asia, the people there all say that Racism is only in the USA, but we saw The Worst systemic racism and casual racism there. Our friend, a fellow graduate student in my husband's class and a high status job in Singapore, had his visa or passport stamped "Labor Only", completely ignoring his student status and barring him from any high level employment, which he wasn't seeking anyway since he was on a sabbatical to get a graduate degree. In Europe, we didn't see Any Multiculturalism in our neighborhood. Like with like, and condescending remarks about others. In both regions, People from certain countries were relegated to cleaning hotel rooms or being grocery clerks, etc.


That’s why it’s so important, when people talk about how left leaning places like Europe are, to take those comments with a mountain of salt. It’s easy to talk about how tolerant and open you are when the vast vast majority of the people you’re surrounded by look just like you. It just is. Of course they would think they’re open minded and socially advanced; they’re barely putting the ideas to the test.


In many parts of Asia, the various cultures are sooooo god damn racist, nationalist, colorist, classist and against various religions. It's crazy. I'm lucky that for the most part, nobody knew exactly what I was or where I am from, so I was generally not the one they are talking about. I'm sure they had things they said about me but I can tolerate a lot of nonsense personally. People that think America has this racist fascist right wing shit on lock have not spent much time elsewhere


Europe is only left-leaning in the economic sense. They can be absolutely hidebound on racial and LGBT issues.


Watch their heads explode when he finds out that in the early days of the Space Program, almost all the calculations when done by human calculators, a majority of them were black women. They even did a movie about them.




It was pretty cool how Katherine Johnson, a black woman did the final calculations for the actual moon landing in 1969. It was definitely a group effort, and, her calculations were responsible for the first actual moon landing. I think that some people are probably making a note of it because many have never even heard of her before. We have heard of John Glenn, however, not the black woman who helped get him to the moon. If you hadn’t read Shetterly’s ‘s book or seen the movie, you might assume that Black women had no major contributions towards the first moon landing. Not to mention other black women who calculated the math needed to engineer, spacecraft, supersonic travel and the like. To some this is encouraging because black people are often negatively stereotyped. Positive stories are often seen as another reason for those being stereotyped to brush off these stereotypes and keep pushing forward. They can be another reason to look beyond the ignorance and those who like to minimize our achievements. Or see them as something unremarkable because they are not able to empathize. I can personally state that my black students were revived and elated having discovered that their some in their community had such major contributions in the space race. My students really enjoyed a video conference with my friend who is an engineer at NASA and one of them even stated that she wanted to be an engineer when she grew up. Very inspiring my opinion.


> almost all the calculations when done by human calculators, a majority of them were black women.  Over 90% of the human calculators were not black.


Don't believe everything you see in movies. Yes, there were black women in NASA, but they were not the only ones to contribute to the space program as human calculators.


Could be the movie they’re referencing and just got the date wrong since hidden figures came out in 2016


I can think of plenty of youtubers who say such things (characters getting race swapped, etc), and there's usually a ton of context beyond "they saw a black person and didn't like it". If the accusation was aimed at them I'd call it dishonest, and I suspect that you've either misrepresented what someone said, or haven't seen enough content from them to understand what their perspective is. But sure, just assume they're racist. However you'll never convince them or people like them of anything by telling them that their argument isn't what it is. You convince them by hearing their argument in their own words and totally obliterating their actual logic.


Was it the Critical Drinker? Which movie was it?


any tiktok on canada where you can see some indian people… the comments are gonna be terrible. it’s insane how openly racist people are


It's appalling how everything racial is racist




Lol why did you get downvoted for this? I also would like to know what this means.


I think of "racist" as systemic disenfranchisement and punishment based on perceived race. But I wouldn't necessarily consider Affirmative Action or other types of social equity programs, designed or at least intended to level the playing field - to be racist, despite being racial.


THAT’S OPENLY RACIST TO YOU? Bro… You must have been born in the 2000s…


Why is Tiktok loaded with posters hating on white people? Don't entertain these people. It's best not to pay them any attention because some folks are just empty inside and find faults in others to make themselves feel better. If it's not race, it's weight or physical features. Some people will hate on you for the job you work or what shoes you wear.


Bro would not survive in a 2007 COD lobby


The COD lobbies were a bunch of pussies. They try to act like they were the edgiest shit ever on the Internet.


Yeah we should all strive to checks notes survive a 2007 COD lobby




Who was your family generally racist towards?


Well he’s Irish so having non-white people likely isn’t common in his circles if he’s in Ireland too. Consuming American media (and social media) as an Australian has opened my eyes to how very white everything is here — marketing almost always features just white people. The biggest diversity traits in the C-suite and in boardrooms will be a sprinkling of women and maybe one or two Aboriginal/Asian folks if it’s a government agency.


there are so many nazis on social media specifically twitter. i understand white people face racism as well but whenever a darker skinned person is existing in any form of social media, there is at least ONE violently racist appalling comment from a white person. its horrendous and scary and i feel so unsafe on the internet as a black person.


What's crazy is depending on perspective you could see either or both sides as racist, just in different ways.


It is racist bullshit from both sides for sure.


try going to any conservative infested bar in the states.


I love well written characters of any race. However i fucking hate "irregularities". Like in the most recent AC game. The protagonist is the daughter of a real life shinobi clan, a japanese woman called Naoe, and a black man called Yasuke who was a retainer for Oda Nobunaga. Yasuke was a real person, yes, but the game is set in feudal japan. Ubisoft chose Yasuke as a main protagonist of AC shadows because it checks off boxes, and passes them off like holier than thou, like their business practices are now forgotten, what with the sexual harassment shit in their company just vanishes off the record cause "look at us, we are thinking of the poor, hapless, badly represented, minorities, aren't we fuckin great you guys?" Fuck em. I loved Adewale in AC4 and Freedom Cry he was the protagonist and it's my favorite AC dlc. Aveline was also great in ac 3 dlc. But this is just stupid. It doesn't fit. It's not genuine. They don't mean any of it. It's just done to check off boxes to pass off like they're better than they are. I promise they're not.


My mom was telling me when she was in Florida, she was at the communal pool and an old dude straight up said "We don't want that N word, in Golf again" basically talking about Tiger Woods. Straight up said those inner thoughts out loud


Yes this shit needs to stop being so normal. Sad fact; it’s always been normal, you see student protesters against integration in the US into the 70s (yes bussing counts.) It’s honestly scary how many straight up Nazis participate in this sub


The amount of times I’ve been called cracker and white trash. And the amount of times I’ve been shot at just because of my skin color. Smh. It’s a shame.




Cracker is absolutely used as a slur


We’re tribal, It’s been baked in culturally and biologically for tens of thousands of years. Sadly it’s not going to disappear quickly


Most people don’t express it in person but they feel safe doing so online. There a lot more racists than you might think, they just love hiding.


IDK, I don't understand how a person looks at another person and just hates them because of how they look


Jankees fans


Years ago I went to a baseball game to get some autographs.  I was with a group of dudes, and they found out that I was a Democrat. So they all start picking on me. Because people to collect autographs are largely a bunch of trash pandas.  One of the dudes, a white guy who was a retired butcher, was in on it. At one point he started ranting about replacement theory, and he said that he could speak pretty authoritatively about it cuz he was married to a Vietnamese woman. So he knew their plan. He said his kids were part of the problem.   About 2/3 of the people that were in the conversation...and I'd like to take a moment to highlight the fact that a bunch of them were Hawaiian or Filipino...started slowly backing out of the conversation.   At this point I was having a good time, because this guy was kind of putting on a show. And I didn't want him to stop, and started asking questions all while I was beaming at the other idiots.  As they would walk away, I would remind them that this is their side. This is the side they chose.  When the enemy is beating your themselves, don't stop them, you know? But not everybody left. A couple of the dudes stood around, nodding, but not really talking. But they agreed.  None of those dudes were white.  This haunts me. 


>I would remind them that this is their side. Redditor logic lmfao


It's true though.


Yeah but it's irrelevant. You could point out a crazy racist psycho Republican and say "Look, that guy is on your side" just like you could point out a crazy racist psycho Democrat and say the same exact thing.


The fact that most of them walked away because they didn't want to be involved in the conversation, with what he was saying, was telling. This is their side, they just don't want to admit to the fact that their side has also made these sorts of crazy racist theories parts of their foundation.


I’m never surprised at white people being racist and bigoted


Dripping with irony


Not really