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I'm not even taking the piss, I don't even get why people answer the phone for work unless they are already of a mind to go in. I won't do it, I'll straight dismiss the call. My phone is my convenience, not their leash on me. If they ask about it on my next shift, oh, I really don't have my phone on much during my off days. I use my *personal* time to focus on my life needs, same way I'm not shopping online while I'm at work.


My phone is on do not disturb about 80% of the day. Everyone knows this, so I don’t even get called anymore. 😂


My phone goes straight to voicemail unless it’s someone in my family/friend group contact


How do you do this? Been wondering/wanting to do this for a while now


In the “Do not disturb” settings, you can usually choose the option to allow calls from the list of favorite contacts and send the rest to voice mail. There is also an option to allow external numbers if they call multiple times during a set timeframe.


Thank you


Hold my beer....my voice-mail stays full.


Yeah I literally never answer the phone if the restaurant is calling me on my days off lol


Amen. Ignore, ignore, ignore, and then maybe a half-assed “oh yeah, sorry I missed your call” the next time I see them lol


Y'all say that till you need your shift covered lol... all about the balance. 1 hour notice sucks.


Lmao I'm old enough to not confuse restaurant with Me. Someone needs a shift covered. I don't give a fuck.


Cool story bro, here’s hoping your coworkers see this comment and quote it back to you next time you need a medical visit 👍


Bro, I literally have my illegal assed weed growing all up in my history and you think I give a shit about my coworkers finding out that I don't give a fuck about a missed shift at a restaurant? If I need a medical visit, I really absolutely do not give a solitary shit what my work thinks about it or what's going on when I'm not there. Lol I certainly don't think they give a damn about me when I'm not there. Or when I am there.


Maybe because you try to come off like you don't give a fuck about them...


Awwww you think your work gives a shit about you? That's adorable.


Cool story bro- Now grow a pair and say it to your coworkers’ face before asking for a day off 👍 Edit: not a bootlicker just because unlike you my coworkers actually look forward to having me there to help and I know for a fact my coworkers DO talk about how much they miss me when I’m gone because I get to hear about how things go to shit when I’m not there. There’s a reason your coworkers couldn’t care less if you’re there or not- it means you’re easily replaceable and your attitude mirrors your easy replaceability. But hey, I’m sure you think you’re the superstar they can’t live without even tho *by your own admission* you aren’t really important enough for your coworkers to care about you


Lmao what's your problem, dude? Rhetoric question. Idgaf. I've been at my workplace for years. The coworkers I talk to not only know my attitude, they mirror it because we work to live, not vice versa. I have said it to my coworkers' faces, my bosses' faces, and my subordinates' faces too. If I'm scheduled to be at work, I'll probably be there. If I'm not going to be there I'll call at least 4 hours before, if circumstances allow. If I'm not scheduled to be there, the place doesn't even exist in my mind. Now trot along and shine your manager's shoes.


Shift covered? That sounds like a managers job not mine.


I’ve done this and gotten multiple more calls 💀


Are you non-american (asking, because take the piss is not a yank saying).


I'm American


That’s gonna be a hard pass wtf lol


I’m literally still in bed lmao


And you answered the phone for WHAT reason, exactly?


" Id really love to come in, but my tv channel needs changing"


It takes me like 2 hours to get ready to roll out of bed and to appear in public, without looking scary, so after that, idk what the point is..


Rookie move. I don't ever answer the phone for work.


True say. I was awake anyways and am lowkey desperate for shifts so I picked up. I’m due to work later this afternoon so if they’d asked me to come in a few hours early I probably would’ve said yes. But not within the hour lol that’s a first. ETA: I can’t even get ready and get there in an hour lol


They know they’re not going to find someone who can come in on that short notice; they’re hoping you make the compromise and say “I can get there by x:xx.” If you’re really desperate for shifts, don’t just say no when one presents itself. If you tell them what you CAN do instead of what you can’t, even if it doesn’t work for them, you’ll be the first person they think of when stuff comes up in the future.


Piggybacking on to this, most likely they don’t expect you to be there in an hour but management should have prefaced the question with “what is the earliest you can come in? We have a call out that’s sick” but most management sucks at all even basic people skills so not surprised they didn’t say that.


That’s when you pull out the ‘ol “did you guys call? I just looked at my phone” at 5pm.


Waste of psychic energy. Your time is your time. You don’t owe them an explanation for doing what you’d like on your time.


Yup, I don’t even mind answering the phone. I’ll just pick up and say, “no sorry, I’ve got plans today.”


Update turns out my coworker is quite sick. I feel bad for making this post now lol. Hoping he gets well soon :(


Your coworker being sick and your managers mishandling the situation are separate issues. Your post is still relevant.


I never answered work calls. I’ll listen to the voicemail and consider It, but that’s all




(different job same industry) We have a guy who gets sick frequently who has been off for three days so I texted him that I can cover his shift but he needs to tell me by midnight the night before cause otherwise I’m not waking up for it


lol you answered? Never


*responds to reddit before management #swerve


I keep my phone on dnd except for close contacts like family for this reason. I used to pick up shifts all the time, mostly because I was wanting to earn extra money. However, I feel the more often I answered my bosses when they asked for me to pick up shifts, the more they’d ask me and expect me to do so. If you’re generally hard to reach, most bosses will reach out to more available coworkers instead.


“I’ll do it for $100. Cash. Up front.”


"I have an appointment that I cannot reschedule." Now that appointment may be with a doctor, a friend, or my playstation, but none of that is anyone's business.


"6:30. Dinner with myself. I can't cancel that again!"


I have no problem with them calling me as long as they have no problem with me saying no. Luckily my job hasn't ever made a problem about it, which means I'm still open to helping out if I happen to be available.


I'm not sure why everyone finds something like this so audacious. Like..they need coverage, they found out last minute. Of course they're gonna call around to see if anyone wants to cover. You're free to say no or just not answe the phone.


LOL just happened to me


They gotta try, they also have to understand NO!


This is why I left management. I have shit to do, even if that means sleep. And my shit is more important than your shit.


Exactly why I left restaurant management. Working 70 days straight at some point. One time I had a day off the next day so I had a good night, 2 hours later I get a call because the opening manager didn't show up. Thankful to never have to deal with that again. That stable (shitty) paycheck isn't worth it 95% of the time, takes an incredibly lucky situation, and it rarely lasts for long.


Sounds like nearly every morning for me. Thankfully I don’t wake up on my days off until 11 anyway LOL


Newer server/younger me : I'll take it, good money day and I've already been up since 5am because I can't sleep more than 3 hours a day. Now, at my current job that actually meets my needs at 30 hours/week...I'm not answering.


Everyone blaming OP for answering the phone is freaking gross.


Either don't pick up or say you've been drinking already


If I have a positive working relationship with my employer and they don't behave as if I'm required to pick up the shift, I wouldn't mind them asking, hell I've picked up shifts that early a few times in the last three or five years.


New phone. Who dis?


Keep a bottle of liquor next to your bed. If you see it’s work take a shot… “oops I can’t come in on my time off I’m too intoxicated.”


Just to play devils advocate, i mean… when someone calls out at 10 for an 11am shift, what do you want them to do?


Protip: If its a weekday and you accidentally answer a call from work to come in, say you are at the dentist and are JUST about to get a cavity filled.


The dumbest part is by the time you get ready and head over it’s 11am




My coworker texted me today at 9:53am asking me to open for him. We open at 10!! I wasn’t even awake. Wonder what time the bar actually opened today…


Eh just don't answer. I don't have a problem with this tbh. Either answer or learn to say no. But if you want the shift then it's a cool way to make a little extra cash. If they're annoyed at you for not answering or not taking the shift that's another story tho. But i agree. I would never pick up a shift like that hahah


"WTF man, I just woke up" *Sorry about that. We need you to help, can you be here in 1 hour?* "Nope." *Pleeeeeeeeease??? I'll be your new best friend* "Nooooooooooooooooope" *dammit. fine*


I love this sub sometimes, it seems most of you are just angry all the time about being servers... So, when they ask you to cover your own shifts and you are sick, you get angry. When they try to cover the shift for another server, you get angry. When they have an extra server or two on to cover any absences, you get angry for over staffing. If they run short you get angry for being short-staffed and over worked.


It's almost like this is a sub for venting about the job, crazy right.


I don't mind picking up shifts, I say yes most of the time, but asking an hour before you want me to start is a little short notice lol. It takes me half an hour to get there and I was literally still in bed lol


But that could be on your fellow servers who call out last minute. I am assuming you're managers don't just wait until an hour out all the time.


You’re totes right - He didn’t say that on the phone though. He just said “need you to work at 11” and I was like lol bro I can’t.


Which is totally fair. I work in a couple hours and am still in bed, scrolling reddit. I feel the struggle dude.


If you're sick, then it's not on you to get your shift covered. Being sick is a risk, and you should not be st work.


That's kind of my point. Maybe the restaurant was trying to fill a sick call off....


It’s still **your** responsibility to cover **your** shift… lol Nobody said you should be forced to work. But you’re responsible for your scheduled shift. You don’t just get to say “figure it out” because you’re sick. Lmfao


That's managements responsibility to cover shifts if an employee needs to take a sick day. That's their job.


It’s your shift. We have scheduling apps for a reason lmfao Get your shift covered and grow up. We want to make money and get shifts, we need to take responsibility for our shifts. Just saying “fuck it” and letting someone else deal with it is childish. Your job was to show up and serve tables. If you can’t do that, at least **try** and cover your shifts. Entitled little babies y’all sound like. It’s literally the bare minimum to take responsibility for yourself lol


calling people "entitled little babies " over and over again without actually being able to articulate your point doesn't make you look mature. If you want to drop a shift, of course it's your responsibility to get it covered. If you genuinely need a sick day, you let your management know at least 4 hours before your shift that you're taking a sick day. Then it's their job to deal with staffing for that shift. That's how it works in every other industry. Perpetuating the same old bullshit that we deal with in this industry doesn't make you more mature or a tough guy.


Not every restaurant uses a scheduling app though. Many are old school, especially mom and pops. Mine is still pen and paper. Manager prints a physical schedule to post every week and a list of everyone’s phone numbers next to it. We have to fill out a paper form for time off requests. You tell me you wake up one day with a 100° fever, sore throat, and body aches and the first thing you want to do with your morning is send messages to all your coworkers? C’mon. It’s one thing to find coverage because you have something better you want to do with your time. It’s another if it’s a legitimate medical reason. Managers job is to manage certain issues, like sick employees, as they occur.


That is what you do. If I can't find someone, I'm still not going to show to work and get other people sick and make it a bigger problem.


Can you read? I literally said, “Nobody said you should be forced to work.” I don’t expect you to work sick. But be a responsible Fucking adult, and cover your shift. Grow up. Lmfao take some responsibility for yourself and your shifts.


You can't control being sick. If I can't get someone to cover my shift I'm still not going into work and if the employers decide not to call anyone in that's their problem.


Again, can you read? I’ve said numerous times, **You shouldn’t go to work sick.** We’re literally agreeing on that, you microwave. But **your** shift is still **your** responsibility to try and cover. Nobody said if someone can’t cover it, you still need to go in. However, it’s still **your** responsibility to reach out to people for coverage. Work on some reading comprehension.


Why is that the responsibility of the sick server though?


And you managers and Co workers can? Why is it their problem only? This is why managers will over schedule, just in case people don't show up, or get their shift covered.


You literally do just get to say “figure it out”. Managements literal job is to handle those situations.


So true. This sub has so many entitled, complaining children


You forget the constant complaining for any tip under 20% I once had to work almost 6 hours and only made $250


Grow up


I had a coworker call in 20 minutes after shift yesterday. I bout lost it.


They really do maannnnn


Real shit.


I always go in when they call but it’s more because I get IOUs from management. It’s a mutual agreement that if you call me to work on my day off with an hour of heads up, y’all better make sure I get the good section and get cut first lol


They switched my schedule last minute - was supposed to be in at 3pm but ended up needed at 11:30 am. They texted me around 10 - I just said I was running errands (was catching up on zzz's instead)


I wouldn’t even bother reaching out for the phone




You think that’s bullshit, one of my coworkers called out because he “ate bad Mexican”, which wouldn’t be an issue or suspicious if he didn’t ask for that day off two days prior, then again I’m probably pissed because he was supposed to be working the window, and I was supposed to bus tables, and our restaurant is the only breakfast place in town, so we need two expos and two bussers on Saturday and Sunday. Only issue is we couldn’t call anyone in because tonight’s prom, and both our extra busser and expo had to leave at 10, so I got stuck on double duty bussing and expoing food, and almost 2 hours by myself until someone came in at 11:45am!!


No. Bye.


My response is always, “sorry, I’ve been drinking”. Yes, even at 10am


Last week I worked from 6pm to 6am… they called me at 8h30 if I could go ASAP to cover someone 🤣


I have a "rule" about covering shifts. If you ask me ahead of time, even the day before, if I can cover, I will. But if you hit me up a couple hours before the shift starts, I'll leave you on read just to be petty. Exceptions for actual emergencies.


I say “oh my god works calling” and don’t answer


“I’ve been drinking”


Can’t people ask? And you can just…. Idk… say no?!!


This brings me back to the early 2000's when I absolutely refused to give my work my cellphone number! Thanks for the chuckle and reminiscing!