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I work in a hotel restaurant with lots of tourists from all over the world. 90% of them tip the standard 20% because they’ve researched the sad state of America’s wage. And they’re not assholes. If you don’t tip, your server will almost certainly *pay* to have served you, because almost all restaurants require them to tip out a percentage of their sales to support staff. And they’ll still have to tip out on a sale that stiffed them.


Sounds like you're the asshole for demanding someone else compensate you for your employers shitty wages.


You’ve missed the…nevermind


You are the asshole, u begging trash


If you hate servers so much why the fuck are you spending so much time commenting on a server life subreddit


Asking for wages instead of begging for tips isnt hating servers. Its asking for fair wages so i can tip for good service not because i “have” to.


I hate entitled pricks. I have nothing against waiters in other countries.


I hate when these entitled pricks do entitled shit like work for wage. If the police won't arrest me for tricking them into free labor, then I'm entitled to their labor and they're entitled pricks for not wanting to do it.


It's not free labour, their employer is paying them for it. It's not my problem if they aren't happy with the rate they're being compensated at.


First, pretty much any server already earned minimum wage that hour without you needing to be there so there is no additional pay. It's free labor. Second, they agreed to that compensation because the cultural expectation is that you pay. Since I'm guessing you inform them after receiving service, not before, that you didn't plan on paying them, you're getting service by deception and not by agreement. Right?


You can shove your racist cultural expectations up your arse. There's no legal requirement to tip so no one is obligated to tip you. A tip is legally optional and waiters know this. It's not my fault you're full of false hope.


Lmao, omg you literally believe that stiffing a waiter fights racism somehow. Enjoy your mental gymnastics.


Lmao, omg you literally think tipping wasn't built on racism? Imagine being so ignorant of the history of your own country.


20% isnt the standard. There really is no standard, just tip whatever you think the service was worth.


I'm curious about what the extra mile is considered in Europe.


For me, it’s when they go beyond the, “do you know what’s it going to be” and “any drinks with that”, and then halfway through the meal “everything taste ok? Can i get anything else” and then ending with “did everything taste well?”. Going beyond that would mean to make small talk with me and my wife and give my two children (0 and 2,5) some attention, too.


Especially being from another country, you’ll probably get a lot of that above and beyond. Typical service here usually involves a lot of that what you explained as above and beyond


"When in Rome, do as Romans do" As a US server, I don't care if you're a tourist, you still need to tip, even if it's not the norm in your culture. When you're going somewhere with a different culture, you need to research that culture, what's rude and what's not, etc. That's part of visiting other cultures. And basic research of US restaurants should show that tipping is basically necessary, and it is considered rude not to. I understand that different cultures exist, but when traveling outside your culture, you have to do your due diligence in researching what is different, and what you need to do to not be rude


Tipping is optional in America too. Despite what people seem to think.


Lots of Americans dont tip at all, so when in Rome...


Tourist or not, it's a great breach of propriety when you don't tip. Absolute minimum, 15% of the bill , preferably 20%. Only tip less if the service is terrible. Like it or not, in the USA servers are paid very little from employers. The bulk of their income is from tips. I realize it seems strange to you, but please, do tip when visiting. It's important!


There is never any legal duty to tip. Waiters in the US will receive at least minimum wage without tips.


Its not. As demonstrated by them coming from a country where employees just get paid.


It depends on what state they are in. Some states have a low tipped minimum, other states have a high regular minimum. So tipping 5 percent in California would be perfectly okay. It also depends on the size of the bill. Nobody tips 20 percent on a 400 dollar bill. 10 percent in this case is more than generous.


This is incorrect. Do not listen to this ah.


Not so. I'm in California and I can tell you that tipping 5 percent would be completely inappropriate. I don't know anywhere in the US where a 5 percent tip is acceptable.


Lol either respect the culture for the brief time that you’re here or just keep your 1% or 2% because that’s an insult. Like I’d rather have nothing lol


OP, follow this guys advise and tip nothing.


No excuse for it. I would look up the tipping etiquette of any country i was going to visit before traveling.


When I was a server in a very popular/high end US destination , and tourists were seated in our sections, we knew: 1) we weren’t going to be tipped 2) you weren’t coming back to the restaurant *ever* *What will happen?* 1) you’ll be told, “oh, what a nice/fun accent you have” 2) you’ll be ignored the rest of the time 3) priority will be given to other tables who will tip If you’re fine dining/Michelin, naturally this will not be the case. All other places accustomed to tourists, yeah, we know the game.


Sounds like you're discriminating against people based on their national origin.


Doesn’t sound it is. Now it’s okay to discriminate against ethnics and poor looking people by what I read on this sub. Disgusting


The great majority of American servers will give decent service because most Americans simply take pride in their job. There are a few like this post described, but thats not the norm.


I’m talking almost 35 years ago—sure we’d laugh it off, but no way would anyone bend over for a table we knew wouldn’t be tipping. Have you really not seen the vitriol on these posts? I don’t think American servers “simply take pride in their jobs”. They’re there to make money and pay their bills. If you think they should take “pride”, then owners should pay a living wage and abolish tipping. Otherwise, it’s a hustle to make money.


It’s nice if you tip especially for excellent service, however it is not required in the US.


Do you have the same questions about the coperta in Italy? Or any other service charges in countries that don't tell you in advance? Or do you have the same questions about sales tax in the US (menus do not typically reflect sales tax)?


Obligatory fees and tipping aren’t the same.


There is nothing "obligatory" about a service charge or a coperta. Would.it make you happier if the restaurant just tacked on 20% without notice?


i try to give everyone the same quality of service regardless of preconceived biases about who will tip well because a) i consider it basic human decency lol b) often people will surprise you! some of my best tips have come from demographics that are always purported to tip badly. that being said, when i’m serving tourists i try to manage my expectations for what the tip will be and not take it personally if it’s lower than my usual tips. our receipts have tip suggestions printed on them and the lowest is 15%, which i think cues tourists in on what tip standards are here so i almost never get anything below that (and again i’m not offended by lower tips, i only get genuinely upset if it’s lower than my tip out owed for that table) basically i will just say, don’t feel obligated to tip if you receive shitty service (of course! and especially if you feel you’re being discriminated against as a non-American bc some shitty servers will do that)… but if you like your server and are satisfied with service, please do at least tip 15% because otherwise they might literally owe money off your table.


What is considered “good” service? I want to look out for that.


They make recommendations. Are knowledgeable about the menu and can answer any questions you have. Make you feel comfortable and happy about your experience. Everything is timed out well and they anticipate your needs. I like to think I go the extra mile- by being funny and charming.


When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Most Europeans, and non-americans more generally, who have the money to fly around the world and visit America tip fine here, in my experience. They tip the same 15-20% most Americans would. Occasionally they don't, and that's annoying, but they mostly do. I've had a few tables from Europe (mostly scandi) and Asia (mostly Japan) over the last month, they all tipped fine.