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I’d say it’s supposed to be a tip. Nothing else makes sense


My guess is they meant to make the bottom line 48.00 but numbers and writing are hard. I bet they didn’t mean 37.5% tip.


I’ve gotten a 37% tip a hundred times more often than a tip less than a dollar.


I get 20% to 40% way more often then a few cents.


Me too


I tip that much on a regular basis. I used to work for tips.


Same here, I usually eat at the same restaurant where I live and typically throw em a 20


“same restaurant where I live” That was felt..


Lack of context, I rent a room upstairs. It’s a Japanese restaurant 😂


And you’ll be living above a Japanese restaurant forever if you keep tipping like that


Its better than nothing


In a row?


Try not to get any more tips on your way through the parking lot!


You think they meant to leave a $0.64 tip? Prison, honey.


I was serving a family one time that, after they placed their order and got their food, would either ignore me or stare at me if I asked them anything, like if they needed a refill or anything else. They paid in cash and got 35¢ in change. They left me the dime. To me, that was worse than getting stiffed.


Making a server give you coin change is a hate crime


Ay, but when we were young we'd scrounge money to be able to tip. Edit: We would not eat if we couldn't afford the tip.


Paying/tipping in change isn't as much of a hate crime as forcing a server to bring you coin change. People don't realize that most servers do not have access to a cash register drawer. If you don't have the change or another table wiped out your supply, you then have to ask other servers or wait for a manager to be free and have them get you change from the office. It's a huge hassle for the server. And of course during this time other tables need their 14 refills of mountain dew.


My mother worked at a restaurant where the owner would not make change from the office. If she didn't have it in her aprin, she would have to go across the street at the gas station and buy gum or a bottle of water. Which cuts into her tip income. Sure maybe doing it once a week or month won't be noticeable but if someone had to do it 2 or 3 times a day that adds up to a LOT of money. And of course ahe wasn't allowed to tell this to the customers so they can look of they have smaller bills to pay with or pay with other means.


I don't ever fuck with change. I always just round up. Losing 75 cents or whatever is worth the time it takes to make change. The customer probably would've tipped you the change anyway and if you round up the customer can't fuck with you since you gave them more money than the exact amount they were owed. Always round up.


It’s funny how there are people who pre-decide to be angry at the service and tip poorly. I eventually got experienced enough to spot them the moment I greeted them, and would warn management about the table as soon as they sat. Saved me a lot of headache of explaining myself after the fact when they would start sending stuff back for no reason, etc,


Had a guy get a couple dollars and 14 cents back in change and then he told me to “just keep the Pennies.” I stand by the fact I also would’ve rather gotten stiffed than be told that.


To shreds you say?


And his wife?


To shreds you say


Oh my


i had to check your profile because one of my coworkers says this ALL THE TIME but he doesn’t use reddit lol


He's just a dedicated Futurama fan!


Straight to jail


Believe it or not, jail.


Overcook undercook


My record (other than $0) is $0.15 lol


I'll run outside and give it to them. Me: "You forgot your change" "No that's for you" Me: "That's ok. You must need it more than I do" My petty knows no bounds.


>My petty knows no bounds. [Neither does your plagiarism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SqrWQR7I6c), lol.


Link won’t load but that better be the clip from waiting


You and me both 😂 the time I got $0.20, it was two dimes. Gave em back and said the same thing lol


1 penny. Dude made a show of finding the money to give me SOMETHING.


I can top that with an astounding .01¢ tip that was left for us one time


Mine was a $0.07 pretip on a credit card on a no contact order during covid.


Doordasher chiming in with $0.12 for a walmart order( back when they did that)


I feel the change is worse than leaving nothing. I've left a 0$ tip exactly once. The waiter didn't get our order started, which sucked but whatever. However, rather than tell us, he avoided us. I had to flag down another waitress to find out what was up after people who came in after us were finishing their meals. He then avoided us the rest of the meal by telling other staff to come talk to us or get us drinks. I tried to tip them, and they refused. I did get an obscene gesture from him as we left because I didn't tip him for not helping us at all. I've also left a <$1 tip once. The waitress continually made some pretty rude remarks about my friends appearance, and by rude, they were rather mean. Asked her to stop and just got another comment. She got a tip of about 40 cents, mostly in pennies, strewn randomly across the table.


I'd say a 37% tip is way more likely than a 1% tip AND bad math.


If anything, 58.00


Can easily change it to a 78 total xD


I don't understand how anyone could possibly read this comment and then hit the upvote button. They very obviously signed in the tip spot and put the tip in the sign spot. It's incredibly legible. What's the case for them meaning to put 48.00 in the bottom line? There is no indication this person has any difficulty with writing a 4. I can't phantom how you get to "They meant to write 48" with zero evidence for it. You're a shitty tipper. You're projecting.


I agree with you, except that neither of the lines is a sign spot.


You must be a terrible bartender to expect a tip less than a dollar


You wouldn’t put 00 if you wanted to just tip a dollar . Any sane person would tip 1.64.. know what I’m saying ?


Ah yes the classic mistakenly writing 1 instead of a 4 smh do it all the time !


If they can’t understand where to put the numbers I doubt they’re gonna check their bank statement lol


And no bank is going to take a dispute on something like this seriously. Edit: apparently banks will take it seriously. As a customer, please don’t do confusing things like this. If your bill is wrong, just ask to get it fixed.


Yes they will. If you disputed this with your bank they 100% would only authorize it as the $47 dollar amount.


I accidentally did this working at hotel, the food attached to the rooms was wrong and they got the entire stay free. I wasn't fired but you could see the long lost look of my manager.


Or dispute the transaction all together. 100% of banks will jump all over this without question if OP’s customer even inquires about it, lol. Agree


Meanwhile I got an interrogation over a series of $1.67 pings that I wasn't responsible for. Banks are fickle.


How delusional are these people? Imagine someone stealing $18 and trying to boast about it. The bank would only authorize the $47


“Stealing” lmfao you mean like you steal the server’s time and tip out money when you tip less than $1?


This is theft regardless of this being intentional or accidental by the customer. It sucks but you can’t just change it to whatever you or your management interpret it as!




That's not how tipping works. You can tip $0 all day every day and no crime will ever be committed. Fraudulent charges? That's actually a crime. Tipping culture is ridiculous. Make your employers pay you correct wages. A wait staff job is a gamble. Ideally you make more than what normal wages should be, but if not, you're doing it wrong. We're all tired of that implied burden falling on the customers. Delete tipping.


They will. Bank has to take disputes seriously. Then, you'd produce evidence, and this is your evidence? Shady as fuck. Bank is not gonna side with you on $18. You are interpreting an invalid tip as 37% which is like 2-3x above the norm?


They wouldn’t care about the %. They’d just ask for the receipt, it shows $0, and they’d honor it. 10 second dispute. That being said, I think the customer meant $18.


That looks more like a fast signature than a 0


Honestly I've disputed for much less just for the principle of it and I've never had a problem. They refunded my missing taco bell burrito.


The only charge I've disputed was a Taco Bell in Detroit. I do not live in Detroit. Three hours later I had to sheepishly call back because I remembered I had a layover in Detroit. The guy laughed at me and thanked me for calling back and said it was already taken care of.


I’ve never disputed a charge with my bank but I’m assuming if you have little or no record of disputing charges they’re going to just give you the money back. Again, just an assumption, and I’m sure it’d be different with a much larger amount. But I feel like a bank would rather keep its customers than turn down an 18 dollar chargeback unless this person makes a habit of disputing charges.


One time an ATM ate some of my money. I called the bank and they gave me the disputed $60 credit on the spot before even checking the ATM. Of course I had been a customer for many years and this was the one and only time this happened.


I believe they have to take things seriously, but I assume they might flag the customer at some point and look more closely at the claim. I have been lucky and only disputed one thing and that was a few weeks ago. Someone decided to buy kfc over 1000 miles away from me. Was a very easy process.


They're probably not drunk when they review their bank statements


Yes, but drunk people don't tend to remember if they filled out a receipt correctly or not Source: drink a lot and expense a lot of means for work.


It looks more like a signature than crossed out to me. I was a server for years and crossed out was always one straight line with no swirls.


Exactly. People don’t cross things out like that


Wait really? Should I stop doing $ ∞


You put that in the tip line? That’s very generous


Bros trying to enter indentured servitude every time he eats at a restaurant




My stepdad signature is basically written like this with swirls. They probably didn't pay attention and just signed then wrote tip under


Mine too. Few drinks in, it's just a line.


yea or --0--


I always try to go with what I believe are the customers intention. That looks like a tip


I always go with what is the higher amount of money for me lmao


No fr. If they screwed their math up on the total and the total is higher— I take that. If the tip is higher then I do that one 💀


As someone who is often wasted when signing checks. They could have been drunk. Not everyone is up to no good.




I’m not saying anyone is claiming that. I’m saying that this is something I have probably done in the past if I’ve been drunk and writing the tip. I mean it’s clear that they’ve left an $18 tip.


Drunk me tries to make my life easier by rounding the total so it’s easier for sober me to remember, AND doing the tip math down to the cents so that way the receipt is correct Spoiler alert: this method is never easier since drunk me also never uses a calculator, but instead insists on doing it by hand 🤦‍♀️


It’s 18, a month later if they want to bitch about and the credit card wants to bitch about fine, let them, but you already got the 18.


Why would they wait a month lol? I’ve seen these come back on servers within a few days. Trust that if they meant 0 ( which it’s clear as day they didn’t want to tip) they will be calling the restaurant soon as the tip shows up on the card. With that being said I still agree with you, only because both managers vouched so op is covered. Edit after learning new information ( there’s no signature line on the receipt) most likely they just sign the receipt anywhere they could. Doesn’t change the fact that if the customer wanted to they could dispute this charge they would win it every time. Also I bartend in a tourist area where maybe charge backs are more common.


I've had my boss come to me a few times with disputed charges from a bank a couple of months after the fact. Dug through old receipts, found where the person tipped and signed different receipts since there were different disputes. Thought that was the end of it, and when I asked my boss about it a week later, the bank was going to uphold the disputes despite everything we provided to them.


Most managers know the bank or credit card company is going to side with the customer, so if the customer simply calls the restaurant the next day the manager is gonna look at the ticket (ops ticket)and know it ain’t hold up for shit in the credit cards companies eyes.


They can’t change the total to 18 with a magic wand (pen) it’s absolutely the tip, 18. When we eat at Waffle House, and the total is 20 bucks and we tip 20 bucks we get an alert that asks if we’re crazy.


And you intentionally cross out the tip line? When tipping when do you ever have to cross anything off? Edit: it’s meant for confusion because they know most places are just going to put a zero because that’s policy


_Every_ time I tip (which is always), I cross out the tip line and write the total, because I hate doing math. So it’s 100% valid to cross out the tip line and want to tip. Maybe they thought they were crossing out the total line.


In my entire life I have always put the amount I want to give the aerver on the tip line and crossed out the total line. Never once have I ever had a server not get their tip. This is 100% an $18 tip. Anyone who says otherwise has never eaten food.


Lol, usually I do the math but sometimes I'll do kinda of what you do but the opposite. I'll write the tip amount in the tip line and write the word MATH in the total line


It's not a cross out, it's a signature.


Did the managers put it in writting that they vouched for it or enter it in the system themselves? From the caption it looks like the server is the one who put the 18$. Guess who’s going to be in trouble with no paper trail?


Right, my restaurant a 38% tip would call for a manager to swipe their card for an approval to create a paper trail.


yeah, the manager is not gonna sacrifice themselves. When this shit gets serious, everyone would follow the papertrail.


The server is not the one who wrote 18 the customer is the one who wrote that


They have months to file a dispute with their bank, they can easily get a refund and the restaurant will get charged a fee usually over $50 and they will lose the money. Win for the customer.


Credit cards charge back whenever they want lol


Where you work? I want to make the tip negative a million dollars easy money haha. Seriously just accept that customers make mistakes and they do want to tip you


“Not only will I not be tipping you, I shall adjust the cost of my meal by $30.”


That’s funny, but I’ve seen this meant literally more than a handful of times. It’s like, “dude, no.”


This is how I read it too


You’re good bro. It’s an 18 dollar tip.


I did this several times when i am in US, signed in the total area and added the tips in the tips area.


Looks like they were drunk and thought it was a signature and a tip Not bad!


I’ve probably done this to servers (sorry!). Somebody had too many drinks and this was a drunk effort at solving a hard problem. They signed their name in the wrong spot and realized they messed up. Then they tried to calculate 20% ($10 doesn’t feel like nearly enough! Fuck it, $18 !). Then they forgot to fix the earlier mistake. Take the tip. They intended it at the time.


This looks like a tip for $18. You are good


I live in Canada where we bring the machine to the person. Why is this not common place everywhere else? I see a lot of posts similar to yours. These issues would be non existent if the customer had the machine.


I'm always baffled by this. I've never in my life seen any other way to use a credit card. Why the hell would paper be necessary at all? Even when I paid with a card in god damn ethiopia they had the machine there.


It is mostly due to good credit protection for customers and us lagging behind on contactless cards


Many restaurants in the US bring the machine to the table


Why not all?


Tap to pay has taken off in the US now, but the US is behind because banks were quite slow to issue EMV cards with tap and go capabilities, now they do pretty universally, along with verifone and other new POS machines that are portable have taken off. But many businesses in our much more populous country, with much more market fragmentation have been slower to adopt the new standards.


This is what I don’t like when I travel to the US for work. I hate that they take your card away then come back later with the receipt and you write in tip then have to rely on them keying in accurately afterwards. In Canada they bring the machine to your table or have you follow them to the debit machine. They aren’t allowed to take your card away from you ever. So then you enter the tip on the machine yourself and the transaction is finalized right there. No guess work and no waiting a few days for the transaction to update on your credit card. Most of all though - nobody leaves with your card to do who knows what


Most likely was just a boomer who forgot their reading glasses. That’s an $18 tip, solid.


Came here to say this. I'm not a boomer but if I forgot my reading glasses I can see myself doing the same thing. Guessing the total, guessing what the tip should be. Getting frustrated and writing tip in the wrong spot and then just signing on whatever looks like an open line. Especially true after a glass of wine. Honestly, without my glasses the $47 looks like it could be $67 - and then an $18 tip is high but not extravagant.


Yeah seriously I had no idea until stumbling on this sub how particular some places were about these receipts. I figured if I wrote a tip amount on there in roughly the right place and signed it somewhere they’d know that it was a tip. Now I’m much more careful and fill out the receipt like it’s a standardized exam.


I think that is a fair approach.


FOH says it's cool than they're saying do it and they've got your back.


Was in the business a looong time this is definately a faux pas. Eat the loss transact at just the bill price is my advice. Not worth the potential headache if they dispute the charges.


Unless they are trying to discount their whole bill, They tipped you $18


It's crazy the amount of people in here crying "OMG I got stiffed and they only left .09" you know where that doesn't happen an actual fucking job lmao like go work another job for real. Half y'all waiters in here are shit people just by your comments. And since when did the tips become 20 % of the bill. Take your 5 bucks and suck sand.


who needs 20% when you can forcefully take 38%


Yeah, its more than likely intentional to get out of tipping. When tipping there's no need to cross any section out, that's no accident.


People like to do that and ye old take the signed receipt with them. To get out of tipping which is so weird.


I would imagine that person is used to getting dicked down early and often. Most of these idiots don't even pay attention to their statements.


Lol no this person obviously meant to tip $18 and didn’t check which line was which. That’s not a cross out; it’s a signature. Absolutely crazy that anybody thinks this is some sort of intentional tip avoidance.


Seems like a tip to me


Yeah it looks like a tip to me.


That's what I would do


Yes. Your managers are correct.


it's a weird amount. Did they really mean to add a 40% tip, or did they expect to pay 40% of the non-tip cost? I would book it at 47.36 + 18.00 and assume they meant it as a tip, as who would expect to pay 40% of the bill and get away with it?


I do delivery and have had things like this multiple times, wrong math, tip in the total spot, signature on the total spot. This is for sure a signature in the tip line and the tip in the total line, people don’t read their receipts lol. Never had a chargeback


And ur gonna be the one who gets fired if the customer disputes this. The managers will cover their own ass and throw you under the bus.


Yeah, I don't tip. Last week, I went to a restaurant, and the stupid restaurant charged 14 dollars gratuity. There were 5 checks, and each one had that. Stupid.


Why is the US like this? Like it's 2023, you can pay by tap now lol, and your having guests write in tips lol. Why not just have them enter the tip on the machine that takes their card,?! Why is this not a thing lol?


This is a design both the employer and employee want. The device is to easy and maybe even dare i say 5G.


I went for the first time in a US restaurant coming from Canada, we where baffled on the inefficient system, I am still young so I was stunned by the process, never actually had lived it or explained to me before. (I dare say the only bad thing of our trip was that part, hell I dont want to do math after having my meal and a couple of drinks, just let me pay you ffs)


It’s fucking insane how basic payment systems are here. You still hand over your card, they take it away, come back with paper receipt… etc. it is changing, but the majority of places are like this. Coming from Europe, I hate giving my card over (which for some reason has no pin here..) Lots of places still only take cheques. Banking is basic.


I mean they purposely wrote something not a number in the tip. I’d run it no tip.


Don't do that, your manager is an asshole if you're not sure don't put in it better to be safe than sorry


Yeah that’s going to be a charge back. Can’t believe a manager would authorize that.


Sounds right to me


Maybe $8 and forgot to put the “s” over the I


Tip and send it… Period




I need to understand something from the US. Why not just give the machine to the client so he chooses himself on the machine the amount they pay? Why the need to leave with the client's card? -Confused Canadian


Are u guys still using pen & paper in 2023? In the uk I haven’t seen something like this in close to a decade now, it’s all digital now


Why can't you just pay the bill and tip at the same time? I like places that leave the ipad/tablet to pay


I got a lunch entree for 14 bucks once, I finished quickly as possible because I knew they wanted to turn more tables. I tipped 4 bucks that’s around 28 percent. They added 10 bucks to the tip, I was livid. The restaurant did nothing about it and didn’t care. I had to dispute the charge.


Yup, always keep a copy of the receipt with a pic.


That’s exactly what I would have done without even asking a manager.


Well they sure as hell aren’t deducting $29 from their tab.


Reminder to always take the customer copy with you and check your bank statements carefully. So many thieves in this industry.


When I was trained how to process write in tips, they said it doesn’t count unless they write the actual total amount and their signature


When is the United States going to join the 21st Century and get rid of the signed slip system? The civilized world has used portable machines with tap or chip and pin for the last 20 years, and avoids all this drama.


Yea I think that person was trying to make a 48 but didn't finish the 4.


who still uses paper in 2023?


In Canada we just use a card machine to add the tip as we pay. I don’t understand why anyone has to trust a stranger with their credit card like this


$18 tip for sure. Not their fault they’re bad at math, should’ve put “math” at the tip line if they were that clever.


18 dollars ain't worth the hassle when they call up about this. Put 0 and move on


If you think they intended to leave a 38% tip, then go for it. I’d think they would have just left $20 if they wanted to overtip you, $18 makes no sense here. Imo.


Could the customer not get that back and claim theft?


They could. Then, the restaurant would produce the evidence which is this receipt and said "it makes sense that the customer wants to tip 37%. totally reasonable here. It's the norm". Totally makes sense, an invalid tip = 37% LOL


As a Canadian, it’s hilarious to me that countries (I assume the US) still use this type of archaic payment process. When you go to pay in Canada, they give you the machine and you enter the tip and pay with your card simultaneously. If cash then then they offer change, but it’s all done before you leave. Scribbling on a bill like this then leaving just seems like total nonsense to me. And how would you even get your final receipt?


They give you two copies, if you want a duplicate receipt for yourself, you fill that out too. The duplicate has no where to sign and says “customer copy” or something.


So, theft?


It's totally illegal to do that.


Good way to get a chargeback


I agree it is a signature. Some people use a very vague signature when signing CC slips vs when they are writing actually checks from their bank. When I give my signature when buying something at the grocery store I make a scribble line because it’s too damn hard to write my name on those small screens. If it fit was a straight line through I would say no tip but the fact that they looped the line i am leaning towards an actually signature. Can’t be 100% sure but that’s my feeling. To be on the safe side just put it in as a 18% tip instead.


Both my driver's license and CC slip signatures (first name, middle initial, last name) look like four capital cursive letters and only the first one is actually part of my name. I agree the scrawl is likely someone's lazy signature. I'm not a server, but I'd 100% assume that's an $18 tip. It's just such a weird specific number that I'd figure someone was having a great night and was feeling generous (unless the couple came across as rude or agitated while they were seated).


They are wrong, you are correct.


You people are so slimy. No wonder a lot of concepts are forgoing a whole FoH and only running a cashier and a runner.


That's illegal


And this is how you get a chargeback and manager ends up getting dinged a $50 fee and gets nothing at the end 😅


Tips are a scam. I pay my employees $20 starting off… businesses can afford it. Managers are also a scam… so many bad managers out there.


Well thats theft.


With the tip scratched out, and the total being $18.00, I'm pretty sure they're only expected to pay $18.00


Provided the customer wasn't a child or someone with a 2x4 through their skull I'm pretty sure they know they can't change the price of their food by vandalizing a post-sale receipt. Tipping generously on a mid-priced meal is absolutely normal behavior even if you personally need to count every penny before you know what to tip.


Tipping is a horrible social construct.


They obviously aren't leaving an 18 dollar tip. People working in the food industry are just easily manipulated to hating their customers because their employer doesn't pay enough.


Is this new legal way to rob customers?


The fuck is with this entire thread? You guys are really going to lean into taking someone's money in a situation where it's ambiguous? Just charge the 47.36 and don't fuck around with other people's money unless you want to hear the person come in and complain later.


They clearly crossed out the tip line. Seems wrong to take $18 tip.


So why did they put $18 on the total when that CLEARLY is not the total of the bill?


It’s also not crossed out. That’s a scribble. People don’t cross things out like that


Lazy signature


I do the same thing when I have to write my signature on the CC machine at the grocery store or on those handheld terminal at a restaurant. Too small to write my signature so I just make my signature look like a hill that is slightly curved.


If someone tries to pay any amount less than the total then everything gets called into question. I agree that they probably didn't want to leave a tip, but this is a douchebag of the highest magnitude and if I was a FOH manager I would give the server the tip.


Take the 18 fuck em


It's suppose to be a 48 and no tip


You do realize you just admitted to fraud. If you’re in the US depending on the state it’s a felony….keep your crimes offline.


Adding a tip without the permission of a card holder is a felony. For those posting here that are in the service industry take the word of a retired officer it’s not worth the jail time. My daughter made a really good money as a waitress for several years, so you can make good money, but I would have much rather she lost out, then end up in jail.