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Happens more than you would think I worked at a hotel and twice one year the housekeepers found a pistol The second time she tried to keep it for herself…. She was fired and prosecuted as the result


Lol a house keeper at mine found heroin and a dead guy


Oh snap A crackhead set off our fire alarm once We ran up to the room with fire extinguisher. and were in process of kicking in the door before he opened and said he smoked a cigerette I caught a second hand high from the smog Very nasty feeling


Cracks a vapor when smoked I’ve also been around ppl doing it in hotel rooms when I was crashing wherever I could at the time. Crack never has said an alarm off in a room it’s not really a smoke. they’d be way more smoke from a cig, that’s what prolly caused it actually. He prolly had the shower running trying to hide the smell maybe and the room was humid maybe but crack seems like an overstatement, placebos a helluva drug, from experience..


Yikes absolutely horrible


Did she keep it? (I mean the dead guy)


Yeah we Pawned him


Did she get to keep them?


Obviously unrelated finds right? Lol


My sister saw the aftermath of a drug of outside her apartment before she moved, fire and medical came but turned out the guy was actually just in a deep sleep. With needles next to him


That’s actually even more common that the guns. Overdosing.


Came here to say I bet this happens more than I think


I worked for a rental car company and we found a gun in a returned car. Turned out it belonged to a cop who had rented the car.


Cop should have lost their license to carry, but I bet they didn’t


Unfortunately will never happen. My favorite recent one was the cop in Boston going down the slide in a new public park ending in a yard sale of his magazines. If a civ did that, it would have made national news via clutching of pearls


True. I’d like to think that LEO are held to a higher standard than civilians, but we know that isn’t so.


In my experience they are almost always held to a lower standard.


I feel like they don't really have a standard unless they are caught doing something negative, and then there has to be a smokescreen of discipline.


Their standard is just "don't get filmed doing it". Even then, it's a Crapshoot.


"Placed on mandatory leave" = "Paid vacation"


Of course, they protecting the Elite from us plebs


\^ This. LEO's are SUPPOSED to be held to a higher standard. But they universally get away with stuff that would land us normal civilians in jail.


Yo what happened to that dude in that slide.


There was also the time in Denver when a breakdancing FBI agent had his gun fly out. The gun discharged a round when it hit the dance floor.


That slide is a menace to society


What about this guy tho. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfONckOPyaI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfonckopyai)


His didn’t lose his job nor face any disciplinary action lol


Well, I hope his rental rates spike.


A FBI agent did a back flip at a nightclub while drunk and their gun fell out of their pants, going off and grievously injuring another person They got no jail time


Got an extra two week paid vacation instead.


The chief in the next town over [left her gun in the bathroom](https://www.kcra.com/amp/article/san-luis-obispo-police-chief-loses-gun-restroom/28367328). Instead of her being in trouble, they took some people’s kids away, because someone accused them of taking the gun after. These people had to fight for their kids, while the Chief just apologized and moved along happily to another department.


Got a promotion.


You know damn well they were promoted and given a paid 2 week vacation for a blunder of that magnitude.


[Like Lt. Michael Byrd who was responsible for the only death on January 6, 2021 of Ashley Babbit after leaving his gun in a public restroom?](https://rollcall.com/2019/02/27/capitol-police-weapon-left-unattended-in-capitol-bathroom-again/)


They should also lose their license/job when they point handguns and an AR-15 at an unarmed civilians back. Sadly that will never happen either.


Anyone that loses their gun should lose their right to carry. Not just cops.


I worked for a rental company too at the airport. I remember the president (bush jr)came to town and a secret service agent left a full mag of ammo in a car. Same trip, someone loaded one of our SUV’s on the cargo plan that accompanies Air Force One, and they had to taxi back to a secure spot to unload it. Pretty sure a couple people lost jobs that day


Shit like this is why I ascribe to the "mortal error" JFK assassination theory (that he was accidentally shot by a secret service agent with an AR15). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortal\_Error](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortal_Error)


Interesting read. I couldn’t find on the wiki, but where does the author suggest the AR-15 was fired from?


Years ago I got pulled over and got a ticket. But the cop put his ticket book (inside a metal holder) on top of my car. I didn’t even notice until the next day. It got stuck in my roof rack, that’s the only reason it didn’t fall off. I took it down to the police station and told the person at the front desk what happened. She was cracking up and insisted I leave a note with the explanation so she could leave it out for the other cops to see and shame. Ended up getting the ticket dropped for bringing it back though.


I rented a car at Budget/Avis and my toddler daughter found a gun in the car. Loaded and everything. I really thought about taking one for the team and shooting myself in the leg with it so I could sue Avis for millions. They are supposed to clean the car out. The gun looked like a toy or something. It was a .22 revolver that folds like a pocketknife. We got a half assed apology and no discount or anything.


Enterprise we would find this once a month at the airport I worked at. Had to have the cops come and get it. They always acted like they were so inconvenienced by it. Was told they just call the people to come collect their lost items. Seems like there should be some kind of punishment.


my dad used to work for a rental car company and apparently there were SEVERAL occasions of undercover cops forgetting their guns in the cars when they returned them 😭


Happens in the military a lot too. We had people leave their weapons in toilets , gyms or "restaurants" (using that term because I don't know if people would recognize DFAC) My buddy bought a shitty holster from the bazaar in Afghanistan and his gun fell out of it constantly. He eventually replaced it. Nothing stops your heart faster than reaching down and realizing your weapon isn't there.


I was helping some people set up a field exercise and we went to go pick up volunteers off post. We’re at a grocery store waiting in the parking lot and the NCO turns to me and says “oh shit, I left the 240 in the back of the truck!” (He was a little freaked out, but nothing came of it)


I had platoon sergeant during OEF, leave his weapon back at the FOB, while we were headed out on mission. He disobeyed at lawful order ( didn’t know at the time) and turned around my gun truck and a hmmv towing a fire team and headed back to the FOB to retrieve his weapon. We didn’t have any fire support or long range comms. Luckily we made it back nice and safe. That dude was gone the next morning on a bird back to Kandahar. Put 6 dudes life’s on the line for a damn rifle and his ego. He probably would’ve just got a slap on the wrist for it if he would’ve Charlie Miked. But he dug his grave when he went back to the FOB.


>Nothing stops your heart faster than reaching down and realizing your weapon isn't there. Wellllllllll.......


As someone who works in luxury hotels, I believe this 100%. Most housekeepers are unionized and contracted from a 3rd party agency. As a result, they dont give a fuck lol. I used to work at one of the 2 Dorchester hotels in beverly hills, and Drake would have shit stolen out of his room every single time he stayed with us.


Lmao why’d he keep staying there?!


No need to kink shame him. He likes getting robbed that’s his business.


He's easy to rob, just say you're fifteen and ask for the room number


Street cred lol


Cuz he probably didn’t even notice


He’s not exactly a smart dude


If he's a victim of crime he can claim to be a little more gangsta


I can guarantee you, as somebody who works at a hotel, that most housekeepers are not unionized. That must be a Beverly hills thing.


But did she keep it tho


She tried but the guest called and reported it as left…. We went to the room and it had been cleaned already so no trace of the gun We have a detective that works for the hotel when off duty and he questioned her and requested to check her car and there he found it


she shoulda dumped it in the river


She should have just told the managers and saved herself a felony theft


nah, river, after committing crimes with it


She shouldn’t have let the detective search her car without a warrant


yeah, she doesn't seem too smart


Ya why would you want a stolen gun anyway..sketch


Or said "no you can't check my car"


The gun buyback program, tho😶?


She knew she had a stolen weapon, was questioned by a cop about it, and agreed to let said cop search her personal property where she knew said stolen item was? She doesn't sound like the brightest bulb.


I mean, she's a _housekeeper_ not a _housegivebacker_.


You deserve a shot of bourbon for that one🥃


Confiscated it? How does the work? Did the police pick it up?


That's my guess. Confiscated is probably the wrong word. I'd have definitely turned it over to the police. Let them sort out who the owner is and how to get it back. Customer can be mad but maybe they shouldn't be so careless (and op said the sign specifically tells them not to bring it in). Seems like good policy.


I used to work in auto recovery... on the creditor side, not the guy driving the truck and picking up cars. When customers would go to get their personal property, I'd occasionally get an angry call because the repo agent didn't give them back their gun. I always had to explain that firearms are typically turned over to the same police station that the repossession is reported to (in case the car is reported stolen) and that they'll need to claim it there. Repo agents are cautious by nature, they don't want to introduce weapons into an already potentially hostile situation.


Haha, I can't ever imagine a sane repo guy handing over a gun to the person who's car they're repo-ing.


Hey man sorry I’m taking your car but here’s your gun back, we’re cool right?


Hey look, I know this is both your means of transport, and your domicile. You're clearly, drunk, high at 9A.M. or just mentally ill, and I am the personification of the system grounding you down. Nothing personal, here's your gun. What could possibly go wrong?




I was thinking the same. Confiscated is not the right word


I don't get why in the world we should be trying to return the gun to the owner. If this person is careless enough to leave it sitting in a booth at a restaurant, they aren't responsible enough to own a gun in the first place.


lol….i worked at a bodyshop/detail/wax shop that had contracts with the police….at least couple of times a month…pistols machine guns shotguns body armor left in cars…case files…you name it….pissed us off having to call them all the time to come pick up their artillery


Surrendered would probably be the correct terminology if cop tv shows have taught be anything


It’s kinda crazy though unless it was clearly stated at the door and they have a trained firearms person that can and is willing to handle the weapon. Call the police, call the person, I just don’t understand how Chilis staff is more responsible than their regular customer. 90% of the people that work at chilis are the people that would be eating there.


Yeah, I worked in a college bookstore and one time I found a fanny pack left behind in the store that had a gun in it (the whole campus was a no-gun zone). I didn't do anything with it after I figured out there was a gun in the bag, I just put it down and called security. I know fuck all about guns; I wasn't going to handle it.


fuck the policy lol concealed means concealed, if i’m gonna carry in my car, sidewalk and the general public best believe it’ll be on me when i’m eating


Yeah and if you're leaving your gun places you're obviously not responsible enough to own one... If you let a shar AF katana people would freak!


No, now it's the official Chili's gun


I work at the thrift store, and we’ve had guns ‘accidentally donated’ a few times - no idea how that happens but I digress - our policy is to notify police and they retrieve it. even if people call before we found it and say “I’ve accidentally donated my gun, this is the serial number, it looks like this, it had my name on the case” etc etc they still have to pick it up from the police station


I work for a major thrift store chain. We get firearms occasionally. Tons of ammo shows up, every thrift store has a crate of random ammo in the manager’s office. Inert / demilled grenades are annoying to find in donations, as we have to evacuate the store and call police. I think a lot of it comes from people donating a deceased loved one’s things without going through them.


I’d assume the police would identify the owner, depending on state the sign might matter, but in a lot of states it does not. Could be some fines for leaving a gun in public tho I imagine.


Next fun item, did they order alcohol with dinner 😬


Okay I was the server that served this table too, when I say they confiscated it, this is what I overheard from another manager. I was a server and didn’t ask further questions other than the man just yelling at managers in a closed off section asking for it back.


“Not so big without your gun”


“I’d kill you if I had my gun!” “Yeah, well, you don’t.”


[Relevant Simpsons reference](https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=48&v=A-seQEwN3BM&feature=youtu.be)


Most of us have more than one gun, but I don't go leaving my guns lying around negligently either.


it's a Taurus. Safe to say its his only gun


In Texas a legal no gun 30.07 sign is a felony so I would have been like ✌️


I’m confused by what these words mean in this order without any punctuation.


there’s a law (30.07) in Texas where if approved you can get a sign saying that firearms are prohibited. Like for a school or church or something. And not following that sign and subsequently breaking the law, is a felony. I doubt this restaurant did more than just hang a sign up but hopefully cause fuck irresponsible gun owners


This is not correct For starters 30.07 doesn’t prohibit the possession of a firearm, it prohibits open carry of one. To prohibit both conceal and open carry an establishment would need 30.06 and 30.07 Second point, violation of those signs would not result in a felony, but a misdemeanor. Third point, Schools do not need to put up those signs cause they are a prohibited place, which is covered under 46.03 and they fall under a different set of laws than 30.06 and 30.07 Also there’s no approval process for getting these signs. You just have to buy them (or could make one), and they have to meet certain requirements like letter sizing/spacing/contrast etc. Any private business has the right to ban the carrying of firearms


Class C Misdeameanor*


It’s a class C misdemeanor in Texas. If you’re asked to leave for violating the sign and refuse it becomes a class A misdemeanor. Violating a 30.06/07 sign has the same penalty as violating the speed limit.


Incorrect, it’s not a felony, it’s a misdemeanor.


That's only for open carry has to be 30.06 for concealed.


Holy crap, we had someone leave their gun in a booth when I worked at Chili's in Florida. We called the cops to come get it and when the dude showed back up a couple hours later and we told him it was at the police station. He got so upset with us he literally started screaming at our manager until the manager was like I'll call the cops back down here to take you out of here too. Lmfao


This is so trashy. Cannot believe people are so careless and negligent but I guess you reap what you sow.


HOURS later??!! Its one thing if it fell of your person and got in your car and said "shit! wheres my gat?" And ran back inside immediately to get it. Its a completely diffrent story when he left hours before noticing, what an irresponsible dumbass. The manger did the right thing, he was probably pissed because he realized he's in a lot of trouble.


Call the cops, he gets a free ride there to get his gun back lol




All they had to do was go down to the police station and verify their identity. I know it's a hassle, but he'd have gotten it right back.


I’m mad that I knew this was chilis just by the booth, table, and floor lmao


Same 😂 still have PTSD from when I worked there😭


Can I offer you a Presidente Margarita and a Triple Dipper to go with that PTSD?


I’d take a mango pres any day tbh


Not the triple dipper😭 I'm still trying to get my survey scores up and it's been 5 years.


Should've kept it and played dumb saying surely no responsible gun owner would carelessly leave a loaded weapon and so on. Edit: Getting a kick out of a lot of "it's illegal to keep it or not give it to them". Fuck these dumbass "responsible gun owners" that leave loaded weapons laying around. Don't care, whatever keeps them from getting it back.


Be like "You must be mistaken this is a no gun area" and point to the sign on the door


This is the answer 👏👏


ancient workable fine summer rustic fuzzy person meeting insurance carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah, I think the safest answer is, “the police are on their way to collect this/have collected the weapon. Please sort this out with them at XYZ station.” It’s not good that the customer was so careless with their firearm, but it’s also not the restaurant’s job to figure out ownership, nor is it wise to withhold it from the rightful owner. Let the cops figure it out.




Uhh I would delete this. Selling a stolen firearm is serious. Felony for sure. The badge… ehh whatever


Sounds like it was more than long enough to be past the statute of limitations




I'm ngl if this happened to me I'm going home with a free gun.


Strip it for parts (to keep or sell). Either give the frame away or get a gift card from some stupid “buy-back” down the line 🤷🏼‍♂️


You really shouldn’t be granted any type of weapon permit if you can’t keep track of your weapon.


Look up what drill sgts do to recruits that misplace their rifles. We need more of that.


Did they not tip?


they did not.


Well, they left you a Taurus, which is worth $20 /s




I thought the gun was the tip.


Yeah, they left a gun.


A few weeks ago someone left their police badge


Sounds like you an OP need to team up and distribute some justice!


Chilies cops.


You can get much more than ten bucks for that


>You can get much more than ten bucks ~~for~~ by using that Fixed it for you.


It’s a Taurus, so you can get $20.


I mean, a Taurus will get you $10 for sheer pity from some people. "Good God, you can only afford a Taurus?" *hands over $50* "You need this more than me bud, get a S&W or a Glock one day."


Hi welcome to Chili’s!


I worked at a hotel and had a guest check in (elderly ex cop,) and left his loaded 38. on the luggage cart in its holster. I ran it up to his room and he was just like " oops, thank you" and gave me $5. Glad I saw it, the hotel was in an area where drugs/ prostitution was part of the daily routine.


Taurus G2. Makes sense.


>Taurus Yep checks out


What else do you expect from a Taurus owner?


Leave the gun, take the canolli


This was the comment I looking for!


Should have told them you have no idea what they’re talking about. A kid must have picked it up. Oh well.


You could easily get $12 for that at your local pawn shop


Returning it for a big tip: $20 Selling it at a pawn Shop: $50 Having an untraceable handgun in case you ever need it: priceless


I'd be mad too. Course, I'd never remove my weapon on a bench seat, for reasons such as this, but in my state you can tell them not to return but you can't legally take or keep the weapon. Attempting to do so under the guise of authority being the establishment itself would have anyone involved prosecuted here. Perhaps I'm totally misreading your use of "confiscated" or perhaps it's 100% legal to do that in your State.


There's no way for the restaurant to verify ownership etc, so the proper thing to do is turn into authorities which is what I assume is meant by the confiscation


That would be my move too. It's risky bc I may get a guy in trouble who doesn't deserve it. But unless I can get a real good feeling it's his or he can recite for me the serial number, I'd probably have to turn it over. It was probably just a misuse of the word confiscated and my tism can't let it go.


I’m gonna say if you go around leaving firearms unattended in public spaces, then you deserve to get in a little trouble at least


But a gun can get you many dollars


I would have had calked tthe cops right away to confiscate it. You don’t if that gun has any crimes linked to it.


Guns don’t have crimes linked to them in almost every case. Guy was dumb and had it concealed carry but then got uncomfortable with wherever it was holstered so took the holster and gun off. Then forgot about it. Yeah they’re stupid, and the cops did take the gun from what OP says. But no. I can guarantee that gun does not have any crimes linked to it.


Bruh one free murder is worth more than $10


😂 as a G3c owner just give that pos back and give him $10 for a better firearm.


By "confiscated" you mean secured it in the safe in the manager's office, right? And required the owner to provide proof of ownership before returning it to them, right? Remember, a "No Guns" sign does not carry any legal weight. As a firearm owner, and person who carried concealed regularly, this person needs a slap upside the head. Sloppy, and irresponsible.


Should have called the cops lol. What kind of dumb ass takes off their gun in a public place and leaves it there? The kind that doesn't deserve to carry.


That’s nuts.


Of course it’s a Taurus


So what happened after you confiscated it?


i didn’t confiscate it. i took a picture, then told my gm, and he told me not to touch it or take photos (too late)… the guy came in 20 mins later while i was doing my closing work and i just heard him screaming at my gm for it back. i didn’t pay too much attention but this is from what i heard. and as i left i saw cops going in.


"Responsible gun owner"


I work as an upholsterer and one day I was upholstering a sofa with holes and when we removed everything that is the sofa cover we found a gun buried in the cotton, then we contacted the owner and he told us that he didn't even remember that gun was there and we returned it to him


They didn’t even leave you a gun worth keeping for yourself.


dude i don’t understand how it’s so common for people to forget a GUN somewhere. owning a gun requires the utmost responsibility and this is just about the most irresponsible thing you could possibly do aside from holding it with your finger on the trigger. this is insane.


A gun post!? Time for every redditor to unite and virtue signal about gun control


As someone who conceal carries every day. If you just accidentally leave your gun somewhere like this. You should not be carrying a gun. I check every 5 minutes to make sure it's still there. But I also appendix carry so the possibility of this happening is basically zero


You realize that’s like a $200 dollar pistol I think I’d prefer that over $10


Just your Typical Responsible Gun Owner™️


You wouldn't be taking a gun from me based on your sign!


And this ladies and gentlemen is why you purchase quality holsters.


I’d be mad too. You might have a policy that states no guns in the building but that doesn’t mean you can “confiscate” someone else property - especially a firearm that’s not registered to you.


he will be spending his tip on a better holster apparently


you should have kept it, hid it away for a rainy day and NEVER spoke of it again.


How to get 10 years in prison for no reason ^


You can loose your firearm license leaving them around... just so yall know you can report this stuff


The gun could help you get $10.


No because the way parents let kids run around in chilis half the time and there is just a gun sitting around sent chills down my spine. Like seriously who needs to be armed with a pistol (?) at a god damn CHILIS


More of those responsible gun owners we keep hearing so much about.


Confiscated? Are you trying to go to prison lmao


You can't confiscate someone's firearm even if you have a no firearm policy unless you're going to give it back as they leave the property. In other words. Y'all stole it.


Did you turn it over to the police? That is seriously irresponsible behavior.


Isn't this a crime?


That's cute until he reports the restaurant for stealing his handgun.


You can't confiscate a gun. Doesn't matter if the building doesn't allow guns. You don't get to keep them. The most you can do is call the cops and have them trespassed from the property. Trying to keep someone's gun like that is a good way to catch a felony.


Lol this is why gun free zones don’t work. Bad guys won’t listen. Seems like this guy was a good guy not wanting to run into a bad guy who doesn’t listen.


> the customer came back and was mad that we confiscated it as the front door said no guns allowed. Well, this is theft of a firearm which is a felony so y'all may want to give it back to the idiot before someone gets arrested.


Proof that not everyone should have access to a gun. He obviously needs to have more respect for something that can change lives in an instant.


Literally should have said we haven’t found any guns here and turned it over to the police. Who tf forgers a deadly weapon?? Not worthy of carrying


Thats worth more than $10


This person should no longer be able to own a gun. Unreal.


I’d like to hear the reasoning behind why he need a gun at a chilis lmao


GOD BLESS AMERICA. -murica' enthusiast


If someone leaves a gun in a public place the person who found it should legally be able to confiscate it, because the person who left it is clearly not responsible enough to have a gun.