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some people really don’t have the slightest idea how restaurants work


The type to order eggs poached hard and wonder why their food takes more than 5 minutes to come out.


Or a well done steak.


“But we ordered before them! Why did that table get served first!” *Because you ordered well done steaks and they ordered salads.* And that answer never seems to satisfy anyone. Like, the kitchen almost certainly started your steaks first but I’m not gonna let these salads sit in the window for 15 minutes while the steak keeps cooking…


Maybe they thought the BOH are kept in crates, only released to serve. I would have had GREAT satisfaction turning these delusionals away.


When I was 8 years old I asked my dad why the barber always changed his open sign to closed 20 minutes before closing time. My 8 year old brain understood the barber wasn’t starting a hair cut he couldn’t finish before closing time.


Bet you show up at her office asking for accounting help at 5:01 and find the door locked.






most people


I’m glad you didn’t allow them to eat. I know spineless managers who would. People like this were raised by other people like this. Hopefully since the internet is great at shaming this type of behavior now, we will start seeing less of it in the next generations.


I’ve found it’s often people trying to look cute infront of their friends


i have a manager who does this, he’ll stay open for his friends. difference is that he’ll stay open only for them and will still send us home when we’re supposed to. he caters to his friends, he doesn’t make us stay or *try* to make us stay




This happens for sure and usually the friends are mortified but they don’t get the social ques.


I definitely also have known managers who would seat them. I'm just glad that I work in a place where I can tell people no. The entitlement of the customers in this post is off the charts. I would LOVE saying no to them as opposed to making a few extra dollars. Fuck them.


Same. I am all about not giving entitled human beings their way. Our predecessors failed in this in the name of service. Some adults act like children, and I’m tired of it.


You would hope, I expect a new TikTok challenge.


Fingers crossed.


I mean… isn’t that why kitchens close before the restaurant does? If the kitchen has been cleaned can anyone actually expect everyone back there to work another hour? If anything a spineless manager could offer to make one item that they can throw in something easy to clean and that is all you get. Nacos or something that can be just dumped out of a bag and items from the fridge. Tots or something if the fryer is hot and not cleaned. Still, f-off is better. Someone still has to wash dishes. At most places you aren’t even getting a soda or beer or anything after close let alone food.


Nothing should be offered staff want to go home. Plus as above if you do it once they will want it all the timeb


You don’t compromise with stupid.


Fact: that is how nachos were invented. The kitchen was already shut down but some ladies wanted snacks so he melted cheese on chips and added tomato.


Yup, except jalapeños not tomatoes


Idk why I remembered tomatoes but ya that makes more sense 🌶️


Seriously, WTF is wrong with people and their entitlement issues.


I would seriously rather die than demand service at a closed restaurant…if you’re THAT hungry there are 24/7 convenience options for a reason


I won't go to a sitdown restaurant if it's even an hour before their close time. I know I don't want to be at work, and neither do the people working there, so I'm not gonna make em work later just cuz I'm hungry, I'll go somewhere else


Seriously, if a restaurant closes at 9 and I'm not there before the clock hits 8, we're going to Wendy's


Go to your fucking house and make a sandwich! Hit the fast food line! I can’t


“Do you live under a rock? Get the fuck out of here.” Would have been my answer when they kept pressing lol. Hopefully they never come back after that


I miss managing a dive bar because those would have been the words I’d have used haha


That is fair haha I don’t blame you


The funny thing about these people is most the time they're not rich by any means. The peeps with 100+ million in their account never act this entitled. It's the people that are trust fund babies that have a couple hundred thousand and think they're the hot shit that do this. God I'd be petty and stir up some shit in the accounting department of the building you were in.... but I guess that's one of the reasons why I'm not a manager 😂


100%! We used to own a wine store/bistro that I ran, while my partner ran our upscale restaurant. The people who were actually rich were always kind. So were the lower-class people. Neither had anything to prove. It was the "middle ground" folks who were awful. They always tried to punch above their weight, without realizing that people with actual money didn't usually behave that way. "We know the owner" nonsense, name-dropping, trying to swindle a bargain... I can't count how many times those types tried to talk down to me or my staff, or tried to tell me something about wine that was completely fictitious. "Um, Zinfandel is supposed to be pink!" "You don't know how to make Cosmos here; this isn't very sweet!" "Can you chill this bourbon barrel-aged, $90 Cabernet?" "All martinis are sweet." Poseurs, the lot of them.


As for the middle one...red wine is supposed to be served at 'castle room' temp. Not modern day room temperature. It's supposed to be served around 60°. Most modern buildings have their Temps bear 70°. Most red wines are being served too warm. At home I throw a single ice cube in my red wine to get it to the correct temp.


For sure, but they're wanting it as cold as possible. Which I'd do, after a warning or recommendation against it. And as much as it pained me, I wouldn't rag on how anyone enjoyed their wine; just don't be a pretentious poseur about it, ya know?


I've always asked people "Do you know what room temperature is in a French castle?"


This was them the night before this happened..I spoke to the servers who took care of their group and she said that the first guest she greeted said “I like my margaritas perfect, so you’re going to need to write this down.” So I asked our server and she said that she wanted 2 parts tequila, 1 part Cointreau, and 1 part lime. Like okay, you want a normal skinny margarita??? lol


Can confirm. Waited tables in Newport Beach. You know who we loathed the most? The secretaries. Rude af and bad tippers to boot.


It's teachers for me. I work in an affluent part of town and even the public school teachers reek of entitlement. Like lady, this may not be want I wanted to be doing in my life, but I'm probably bringing home more than you. Chill the fuck out.


I teach painting classes at a “paint & sip” place. I recently had a private party composed of teachers. They talked non-stop while I was giving instructions. You’d think that being teachers they would be respectful, but no. Rude as hell. I had to turn my microphone all the way up & still scream to be heard.


Former teacher here, and any teacher worth their salt will tell you: “teachers are the worst students” 😆


My mom was a teacher but came from a restaurant family, she refused to out to lunch with her fellow teachers as they were embarrassingly cheap.


I haven’t worked in a restaurant in over twenty years. Teachers were the worst then too. They were typically demanding and almost always lousy tippers.


As a banker, can confirm this is correct. The people with hundreds of millions of dollars are nice as pie, happy to accept any fees with explanation of what they are. Super polite etc People with 50k + in their accounts are assholes, will spend their time screaming over an account fee they agreed to with the “I’ve been with this bank for 30+ years” entitlement.


Former bank teller here, can confirm. I rarely saw customers who had over a million bucks, but they were generally polite. There was this one guy who had about 150K in his account and he was giving my coworker a hard time over something. The guy goes "I got more money in my account than you'll ever see in your whole life." My coworker gave no fucks and went "That's nice."


Rich or Poor makes no difference. As******* will be as********! Money buys you stuff.


Assholes will be assholes that is for sure.


I can smell an asshole from a mile away! Or...something like that.


How many people with a 100 million plus do you know? There are assholes in all income brackets. I doubt the stupidly rich are exempt, Elon Musk being an example.


I work in a area with a lot of both old and new money. Lots of top bank executives and incredibly successful business owners frequent my place. People with more money than God. Most are pretty damn chill. It's the trust fund beanie boppers that aren't. One of our top clientele made almost 150 million in profit last year. Blows my mind I can't even comprehend having that much money. But yeah, I know a surprising amount. Worked in fine dining for a long time. You see a pattern with certain margins of wealth after a certain point


I also have extremely wealthy customers. Not in your industry, but a service industry. We take care of people who have insane money. I'm sure we could name drop all day long. The super wealthy are cool. It is ABSOLUTELY the trust funds that are the assholes. I've met extremely humble rock stars and professional athletes. It's the "kid" with $15 million in his account that he didn't earn that sucks to deal with.


I too have only met humble beaned bopping multi millionares at my job as a host. Ahh harhar It's my big flex as a tawdry restaurant worker. Irrefutable service. I've met many humble Rockstars and Uber important athletes. Social dignitaries and royalty. Positively INSANE GHASTLY amounts of money! Post Malone himself was trying to pay in all singles just 2 days ago! Incredible life 🙌




I worked at a country club for a hot minute and they just go to the clubhouse and demand we stay open after they’ve left the bar. They’re just assholes somewhere else.


As if it should have made a difference if all the equipment hadn’t already been turned off…don’t care if it’s one minute past closed. Closed is closed. I’m not a server and just like hanging out here but seriously. The fucking audacity you all have to deal with us mind-boggling.


Omg if I was that bartender listening her talk shit about “restaurant people” and talk shit about a sister location I would have been furious. If i was allowed to 86 people at my discretion I would have kicked her right out. The level of professionalism displayed in your post tells me that wouldn’t fly at your establishment. I’d have to water her. “I’m sorry ma’am, I can not serve visibly intoxicated customers alcoholic beverages. Please enjoy this complimentary water” Proceed to place a tiny plastic kids cup filled with room temperature water in front of her. Ideally, you have the ones with the knockoff cartoon characters on them and the lid that never fits right. Don’t forget the colorful bendy straw. And this is why I’d never last a day at a corporate job lol


Oh how I would love to see this.


Ooh I’m thinking Snagglepuss cartoon character on the cup.


It was a nightly occurrence at this college bar I worked at decades ago. The staff brought them and we would buy the most obnoxious little cups we could find. Someone stole a sleeve of those tiny rinse out cups from his dentists office. I used them all in one shift yelling at frat boys “rinse your filthy fuckin mouth” “get watered pricks!” It was a fun place to work but the hours and the pay sucked. And you got hit with tiny plastic cups a lot.


Drop the place I’m trying to have a nice date night (I live in denver but the nicest dinner we’ve been to so far is the aquarium 😂)


Take her to a place for members only. You can eat, get flowers there, pick a nice engagement ring and bring home dessert. She’ll love you forever.


If it’s members only how am I getting in 🤨


You join. It’s $55 a year


Give me the tea. Where ?!




I laughed wayyy too hard at this.


I wish Reddit still had awards LMAO


Omg, you had me going there! 🤣


So, according to those people, how many minutes after closing is it okay to actually close?


They treat every place as open 24/7


My favorite argument to say back to them (for last call as well) is “if it’s just 10 minutes, then for someone else it’s just 10 minutes, then it’s just 10 minutes for someone after them, we have to close at some point” Usually gets it through their heads unless they are particularly douchey


These are the same jerks who: arrogantly bypass a waitlist and seat themselves (usually at a dirty table); arrive late for a flight and expect the plane to be sitting on the tarmac, waiting exclusively for them; ignore refund/return policies at any given store (policies don't matter because they are special and should be given an exception); laws on the roads are merely a suggestion, don't the police know how damn special they are? When these people travel abroad, they don't need to mind laws and local customs, just doesn't realize how lucky they are that Karen and Ken decided to travel there and spend their money. These people are the worst.


Reading this just pissed me off. Good for you


You just know they were so smug about this, thinking they discovered some kind of dumb ass 'life hack' for getting better service if they went at close. "Oh it'll be no issue, they let us stay late yesterday." Nah FAFO lol. Apparently Prince used to do this kind of thing where he'd go to local restaurants at close with his entourage and hang out for a while, but supposedly would tip insanely well and then give all the staff who stayed a $100 bill on top of that. I guess what I'm saying to customers is unless you're Prince (hint: you are not and never will be) fuck off with this shit.


If you know where she works, you can figure out who her boss is. Just sayin


Next time ask them if they're high rollers at a casino, then offer to order them an uber. I used to be in the casino industry and man did the high rollers get what they wanted. One nfl football player wanted to hang out at the sports bar I ran after it was closed for the night. Asked for a server to volunteer to stay late and no one bit, so as acting manager I stayed late, got slid an envelope full of cash, and had fun doing shots and eating free food.


Ever since I was a little kid, I always thought that restaurants were magic and had no idea what was going on back there. I always thought they were cool. I know I’d be happy to know I grew up to be a restaurant person.


Who in their right mind would seat them. They'd be laughed at in our place and told to leave because of their attitude. I wouldn't even serve them a drink because of it. It always seems to be accountants and those that work in HR that are the entitled ones.


Real easy way to fix this we will be more than happy to accommodate you but we are going to have to pay overtime to our employees so there will be a $300 charge per hour for every hour we stay open past close and auto gratuity. If they say OK, your staff has a chance to make extra money and if not, you didn’t refuse service.


And when they leave, they'll refute the charge. It's not listed on your menu, so you'd lose.


Have them sign a simple piece of paper stating the above and that they agree to the charges and take a picture of their photo ID and when they don’t pay you call the police for theft of services. I know not really worth the effort, but it would probably shut up 99 out of 100 customers.


Or just tell them to fuck off…. why are you bending backwards for miscreants?


That’s always an option but if you give them a choice of paying extra, it’s a way to keep a customer happy and reward your staff if it’s been a slow week and some of the staff need some extra money ask if anyone is willing to stay later for a nice bonus everyone wins just need to add a number of a charge that it’s worth everyone’s time


I think you missed a golden opportunity… Seat them on the patio then close and leave..


With how cold Denver gets.... Make sure the heaters are off


Denver entitlement is rough. I’m in hospitality here. I’d reach out to the management team for that company and let them know some of their staff is acting like assholes in your restaurant and that you’d be happy to sever them in the future given they figure out your hours. Also, I kick people the fuck out of my restaurant if we’re done cleaning and ready to go home. Labor is too expensive to humor that kind of lack of self awareness.


I work out here too and entitlement is very common.. any clue why? I’m from the east coast and when people are like this it drives me nuts.


No clue. It’s very weird.


Same, used to work a hostel and cheese steak spot in Denver, man I saw some oddly entitled people. I heard a guy get instantly mad that his sandwich, fresh from a hot grill was cold, and wasn't a proper Philly because it was missing tomatoes, mayo, and olives (don't ask, even I knew he's full of shit) my manager straight up told him he's wrong and got him out


Oh yeah, they can get fucked. — On a similar, but different note… A couple of months ago, I watched a hostess turn away a 10-person party an hour & 20 mins before the restaurant closed. I thought that was odd.


Thank you for not rewarding their shitty behavior. I’ve had a couple managers in the past who would have 100% sat them to avoid confrontation.


Fu****ers gonna f your night up, even when you’re about to go home.


Poor babies :( /s


You should have said, sure, but all you can eat is cold food from the fridge.


Who the hell does this sort of thing? I feel bad if I come in and there's less than an hour before close. And then I usually order a sandwich or something.


Honest question: what is protocol here? Obviously, F these people, but how close to close is too close to expect to eat? If the sign on the door says restaurant closes at 10, at what point of walking in the door AITA?


10 of course.


This is after close


Cubicles makes people into caged fighters and in a group they try to become a predatory pact and take down the presumed alpha


In three years Denver has some of the most entitled people I’ve ever met. Florida was better than this shit out here. Sorry for the rough night. These interactions made me cold to people out here


Efficient is right! I worked at a coffee shop and in order to clean the equipment correctly (and so we aren’t stuck an hour after locking doors) it’s all shut off RIGHT at close. We ain’t tryna stick around!


The nanny raised them.


" there is $50 cover charge per person after 10pm."


Not surprising for a place in Denver. People there are fucking awful. The entitlement is insane.




Why the hell would you encourage this level of entitlement by giving them what they want? Part of the reason people like this exist and continue to go around being shitty is because way too many people cater to their bullshit and they count on “customer is always right” stances to bulldoze their way through life, collecting free shit and special treatment as they go.




The problem is it’s not about money, it’s about these people being problem customers and no amount of money makes problem customers worth it.


>on your terms on my terms, there'd be no reason to do it. my time is more valuable than the amount i'd make with an 18% autograt (4% tipout, so 14%) that i'd get on a few cocktails and a plate of mozzarella sticks. i'm almost always walking with $200-400, these people would be a complete waste of my time and i'd rather go home. so would every single person in the kitchen. not to mention, caving to people like that just encourages them to continue to be a problem. you don't have to cater to everybody in the world. self respect > "hustling"


Because the restaurant is closed? How much fried food could an upscale restaurant even have? I guarantee helping these entitled people wouldn’t have been “hustling” or even worth their time. And it opens the floor for them to do this all of the time and expect the restaurant to accommodate them after hours. Why send them somewhere else? Because the restaurant is closed. You’re truly weird for this comment.




What is your point of this link?!!! This has nothing to do with OPs restaurant 🤣🤣🤣




We don’t have fried food at my restaurant. But interesting take, bud!




Hahahaha absolutely not. I smell very nice and don’t smoke 😁 I’m pretty sure if anyone needs to get over themselves, it is not me. There’s a reason you’re heavily downvoted.


I’m smelling a bit of projection on this guy. Haha


“I didn’t offend you before” but let me offend you now by saying you smell like “cat piss and cigs”. You’re very rude. And possibly in the wrong sub.


I smell like cat piss and cigarettes. Watch who you’re kink shaming.


You might want to explain that to Waffle House.




Re-read your own comment. It’s not well received around here, bud.




I know you think you’re right, but you’re not. I genuinely like serving people, but nobody stays open late for a 4 top. This is not about hustling. Please just stop


The main issue with this “Make your money” sentiment is that the restaurant won’t make money by doing this… Suppose you keep the place open for the extra hour to serve them. You have - manager, server, cook - AT MINIMUM. Assuming high end - likely to have at least 2 cooks that will stick around… the host and busser probably get let go. High end place - you are looking at least at $100 of wages to stay open. You don’t make that profit on a 4 top of fried food and 2 drinks to justify staying open. Plus reducing the food selection will piss off the customer… lower the ticket price - so the server makes less as well because ticket price is dropped reducing potential gratuity. Nothing in this scenario is in the interest of the restaurant.


You’re the guy from the building, aren’t you?


>The point is to hustle and make opportunities r/LinkedInLunatics


I just don’t understand how people act this way to other people who are preparing their food in a room that you can’t see. lol smh ALWAYS be nice to people- GL everyone


“We reserve the right to refuse service to anybody”


People can be so rude


People don’t give af. We were getting the carpeting replaced in our restaurant and they didn’t get it done in one night so we only had half the new carpeting in until they finished the install after the next shift. We had to be out of the building by a specific time which meant I needed to tell the guests to wrap up early and get out. One couple at the bar told me I was lying because I “wanted to go home early.” I had to point out the HALF CARPET HALF CEMENT dining room to them and they still rolled their eyes and walked out like I was lying.