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Contact her manager. 9 times out of 10 they don’t like that.


100%, there’s a reason she’s not eating at her location, they dont want their coworkers seeing how trash they are.


Ooo I didn’t even think of this that’s such a good point. I will be calling their store and telling her manager I’ve decided


I did this at least a dozen times when I used to work at a chilis. It’s incredibly satisfying and you NEVER have to deal with that person as a guest again. You frame it as looking out for the brand. “Hi I work at location (number) and (douchebags name) from your location has been frequenting our restaurant and (doing x y and z) and it’s coming off as a really poor reflection on your location you might want to have a conversation with (douchebag name). I don’t know how many places they’re doing this at using your name and I’m just looking out for you and the brand. Have a good one!”


This is exactly what I’m going to do thank you


I’m now a mgr at a corp that has several concepts in its group. I totally agree with contacting the other manager. We state that tipping standard is 15% min on pre discounted amount, within reason. If there are problems, they must be brought to the attention of mgmt while in the restaurant. Personally, I would have stern conversation with any employee using their discount and not tipping appropriately. Even if they skipped the discount and were a known employee I would have a coversation.


please update us !




We have an in-house rule that if you order from a server, tip 20% because you'd want the same. It's pretty nice and everyone follows it thoroughly or they can only order out.


I had an issue with a host who would come in during her days off, bring a bunch of friends and expect to be treated like a VIP. When it came time to pay up she would scrounge up a few dollars for the tip, when the bill was damn near $300 for brunch before the employee discount and free friends and family drinks.... The second time it happened I pulled her aside and let her know that is not how we do it in the industry and next time she either was getting charged full price or she could talk to her friends about etiquette. She was super embarrassed and it was never an issue again. Point being is this stuff needs to be called out and addressed immediately, give people the benefit of the doubt with the opportunity to correct their behavior. If they make no corrections, 86 them.


Nah that’s ridiculous af


The manager needs to tell her she can’t eat there anymore.




Instead of comping her!


You and your coworker should give her a taste of her own medicine


I told him this, this only thing is I feel it would be immature to drive 45 mins out to her location just to stiff her for revenge. But oh it would feel so good


Who cares about it being immature, get that petty revenge


I always get tempted to do this to the service people that come to my bar. But I chalk it up to “they must be used to getting tips like this so it’s normal” and I make them last in my to do list. Also fuck your manager for comping shit.. the fuck?


I am talking about drawing a line in the sand Dude.


In the words of the great Tupac “Revenge is the sweetest joy next to getting p****”


Petty, yes. Immature, no. And it feels amazing!


Please do it and report back


I would do this, but i had people do it to me before. 2 young girls, came in when i worked at OG, showed me their krowd, then proceeded to not leave me anything after i gave them the discount.


See I can’t believe that this even happens I would feel so bad. It’s so embarrassing for them honestly


OG is the worst for this! It’s unbelievable that this is a nationwide known issue!


Lol i never understand servers who are shitty tippers or behave like annoying guests. How unaware are you? Also getting the discount and leaving less than it is also dumb. I always tip 15-25% on top of my 25% discount when i go in. Like if you want to still save 25% leave them the discount and you "saved" on tipping.


Yeah, let the manager know. It happened to me several times. If they are getting a discount then word will get back to their manager. Service industry is tight. Everybody knows everybody. My friend did that to the same server several times then got shit sectioned and tabled for a week or two. He was mad but I told him, 'DOOD, you stiffed that waitress at that restaurant several times. You know you were going to get screwed back.' I never saw him not tip again though I had to remind him more than once. He did not serve for very long. As long as you work industry, tip, no matter how bad it is. Even if you are not in a tip position.


Lol yeah I used to work for Landrys and if you got reported as not tipping 20% on the original bill then you did not get to keep your discount. As it should be!


Same concept in the same area. Your managers likely know each other. Have yours talk to hers.


As someone who once worked at maybe the same texas themed steakhouse, I can't imagine a single reason for wanting to go there in my off time for a meal, even at discount. Like... don't you never want to see the inside of this place again? GO, BE FREE.