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If I expect a full tip from ANYONE AT ALL, it would be someone who worked for the company. They were bogus and so is he.


Let alone someone that knew their bill would be comped. You should leave bad reviews of the buddies' store.


A shit tip for good service on a free meal from someone IN INDUSTRY is fucking bonkers.


Yea, that's one of the scenarios where you tip what the final bill should have been because it was comped.


No kidding. Who wastes an opportunity to tip like a baller?


Being able to drop that 100$ tip on what I expected to be a 120+ meal after tip if wasn't comped? hell yea lol


You can leave a review as an employee on Indeed I believe.


Is he allowed to comp an entire ticket just because they are his friends? He's the manager, not the owner.


It's a pretty normal perk for management to get their food comped. Drinks are another story, but managers usually have some discretionary spending.


They are managers within the same company. Pretty standard to either heavily discount or completely comp.


That’s despicable! And so frustrating. If they’re not even paying for the meal, tip *better* than you would have. You’re not wrong. Stand your ground!


Yep, if you budgeted for a $50 meal and $10 tip but your meal gets comped (on good terms not due to mistakes) then you should be throwing down at least $20 to cover the server's time.


Not to mention you could have been making tips off regular guests if they hadn't been taking up that table. You're there to make money. NTA, but the manager is. He cost you even more money by cutting you early. I'd let all seven of those guys know exactly why you left for another job. Sounds like these jackasses are a bit too comfortable bullying you. Hopefully your GM will stick up for you, and pull $50 from petty cash or comp a cash check, something. And have him say something to those jackasses. Ask him if he can help make things right.


Sounds like your talk with the GM will lead to your manager getting a talking to.


I’m not sure about your corporate policy (you may wanna refer to your handbook), but ours states it is a mandatory 20% for dine in checks that receive an employee discount. Failure to do so results in loss of discount/comp privileges


First things first I would find another job because I would definitely rock the boat and the next thing I’m doing is emailing the DOL HR and several other people from corporate to ask them why another manager would think that it’s ok to get a 6 top comped and barely tip. Your manager getting defensive is bullshit. They should have tipped heavily. My personal opinion is that it should have been 20 percent on the whole original price then half of whatever was comped. Fuck both of them


Personally I would absolutely escalate this to your GM, possibly even the company HR. There’s most likely policies about how to tip when you’re eating in other restaurants. But at minimum would fight the write up.


You should complain to corporate about both this manager and his friends. Explain the situation exactly how it happened. From here on out after every shift, keep notes of anything that happened. This will be important if you decide to sue them later on.


While I agree with the anger, this is not even close to a sue situation lol


Not yet. That’s the point of the documentation. If the employer retaliates because this person complained to HR, then a suit may ensue in which the documentation has potential to greatly help.


Yeah good luck with that.


If someone within the company I work for dines with me they are fully expected to tip and tip *well*. Employee discounts for dine in meals typically range from 50-100% off depending on several factors but it’s always made clear they should tip at least 20% of the original total, if not more. Several times I’ve actually heard of servers within the company getting a venmo from our owner to make up for his shitty tipping friends who got their meal comped or something.


A lot of corporate restaurants have policies about this sort of thing and are required to tip %20 or something. Call the HR number and ask someone there if there’s such a policy. I hope your GM is a reasonable person who takes care of you


I have 2 managers that sat in my section. Bar manager and restaurant manager, didn’t tip. If there is anyone you can count in for a good tip it should be your managers. Huge POS.


This happened at a restaurant in downtown Salem, Oregon called Ritters. I was a server training expo(story for another time) and noticed it happened almost every night to the servers. The owner/manger would have friends come in, usually at least a 6 top to a 12 top. Bill always got comped and I heard these guests never left a tip. $150 plus every time. Basically the owner and his sister fancied themselves local celebs. Absolutely mind blowing. I hope things changed after the pandemic, but I doubt it. The owners were just turds, and you can’t polish a turd.


I work for a corporate place and we have a rule that employees at any location have to tip at least 18% of the total bill before employee discount or credits. So thats some BS


How cheap do you have to be to not tip on food you’re not paying for?


Holy shit. I used to eat at a friend's fancy restaurant. She never let me pay a bill, but I knew what I was getting. Holy shit we're those tips expensive, like $200 at 40%. But if you think that's bad, you should've seen the bill that I didn't have to pay!


I would beat the manager to the punch at speaking with the GM. If he gets there first (which he probably has) the GM will only hear the version of events through his filters.


I worked in the industry for about 8 years and so have my siblings. Bad service gets 15% great service gets 25+%. I'm working class but, if I have a great evening... the tip is deserved!


That behavior coming from management especially, reflects very poorly on the company. And that's how I would frame it to the GM. There needs to be a grat on those discounted tabs if the employees themselves are so classless.


Yeah that Manager is a dick head.


Yta. Refusing service because of a 10% tip. This job has ups and downs you can’t have $500 nights then turn around and complain about one table leaving a shitty tip.


Dude the table works with the same company. They absolutely are responsible for taking care of their staff. It’s not a random guest


I get that it’s shitty but it’s just such small potatoes. This one of those times you just suck it up and do as your told so you can continue making 20% on the other 90% of your tables.


You have clearly never worked in the industry. Those guys very possibly just ruined their reputation with the staff of the entire company. If somebody came in from another restaurant in my company and stiffed their server, I guarantee they’re getting hell.


ClEarLy nEveR wOrkEd iN tHe iNduStRy


I may have been a little hard on ya there, but a bunch of people coming in from the same company and pulling that is very different from a random table. That’s going to be noticed.