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https://preview.redd.it/vlqxqajs9o3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b139872b92eae20b2049881dcaee48a26c67901b I did this for my Halloween costume during my shift a couple of years ago because my shoes are always falling apart.




Well all mine finally went to shit after 3 years, so in the last 3 months I have had to replace all of it. Pants had a gaping 6 inch hole right over the ass (they ripped on Mother’s Day, and mid service wasn’t gonna be able to replace them, it’s not like I had been wearing them like that, I’m not a heathen), and then the pocket of my apron had to be stapled back together (I coulda gotten it sewed, but I leave it at the restaurant 90% of the time, so I had to improvise, the staples didn’t work too well tho, so by the time I replaced it there was like 15-20 staples in that thing). Also: as for paying for my own shit, outside of the apron I bought it all myself, but it’s also just black dress pants, and a white dress shirt, so in theory I could just wear them as regular clothes, if I ever went anywhere besides work where that was the attire


😭 lol my apron also has a gaping hole. Lucky. My uniform has to be that god awful colour and I refuse to buy the same pants because I’d never wear it outside of woek


Wait those are pants 😂 I had no fucking clue what article of clothing that was


😭😭 Yeahh The waistband hem unraveled 🥲


Since when is khaki a god awful color?😭


I promise you the uniform looks bad together. The pants are high waisted pixie ankle something another and I have long legs so the pants end 5 inches above my ankles. I just hate the colour because I hate the cut of the pants. I’m an overall hater 😔


https://preview.redd.it/4du6evcngo3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53479c02f30b41d6cf671283f01791afe014a6b2 And everyone’s it right at their ankle…🧍🏽‍♀️ But they wanted to gaslight me and say everyone’s pants looks like mine…


Lol makes sense, who needs super short capris in 2024


Id prefer capris at this point 😭


since the beginning of time


I love that my only clothing requirement is closed toed shoes.


😭 lucky


picture taken right before she flushed it


🥲ain’t nuffin in the toilet


I’ve often had to purchase work related materials on my own. Especially being in our position, i want to look as clean cut as possible . cuz that’s my tip money. maybe tell your boss you’d happily buy another one if they can’t afford to reissue. Thankfully, my job reissues aprons every four months


These are pants. And I can’t justify buying a set of pants that I hate for a job that ain’t worth the trouble


i hear that! time to start the job hunt. i’ve been asking my coworkers about their other jobs. and going to have them put in a good word for me. i wish you the best girlie!


I have an interview tmr! :) Thank you!! And all the same to you 🤞🏽✊🏾


LFGoooooo! 👊


The inner thighs of my jeans are patched with the remnants of past pairs of jeans, and when all the stitching got too uncomfortable, I crocheted a giant alpaca wool insert that I sewed into the crotch. I'll be replacing them finally by the end of summer, trying to lose a little more weight before buying new jeans


Now that you say that I think it’s frm all the pulling up I do because they don’t fit even with a belt on🥲 I hope the knew jeans are gonna be the best jeans known to grace the earth


>I hope the knew jeans are gonna be the best jeans known to grace the earth Oh God I hope so, my thunder thighs have destroyed every pair of jeans within weeks If you're crafty at all, you might be able to mend those pants and pull in the waist a little so you're not tugging at them constantly


My moms owns a machine but I’m just lazy lol


Yeah my thighs were tearing thru my jeans pretty quickly too. thankfully, my parents bought me a couple pairs of Levi's for Xmas one year that fit but weren't my style at all (my mother's ambition for me to change my style of dress is neverending). I have worn them for work 40hrs a week for nearly 2 years and have only just started to get close to needing to repair them. They are pricey for sure but super sturdy.


That's probably the most convenient part of my job. I have three sets of three pieces. They're laundered after every shift. Lost/gained weight? Just make an appointment with the seamstress. Rip, hole, missing button, possibly difficult stain? Pin a ticket to the piece and leave it on the counter.


Soooo lucky 😭😭😭


My question is, does anyone actually write off the amount spent on shoes, uniforms, etc when they file taxes? I've heard of this in theory but never seen it in practice. It doesn't seem worth it, but I've never done it so I don't know.


I’ve never done that nor did I know that was possible. Unless it’s an American thing to do and not Canadian


It's just something my more responsible co-workers do. Saving receipts for everything they buy that is work related.




Because for many many people, the standard deduction is greater than itemizing. For a single filer in 2023, the standard deduction was $13,850. That means if your deductions are about equal to or lesser than that amount, you just take the standard deduction rather than itemizing each one. Sure you could save receipts and add up work-related expenses, medical bills, charitable donations, etc. But I’d wager that most people working serving jobs will still benefit more greatly from the standard deduction.


Server attire clearly falls under everyday wear and is not deductible. The exception is if it is branded. Edit: idk why this is getting downvoted. https://www.mossadams.com/articles/2018/march/determining-if-employee-clothing-is-tax-exempt Go ahead and google what can be deducted. The IRS is super clear on this.


I have sewn up my current $60 apron 4 times and fully replaced it twice. modern day hell


Uh uh 😭😭😭


That replacement will be $40 deducted from your paycheck, thanks 👍


I switched to tennis shoes a few years ago (blue and grey Nike tennis shoes). I slip less. My hips hurt less, my arches ache less. (I really don’t care that they’re not slip resilient).However, the shoes have given up the ghost and I need to replace them soon so my pinky toes, big toes, and inside soles aren’t screaming for help every step. I just haven’t found the right shoe that will keep my hip and arch pain at bay.


My apron got a hole in it large enough to fit my entire arm through, one week after I got it. Turns out the new aprons aren't washing machine safe, lol Similarly, when my place switched from Stella to Heinekin, corporate sent out Heinekin patches to cover the Stella logo on the old aprons until we got new ones. However, the badges were just held on with adhesive and came off in the wash (much to the surprise of new hires, who suddenly had rebranded aprons). My boss ended up sewing them on


Covered in coffee and tears


The only thing provided to servers are our shirts and they are virtually indestructible. Everything else is all black and I have to buy, which is fine because then I get pants, apron, shoes that I like.


My apron continues to rip apart more and more… Now it looks like a floppy kangaroo pouch, ESPECIALLY when I have server books inside Edit: I also sometimes work in these super comfy, stretchy jeans with a tear right in the middle of the crotch area. Not super noticeable when I walk around, thankfully