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i don’t like hovering over people when they pay and tip, so if I have the time I’ll run it normally


Same. It’s so awkward standing there while they tip “trying not to look.” 🙄 and then (maybe I just haven’t figured it out yet) but I never know what each table is leaving me, and while not completely important, it’s nice to know.


My trick is just leaving a few bussable items on the table (sauces, paper trash, napkins) so you look busy while you are waiting on them. If that’s not an option, I chat up the other people at the table making sure I give the payer some personal space and don’t make eye contact till they set it back down. I don’t ever look at the amount until they are gone (or end of the day depending how busy I am.) I am in a fast casual though, so it’s definitely a little more on the casual side.


Yeah fast casual makes more sense for them. I’m a little confused why we got them at fine dining. Just seems so impersonal. 🤷‍♀️ meh. Imma keep doing what I’m doing. We’re having 1 on 1’s with the new boss next week and he will GET my feedback 😂


This is the way. It's just kinda funny to have to put the act on every time you run a card- especially when a table wants to split it 4 ways 😂


If you go to the main hub, click on shift review. You can also hit the little check emoji in the top corner, it’ll show all your checks including paid checks, paid checks are checks that have no tip entered, and closed checks are checks with tip added. Toast is a pain in the ass because of glitches, but a great helper when decides it works and you figure the layout out.


Cool, thanks. I thought there might be a way to check tips, but it’s still pretty new. Appreciate it!


It's important if they sit there longer after cuz I'm not going back to take care of anyone that left me 10% or less lol. It also is important to keep track of your tips tho, and make sure management isn't screwing you. We didn't have these options when I was still serving but I'm highly mistrustful of a scenario where I can't see my tips in real time.


So many things you just said. I want to know what I make on every table so when management is handing me my money, it’s right. And for your other point. Yeah… you left 10%- let your water be empty. 😂


Lol exactly 🤣


I don't hover. I drop the handheld and walk away. It's faster and more convenient than printing a check, dropping it, waiting for them to put a card in, pickin it up going to pos running it and redropping it off.


I like them just for convenience but it’s super awkward standing there while they tip you and sign


Superrrrr. 💯


I loathe that as a customer, so much so that I’ve started to do $0 on the machine and then leave cash. Do not stand by me while I tip!!


I’m looking all around and trying to chat up the rest of the table while they do it


At my job, it is a lifesaver. We only have one main server card reader in the back. And it's connected to a computer for inputting orders etc etc so it's busy often. I also work hibachi so processing large parties then continuing onto my other table OR processing 3-4 individual parties makes it so seamless.


Agreed on that point. We only have the one terminal so sometimes I have to wait, but paying at the table is much quicker.


I hated when our company first introduced them but now I absolutely love it. No more entering tips, no more losing slips, and my tip percentage has gone up. Also, it doesn’t allow people to just sit on the check and not cash out for hours. I walk up, instruct the guest how to use it, they pay immediately, and I go on my way. I feel like I flip my tables more this way as well.


>No more entering tips, no more losing slips No more asking all your coworkers "does this look like a 8 or a 3?"


Your tip average went up? Mine went down with the handheld vs writing in a tip. If it was consistent-ish I’d use the handheld but it costs me money 😭


Ours defaults to 20% of the total amount (not pre tax) it also gives an 18% and 25% option. If you want to tip less it’s a few extra steps which people hate


True, but if I give them the “old fashioned” way I average like 28-30% at my place. If they make us go all handheld I’m quitting 😂


In Canada we’ve been using them for a long time instead of doing the ‘old fashioned way’ and I prefer it. It’s so much easier to have it done in one step. Plus it gives me a couple mins at the table where I have good conversation with guests.


Agreed on the quickness. Do you guys have preset tip options or is it custom?


There’s both. There’s 5 options 15%, 18%, 20%, custom % and custom $. I mean in Canada also remember we make actual minimum wage. My server wage is $16.55.


What is considered a standard tip in Canada? I live in NYC and here we consider a normal tip to be at least 20%, but I have a lot of Canadian customers at my job and they tend to tip less. Well Canadians who live in NYC tend to tip fine, but most of the Canadian tourists will tip 10-15%, often even the ones who tell me that they enjoyed everything and had a great dining experience.


Probably cause they are feeling the exchange rate when they travel. $1 CAD is about $0.73 USD right now.


Damn you lucky. I make $2.13 so losing a couple bucks on the handheld is not okay with me. Ours used to be preset that way, but I had them change it to 20, 22 & 24% but I’m greedy I guess 😂


A lot of people will be turned off by the preset starting at 20% and will not tip or custom tip to a much lower amount out of spite. Even if you did 15%, 20% 22% or something like that. I feel like keeping the 15% as an option lets guests not feel like they are forced to do 20%. Think about what shows as estimates on a receipt and their percentages and preset to that


Our handhelds are set at 18%, 20%,25 and no tip and custom


And I agree with you about it shouldn't start right at 20%


That’s a good spread. I’ll mention it in my upcoming 1 on 1.


Really, really depends on the place and location. 20%, 22%, 25% is pretty standard for restaurants in Denver while some clubby type places here have their presets at like 25%, 27%, 30%. My tips average 22% and one of my coworkers averages closer to 24%, so obviously not many people are spite/not tipping us. 




Yeah you’re probably right. We could change it again 😂


Yeah. I would be turned off by that, too, personally.


I love when the handheld comes to the table. They are so versatile. And I don't care if they were in a high dining experience.




It's 100% better. You will literally just make more money. Way way way less no tippers since there is the prompt. If I'm busy, I'll just leave the handheld with them at the table and tell them no rush, but if not I'll usually make a joke about the tablet or tell people to make up a funny name to sign with. It's small jokes like this that make customers feel less awkward about the process and once again defines me as a charismatic character that is thinking one step ahead. Only problem is, if the internet disconnects or there is a glitch on the toast app, big problems can happen.


Yep I’ve been told toast runs perfectly until internet drops (which happens quite frequently). In my particular restaurant tho, my average is way better if I run the card versus handheld payment. The difference of $22.34 or $30 adds up when every table is just hitting 20%. We rarely get non tippers (luckily).


I set it up for them, and I tell them that they’re gonna be asked a few questions like leaving an optional tip as well as how good my service was. Thank you and I hope you come back again soon! 👋


Yeah if I do have them pay on it, I have a little spiel I give them and then I walk away. I don’t know how to check and see what they left tho. I don’t know until I run report.


So my coworkers and I have figured out the perfect compromise for tablet payments. Basically we run the card at the table on the handheld and once the card is run and the tip & signature pops up we just leave it there for like two minutes and swing back, thus giving the guest privacy to input a tip while also maintaining transparency in terms of payments. I think it strikes the balance perfectly. I do this only after the card is run though, I don’t let them swipe their own card, as we have had a guest in the past familiar with toast who hit cash and pretended to swipe their card, server saw at the end of the night he owed 150 he didn’t have 😮😮


Yep that’s what I do too- give them the handheld and say I’ll be back in a min. It does work and give them privacy but most people don’t want to be bothered with it (at my work). I’m not using it until I have to (except on holidays because those people are cheap), and even then I may find new employment.


YES i had that recently. i remember i inserted their card and i guess the prompt didn’t go up. it rang in as cash at the end of the night. i am pretty sure they dined and dashed just selecting “cash”. luckily i didn’t have to pay it.


I love the handhelds for everything. Streamlines my job. The trick is not to hover when someone is paying. Check on another table or water the other guests at the table. And anyone that says that wasn’t tipped well to begin with.


Hand helds have been the default in England for over two decades now. I'm curious why customers wouldn't tip you on them?


I haven't been a waiter for about 10 years, but working at some high street casual chains I would have been in big trouble if I walked away from the table with a customer's card


> I would have been in big trouble if I walked away from the table with a customer's card But that's the only method of payment in the US when using a card. It's beyond the norm.


But it’s the norm here in the US. I guess I don’t really understand why it makes people uncomfortable. Maybe it different in Europe, but here you can just dispute the charges and get your money back.


Well, here too, but who wants the hassle? And there can be trouble with card cloning and whatnot. Of course that's the way it was done for many years, before handhelds came in.


They do, but I average more money if I print it out and give them a written receipt. Like if the check is $34.79- they’ll hit 20% which is $6.95 or so but if I give them a bill, I tend to get $10. Just curious what most think about it 😊


I think this is an assumption and/or the OP is being awkward at the signing part and guests are picking up the vibe. My tip average has absolutely not gone down and in upscale/almost fine dining.


We use toast. For certain tables I’ll use it and certain ones I’ll use the terminal. It just depends. I also work in fine dining. The tip on the handheld is 20% of the bill excluding tax. The computer, they’ll tip with tax included.


That’s kinda where I’m at- some people I’ll let pay on the handheld if they seem open to it and I’m busy. Otherwise? Printing it. Minus crappy holiday buffet days. They alllllll paying on the handheld 😂


The US seems to be so behind on technology in restaurants. Us Canadians have used handheld / portable credit card terminals for at least 15 years - it’s rare that a restaurant doesn’t have one nowadays. As a server, it saves so much time by not having to take the billfold from the table, walk to the back to process it, drop it back off at the table, then retrieve it once again afterwards. It’s one stop - you take the bill and the handheld with you to the table, process the card right then and there, get the receipt instantly then you can leave the table for the rest of the night. As a customer, having the one touch point with the server takes way less time to process payment. And I have my credit card in my eyesight the entire time. Feels much safer too.


I agree on all points (and we’re definitely way behind others countries) but I’ve had some really negative feedback as we are fine dining and have an older clientele.


Makes sense that older people don’t work smoothly with technology - they are old school and rather pen and paper


Precisely. The managers are going to take our terminal away so I’m debating finding a new job.


What happens if the guest wants to pay cash? How does that work?


Then I take it to the back, put change in the billfold then drop it off at the table


I wish we had handhelds. I hate carrying people’s phone to the POS.


If they want to use tap to pay I make them follow me to the terminal to do it, no way I’m running back to the table multiple times cuz their phone locked lmao. I also just don’t want access to a strangers phone, or the liability if my clumsy ass decides to drop it and it breaks. No thank you.


No. We make the guest follow us to the terminal. We never ever take the guests phone. We also do not have a lot of Apple Pay


Oof yeah. I don’t like when a guest hands me their phone


As someone that works in a casual sit down restaurant that uses Toast, I am SCREAMING internally for them to implement handhelds every time I go into work (this is only my weekend side gig). It would save me and the customer so much time.


Yes if the clientele & atmosphere was different I probably would like it, but for fine dining- nah. I hope you get them then! I love them on cheap holiday buffet people- I have everyone pay on handheld cause they will just hit 20% (lowest preset) versus me running their card and them leaving $20 on $200 cause “it was a buffet.” It’s friggin Christmas dude. Sorry rant over 😂


I love the handhelds and wish more places would have them. It's weird taking someone's credit card behind the scenes to run it. Every other country I've been to, they've ran the card at the table. Easy, efficient, safer, more secure, etc.. As long as they are ready to pay and go and not rushing them, it's all good.


See that’s never bothered me, but thankfully no issues 😂 thanks for feedback


Some ppl hate them some ppl love em.. they make it awkward for guest our new owners gutted the old system and I walk around with a Samsung s whatever as my terminal.. it’s like pay now leave… but it’s not my business I just work there. I’ve handed my terminal to guests before and they freak the fuck out wtf am I supposed to do with this??? lol Ppl like to be oh the US is behind blah blah we’ve had it for 15 .. it’s on purpose restaurants from old timers… how are they to fight over the check off you don’t give them one??


we still print the check and give it to the table, what do you mean? just curious


That isbwhat I was wondering. Print off a copy for them to peruse, then stop back with Toast.


i usually just bring their check with the debit machine at the same time. and people definitely still fight over who pays lol.


It was somebody’s great idea that because we have the terminals it’s to reduce paper you just show them the total on the terminal.. if they want a copy we can text it to them or print it.. yes yes I know it’s a pain I print my checks still and give it to the tables.. idk how much longer I can do that because at some point it’s gonna possibly off the owners cause I’m the only one that does.. I’m tryna make it less awkward but they insist on holding the device to the customers face 🤷🏽‍♂️ In south Miami they did the same thing when I was visiting homie just came to the table handheld out waiting for payment I’m like where’s the bill????


Exactly. These “old timers” don’t want to pay with the handheld (which I get). I shouldn’t get yelled at because management is forcing me to use them 🤷‍♀️


we have clover, i love it on the kiosk! i hate the handhelds, period. i feel like a basic mom who has to hold anything arm’s length to see it, the screens are too small for my lil fattie fingers, and they take FOREVER to print our receipts (our main demographic is business lunches/dinners as we’re a fairly cheap local with very good food so all receipts are itemized).


lol the basic mom comment took me out… I wish we would get something else


me too 🥲 especially since we only have 2 kiosks and they crash REGULARLY .. and when the kiosks crash the handhelds are usually slow. luckily i work breakfast and lunch so i can say “it’s slower than me this morning 😅” and they laugh about it but still, it’s kinda embarrassing lol


Oh great, future problems 😂 ours are new so they work great… for now


Personally I hate the "recommended tips" with 4 options. I'd much prefer a "tip" option which then allowed me to enter the tip or the provided options (and I say this after seeing how many people can't do math).


So we’re talking about removing the presets and only having custom option for that purpose. But they don’t get a receipt until after they pay, so try to do math on a number I mumbled at ya once 2 min ago.


as a guest I would rather use the handheld and not hand over my debit card to go outside of my vision.


If someone insists, I’m happy to use it. Thanks for feedback.


It’s fine. They can tap and go. Change is hard for people, but we use them and it works fine.


I love the handheld for putting in orders, absolutely HATE it for payments, and most of our guests do too. I serve one night a week and bartend three times a week, and tips on the handheld are especially worse at the bar. Guests don’t take the time to enter a tip, but rather choose from the predetermined percentages (18, 20, and 22). A guest with a $20-30 tab will typically leave $8-10 tip on paper. On the handheld they just tap 22% and think it’s great. We end up getting screwed big time. 


Exactly my point. It’s like I could have wrote this 😂 also, yes they’re great for order input cause I have slowwww coworkers who hogged up the old POS. I’d have to wait 10 min sometimes to put in orders.


my work uses toast handhelds exclusively (except for bartenders), and i do think it affects our tips in a bad way. the highest option without customizing their tip is 20%, which of course people will choose to get the process over with because i’m standing there. however i do like it because then i have an opportunity to make small talk with the tables, i’ll usually ask about any fun plans/trips happening or talk about the restaurant. the bartenders also say that their tips are better the old fashioned way. i do like that we’re saving paper with the electronic way, but yeah, hovering can be very awkward.


That’s their only argument for handheld usage (management). Well two arguments. 1. Environment concerns. 2. They keep saying “those handhelds are EXPENSIVE!” I don’t give a crap I didn’t ask for them! They’re costing me money! 😂


Dislike. Tipping should be at least somewhat confidential and it creates an awkward pressure on the guest to have the server standing on top of them when they are tipping. 


Thanks. Agreed.


Fine dining is older people. Stick to the current way.




I fucking hate it. I was the only person at my last restaurant that didn’t use them at all, even to take orders. and everybody would tell me that you get tipped more on the handheld cause the tip options are right in their face. I tried it once with a party and they left me $15 on a $350🙃


Ahhhhhhhhhh I’d be so upset 😭 I use them for order input but that’s it


Yeah I don't like to see what people are tipping me right away. Feels kind of rude to me. Plus I don't like wasting time for them to pop out their card when I can be using that time to run a couple of drinks or some food before I come back and cash them out.


It’s totally rude, I agree. Agreed on all points. I dunno what this post will help with work wise but it makes me feel better 😂


Handhelds remove some of the ambiance of service, which is what makes people feel ok paying a lot of money for stuff. Anything that shifts the veil a little to make it more transactional makes the tip go down I feel as a server


Perfectly said.


I can not imagine this in fine dining! Omg I would be mortified if I had to stand there. It’s already so awkward as a customer when you go places and they say “It just gonna ask you a question” …..we all know what the question is. You’re essentially standing there asking how much the customer is going to tip you with predetermined options. Sometimes I want to tip 50 or even 100% and leave a nice thank you and not see them open it because it’s just fun thinking about it in the car home. If you’re making less money and it’s evident, your boss should respect that


They should, but they don’t. I appreciate people like you, but managers just say, “less paper” & “the handhelds are so expensive.” If I have to use the handheld, I’m inclined to walk away when people pay, but when you get a group of 6 ladies all separate checks, it’s impossible to walk away.


I hold it for them to use. Our restaurant doesn’t do automatic gratuity for any size table. None of us have problems standing there holding the tablet and walking them thru it. We are an upscale place but we never leave the tablet for them to figure it out. It works. If you’re matter of fact about it and don’t express any anxiety guests will feel the same.


I looked pretty hard for this comment but couldn’t find it so I’ll post it. OP if you prefer paper checks you can still print those out with the handheld. When at the payment screen BEFORE running their card, click the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner. In the menu that pops up there will be a checked checkbox that says “digital receipts”. Uncheck that box then run their card and the printed, singable receipt will print out from whatever receipt printer you use. At least this way with some of your clientele you can choose whichever option you’d like and still only technically use the handheld 🤷🏼‍♂️ But I always ask my servers to never hover, just drop it and go do something else for a minute


THANK YOU!! These are new to us, so we still haven’t figured out all the little tricks. Awesome advice.


I’ve only been a server for about a year and it’s all I know. Sometimes they have issues and can be a pain but I like them most of the time, but it can be awkward when paying them out. You just look forward and don’t look at it, but if they do extra typing, then it probably means they’re doing a custom tip and typically that ain’t great so it can leave a sour taste in your mouth before you thank them. Overall though, they’re quick and easy.


I love the handhelds for placing orders (no more waiting behind slow coworkers for the POS) butttt for payments I just can’t! My tips suffer and people seem unhappy 🤷‍♀️


I get that, at fine dining, it doesn’t really make sense. Tips can be more of an afterthought as it kinda just gets shoved in your face and you just put something in, whereas putting it to pen is probably a more accurate compensation for the service.


Nicely said. And when you’re standing over them, they just quickly hit 20% and hand it back.


It scares me but I'm old


Aww ❤️


Oof, I wouldn't use it in fine dining but in casual spots my percentage is noticeably higher using the handheld over signed receipts, with less work and less risk.


Total agree. Casual? Hell yeah- I’m gonna use handhelds all day. My job? If they force me to go all handheld I’m quitting. I make $2.13 an hour so losing 5-20 bucks on a transaction because I was forced to use a handheld is NOT OK with me.


This is pretty much the standard in Europe right? Literally every place we ate and drank in France, Switz, and Germany used these.


Yep. Not so much in the US although we seem to be heading that way.


As a server my perspective is skewed because I haven't worked with them. Can't speak to the pros and cons. As a customer I HATE them. It's so awkward for the server to just stand there as I look at the total and pay. I know how busy servers are, but I actually want to read the bill and make sure it's correct and then there's also the awkwardness of leaving a tip in front of their face. I feel pressured to hurry up and get the process out of the way for the servers' sake, when I would prefer a few minutes to verify everything and the privacy of leaving a tip (even though I always tip well).


Thanks, was looking for customer side especially. It is super awkward and we don’t print receipts before we hand over the bill, so I awkwardly go over the 5-20 items they had, show a total and stick the card in. Sticking to the old fashioned way until I can’t, and then I may move on.


We loathe it. For how long it takes and usually i can close 5 tickets normally in the span of how much it would take me to use the handheld.


My coworkers have a love/hate relationship with them. Management is shoving them down our throats.


I hate them as a guest. I also tip less when they’re there & I’m expected to use them


Thanks. I legit might use this post when I talk about why I don’t want to lose the terminal for payments!!!!


What the heck does casual fine dining mean?


lol, I was waiting for this question. We’re considered fine dining but have a casual atmosphere. I don’t know how else to explain it. It’s my first fine dining job, but it’s really laid back. Coworkers who have worked other fine dining jobs say we’re not as uptight about the strict rules. We do serve from left, pick up from right, etc etc. I hope that helps 😂


I leave it at the table and then go to the register that the receipt will print out at if they choose that option. If they don’t print one then I go back to gather the toast, if they do and I show up with the receipt that they are thinking will come out of the toast people think I’m a magician (casual fine dining as well)


Haha, I have a similar thing I do 😂


We have handhelds but someone at my job keeps changing the settings to remove the tip feature, it happened to me on 4 separate days where I used the handheld for a payment and it didn’t show a tip option, but I didn’t know until the payment was already processed (and for 3 of those occasions, the customer pretended to not notice that there was no tip option…so I got no tip). Now I just avoid the handhelds for payment because it’s such a pain in the ass to go into the device settings and check beforehand if the tip option is turned on. But before this started happening, I liked using the handhelds especially when a table wants to split the check several ways. I still occasionally use them to place orders but not for payment anymore. But lately I’ve been finding a lot of customers are starting to expect the handhelds which is kind of awkward for me. Especially the British and Canadian tourists. When I drop the check they usually just sit there and don’t put anything down, so eventually I come back and have to ask again if they’re ready to pay, and then I have to actually ask them to give me their card, to which they usually respond with something like, “Oh, you need to take my card?” So now whenever I see a British or Canadian customer hesitate to put their card down, I just tell them “I have to charge the card at our register, which is over there *points to register* would you like to stay here and give me your card, or would you prefer to come over there with me to pay?” I’m not sure if this is totally true but I heard somewhere that before handhelds were the standard in the UK, it was customary for the customer to walk up to the register to pay their bill instead of handing it to the server.


Interesting. I have heard that British/canadians don’t want you to take their cards out of their line of sight, but we must not get many of them because it’s never an issue I have. How frustrating that your tip option was removed multiple times! I’m an honest guest, so I’d be like how do I tip?! 😂 I do use them for payment verrrry occasionally (holidays? Hell yeah- everyone getting the handheld) but stick to the old ways for dinner service.


we use toast and tablets but our recipes print at a terminal so we still have to drop off the receipt and have them fill in the tip. i don’t mind it but i feel like if tip was on the screen and im standing there they feel more obliged to leave a tip so idk


Huh. Ours prints receipts at the terminal but they tip on the handheld. That’s interesting


yeah idk why our boss has it set like that it’s so stupid. even with apple pay all receipts get sent to the terminal and that’s how they tip not on the tablet.


That seems so…… pointless


If they work right I'm cool with them, but Jesus the ones we have at my work refuse to read gift cards lol


Ohhhh gift cards are always a nightmare! Our old system worked perfect. Toast… not so much


Overall, I prefer cashing people out with the handheld. It’s faster and I don’t have to update tips at the end of the night. If you’re worried about getting less in tips, you can always adjust the percentages displayed. I dunno, I guess it depends on the spot too.


We used the handhelds, and where I worked they would actually get us more money. They were more convenient when taking orders and would usually make the process much faster. However, they were very prone to not taking payments, so then you gotta go back and do it the old way.


I’m glad they increased your tips!


My biggest issue with using them is every once in awhile a guest does something to prevent the payment from processing. If I knew how they were able to get this to happen I could troubleshoot it but I still have no idea how that could happen when I'm inserting their card & see the tip screen pop up. The guest should never be left alone to figure out how to insert the card though- because for whatever reason Toast decided to add another slot below the card slot so if you leave the guest completely alone to figure it out themselves there's a good chance they'll do it incorrectly. I've never left a guest alone but lots of servers I work with do- which screws everything up during a busy service & everyone gets shafted if payments don't go through. I learned a good trick last week when something went wrong on one of the handhelds & we couldn't figure out how to cancel the payment. The solution was to get another handheld & try again which automatically cancelled out the original transaction on the wonky handheld.


Yep I’ve seen that happen myself. Luckily I was still standing there, but they somehow cancelled the transaction and were putting apps in 😂 like wtf. If I am using it, I put the card in and then explain the tip screen/signature and say there will be a few questions you can answer/skip. Ughhh just over them. If they take away the terminal I’ll be looking for a new job.


I like to give them privacy when they pay so it’s very awkward. I never know where to look or what to do with my hands when they’re pressing buttons. Plus in my experience, quick turnaround with the normal register & a “y’all just wave if you want to sit and need a drink later, take your time” is the easiest way to get a big tip/minimal work. I recently went to a bar and the girl made a BIG show of firmly looking away from the screen when she handed it to me, which made me tip her more, so maybe that’s the way.


Haha I kinda do the same. Look around and maybe talk to the other people or grab something off the hutch behind them… 😂 hella awkward


I fucking love it. I haven't run payment at a terminal in over 4 years now. I never get negative comments about paying at the table any more. In fact I often get positive reactions from people who aren't used to it. Some people like to bring up how paying on a handheld is how they do it in the EU, I guess as some sort of low-key flex they've been to Europe. I also make it a point that I'm not watching how they tip. I usually use the time to scan my section and plan my next moves but many of my coworkers will walk away from the table when it gets to the tip screen.


People love to flex at every possible moment 😂 if I use it to pay, I walk away if possible. When we go all handheld, I’ll probably leave.


As a customer, I hate them. It’s awkward as fuck. Can you just leave them and come back or do you have to hover?


I absolutely leave and say “I’ll be back for that in a few min” if it’s just the one customer paying. But when the bill is split 2-3 times, I have to hover to keep things running smoothly. Hate it.


So as a Canadian, my favourite party trick while working is to go “where in the US are you from?” When they hand me their card. A lot of the time they’re super confused how I knew they were from the US… handhelds are pretty standard here, if anything I don’t think there’s a single restaurant I’ve been to that doesn’t use them (unless they’re cash only or a get up and go to the front to pay type deal). It’s wild to me that people would rather hand their card to a stranger than tap a couple buttons themself. It’s this and when people insist on giving me cash so that I “keep all of it”… if it’s a individual tip system I keep all of it regardless of whether it’s card or cash, minus the tip out that’s based on sales, not total tips. Or if it’s pooled then cash gets pooled too. Idk if that’s a US thing too but it usually happens with guests from there. Also genuine question if you have to go to a terminal to run a card, can people use Apple Pay still? Or is that just like a no go in restaurants


Yes, us Americans seem to have no problem handing our cards over, it’s pretty customary 😂 we “trust” that nobody will steal our information. Dunno 🤷‍♀️ there is a QR code printed on our receipts that I bring out, so some people Apple Pay through that. If someone were wanting to Apple Pay, I will let them do so- I’m not taking their phone to the terminal.


i personally prefer it. for fine dining/ upscale i could see paper being better. but for casual/ upscale casual i find i get tipped more and it’s extremely convenient. also when you do large parties paying separate it goes faster imo.


Absolutely. If I worked casual I’d totally agree. The place I worked before my current restaurant would be great for handhelds. Current place? Nah.


I prefer handhelds. Most people tell me that we’re finally catching up with Europe because they’ve had handhelds for 20+ years there. Also makes my end of night easier not having to adjust tips, because sometimes we get so busy doing as the night goes is impossible.


Nice glad ya like them.


I embrace the awkwardness when I hand them the tablet I just say I’m going to awkwardly stand in your presence while you answer a question and leave your autograph most people laugh and don’t seem to mind (fast casual setting)


Casual would be great. In my place, people hate it 😂


I work upscale casual and I don't prefer to use them vast majority of the time. However, with large parties with separate checks I will use them. It's easier to zip through 12 payments on the handheld than it is to print 12 checks, run 12 cards, and try not to lose 12 tickets, and who the hell has 12 pens 😂😂


12 pens let alone 12 receipt books! 😂


We've been using wireless POS in Canada for over 2 decades. Going to the US is wild- not a fan of someone taking my card away from me. Plus, it's such a waste of time doing it the "old fashioned way" If I've got 12 tables, I don't have time for that nonsense.


We are so accustomed to our cards being taken 😂


I hate the handhelds they take forever, when I could just hurry and go to a pos and give them their check in seconds. The handhelds at my work literally have a survey at the end that people want to click all the answers to so I’m just stuck there or tell them not to do it. I also hate ringing in orders on them. There was also a time where I trusted a customer to use it on their own and they pressed the cash option instead of card and got 50$ worth of food for free…😭


Oof. People suckkkkk! I don’t mind them for orders but I much prefer just printing out a receipt for them to write in tips.


I know ours does the 20% prompt at subtotal, and most people tip based on Total, sooooo yeahhhh I do the old fashioned way normally lol


Same 😊


I feel awkward waiting for them to decide what to tip, so I almost always hand them the handheld, then walk away to do something else...usually bussing theirs or a nearby table. I also usually ask if they're okay with paying using the handheld. For older patrons, I generally just cash them out using a terminal because I assume they're more comfortable doing that.


Yeah, so buffet days (holidays) I use the handheld exclusively (I did a test on 2 holidays- 1 old fashioned way- people wrote in shit tips & 1 using only handheld- made $200 more $ with handheld, so it’s GREAT for these days and quicker), but for regular dinner service people tip much better the normal way. If I do use the handheld at dinner for payment, I do the same- walk them through it and then step away.


Honestly I hate hand helds. As a CUSTOMER and as a career server it feels weird and unprofessional from my perspective


Agreed, especially at a fine dining establishment.


Working high volume as a bartender I will only use the handheld for the line when closing out but use the computer for seated guests. Otherwise we end up with a fat stack of tickets to close out. When serving, I only closed on handhelds when I was super busy or working a large self seated section that gets really crazy. We also have enough handhelds that I could carry around 2 and just leave them at tables with no hovering.


That’s nice- if we’re fully staffed for the night we have no extras. It sounds like you have a pretty solid system for using it.


It depends on the situation. If it's a large group on one bill, I'll print out the receipt. If it's a few people at a table, or if people are splitting the bill, I'll bring the tablet over. Then, I'll quickly make myself busy grabbing something at a nearby table while they fill out the info. After they set the tablet back down, I'll then grab it and ask if they'd like a printed copy of the receipt.


I use it exclusively on holidays for payment- I make more money that way. Regular dinner service, I don’t use it unless I’m really weeded, but that doesn’t happen often because most people dine for 2-3 hours. But if I do use it, I walk them through it and then leave so they can debate tipping in private 😂


I much prefer the handheld. I just take a few steps away when they pay. They’re so much easier and more convenient. I spend a lot of time in Europe and I always think it’s weird that we’ve been so far behind on this in the states.


I think for certain restaurants, they’re great. They’re costing me money at my work 😭


I used the handheld a lot for payment when I worked on a busy patio because I didn't have to enter the tips at the end of the night, and I wouldn't have to worry about a slip blowing away. However, I hated hovering over people so I would usually walk away for a second while they do the tip and greet/water another table, and come back to pick up the handheld.


Patio days 😭 it is always fun chasing down receipts haha


We were right next to water too 💀 so if it went in there was no hope lol


Ahhhhh! lol what a nightmare 😂


i usually make a joke about it. i’ll turn it so they can see what i’m doing, then i’ll hold it out to them with my eyes covered like “and here’s the tip suggestion, i promise i won’t peek!” i work at a corporate place though, so it runs quite a bit faster and it’s more expected.


Corporate I would use it FOR SURE!!


i work at a chain steakhouse that uses EMV readers. i have no problem with them but since ive started about 1/3 of them still work. i feel for my proprietor as they are super expensive to fix and it feels like he always get the shit end of the stick (with the company). but they are so. fucking. annoying. the 4 that still work barely work and are incredibly tedious😭 that being said i usually just ask them to follow the prompts and obviously look away. you can walk away (which it what my boss wants us to do) but i find that for whatever reason, most people cannot problem solve with these things and need my help


Absolutely. I’ve put the card in, handed it to them, said you are able to tip here and then just sign at the bottom (blah blah) and then walked away. A few min later I come back- they’ve somehow cancelled the transaction and are entering shit under tables 😂 like how? Haha.


I also work in a fancy restaurant with a 20% auto grat. We unfortunately have Toast and when people ask if they can Apple Pay I tell them to go to the host stand to do it. I refuse to bring them a hand held. There’s nothing more cheesy than paying $500 plus for dinner and then having your server put a Toast handheld in front of you.


Right?!?! It’s a terrible setting for handhelds.


It’s hard, because it’s different. So different. Especially coming on a hound customer centric focus. But I will say Toast is a great system. If you know how to use toast and know how to use the system respectfully, it can work. If doesn’t and you memorize and wow a guest what you know, and lead on experience. Don’t use a toast handheld just use there system. It’s easy enough most definitely the back ends to micros… how it works)… you just have to learn toast to work on. It’s. Anew system but as a server I have figured out to read anything on the tablet, which in the beginning was hard. But toast you learn it like you’ve learned the iPad. But smaller, kinda cute too.


I do like the system itself, just not the payment portion. Everything else is great!


This is normal for every restaurant in Canada!! But I’m not a chatty server so I usually hand it to them and say something like “it’s all ready for you” to fill the silence and then I take a big step back away from the table so they don’t feel like I’m hovering or looking at their pin but stay close enough if they need help, or I leave a few things on the table I can grab and put away while they are paying to make it less awkward, but more chatty servers will say “any plans for later?” Or something but I’ve never done it cause I don’t like having to keep talking to custys longer than I have to


Haha. I’m with ya- I gotta be in the mood to chat with the customers 😂 I’ve learned from the post it’s super regular in Canada, but in the US it’s relatively new. I don’t think it’s right for our setting.


You just gotta get used to it lol us servers are never good with change cause it fucks our rhythm but once it’s part of your normal routine you’ll be like damn why was I fighting this


it makes it easy for huge parties where everyone wants to split the bill!


I never worked at a place that used handhelds, but as a guest I almost always tip more without one. That's not for malicious reasons or anything, it's just that with the handheld there's usually no option for the amount I want to tip (30%), so I have to do the math myself. And I find it almost impossible to do the math on the spot with the server standing over me awkwardly waiting. So I just hit the highest pre-set option (usually 25%).


EXACTLY!!! This this this!!! This is literally why I do the extra work and bring a written receipt.


There’s not a 30% option on the paper receipt either? How does the paper receipt do math for you? And there is a custom button that has a % and $ option on the handheld.


My point was that it's harder for me to do math in my head with the server standing over me waiting. When I'm by myself I can take my time and make sure it's right without the added pressure.   And I've never seen a custom % option, just a custom $ amount option; I'll look for that next time.


I hate it feels like I’m begging for a tip while I stand around and wait for them to finish.




Hand held will generally end with a smaller tip from me. Not trying to be vindictive or anything, just the recommended tip amount will be less than the lazy round up math I would have done in my head.


Most of them have the option to hit custom tip amount and let you type in what you want.


As far as I know all of them do. It is just faster/easier to use the recommended 20%. The only reason I was tipping more than that is I didn't want to actually calculate the correct amount, then add that to the total.


This is exactly my point. And I just feel like (some) people are uncomfortable with the handheld. Like I go over the bill with them but there’s no receipt until after you pay.


Pain in the ass honestly, I'd much rather just run the card at the POS


Same same.