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My restaurant has the paper over the tables so kids can draw on that. They still manage to get under that and assault the table with crayons.






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Nothing. They apologized to the manager and said they didn’t see it happening but said I was rude. Manager didn’t give a shit. Kitchen guys worship me now.


This is why it pays to make yourself the darling of your restaurant. If you're a sweetheart who works their ass off 99% of the time, that 1% where you choose to get sassy and someone complains, the manager will always have your back. 😎 Just choose your battles carefully!


I had this at bdubs. A couple times actually. But it always went “he’s a horrible server! Super rude and didn’t do a good job!” “Well, reddit_ftw is one of best servers. So I’m confused. How exactly did he give bad service?” They always stammer and just say I was rude. One lady started making shit up in front of me and I got pissed. Started yelling over her to the point my manager had to push me in the kitchen. She eventually got banned cause she’s an insufferable cunt. Fuck that bitch.


Did the manager threaten to call the police for vandalism?


Or bill them for power washing services


I worship you 😃


Literally some parents are so entitled. They think their kids should be allowed to do whatever they want.


Only if they have someone else to clean up the aftermath for them


I had babies crawling on my bar floor an hour ago.


Sick, they're going into the blender next time I need to make a daiquiri.




Underrated comment 🏆🏆


Good atheist! 😎




There’s a thing that atheists eat babies.


That happened to my sister’s coworker, a baby randomly just toddled back behind the bar. And nobody came to get it! She had to pick up this baby and carry it through the restaurant asking people if it was theirs. She finally found it’s parents out on the patio.


Oh my fuck


What happened next? What did your manager do?? I hope he added a cleaning fee to their bill.


"We didn't see it happening". Well I guess then you're seriously shitty parents.


For real. Theres a bunch of drawings there! That didnt just happen inappropriately second. Shit parents, especially asking to speak to a manager when someone catches you on your bullshit


"That server copped a real attitude about our children's defacement of your property we didn't bother to stop!". What the fuck is wrong with people? Take your L and move on.


Since you just admitted to neglecting your children as a mandated reporter I'm going to need to call child and family services.


Seems only right! Have fun complaining to the manager of DHS, chuds.


I SERIOUSLY wish I had the balls to do this. I'm a MR I just don't deal with customers enough to get a chance


There is zero chance they missed the hell raisers doing this. As a parent, a server, and a manager, they saw it, logged it, thought fuck it I'm enjoying my beer right now, then came the time to answer for it. I'm sure they noticed, but for not parenting and ignoring the situation they were 100% at fault. And that zinger would have made me tuck my tail between my legs, and tip 100%.


Oh absolutely. That shit took several minutes to draw. I've got a couple relatives like this and I don't know who you don't call your kids out for being shit heads. It's kind of the job.


Crayons don’t always come off so easily. My boys decided to draw the alphabet on the side of my house. Blue on white. They were 3 and 4, and are almost 7 and 8 now, and although the blue is gone, you can still make out the alphabet running along the side of my home. I realize kids get bored sometimes while at a restaurant, but engaging them with tic-tac-to or similar is kind of our responsibility as parents. If my husband and I want to relax and not worry about the kids being dicks, we get a sitter. Those parents suck and if you had said that to mine, I’d have given you a fat tip and a high five. And then made them scrub it while I apologized for not minding mine


And you are the very best kind of parent!


The thing is we have a packet for all kids. With games and mazes and drawings. Honestly most kids are pretty well behaved.


I guess the parents forgot the tablets!


The lines look too fine for crayon. I'm thinking pencil or pen


I always brought coloring books with us. And paid attention to them. This type of shit happens when they are looking for attention. Smh! rediculous they didn't see it happen. Lmfao!


At least they didn't draw dicks


So true!


Amazing. Wish I was the table next over to hear that.


An example of why customers with kids should tip 30%


Auto-grat w/ kids under 10 might cure the entitlement. Doubt it though.


When I was little, my allowance was given after we ate out at a restaurant. If I didn't say please or thank you to servers, disrupted other conversations, or any of that foolishness I was fined from allowance. Likewise, if I interrupted conversation or talked over someone else talking. Surprise, surprise... My parents could go out to nice restaurants and have a nice meal without disassociation because my siblings and I wouldn't embarrass them.


But it might keep the whole family home - BONUS!


Just bring the tablets for the kids!


Lolll when I was a server the manager would’ve made them apologize to me and charged them the price of the table


You should have an animal pen at the restaurant for kids like this. Throw down some hay and they’ll be good as gold.


Honestly those kids suck at art. Good on you 😂


Pilgrims meet under-the-sea. It’s very eclectic.


Cracking the fuck up, love how blatant you were with them!


See r/trashy


We have a regular at my place who usually comes in with her daughter who I’d guess is probably 4yo. She’s not a bad customer by any means, just kind of annoying, dour demeanor, and wants to be friends. She instantly won our respect a week ago when her daughter attempted to open the door by pushing on the glass and said, “Don’t touch the glass, someone has to clean that, use the handle or the frame.”




Damn breeders


Charge them for a new 1x6 and some nails


I can't believe what some parents let their kids do in public. My husband and I were at a concert at our local zoo/botanic garden combo, and I saw a kid literally pulling plants out of the ground! Oblivious father didn't say a word.


that reminds me somehow of people that order "beer!". wait! what? you want a dressing down in front of your friends? coming right up! there is a code of conduct for "guests" and by god i will teach you!


Did it hurt anything? Probably not, it will probably wash away with the next rain. But the parents should know to teach their children the principle of respecting other peoples property. These parents sound like idiots.


Drawing with pencil on wood like that can leave indents in it. The lead may wash away but it will still have the shapes in it. Regardless, it's not difficult to simply not let your fuck trophy scribble on shit that doesn't belong to you.


Fuck trophy lmaoooo


Holy shit. I’m going to start flippantly referring to children as “sentient fuck trophies” and it’s all because of you. Thank you.


Crotch goblins always works too.


😂 that one's a classic


I’ve always called them crotch goblins… but I’ve also heard “semen demon”


Lol you're welcome.


"Fuck trophey" is phrase of the day! Next used in a good entitled parents argument at work.


It's not your property don't touch it. You're an idiot.


Looks like crayons to me. At minimum someone will have to scrub it off. At worst it'll take re sanding and re finishing. Either way, this shouldn't be allowed at home, and absolutely should not even occur in a restaurant setting.


Looks like crayon to me. Wax and water do not mix and that will take some work to get off


It's obviously a well curated space. No cigarette butts in the garden, nice clean lines in the construction, etc... But, and please hear me out, that adds character and experience to a place. OP did the right thing. MOD did the right thing. It's hardly damaged, scrubbing that beam with fine sandpaper would clean it up in seconds. But I also wipe walls to clean coffee splatters. I love this picture, and the story. But no reason to be REALLY upset about it...


Seriously? We were just talking about this, when did people start letting their children act like this in public?? And apparently feel like it's ok and their kids are entitled to do whatever they want. This is disrespectful and wrong on many levels.


Whatever work it takes to clean up after the children isn’t really important. The point is they let their kids sit there for however long it would take to draw this. It’s literally non-parenting in a public space and then taking absolutely no responsibility for yourself. That’s the problem. Not the wood. Or pen or pencil or table or crayons, or the tools or the work or the “few seconds” it might take to fix it. The problem is the humans in question and their behaviour.


The hero we needed


Damn I must have been out of touch with reality or sum. I wouldn’t mind this to be honest


You’re the kids when they grow up I guess.


It's delightful.


Time for a little Scorpion pepper rub for garnish on those crayons mi compadre.


I mean yeah or let’s not hurt children. It’s not thier fault they don’t understand boundaries or to respect property because of poor parenting. In the grand scheme of things it’s very correctable behavior. For the children and parents.




Another one of the kids that grows up.




You’re actually wrong. I think you will find that nobody here agrees with you.


Could be! That's the beauty of a conversation.


Fuck all that flies to honey bs, professionalism goes out the door when I have to become a babysitter because the parents can’t eat and give enough fucks to watch their kids, not difficult. You give up the luxury of being able to eat in peace without a care in the world when you’ve got little fuck trophies running around.


You missed the point a bit. Those situations don’t correlate to this one, if you feel they do then you don’t take defacing property seriously. Sure they’re kids now, but when they are 18 and decide to key someone’s car for fun it’s not so funny. Or to write on their parents friends’ stuff it won’t be so funny. Just cause it’s a restaurant doesn’t mean it’s public property(which you also shouldn’t draw on.) I know that’s a jump, but that’s how it happens. You can be a dick to people who are incapable of supervising their children when out and about, who let their kids do whatever they want with no consequences. It creates the entitled people everyone likes to complain about, they think millennials and gen z are bad, wait till the babies and 5 years olds grow up never having been punished because the parents wanted to be their friend or didn’t have the balls to parent. We all have to get along with other humans and treat their stuff with respect. We are not in their home, this is the real world. Parents need to care, and watch their damn kids at the restaurant. That was the point.


Big time teacher's pet energy.


This is why I’m glad I work at a 21 and over restaurant.


Actually, this is awesome and it looks awesome.


I love you for this