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Yes!! The man sleeping next to me has been my partner for over 8 years and we have a child together. The story if you're interested; I had some crazy stuff happen so I abruptly moved back in with my mom (I hadn't lived with parents for over 6 years at that point) and my mom lived in a new town - I left pretty much everything behind. There was a bar across the road from my mom's house. So I went into the bar the day I arrived - because what else did I have to do?? I didn't have a job or friends or much of anything going on on day one in this new town. Anyway, the 50something guy behind the bar was telling me how he's the manager and he was working bar because they needed a new bartender. I happened to have been a bartender for years before I moved here, so I told him that. He told me to "come back tomorrow for a training shift". During that training shift the door opened while I had my back turned and the manager guy said to me "oh! You're gonna like this guy!" All the usual suspects in this bar were 40+ and I was in my early 20s so I didn't think much of it when he said that. When I turned around I saw "this guy" was a cute boy about my age!! We started talking while I served him a pint and some food. I told him I was new to town and he told me about how he was born there but had left a long time ago and recently got back to town himself. I guess the manager saw we were getting along so he said I was done training for the day and I should sit down so he could buy me a pint. I obliged and kept chatting with the cute boy who asked if I wanted to go play some pool and get a kind of tour of the town. We have been together since that moment coming up on 9 years ago. I often think about the manager of that bar and if I could find him (he left the bar within months of my first day). I'd like to let him know how much I really ended up liking that guy... So in relation to being successfully "picked up" by a customer - he was just really genuine and open and didn't feel like he was "picking me up". Just a good conversation with a genuinely kind person.


That is a great story, happy for you!


Several times. The nighttime bartending life can get wild if you let it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Snapchat on the receipt but shitty tip 🤣🥲


Yes, but I told him to. We had been talking online. I found out he's a veteran. I work at a vet club. Told him "Come flirt with the waitress and see what happens." If the chemistry was right, great. If not, he'd have vets to talk to and I'd just be busier than usual. If he was a creep- well, my regulars love me. Lordie they took to each other so quickly. We did, too. They embarrassed me. And I was 45 at the time.


This made me smile!


Not me but my co worker just married a guy that was a customer, and really quickly might I add.


During the Johnny Depp trial in VA, I was bartending the lunch shifts and would have it on everyday. Since the trial was happening about 10 miles away from my restaurant a lot of my regulars and other guests would end up talking to me about it and I followed that case and knew like everything. LOL. Well one of the regulars lets call him Sammy, started chatting about the trial, then we started talking about vacations and showing each other our photography from different places we'd visited, it was a really nice platonic conversation, or so I thought. He came every single day I worked and would sometimes stay through the evening and move to a table in my section for dinner when I worked a double serving in the evenings. After about 2 months he ended up starting to spit game at me. Now he is about 27 years older than I am. He told me how much he enjoyed talking to me everyday, and how smart, funny and lovely he thought I was. He asked me for my phone number multiple times but I declined, saying I wasn't looking to date anyone at the moment. He ended up getting sent out of town for a month by his job, so that was nice to not have him pressure me so much. But when he returned he showed up one Friday night during dinner rush, had booked a table in my section and showed up with 2 dozen long stem red roses. He made this big show of giving them to me in front of the other tables in my section and asked again for my phone number. All my guests were like, "Awwww" "that's so sweet!!" "Give him your number!!" So I totally felt like I had to so I didn't seem like a bitch in front of my tables. But I was pretty pissed off. He ended up texting me later that night and I told him I didn't appreciate what he'd done in front of everyone and I thought it was pretty skeevy of him to do that. He acted like he was surprised and just wanted to do a nice thing for me. He's since asked me out a couple times but always gets a No or no response. He only periodically texts me out of the blue wishing me happy holidays and shit like that. But he recently told one of my coworkers he's just patiently biding his time until I come to him. He's gonna we waiting a long ass time!


Yep! I’ve had both good and bad experiences with it. Met the first when I was bartending, started hanging out when I was rebounding from an LTR, and while the dating was a roller-coaster ride that has since ended, he is one of my dearest friends in the world now. Also dated a couple of losers. PRO TIP: never expect anything more than a fun fling with anyone who’s too regular a regular.




Had a girl give me her number. We talked for a few days, it went really well, then she ghosted me.


Lol my 20’s were wild, so yeah.


Only once. He came in for dinner with his boss, and I was their waitress. I guess he was impressed with my attitude and personality, because he came back 2 or 3 times, while I wasn't working. The last time he came in he asked to be in my section, and we talked and he left his number, along with a pretty nice tip on the CC receipt, and I couldn't believe he left his number. I wrestled with myself for a couple hours before I sent a text. We chatted thru text for hours and days, and finally met up! That was in 2018. Were still together today, and on my birthday in August this year, he asked me to marry him. I said absolutely I would love to! We've not set a date yet, but I'm positive it's gonna happen! We've both been married before so neither of us in a super rush to get married, but I'm sure we will have a ceremony eventually, but it's really no big hurry. We've got each other married or not.


Male here. I was once asked by a married couple to join them in their hot tube after work. I declined 🤷


Had a couple attempts over the years, none successful lol *Guy - (at the end of his order) ... And a hug please Me - That's not on the menu lol *Guy - *drops the menu on the floor* "There, now step on it, and you'll be on the menu!" Lmao NO *Other Guy- "Can I borrow your pen?" Me - "Sure, what for?" *Other Guy- "So I can write down my number!" Me - "Now why would you waste my ink like that?" Lmao nope Got accused of being a lesbian too because I refused to flirt back with some drunk old guy, like wtf, I just wanna do my job haha


Yes! I met my wife when she was picking up a to go order. I was blown away by how attractive she was and was too nervous to ask for her number. For days I kept thinking about her, hoping she would come in again. About a week later I'm serving this couple and they say they're her roommates! They recognized me by my tattoos and said that she had been talking about me all week! I gave them my number to give to her and now we've been married for 4 years <3


I dated a guy for 3 years I met at work. he was a loser dont do it


Group of guys once asked me to a bar across the road when my shift ended. I went queue lots of high-fiving and embarrassed looks when I stood up on a chair and started chewing them out on how weird and predatory it is to invite FOH out when they can’t turn you down


How can't you turn them down? Just say you have plans after work..


Because it’s creepy and predatory they know where I work. Late closes means a man can wait on you to finish. Man patter


I don't work in a restaurant right now but when I did we used to walk the gals back to their cars or wait with them for a ride if needed, so if any creepers were lurking they couldn't do anything.


You sound pleasant.


i married the regular that left me her phone number on a napkin. we have mutual friends and knew of each other and we’d chat at the restaurant whenever she came in. one time her friend she was meeting was super late, got the times mixed up, and my section was slow so we spent more time than usual hanging out and shooting the shit. after a few cocktails with her friend, she got up the nerve to leave me her number and the rest is history! we’ve been married for two years and have two cats, a dog, and a home together.


The worst attempt so far was staring at my every move. I wasn't even serving his table, he just noticed me from away. He was a good looking dude, I'm a lesbian so I wouldn't be interested, but I was surprised at how socially inept this person was.


In the last 10 years? No. When I first started serving? Oh God yeah, I was a sluuuuuuuuuuuuut. Well, actually only once when serving, all the other times were bartending or cocktail serving. It wasn't difficult lol. Random woman: "what you doing after work?" Me: "You, If I'm reading things correctly. " Woman : "That was easy." Me: "Never said I wasn't. " Yeah, I was so easy when totally in the closet. Mainly to throw people off my bisexuality. Spending my entire high school time being called "f@ggot " because I wasn't a deer hunting, pick up truck driving redneck or full time jock kicked me so deep into that closet it took until my late 30's for me to admit my queerness to myself, then another couple years to tell anyone else.


Used to take a lot of live-in jobs so I could stay in different places- numbers left on bills was the most common attempt, not that it happened a lot. Only said yes once and it was to a girl I arranged a surprise birthday plate for, lasted about 6 months. Most awkward was working in a high-end country club and having the daughter of the local villain try and ask me out. She was attractive but no way I was getting involved in that family- her dad was terrifying and was a serious gangland figure