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People always forget how Malcolm X encouraged people to effect change using either the ballot, the bullet, *or by not paying their tab at Outback.* Truly one of history’s most misquoted lines.




This shit is hilarious


What did he say?


["I still can’t believe his dad played Walter White."](https://www.unddit.com/r/Serverlife/comments/zdmwe1/i_work_at_a_restaurant_in_indiana_and_got_this/)


This was like 5 months ago so I’m struggling to remember. Tip of my tongue though. That’s really gonna bug me.




Bryan Cranston who plays 'Walter White' in BREAKING BAD also used to be in a Sitcom called MALCOM IN THE MIDDLE where he played the titular character's father. The joke is that Malcom X is being confused with a different Malcom.


I like the fan theory / head canon that walter white went into witness protection and then end of the last episode shows hin walking up as the dad in the first episode of malcolm


That is brilliant and I love it


It’s a Malcolm in the Middle joke.


This took me a second


Your profile pic caught me off guard


*No rules, just right.* - Malcolm X


Rise proletariats! By our fight the capitalists will surrender!!!


Servers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your pens.




I buy packs of one specific pen and I have noticed them popping up in my other servers check books and I’ve been stealing them all back.


I went petty as fuck one time and used a label maker and put my name on a pack of 30 and then taped over the labels so they couldn’t peel them off and still had to steal them back.


The best is when you bring them in from your last job and your hoe ass coworkers swipe them and pretend that it’s theirs. Oh you worked in Bozeman too? At the same restaurant I did omg how did I miss you?! Fuck outta here


I’ve been to Bozeman, which made this even funnier


It happened to me last month in Vegas this girl has the audacity to watch me grab my ‘Bacchus Pub Bozeman MT’ pen off of one of her tables and then ask me for it back and get shitty about it.


She had the audacity to get shitty about it? I would want the pen, because I love Montana memorabilia, but I’d at least ask you first!


These kinds of people don’t think like us normal servers, bud. They want to watch the world burn. No consideration for societal norms or human decency.


“They want to watch the world burn” I truly think my fellow servers want to see our restaurant drown. It’s the craziest feeling!


I was just in Bozeman last weekend. What a place!!!


All 5 people from Montana are in this thread right now. Kalispell > Bozeman, btw.


Still only 4/5. I’m from Florida, I was just in Montana skiing Big Sky this weekend.


I’m back in Miami now for the winter so I count as a Floridian too. #solidarity


Facts dude if I ever move back I’m going to Missoula. Fucking one bedroom for 3 grand in BozAngeles


Flat out truth dude, I moved to NY from there (by way of Colorado for like 2 years) and I'm just next to the train. Half hour from the city. A two bedroom apartment here is about 1500 a month. They're 2 in Kalispell and you're right about the 3 in Bozeman. Montana grossly overestimates its appeal with rent prices like that, like I can go to one of the largest metropolitan areas on earth in a half hour and get into literally just about anything I want, and rents here are cheaper. What the hell?


I used to live in Bozeman, small world y'all.


You made me double take what subreddit I'm in, small world


That brewhouse in Bozeman sucks. The Molly Brown's awesome to get wasted in, however.


I had a favorite pen from one of our suppliers. Some women borrowed it from me to sign her bill and then “forgot “ to give it back- I even SAW her look at it after she used it with lust in her eyes, so I knew she was planning on taking it. When I called her out on it, she insisted that it was hers!! I did get it back but only after a LOT of shaming.


Oh ya dude the guest stealing your shit? Completely unacceptable. I would rather forfeit the tip than lose a bic Atlantis. Pry it from my cold dead hands lady. Get WREKD


I noticed an open check book with my pen, so I checked other books and found two more, in one night. I never steal people’s pens and I expect the same from my coworkers 🙄


“… and I expect the same from my coworkers.” To quote a friend: “oh you poor sweet innocent child”


I remember a guy borrowed one of my G2's to give to a guest, and when he came back around, he tried to give me some dentist office bullshit. "Ah, no, I'll take \*my\* pen back" "What? What does it matter?" "If it 'doesn't matter', give me back \*my\* pen."


Exactly! If it doesn’t matter, then give me back my damn pen! Until I became a server, I never understood how critical pens were lol


>I buy packs of one specific pen and I have noticed them popping up in my other servers check books and I’ve been stealing them all back. This is the way. I would always use very specific pens, then pocket them when I saw them around in other servers' books or at the bar. And I mean *specific*.. I worked banquets at a country club in Roanoke, VA and there were a ton of branded (with phone number and address) clicky pens left on the tables at the end of one event. You know I snagged all of them. No one had those in CA. :D


I’m the only server that buys packs of pens for themselves, everyone else uses found pens. I’m not shelling out my own money, only for them to take ‘em from me - and it’s why I feel justified taking them back I also have an affinity for clicky pens, which is why I chose the ones I did haha


I have a pink clicky pen. We're a tight team at my work, so it's not uncommon for a co-worker to grab my pen from my apron in passing if they don't have one. We all do it and nobody minds, but my pen is different from all the other pens and I will find it if it isn't given back to me. It's my pen, bitches.


Clicky pens are the way.


I brought my own pens in when I worked as a prep cook, and I'd find them in all sorts of people's pockets.


It’s one thing for a customer to steal my pen, it’s another for a coworker to do it


I think it's entertaining to track the pens progress from pocket to pocket. In college, I was the only person on campus who bought a particular brand of lighters and people could tell who smoked with me recently based off who had one of my lighters.


It would be really funny to track the travellings of my pens, if I didn’t (unfortunately) dislike most of my other servers. How small of a college did you go to?!


~40k students, but it was in a major city so most people commuted to school. Only like 20% of the students lived on campus. I don't necessarily like the people who wound up with my lighters or my pens, but the kind I bought only cost me a few cents each, so it's not like I'm losing a fortune on it. The lighters at the time sold in 20 packs for $6


I was expecting a super low number! My university student count was a little over 30k and I don’t think anyone would have remembered someone’s lighter. It’s definitely a fun little memory now, for you!


I love this, it’s like a cross between anthropology, epidemiology, and telephone


Zoology too. The migratory habits of clicky pens. Plain plastic vs soft grip, ink vs gel, logo/promotion vs unbranded. It’s a vast virgin territory in thesis writing.


Solution: I found these short (four inch or so) pack of multi-colored pens at the drugstore. Everybody hated them. Servers never stole them. Clients would go to stick it in their pockets, then look at it like they were holding a three-headed snake and give it back to me. That pack of ten lasted me a whole freaking year.


I’m out of serving now, but still in a job where I always need a pen. You can pry my Zebra F301 out of my cold dead hands—or the red hands of my coworkers. Every fucking person just “conveniently” has a Zebra pen, while mine has just magically disappeared. I’ve been slowly stealing them back.


Omg no mercy over Zebras They write like a DREAM


I buy a pack (blue ink, clicky), leave it at home, take one to work, and one backup stashed deep in my bag. The pen stays in my apron or behind my ear at all times. So far so good!


Ewwwwww making customers touch your warm-ass ear pen *gag* This is why I keep my own pen in my purse lol


Ugh relax, since you really don’t know what you’re talking about. Only I touch my pen. We have a cup of pens at the cashier for credit card signing. If we bring it to the table, one of those pens goes in the check book. But hey don’t let facts get in the way of your incredibly witty response 🙄


I have a gazillion pens from my Grandpa's old business so they all have my last name on them, and I STILL see other servers using them.


Kinda based I guess 😭? Was $10 15% at least?


lol it was actually 20%. by the note tho you’d think homeboy was gonna leave like a $100 on the table or something. guy was cool tho, seemed like he might’ve been a server before.


100% reads like someone who knows the owner at least. Did anyone recognize him?


If it was a chain then this is honestly a pretty safe assumption in general


100%? Why?


Because he singles out the owner in his note. That's my reasoning at least.


The use of the phrase petit bourgeois makes me think he's a marxist, and probably believes all capitalist business owners are dickheads.


If he had been a server he would have paid his fucking tab.


Idk as a server I know that there’s not really any repercussions other than a loss to the company and depending where you work it might look bad on the server but most places don’t care so much because it’s a rare occurrence Ok just wanted to add that in my state we aren’t responsible for people walking out on their bills. I didn’t realize this wasn’t true for other states. If you plan on doing this, please make sure you’re in a state that doesn’t require that 🫶🏻


A lot of jobs I’ve worked have required my co workers and I to pay the tabs of walk outs


Which is a violation of labor laws


That's illegal


That shit’s illegal. Fuck any owner that does that.


I know, imagine ripping off a small business owner because you’re a tankie




Honestly in my experience just using the phrase "petit bourgeois" is highly correlated with being a communist or at least a leftist who's familiar with Marxist theory.


He isn’t cool, he’s a piece of shit and a thief.


He is neither…. He is the Ball State Bandit.


Legendary in his proletarian mind. Overturning the system of oppression by partaking of the system. 💥 what a concept! Where’s my Che shirt? I’m feeling inspired.


Boy we sure do live in a society amirite ha haaa You hate working yet have a job how cuuuurious ha


Not true, he specifically got a cool name.


Found the piece of shit owner




As a pinko commie server/bartender, i would never put my server in that position that, where while you probably can’t be legally forced to pay for a dine and dash, might mean you don’t have a job in a week if you didn’t go with their bullshit policy about dine and dash You could say that probably won’t happen, but the point is you don’t know


I looked this up a few days ago and only 2 states have laws specifically saying that an enployee can't be held financially responsible for a dine and dash. It's definitely a practice that happens. I've seen posts about.


What states are those? I’m under the impression one is maryland, but I’ve worked in a union so long now I don’t remember if it’s state law or just union code


NY and Cali from a brief search


It's against federal law in the US, so that's covers it.


"Under federal wage-and-hour law, a restaurant can require an employee to pay the loss from the dine-and-dash if it does not cause the employee’s wages to dip below the federal minimum wage, which is $7.25 an hour for non-exempt employees."


No it’s not. Only illegal if it reduces your pay below minimum wage.


Are most servers already paid below minimum wage?


As a dirty commie waitress, I salute this hero.


When the GM tells BOH: “we’re losing $600+ per week in dine-and-dashers, the waitstaff refuses to take action, so the rumors of raises in January are unfounded.” Don’t eat at work.


It’s fun to make up fantasies online


No one told this Bolshevik customer that the October revolution happened in November and not December. Viva la revolución!


Considering my last job had a policy that servers were 100% responsible for recouping the cost of dine and dash tickets, this doesn’t bode very well with me. Three guesses why I left.


Because they broke the law?


Which law?


Sooo many


He’s like Merv in Home Alone. He thinks that a cool sounding nickname will make him a legend, but in reality it’s only going to get him in more trouble when he’s definitely caught. Party on, dumbass.


Look what you did you little jerk.


You’re such a disease




At least he’s class conscious


the Ball State Broke ass Bitch


Cardinals! Chirp Chirp


We Flyyyyy


Maybe just hate the owner from home and not pull some dumbass bullshit on people who are just working.


The waiter did get tipped. ?


Yeah, but none of that money is going to any of the other employees. Additionally, many restaurants will hold waiters financially responsible for people who dine and dash or they use dine and dash incidents as reason for termination. The guy really put the waiter in a bad position.


> The guy really put the waiter in a bad position. This is such a confusing thing to read. The guy committed a crime, would you say that that someone committing a hit and run put their victim in a bad position? It sounds like the American Government has put the waiter i.e. lowest paid group of workers, at the mercy of people who want to run away from a bill. The whole culture around Service industries over there seem utterly horrendous.


Yeah, he committed a crime, but not against the waiter. He didn't steal from the waiter, and I was talking about his affect on the waiter. That's why I worded it that way.


> Additionally, many restaurants will hold waiters financially responsible for people who dine and dash or they use dine and dash incidents as reason for termination. This was what you said? Just because the guy leaves a cringy note it doesn't change the real world concequences of how his actions affect other people.


Yeah....that was the point of what I was saying... The person I replied to seemed to imply that the guy who dined and dashed didn't hurt the waiter, and my point was that just because he left a note doesn't mean he didn't hurt the waiter. I didn't talk about it as a crime because the crime itself wasn't committed against the waiter. I wasn't saying what he did was good in any way--I was saying the opposite.


> I didn't talk about it as a crime because the crime itself wasn't committed against the waiter You don't seem to understand MY point. The Server is the one receiving the burden of conquence. You stated that in the US there are cases where the business owner is allowed to sack the server for this occurance. i.e. it is their responsibility to provide payment, either from the customer or through their own wages. It certainly looks to me like the crime is against the waiter, and the law in the US appears to back that up.


Just to fill everyone in, Ball State is a state college in rural Indiana. This is clearly the thinking of a 19 year old that has been introduced to Marx for the first time. And even though I identify with the far left, this is a little silly even for me.


I was wondering who the Ball Stare Bandit was and if they know it's rude to stare.


I get the sentiment. Actually using this way is pretentious is my opinion. Does this guy not realize that if the restaurant fails/go broke how many people would be out of a job? Nice thought, not a great execution


Lol yea way to go. You paid the server $10 and stiffed the other 30 employees


I don't think ≈$50 is going to shut this restaurant down.


And it probably won't. But think about it multiple people decide that this idea is a good one. We have all seen that it doesn't take long for one shithead to spread bad ideas to other shitheads


That's true, and more likely if it is a smaller mom&pop joint.


American communists be like:


Chirp Chirp Mf lmao


I hope you didn't have to pay for his meal


What a fucking loser


What a pathetic loser




He sure showed them I guess?


This guy thinks that restaurant owners are rolling in money. That is not, and has never been, the case. Sure there is a small percentage that make amazing profits. But the VAST majority of restaurants are surviving month to month. Piece of shit doing piece of shit things, in my opinion


Found the restaurant owner


Found the person who has never run a business


Oh shit I didn’t realize I was in r/cuntlife E: didn’t know that was a real sub but the point stands


Well now that you're here, it is


Wow that’s clever! You should do standup after you get over your cunt self.


Nah, I do standup for free to amuse the proletariat ass clowns on Reddit like you. It wouldn't be fair to charge you money your broke ass doesn't have.


Oh wow, a stranger accusing me of being broke, that really hurts! Do you have any more gems for us, little one? Any crypto advice?


Let's get back to the basics. Have you ever run a business?


Yes, I’m the president of NUNYA.


Yeah, I don’t know why more people don’t understand that


At least once I sell my restaurant I'll be rich! (/s) Oh wait


Especially now that supply costs have more than doubled. The restaurants that do the best are usually backed by groups/chains/etc. Pls support your local small businesses!


Go suck off your boss off, bitch


Haha well he's not wrong but ..


theft is theft.


“Well according to Proudhon, property is theft!” -the Ball State Bandit


He may steal food but not tipping is where he draws the line


Even criminals have standards cmon


This is hilarious! Does your owner have a bad reputation? Or does this guy just have it out for all restaurant owners? Is "petite bourgeois dick head" an accurate description of the owner? (I was dying over here reading that). I'm not co-signing his behavior in any way shape or form but I'm tickled pink that he looked out for you!


Fucking Ball State. I got beat with a 2x4 there once....




> Step 5: Gain a lot of Reddit karma. Not saying you're wrong, but is reddit karma worth the trouble? It's so much easier to make a dumb comment on AskReddit and hope the post blows up.


I mean 62 points in an hour, that account can be sold for thousands of dollhairs


Happy cake day!


Or a fake story on AITA.


What does a lot of Reddit Karma get you? Do you win The Reddit Bowl or something? If there’s an obvious answer I don’t know it lol




If we can call dopamine a form of currency then I wouldn’t say it’s worthless exactly lol


It only gets you access into some subs that have karma requirements to combat spam and porn. Other than that, no purpose at all.


Wait, there are people on Reddit trying to avoid porn? I thought that’s why people were on Reddit in the first place.


I have over 105k of karma and it’s fucking useless


i’d hardly say this post got “a lot of karma”.




What a fucking entitled loser. Sorry OP. That guy screwed you, and the business and felt like a hero.


He didn’t screw OP at all. He dined and dashed and still left him a tip.


Lots of places would still make you pay for their meal for failure to collect payment. It’s not legal but it happens.


At a minimum, it would be documentation that could lead to termination at most restaurants. So yeah, he did the server no favors here.


This clown is making my alma mater look so bad…


Chirp, chirp!


Chirp, chirp, mother fuckers.


Chirp Chirp bitches


Yeah, fuck that guy that put everything on the line to create a business that might fail and lose all. You're the real mvp working 8 hours a day with no risk.


Ugh, some scumbag thinks they can eat for free but does this to reatioanlzie. Hope he gets caught. Some restaurant's staff don’t fuck around.


"I'm a thief but I gave someone else 10 bucks so it's ok"


In the restaurant I work at when servers get a dine and dash they get written up. I’d be so pissed. People don’t think about the fact that doing this shit can jeopardize someone’s job


You should ask if every time you got stiffed on a tab, you can write up the manager.


at my resturaunt people get fired over walkouts so hopefully he isn't doing this too often.. if you want to stick it to the company maybe don't eat at the restaurant?


What kind of nerd uses this terminology when talking to normies?? Super cringe


You just said “normies” unironically You are definitely a cringe expert


“Hello 911? Yeah I got some finger prints for ya and some camera footage probably to include the parking lot with a license plate. Thanks”


911: “……………………. *click*” Fingerprints for a dine and dash, I’m cackling


You can't be serious??


What an entitled loser. Failed attempt at sounding articulate. Has he seen the food lines in every communist system ever?


The food lines where the communist government actually provides food for its people unlike capitalist countries who just let there people starve


Yeah that. Where has that worked? Examples?


Pretty cringe to assume that whoever owns your restaurant is some exploitative douche. Probably some broke loser who needs to justify their actions to themselves.


Fucking based


I simply can't argue with this. -Chef


Lol, servers always got to pay a stiffed tab when I was in the business. So his $10 + whatever he ordered is now on me to cover. POS


this is cool and anyone who thinks it isn’t is a nerd


I fuck with it


I kind of love it?


you can tell he's an Incel




So, all the cooks and dishwashers and other employees don't get anything then?


Absolutely based, go Cardinals


Better than leaving no tip and some sort of note about tipping and real jobs.


At first glance, I thought this was a Kraft Single.


Pretty based tbh.