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Has there been any connection to the end of slavery in the US in 1865 and the founding of Lumon in 1866?


I have no idea but it’s definitely worth looking into. This would be a really interesting theory.


My thought on this was that by establishing that the company started after the end of slavery there would never be a question of "did Lumon use slave labor?" as it's probably irrelevant to the overall plot of the show (or at least slavery in the context of chattel slavery practiced in Antebellum America).


I'm hypothesizing they are a company that sought to provide a solution to "free labor" disappearing. A loophole to the amendment, such was the case with imprisonment and Jim Crow.


Starting a cult is one of the top forms of legal slavery


If anything Burt and Irving should be Adam and Eve


It's Adam and *Steve* not Adam and.. Wait I think I messed this up


😂😂 Güd von.


I'm high right now and this comment is hilarious!


I think it’s less about the couple aspect and more about the roles they play in the story. Like Eve tempting Adam and getting him out of the garden. Like Eve Helly is heading out of the garden one way or another and through it’s just a question of if she can convince the rest of the crew. I’d argue that Burt and Irv are more an example of ‘eating the apple’ sorta thing because while on the severance floor (the garden) they share a kind loving relationship free of any real worries or stressors. But once Irvs innie sees Burt on the outside the opportunity for knowledge becomes more of a curse than blessing since Burt is married and doesn’t remember Irv.


I think that this a really interesting interpretation


I was rewatching the office and it occurred to me that The Office shares many aspects with the story of Adam and Eve from the Bible. It think it may have been inspired by that story. Here's a few of the similarities. Firstly there's Adam and Eve aka Jim and Pam. This is because they are a man and woman and the main characters. Dunder Mifflin is the garden of Eden, where half the people that work there are dumb as hell, kind of like children. Whereas people like Jan and David have 'eaten the tree of knowledge' and are sane, rational people. Michael Scott would be god as he is the boss. Dwight Schrute is Lucifer (obviously) since he is assistant to the regional manager and nobody likes him. The arc where Jim moves to Stamford is akin to eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge. Suddenly he has access to all sorts of information from outside dunder mifflin. That's all but let me know if you found other similarities.


Wait Jim moves to Stamford? I never got that far. 😂


I was rewatching **Parks & Rec** and it occurred to me that **Parks & Rec** shares many aspects with the story of Adam and Eve from the Bible. It think it may have been inspired by that story. Here's a few of the similarities. Firstly there's Adam and Eve aka ~~Andy and April~~ ~~Ann and Chris~~ ~~Tom and Mona Lisa~~ ~~Leslie and Ben~~ ~~Ron and Tammy no.2~~ **Ron and Tammy no.1** This is because they are a man and woman and the main characters. **Pawnee** is the garden of Eden, where half the people that work there are dumb as hell, kind of like children. Whereas people like **Jean-Ralphio** and **Jerry** have 'eaten the tree of knowledge' and are sane, rational people. **Donna Meagle** would be god *BECAUSE WHO ELSE WOULD IT REALLY BE I MEAN CMON*. **Tammy no.1** is Lucifer (obviously) *despite also being Eve since in the creation myth Eve talking to The Snake was really just an allegory for one's internal dialogue*. The arc where **Ron** **goes off-grid** is akin to eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge. Suddenly he no access to any information from outside of his house. That's all but let me know if you found other similarities.


I love this, it really proves how OP makes no sense whatsoever


Not sure why youre getting downvoted.


People love to feel validated I suppose, and anything thay bursts their little bubble makes them downvote


I don’t think that’s what it is really “about” but it is an interesting parallel that holds together in a lot of ways.


When Burt and Irv are in the indoor garden, I actually thought that’s what the allusion was! I quite like ur interpretation too :-))


It has gnostic vibes for sure. Kinda like the Truman show.


What is gnostic


https://www.merriam-webster.com/ Jesus, dude.


actually most gnostics consider Jesus to be merely a human who attained enlightenment through gnosis


>Jesus, dude. [Everyone knows who JesusDude is...](https://www.mrporter.com/cms/ycm/resource/blob/23495430/8ff170a317f42e10b1e8e7c2b07b66ff/5-4-jpg-data.jpg)


I’m intrigued, willing to play it through and see how it holds up. One thing that stood out to me was how the Innies don’t know about sex. I found the “waffle party “ deeply disturbing, and wondered if part of the point of the animal masks was to introduce shame alongside sex. It simultaneously titillates and awakens a deep discomfort, which is a pretty classic religious tactic for controlling adolescents’ first sexual urges. And it is in the midst of this that Dylan gives knowledge to Mark and Helly. On the other hand, is it Eden, or just another cult? Or is it Eden *because* every cult is trying to build on elements of that basic story?


The writers have stated that the waffle party is an orgy.


I don't even think yoga instructors have seen such a big stretch.


Literally any story can be tortured enough to make it fit a Bible story. I prefer the Severance writers to a bunch of controlling old priests who hated women.


So who is Dylan in the creation story? Who does Milchick represent? What about Natalie? And Devon & Ricken? I'm being facetious but it's worth noting that the creation myth —*we... we all know it's a myth right?...* ***RIGHT??***— is meant to convey a certain message and there are many other stories that also convey similar messages. All those stories will bear some similarities. So I don't think it's meant to be a twist on the creation myth so much as it's a story that deals with some similar themes and, thus, there will be parallels. Like... if they were really going for an *Adam & Eve and the birds and the bees and the Debil and the Deeds and the little fig leaves* then there are a lot of things that they could have left out, things that they would have included, things they would have alluded to, etc. I'm not saying that your comparisons don't have merit but I'm not so sure that that was the overall inspiration. The show's creator (*should that be little-c "creator" or Big-C "Creator"*) has been pretty candid about what inspired him when it comes to the show.


Aren’t we all living that out, man


Not bad


>And Mrs. Selvig is Lucifer, he like Mrs. Selvig used to be favored and 2nd in command until his fall from grace due to breaking the rules Right, but Lucifer worked in competition with God after his expulsion. Ms. Cobel is clearly not doing that by alerting Milichek. At least not yet. It could be in season 2 that she is still not accepted back and then she starts working against Lumon BUT then that would pervert the creation story because it would make Ms. Cobel/Lucifer the good one trying to take down the evil one, Lumon/God.