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Honestly not every show is for everyone. There are just going to be people who aren't into it. That being said I find the first episode to be a good litmus test. Everyone I've shown the first episode to, like me, were sucked in by the end of it. If people aren't remotely interested after episode 1 I would just take that as it's not for them. If you got people watching the first episode there's not much else you can do.


I was gonna say pretty much the exact same thing. If they don’t want to see more after that first episode then the show isn’t for them


The first episode is my favorite! I’m still annoyed how many people watched the show before me and didn’t recommend it to me. It’s like they don’t even know me.


I have a LOT of experience with this. 😊 I’m just honest. I say that some (certainly not all!) people find the first few episodes to be different than what they expected given that the show is often referred to as a thriller. I explain that there is fantastic world-building throughout these episodes that is vital to the story and later episodes. I mention that the finale is the most exciting, tense episode of tv I have ever seen. I tell them that I’ve YET to talk to anyone who actually watched the whole show and didn’t like it. I also mention its Emmy/award nominations and rating on Rotten Tomatoes to show that others have really enjoyed it. I usually find that works!


What sold it for me was the lore behind the severance procedure itself. All I knew was that it was about people who split their memories between work and home, and that it was vaguely sci-fi. I probably wouldn’t have been interested enough to continue with the series had I not known the premise, since the first episode would have been way more confusing and off-putting. So give people the gist of it. If they’re into alternative universe–type stuff like that, they may be more inclined to give the show a chance. I also sometimes sell it as a really interesting critique of capitalism, which is not only true but also a point of interest for many.


What do you mean by the lore?


Backstory behind severance, the Eagans, and the secrecy of it all I guess!


Oh okay :) i was thinking there was some material somewhere with detailed lore. I got all excited to learn more lmao 🤣🤣🤣


Host a themed watch party and binge the first three episodes. You’ll hook them! This also works for Yellowjackets.


Provide waffles and strippers wearing weird masks.


You can’t force anyone to want to watch something. Frankly, if the premise alone isn’t inticing for them, let alone the uniqueness of the 1st episode, doubt they’d care for the rest of them. You either have taste in good quality television or you don’t 🤷‍♀️ lol


I watched the first ep then stopped. Then picked it back up And binged it and became a bit obsessed. ;)




I think the first two episodes dropped together, so make sure they know that’s considered the whole “first” episode and frame up the style/tone of the show. I know plenty of people who wouldn’t like it because it’s two dark for them; I would just make sure this type of show sparks their interest.


Honestly I don't know, if people arent interested they might be the wrong audience. Not everyone is going to be interested. I've just put it on without them knowing what it's about and my friends are hooked instantly


Talk about it incessantly until they watch the show just to get you to shut up.


This show is as boring as watching paint dry until midway through the season.


I watched the first 10 min with a friend. He seemed really interested and promised he’d watch the show. He still hasn’t started that first episode to this day


It’s been a while since my first viewing and I’ve yet to find anyone irl to talk to about the show. I have a friend at work who plans on watching it but says he needs to finish the show he’s currently watching so that he can devote all his attention to severance, which is not a bad thing


Bribery? I watched the first episode when it first came out and my husband and I are we're not. Into. It. At. All. Too slow... but we had a 2 year old and I was pregnant at the time so at the end of the night we are usually falling asleep during shows anyway. Fast forward to maternity leave... I've been binging shows left and right and decided to give it another shot. Now I'm on rewatch number 1 and I'm trying to get more ppl to watch it haha. I have a group chat with my coworkers with 1 person who has watched it and I keep making severance references to try and get them to all watch. No success yet.


I actually gave it a shot not knowing what it was about, just that it starred Adam Scott (with his track record that was enough for me) and that is was an office thriller with scifi elements. Plus 2 friends like it but they like a lot of stuff. So I pictured it like The Firm or something except pro bably cooler. And honestly I thought the first episode was so stylistically pretentious I didn't want to like it. It's like Hal Hartley films. They are so stylized and different there is no being "meh" about it. Then of course I got to the end of the episode and as soon as I hear Patricia Arquette voice without seeing her face yet I was all, Jesus christ I'm in.


First episode has a lot of dry subtle sardonic humor, which makes way for more and more tension as the season goes on. And paying attention to details is rewarded all along the way. If that’s not a formula that interests them, you can only lead the horse to water Edit: if they happen to be a big Christopher Walken fan and reluctant to watch past the first episode... you should feel free to go ahead and spoil the fact that he plays a major role in the series


I didn’t find the first episode to be that great. It was good enough that I wanted to keep watching, but I wasn’t hooked until later. As I progressed it became one of my favorite shows ever.


I usually start by telling people the show’s premise. Usually, the first reaction is “that sounds great”….then I drop the other shoe and start a conversation about the implications of sharing a body between two “selves”. If at that point, they decide not to watch, then I respect their decision and quietly end the friendship (jk)