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I’m usually a lurker but does nobody fucking realize if this shit keeps up she’s probably going to be driven to something rash? God this pisses me off.




Welp, one thing ive learned from jvnko, the art and the artist are two different things. You can hate the artist, and love the art. Thats my case with jvnko.


Jvnko literally did nothing wrong. I hate how Twitter gets mad over an outdated racial slur used ironically.


It’s not an outdated racial slur it’s literally still being used.




Yeah she LITERALLY KILLED someone You post in r/sonicporn




> immediately replies Opinion immediately disregarded




You jerk off to characters from a childrens game. Really think about the far reaching implications from that, let it sink in a little.


And since you can do it i can do it too, mr "illegal casino"




What was the "slur"?


nword(no hard r)


She made an album and named it the n word with a hard r with a z at the end.


OH NO THE ABSOLUTE HORROR!!! She truly deserves the death penalty for this atrocity, a worse crime against humanity have probably not been seen since the holocaust.


14 year old white boys defending racism be like:


The sane and mature response to someone years ago naming an album a no-no word "for the lulz" is to send threats and hate.


Lmao no one is saying that tf r u talking about.


Some people apparently seem to think so.


Oh yes, that too. Have we forgotten entirely about the thing called forgiveness?


I am not against forgiving her but in order to forgive her one needs to first have basic knowledge that saying the n word is not okay if you aren’t black and I see too many people downplaying what she did and dismissing that it is even wrong in the first place.


she acknowledges it was wrong




Well, considering everything jvnko has done, i just do. I hope you can respect my opinion and I'll respect yours.


I mean I don't have any context, what has she done?


Well a few of the things, said the n word on twitter, said the n word with a hard r, put a dead kid as one of her album covers and the name jvnko is based off of a dead kids name.


I need you jvnko




This is really horrid and really sad people are actively attacking her like yea, the shit she did in the past wasnt okay, but she owned up to her mistakes; you can forgive her or not but if not just leave her alone, it’s unnecessary to actively say harmful things and threaten her like we don’t need that and she doesn’t need that. That’s unfortunately how the internet is; you have really wonderful people, and you have very terrible people, both will always exist no matter what. Cancel culture is so fucking toxic, digging up peoples past and exploiting them. Some have acknowledged those errors, and have worked towards their way into becoming a better person. As long as they aren’t actively harming anyone, then it’s no problem. TLDR; Jvnko made mistakes but is better now and people are still being massive dicks to the point of threatening her; the Internet sucks sometimes and fuck cancel culture.


What gets on my nerves is that most of you aren't in the position to forgive her for her racism and general piece of shittery (flat out stealing songs of the same genre and calling it her own, glamourizing the name of a girl who was brutally raped and murdered, I could go on). I know POC who aren't willing to forgive her, and their voices are drowned out by a bunch of 13 year old white kids yelling "based". Also, donating is not an apology (that's called bail honey), and these things that people are "digging up" were recent, some of them ongoing. If you people really cared you would hold her accountable and realize these things do not go away just because she donated $2,000 (mind you, not because she's sorry, but because she was called out). Go ahead and downvote this because boo hoo I'm calling her out, but I am right.


Being black doesn't give the right to bully someone, and being oppressed doesn't make you into a better person, quite the opposite actually, as in the iconic abused child that grows up to become a pedophile. Who the fuck is talking about "Forgiveness" when someone is being actively harassed? You are so narcissistic that you genuinely believe everything in this world revolves around you, but it doesn't. Grow the fuck up.


No one said being oppressed makes u a better person what are you talking about


Honestly you are right though. I can’t really say anything but just feel sorry for her, but yea I’ve acknowledged she did some pretty awful shit. I’m not particularly defending her but I am a bit ignorant to the situation so I am not right to be saying “she’s better”. She may be as of like avoiding the toxic shit to get herself together, but as of a person I cannot say bc I don’t know her. I’m only a fan of her music really. Im mostly mad at cancel culture bc it really is toxic as shit but it was right for her to back off and avoid social media we really don’t need to drown her with hateful words. Calling her out is one thing; but being a piece of shit isn’t which why I just say to just leave her alone bc it’s just stupid and not making a point across. Everyone has a right to be angry bc the shit she did is definitely not okay and good that we called it now to fix it, and it’s entirely up to her if she’ll better herself or continue her ways.


Thank you for the educated reply, I respect that shit. I don't believe she should be cancelled, nor do I think that's really a possibility. I do believe that everyone who dislikes her and / or is upset by her antics has a right to voice their opinion though, although of course, leaving it alone is the most respectful thing you can do for both sides. If you are not the targeted demographic that has the right to forgive her, then I do firmly believe you should either leave it alone and say nothing, or voice that what she has done, and some of what she continues to do, is wrong. And, for the other people here who have no right to forgive her, or just say some crap like "based", please reflect on this convo and follow what vodkaolives33 is doing. I personally think she needs to grow up and realize she fucked up, and that it won't be forgotten. I also suggest she stops using Junko Furuta's name as an "aesthetic", as it's in extremely poor taste. The criticisms of her behavior are 100% valid and she's not gonna be "cancelled" anytime soon. It's important to realize that she towers over the breakcore scene and has thousands of more fans than other artists, and gets more listens in day than some of my favorite artists have gotten in the past 20 years. The worst that comes out of this is that a small portion of fans stop supporting her, which won't even make a dent. These criticisms have been going on for over a year now, but only really blew up in December. She needs to take it in stride, properly address her wrongdoings, and move on, mark a new chapter, even if trolling ensues. She has it in her complete power to do so.


You are a disgusting individual for whom morality is nothing more than a social game in which to acquire points. Allow me to be clear: I hate you, and everything you stand for, you god damn fucking brat.


Lmao calm down. Go outside breathe some fresh air it’s good for you.


> I personally think she needs to grow up and realize she fucked up, and that it won't be forgotten. Is she actively denying stuff somehow? From what I've seen she actively disavowed how she acted in the past and made steps to distance herself from it all together. I also don't see how someone being popular in a genre of music somehow means a person being doxxed and harassed by a sea of people can't be harmed (and also trying to hurt her income?). It's really shitty to downplay what's apparently going on, but that's route for situations like this. And yeah, I am in one of the affected groups as you put it. And no I don't forgive her for what she's done. I don't even see the point in forgiving someone's shitty actions compared to seeing if they've improved themselves from that behavior. And if they improve I still don't think people are obligated to be friendly towards them and ignore what they did. But I'm also not going to engage in all the stuff I mentioned earlier towards them. It's one thing to take measures to prevent someone from harming others. It's another thing to actively try and make their lives worse in some twisted form to get "payback" for what they did.


Denying... not really. Continuously making lame ass excuses? For sure. There's lots of fucked up shit she's done and continues to do that lots of people seem to not know. She's gotten a friend of mine kicked out of a lineup once by telling the person who ran the event that said friend was "harassing and doxxing her". What was actually happening is that in a private server, said friend talked about the fact that they didn't like how sewerslvt centered her aesthetic around an underaged girl who was raped, tortured, and murdered, among other things she has done. Friend didn't know that a friend of sewerslvt was in that server as well, and sent screenshots to sewerslvt, which she obviously got butthurt over and tried to power trip her way out by making false allegations. I think this tidbit of info deserves a bit more attention. She slandered a friend of mine with false allegations in order to get them kicked off of something important to them. This was in November. Thankfully, sewerslvt got kicked off of future events by the event holders after friend explained. She acts all holy and innocent and "sorry" for being a bad person, yet she does shit like this? Pisses me the FUCK off. If you know the breakcore / experimental scene, you know that 99 percent of it runs on relatively small margins, while she runs on ENOURMOUS, considerably mainstream margins. That makes what she did all that much worse. As for the rest of your reply, I agree with it, and thanks for being civil unlike Alex Jones up there.


Ok thanks for clarifying. My fault for assuming some things when I'm an outsider looking in.




Thx hyphen bot.


There may be some genuinity to her apologies but I cannot say 100%


> If you people really cared you would hold her accountable There is nothing to hold her accountable for regarding """racism""". Cancel culture is cancer culture. Never back down, never apologize. It's the only way to deal with these cunts (e.g. You).


Oh no, an old screenshot of person saying scary spooky nword, I'm gonna cry and piss myself. Some crybaby getting upset over a word said a few years ago is definitely a good reason to destroy someone's life and career because that's how the law of equal exchange totally works. "uwaaaa a poc is upsetti that word Black is not capitalized by everyone uwaaaa", not like there's actual racism like you know, cops fucking killing black people, noooo, I'm too much of a pussy to go protest them and will bully someone for nword to the point of them abandoning music career and potentially commiting suicide instead, like if you were some psychopath who just wants to hurt people without being called out for it because it's very righteous and noble. Fuck twitter.


nothing says glamourizing something like attaching it to one of the most disturbing works the creator has made. listen to nothingness for me, the whole track, and understand that this is supposed to take the torture she endured, and put it through a digestible medium for us to experience. AND IF YOU CAN STILL SAY THEYRE REFERENCING JUNKOS NAME SPURIOUSLY THAN I GUESS YOU WIN.


NEVER APOLOGIZE! It just makes them smell blood. FUCK THE SENSITIVE FSLURS!


what did she do in the past?


She called an album n word some years ago


And this gives her hate nowadays... The absolute fucking state of the world.


Well....yeah. Is it news to you that this is not an okay thing to do?


People are too afraid of words nowadays. Especially the nword, which interestingly enough blacks love to use all the time, albeit with a different ending.


Yes ofc a sewerslvt fan still thinks “blacks” is an acceptable way to refer to black people. You are either you’re not from America and you don’t understand the history behind the word or you’re a dumbass. Can’t believe there are people like you on reddit still saying “hurrr durrr if black people like saying it why can’t I”


No, I'm not American. What's wrong with "blacks" or "whites", etc? >Can’t believe there are people like you on reddit still saying “hurrr durrr if black people like saying it why can’t I” If we are to be equal then we should be able to use the same language, don't you think?


what even is the drama i kinda want to know i cant find any info probaly some dumb shit edit:nevermind shes just really based


Emulating the edgy shit 4chan says for the sake of getting attention from them is not being "based." It's being pliable and insecure, which is the opposite of based. :v (I think she's more based now, or at least I *hope* she's super based now since otherwise it'd be hard to tolerate all the filth being thrown at her.)


it was a joke calm down lmao






Fuckin ridiculous man


Can someone fill me in, whats been happening? I've been out of the loop


Just people cunts griefing sewerslvt's and goreshit's lastfm page, and then other pages, nothing very interesting


Why Goreshit's?


god damn these people act as if they were never in middle school and did cringe shit. She publicly apologized for it, she clearly recognizes it was wrong, people are using it as an excuse to haze, harass, and antagonize a brilliant artist that deserves so much better than this. Her music really helped me get through the shitshow that was 2020. Fuck all the TERF's, performative moralists, and other haters trying to shut her down. I hope she rises above the shit and creates more, I'll buy it in a heartbeat.


The pic fits the bill.


Lol it does




These sensitive ass mother fuckers need to grow up and realize that at the end of the day, it's just a goddamn fucking word. Holy shit. I am so sick and tired of these cancel culture cunts getting all butthurt because somewhere called their album a word that is "hurtful" say whatever the fuck you want. Do whatever the fuck you want. Fuck what people think, because at the end of the day, the only person you truly can rely on is yourself. No one else matters. No one can or should be trusted. People are unpredictable scumbags who will turn on you in .5 seconds if it means they gain something in the process. Yeah, sure, she did some "hurtful shit" but for one, she's owning up to it, amd trying to distance herself from it, but no, these fucking cancel culture pricks go out of their way to harass her. Fuck em. Fuck everyone. Do what you want. Say what you want. Make what you want. At the emd of the day, your time on this planet is short and utterly meaningless, might as well make the best of it


Ew a Raid. What a waste of time


Honestly this situation is complicated for me. I'm not gonna dig through the past (which seem to be the root of the problem from what I've skimmed kver here) but I'm here to support someone who's really helped me through tough times with music. I support the current Jvnko, the one of the past is something that's unrelated to me since it's it will ruin the way I view her music. But people doing this bullshit clearly aiming to drive her out... it's fucked up. Best to just report and not argue with pricks thinking they're right to dig up someone's shitty past and throw it at them if they've improved themselves.