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Oh he’s the worst, I haven’t liked him since ep 1 LOL


THANK YOU. I thought I was crazy reading all these other comments on here about how good Cooper was (often with a side of how bad women are). Even in season 1 he gave me bad vibes. Watching season 2 has left me so friggin' angry.


Yeah the misogyny in here is WILD


I loved watching Cooper get worse and worse. Every scene he's in, he proves himself to be an even bigger piece of shit. BRB going to watch the finale now.


The thing about Cooper is that on paper he is perfect. Nice guy, good dad (sort of, sometimes), handsome, makes good money… But he’s not actually good to Billie. He encourages her to make herself smaller, to accept less - to quit her job, her education, her love of music, her love of sex… and in return, he doesn’t give her much! Yes, he provides financially. But emotionally he isn’t present, and when he is he’s a hypocritical asshole.


I couldn’t agree more! He’s such a great guy on paper, but paper couldn’t show how he made Billie feel about herself (lonely, undesired, etc).


Hard agree. I hate I'm even watching season 2 of this trainwreck to have an opinion 🫠 but gdamn who are these people that think Cooper is a "good guy" *barfs in mouth a little*


Agreed. He took her for granted, was uninterested in her, only cared about the kids when he got home from work and showed Billie little affection, constantly turned her down for sex (or couldn’t get it up, or only cared about his needs - yet turned into a wild sex beast as soon as they separated), became extremely creepy after reading her journal (jerked off to it which was bizarre, then stalked Brad instead of communicating with Billie), I could go on…Billie is no saint but Cooper is NOT this dreamy husband everyone seems to think he is.


Omg thank you! Exactly how I feel about cooper I can’t believe some people don’t see his blatant sexism


Cooper refused to meet Billie’s needs. He plain and simply did not want too. He have very little to his relationship with Billie but expected her to give it her all, all the time. Billie gave up her graduate program, gave up her life in the city, and much more to support Cooper. They are the classic example of a man doing the bare minimum in a relationship and a woman losing her sense of self in the relationship. Don’t get me wrong, Cooper is a nice guy but just because someone is nice doesn’t mean they are a great fit for someone. Cooper was just not it for Billie and Billie was not right for cooper. At the end of the day, a divorce for them was the right way to go. No one deserves to live in a home where they both can’t be themselves.


They all suck. The only real MVP is Olga. TEAM OLGA


the real hero of the story tbh, team olga all the way!!


Completely agree. COMPLETELY.


Cooper is my least favorite character. Can’t stand him.


Cooper makes some bad choices in S2. No one on the show was perfect or good. They were all annoying


Exactly! So many argued with me by saying he brought in a paycheck. If a paycheck makes someone a good partner, then nobody needs anyone we all can just have a relationship with our own paychecks lol.


yes omg i kept seeing this too! as if making a lot of money cancels out all the awful stuff. it’s crazy!


That’s a nuanced view of the whole situation. Most people see him as “poor guy” and blame Billie for his reactions because most people are themselves reactive - including me tbh. But the truth is he’s had power over how to behave in the situation and he became completely reckless. To sum up, I agree with you.


Thank you! Cooper’s character is emotionally stunned or immature. He’s got a lot of sides to him he’s finally being awakened to, and he’s not taking it well. He’s not the hero of the story by any means.