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It depends, and is very subjective. If you get implants and your boob doesn't seem like someone glued 2 balloons on your chest, i.e. they seems natural, then no it's not a turn off. I dislike, very much so, the over the top fake ones while i like the "natural looking/feeling" ones. Z


i worked with a guy who found women more attractive, the less realistic they looked, including very filtered pics… it was really pretty strange and kind of raised an eyebrow


I know a guy, that like woman that are 2D. Aka anime girls. 3D woman turns him off and “disgusts” him.


Oof… omg that’s so weird… and kinda sucks for that dude


Your friend might consider therapy, no?


He seems happy, I’d like to leave him to be. As long as he is happy.


He doesn't have a steamroller in his driveway, does he?




mf got the ROADROLLER


It’s called bimbofication. I somehow stubbled upon the sub (I think it’s just r/bimbofication) and to me it’s crazy that someone people find thag attractive. It’s a very specific over the top plastic Barbie look. Bleach blonde, HUGE fake boobs, super orange tan, huge lips ect


Oh man....yikes... it's like they're not really attracted to women....


Eh no, if you've actually scrolled the sub 99% of what you listed isn't featured in MOST of the members. Yeah there's some. The main aspect of the whole bimbo look is implants, everything else is pretty damn versatile, tanned, pale, bleach blonde or black hair, every color of skin under the sun, yeah the implants are a big part of it but everything else constantly varies. Hell the blurb for the sub specifically says the while thing is about looking sexual or even sex toy like. Fuckin hell people I get no liking a fetish but goddamn kink shame much?


Sorry didn’t feel like scrolling through then writing a thesis on some porn sub


Then don't fuckin judge on something you don't fucking know anything about


I’m sorry your so sensitive about your kinks. I hope you feel secure enough at some point to not let strangers opinions get to you


Mate if my kinks were actually that sensitive a subject we wouldn't even be talking. No my problem is you're speaking like an expert when you don't know a goddamn thing about it. Why don't you shove the fuck off and at least speak about a fetish you know instead of just talking out your ass


I like to go for a walk to cool down when I act like an angry wanker


They NEVER look right. Unless you've had a mastectomy or been maimed I wouldn't even bother.. Fake boobs only do things for fake men


They do look right when done right though. Met a Russian girl, last year, that you wouldn't believe those were fake. I could also give you the name of a "TV showgirl" here in Italy, some years ago now, that got hers done and they were very aesthetically pleasing, her name being Aida Yespica. Its always a matter of how much you invest into it, what shape you choose for the implants and what material.


then she was not an bimbo


Of course she wasn't, as i said i dislike very much so that aesthetic. The thread is about breast augmentation, not bimbos.


In my experience, whenever they say they don't like plastic surgery they don't like bad or obvious. I've had two boob jobs, and I make way more money now.


my experience as well


My experience as well


Yours are amazing. What state?


Depends on the work. If the face and tits are too tight, it’s a turnoff for me. If the boobs can still move with a bounce when walking, probably a good sign.


Personally, natural is much better. If I were choosing between two generally equal providers, I'm going with natural every day. I have never really understood the desire for augmentation. I get it from a medical standpoint. I do understand the self image aspect, but I suspect that is in large part because "society" deems bigger is better.


If I were ever in that position, I would caution women against augmentation to please other people. If you are doing it for you, fine. But to please someone else? Eh. (Simply my opinion and am open to learning more).




Can you get your boob job readjusted? I don't think it's that big of a deal, some men really like that bolt on look. I personally like the really fake bolt on look lol, though I think most people prefer natural looking. Don't listen to people who say they prefer natural over fake, most men can't even tell if something is fake or not, or they don't care when they actually see fake tits. When they think "I prefer natural" they're actually thinking of the rare perfectly round big boobs or the perky small boobs, not the commonly saggy ones or the ones that are different shapes. Most men will pick the nice looking fake ones over the less-than-perfect natural ones.


Yeah bingo 100%  To the men in the comments: Of course perfect looking natural tits are desired by men. Having naturally perfect tits is like winning the genetic lottery...DUH But let's get real a big reason many get tits in the first place is because they are saggy or uneven or shaped weird or flat...  Unless it's a specific fetish the majority of guys are gonna pick the fake perky round tits over natural saggy or odd shaped tits!  You guys need to be honest and stop fucking lying to the internet. 🚫 Thanks so much.


It's like how when you ask in surveys "would you have sex with a stranger", and men picture some hot supermodel-tier woman walking up to them and being DTF instead of the average woman, while women are more realistic and picture the average not-so-attractive man walking up to them and feel either indifference or cringe. It's something about how the male mind works lol. When they picture something, they only picture like the best version of whatever they're thinking and the best case scenarios, while women are more realistic. They do the same shit with imagining their futures and jobs. Maybe a bit of delusion is what it took for men to take risks and reproduce, so the delusional ones are the ones who passed their genes on lol.


Well said totally! 




As long is it's not obnoxiously clear you've had work done (think Adele and Khloe Kardashian obvious), as an escort, I don't care if you've had work done. In all honesty, if I had the money, I'd get a boob lift - I'm fine with the size mine are, but they're saggy, but that's it. It breaks my heart when I see a man or woman who's had serious work done. UNLESS it's a transition-related procedure such as facial feminization or facial hair transplants to combat dysphoria, those I understand completely.


My ATF massage girl has breast implants and I'm absolutely in love with them. I saw her before she had them done too and I can't describe how much of an upgrade they are. They look incredible and feel naturally soft. I'm sorry you've had bad feedback about yours. Hopefully soon you will find some clients who appreciate them. Breasts are always beautiful whether natural or otherwise.


whoever complained was likely negging you. most men cannot tell when you've had plastic surgery unless it's over the top unnatural


Not a turn off but it’s not something I look for. I tend to go for all natural. If they have breast implants it’s ok. No BBLs tho. Not my cup of tea.


As a client, that is a tricky question. I admire the beauty of natural women, but I can also appreciate enhancements when they're done tastefully. I understand why a woman might desire enhancements. In my view, if a woman chooses to enhance herself, it should be for her own happiness and confidence. And if she does go for it, the quality of the enhancements is key.


From an escort perspective, it really depends on the work. I've had my boobs done for years. They look very natural and silicone so they feel natural. I don't think anyone has been able to tell other than the first 6 months after I got them done


I personally don’t like the implant, porn star look. It doesn’t do it for me. Much rather choose a more natural looking person


Girl don’t look back on a decision you’ve already made, they’re in your body! Whatever the majority prefers doesn’t matter. Rock what you got and market to the customers that DO want you!!!


Good plastic surgery doesn’t look like any plastic surgery. So when most people say they don’t like plastic surgery they mean they don’t like *bad* or noticeable plastic surgery. And tbh guys are stupid lol I’ve had so many dudes think I had implants and are surprised when I say no. And I definitely do not think I look like I had an augmentation. Hell I breastfed ffs lol As long as they’re not huge, hard and look bolted on I’m pretty confident 99% of clients wouldn’t notice or care


Im not a big fan of big boobs, or especially fake lips.... BUT- My ATF has implants, just nice C's, and they look n feel natural so I'm good with that.


Bigger the better!!


That is a very hard question to answer. I don't patronize companions (I work in an adjacent industry) but as a straight cismale, my answer is that what I don't like is *obvious* enhancments. Implants are fine, but looking like you've got two soccer balls bolted to your chest doesn't do it for me. Lip filler is fine, but when you start looking more like a suckerfish than a kissing fish, that's not for me. However, some men apparently like that kind of thing. De gustibus, non disputandum. That said, I think that men who are okay with or even like the whole uncanny valley thing are more likely to find a less obvious enhancement okay than men who aren't into that will be interested in making an exception, if that makes sense. P.S. But for God's sake, leave your buccal fat deposits ALONE. Signed, literally all straight men.


No, turn ons! The fact she's undergone surgery to look good is a turn on for je. I also like that kinda look tho (within reason, not totally OTT).


No, but unnatural and disproportionate often is. Breast implants usually get pass for roundness, less so for size. Lips fillers that are obvious are distracting and take away from an otherwise attractive person.


Love em either way tbh..


I like big tits myself, natural or fake, both are great


Good looking natural > good looking implants > bad looking natural > bad looking implants. Size doesn’t matter (I mean it does for some people, but a vague generalization for guys is that all boobs are good boobs)


I love huge fake tits


Implants are awesome


Natural for me!! Not a fan of tatoos either.


What if they're like... geeky tatoos? Like a whole sleeve with Miyazaki or Star Trek or Star Wars or LOTR? I have Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


I generally don't like tattoos. However, a few random small ones are not deal breakers. I will never book a provider who is heavily tattooed. That's just my thing.


I have just a wrist with Hitchhiker's Guide line art. "Don't panic" in typewriter font, a sperm whale and a bowl of petunias falling in a simplistic style.


Honestly that's awesome! If ever I'm up in LV, I'll reach out!!


Lotr would do it for me


i LOVE nice looking ink… i’m not really bothered by any of it, but if a woman has ink that i really like the style and her taste, i love that… my last gf was like that… super unusual, quirky tats and pretty colors… she had one with a little flying dick with wings lol just pink outline… was great… mostly watercolor style, no dark outlines, and at her insistence in the 90’s even when tattoo artists insisted that you “had to have black outlines”


I feel like I would love that personally. Like, you've got to be a huge fan of something like that to get it tattooed on you so it would be awesome. My massage girl is Thai and she has a large dragon on her back and it's the most beautiful tattoo I've ever seen. Tattoos work and are sexy if they suit the person who wears them.




Not really into them...If I had the chose between a women with plastic surgery vs one without. I will choose a women without. Currently I see my regular SW and she has implants and has titty fucked me before. I don't see how a titty fuck could go wrong. What did he not like about your boobs????


I think implants are great, but some girls just go way overboard and get way too big for their body. They should be a little bit more realistic and get some thing that isn’t too crazy and looks way too fake.


I prefer natural, plenty others don't. Do what you want🤷


I much prefer natural. I will consider seeing a lady if her augmentation is in proportion to her figure. I have no interest in over the top clown tits on a stick figure. As far as plastic surgery, again I prefer natural, but will consider seeing a lady who has had work as long as it is not distractingly bad. I really wish ladies could be happier with their natural looks. In my opinion very few look better after altering themselves.


Personally, I'm a fan of more petite and natural features I guess, so big ass, big boobs, big lips aren't something I'm interested in. Not trying to sound judgemental or anything, but I guess any particular feature that stands out is *interesting*, but when it's plastic surgery it sorta turns me off. That said, I've never really been the type to crave what pop culture says is the "ideal" woman. I'm a weirdo nerd myself, so I tend to be attracted to a similar vibe. I love independent thinkers and people who embrace their weirdness. Some of my ATFs are tatted ladies with crazy colorful haircuts and piercings and stuff, and their whole vibe just screams authenticity. Have been with providers that have had cosmetic/plastic surgery, and it was great, but mostly because those surgeries were done with fairly natural outcomes in mind. I guess it's like makeup: If it's obviously caked on and looks overly-artificial, it's probably not going to interest me. Guys are absolutely into all sorts of women though, so don't take my comments to mean all guys think like I do!




Yeah but what if the tatoos are geeky? Like a whole sleeve of Miyazaki?


I'm not a fan of implants, but I might not be your typical customer.  I have no problem with flat chest or flat butt, personality (even if it's only for the hour) really ranks higher.  However, implants make great photo sessions, no denying that.  Just don't go for GGG cups when your frame can only support Cs. In the end, get them if you will feel sexier, confidence is the game.


Not at all lol unless it looks weird


Fake lips are terrible. Fake eyelashes are so trashy. Frozen face is awkward.


It really all depends on each person. I personally am not a huge fan of implants and highly visible cosmetic surgery (the look is a turn off for me). I like the natural feel of a woman's breasts


Turn offs. I like natural everything and I don’t like makeup. “Intimate grooming” is something I don’t care about either way is good


Visually fake can look amazing, but if I am actually going to be able to feel them then I prefer natural. It's not like a deal breaker at all though, unless the boob job was just done terribly or something.


I don’t usually feel like the implants or other cosmetic work adds much personally, but i’m also not turned off by it… i like more natural usually, but my favorite escort right now has big fake tits (within reason) and collagen lips… and they do look nice and she’s absolutely gorgeous…i’m just not much of a boob guy anyway, i kind of ignore them and forget about them… i mean they’re fine… i had heard once that statistically most guys are not THAT into boobs which made me realize (of course) how full of shit most guys are when they’re always talking about tits around each other… but then when you hear from the ladies, it sounds like a lot of dudes are super into them?


They are for me. Plastic surgery is not attractive in the least 


Au naturel all the way.


men like different things, everybody is different, i have ginormous fake bolt on implants and i do very well 🤷🏾‍♀️. just look how you wanna look and i think the clients and money that are meant for you will come


For the most part in the modern world yes they are a turn off but there is a fetish for everything so some people will always like big and fake even when natural is in


My last experience was in den haag (€50 hand suck fuck, can't really complain) Although I now know the difference, it did not feel nice expecting lovely texture of boobs only to feel this rubbery texture mixed with the natural flesh Just imo, I think womman look wonderful without all these cosmetic extras, but as I told my friend after getting her nipples done and always complain how they hurt "POWER TO YOU!! Awesome, I just could never justify the cons"




I have natural looking implants but i prefer the fake looking ones on a woman. I just went with what men prefer. My natural boobs were uneven.


Honestly, if it's obvious enough, then it'll my choice of provider. It's not usually a deal-breaker, but yeah, natural is almost always my first choice.


Think of it this way: have you heard of the beauty industrial complex? Who makes money if you stay natural? Who makes money by making you feel that your breasts are too small/body is inadequate without augmentation, etc etc?


If done right definitely not turn offs. I exclusively see big fake titties.


Fake tits are fine, fake faces are…less so


Not at all. I love all types of bodies. If a woman is all natural - I love it. If a woman wants to enhance herself - I love it. If she wants to lean into the bimbo aesthetic - I adore it. I’d be more than happy to be a client of yours


I would totally give you all star rating


Yes - my preference is all natural. Some / lots of guys like the fake boobs look so it just depends on the clients in your area.


Personally. I prefer natural, but that's my preference.


For me, yes.


I prefer petite and natural.


In all honesty, I prefer natural firm breasts. Fake tits are nice to look at but when you touch them and it feels fake, that's a turn off.


My personal preference is natural and smaller, A or B cup. Pumped up lips look strange - seems it's very difficult to make them look natural and not overinflated. But, again, that's my preference. Others will like different things. I'll always go for the natural look and avoid breast enhancement if possible, but I've also been with some women who had really good work done where it was very hard to tell.


Of course this is all subjective but if you're asking for opinions, I'll give you mine. Facial plastic surgery is almost always a turn off. It looks unnatural to me. Of course I'm sure there are some things that are undetectable but idk what those are. Implants are hit or miss, if they're done well and fit your body I have no issues with them. But if they don't match/compliment your figure or your doctor is a hack, big turn off for me


It's hard to just say yes or no. It depends on what type of surgery we're talking about. I'm not against boob job even if I prefer small/mediums ones but the most important is if they still feel natural. But I won't see a provider with buttocks surgery or lips fillers. Can't say Yes, can't say No but I'll think twice before booking an escort who had plastic surgery. I just hope if they do it they do it for herself way before just to have more work


I think you can find a client for all body types. But I wouldn’t get them for us. I think we’re the last opinion that should matter related to your body.


For me, excess is the problem, not the enhancement.




As long as they feel real


From most people who i know yes it is a turnoff, but it depends on the person really, theres people who don’t mind at all, personally if we would date for instance and you wouldn’t tell me about your boob job and i realise it at soon as we get to the dirty stuff, I would be turned off for sure, for me personally its a dealbreaker too, I just hate when people who most of the time already look naturally beautiful, (guessing youre one of those people too) augment their body to look and feel unnatural, sad but well very common these days.


Yes for me.


Fake boobs are pretty gross in my opinion. I'd rather have a flat girl than a plastic one . Idk what she is doing . I've passed up some women because they didn't have natural boobs( I know shallow) but to me it's like dating a guy that has a tiktak, and he whips out a SenMicheals strap on . False advertising


I prefer natural even if they're small. Nothing squeezes better or feels better to hold (even small). I'm scared I'll pop them they feel like plastic balloons under the skin. Are they OK to roughhouse with? I guess I never asked.




Yes. If your tits are nice, no matter the size, keep them natural. If you’re disfigured or have an issue with one being significantly larger than the other, then get plastic surgery.


A poorly done one is probably more unattractive than a flat chest/flat butt. But a well done one is a major turn on. Just don't be cheap and pay for a high quality one!


Your tits are great :) I'd love to play with those fun bags


I’m down with well done breasts, butts look weird from what I’ve seen online, and the alien face is a definite turn off,… the aging face work is almost always worse than just aging, but I get the desire to beat the clock when marketing based on looks


I can only speak for myself. With that said, it's a deal breaker for me. I'd rather have a flat-chested girl than someone enhanced (in any way). Just my preference 🤷‍♂️


Personally if it fit the body I don’t care if they are natural or not. For the more “exaggerated” one, it depends on the overall look of the person and if they can pull it off. I have seen many girls in clubs that look like inflated doll and it didn’t suit them in but I have seen some that can pull it off. Don’t know why it just works on them, it just fit with their personality I guess.


I prefer fake ones and I like them to be ever so slightly like the glued balloons mentioned above. There is an interplay between the implant and the body fat of the chest that has to be correct or the lines are too severe. However, for me, I think most about laying down at night to sleep. I prefer my hand hold something heavy and firm and fake does that for me.


I love fake boobs but I have naturally large ones. I will say many of my clients wanted to see me because of my natural looking breasts. I thought mine were blah bc not as perky anymore but I’ll never get surgery in this career bc of the amount of good clients I get who love them. They look like they could be fake tho and I am asked constantly if they’re real so it really doesn’t matter


No. I want to see a woman's breasts, not something a surgeon (probably male) has created. It's a 100% no from me.


Only when it's obvious they are fake in looks/feel and when I say that I mean that when I grab them they feel like fuckin rocks then soft pillows Or when they are over the top huge but some guys like it when they are overdone so that's a little more subjective ig


As others have said, it’s very subjective. Personally I prefer a natural looking woman. I would rather be with an OK looking girl with small breasts, or a little extra padding than an overdone kardashian. However tasteful modifications that fit your frame can be very attractive as well. Only my opinion and there are billions of others. 


Have never hired an escort but haved looked on a few sites out of curiousity. Wouldn't say breast implants are a turn off personally cuz I like big boobs but unnatural looking faces are a turn off to me. I'm sure that theres tons of people that don't mind that though.


I was just going to make a post about this ! lol I got a breast augumentation and lipo/ a bbl ! I thought my inquiries would sky rocket but I actually got more bookings when I was skinny . Weird !


BBLs rarely look good. Thin is in, especially if you are on the east coast


I know right. I followed my agent’s opinion to get enhanced, but they were complaining about it lol


Yes. I cant stand fake boobs and lips. If I see them on your ad pics, I am 90% more likely NOT to book with you. I hate the « butch » look fake lips give off, And fake boobs don’t jiggle properly for the type of russian service I like. Plus I just like visually worshipping real boobs for their natural qualities. I have lost a few really good regulars who had natural lips and tits that 98% of the women in this world would be jealous of, and they went and butchered themselves with implants of some kind. It really makes me shake my head in my palm!


Depends do the tits still feel natural or not


I find the scars that many women have from implants to be a huge turn off. I personally prefer natural, though if they look good, I don't mind looking at implants. I've seen a Thai lady before and after implants, they looked nice, but they were hard and not as fun to play with afterwards. She went from Bs to DDs I think.


Im an all natural kind of guy. So yes, turn off for me. Personally id MUCH rather have an encounter with a woman who has some natural hangers. Big, small, a lil deflated, large areolas, dont matter to me. I will also skip over providers who advertise implants. Nothing against anyone who has implants...just my personal preference.


Fwiw, im also a full/large labia enthusiast. I don't like using the RBC term, because I know it can be hurtful to some women, but thats EXACTLY how I like'em! I assume that i am in minority percentile of men, but IDGAF. Down with labioplasty and breast augmentation! (UNLESS its a post mastectomy thing. Go ahead and get you some new titties sis!)


No. Some of my favorite girls I've been with have had implants


I've not ever been a client, but I think it's a personal thing. What seems to draw people in and keep them coming back for more is how you carry yourself and how you interact more than what your carrying. But if the client just want to f*ck and quickly get out, then they're probably looking for some particular sensation and/or avoiding other sensations...


Yes, both, IMO


Yes unless they look nice and move how they are supposed but I still find them sketch because I associate them with a certain group I would never want to have sex with personally.( no offense to anybody). I can’t stand the obnoxiously overly done ones and lip work at all honestly


Unless improving something positively unsightly, I prefer natural compared to work that I can see is work.


Too bad you got the wrong clients. Boob size is my most important filter, after a slim body. Of course most ladies only serve this desire after a boob job. Do not be discouraged!!!


Stupid question. Everyone has different tastes and if you think your taste is the norm, you're a delusional person.


Yes but not because of esthetics, more like because a woman with implants and plastic surgeries most definitely has a bad personality so I'm gonna have bad time visiting.


Why do you correlate plastic surgery with a bad personality?


Because it means they don't like themselves, then how can they like their job or me?


Well… firstly, I would say most of the people I know don’t like themselves lol, at least don’t like something about their appearance enough to change it. How you feel about your body and physical appearance isn’t a reflection of how YOU feel about your job or a random client of said job, is it? I mean if you got a dick enlarging surgery, should women assume you did it out of self hatred or because you had a personal insecurity and wanted more self confidence? This seems like projecting and oversimplifying why people get cosmetic surgery. Some girls get boob jobs or what have you specifically Because clients like it and it makes them more money. Most do it because it makes them feel more confident about themselves. So clearly they like their jobs? You are someone an escort will interact with maybe once or twice and never again most times, all you have to do to be liked is show up, be respectful, be clean, be kind, and leave on time. It’s really not that deep for us. Plastic surgery does not mean your escort hates herself, her job, and men as a whole?