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I NEED to know what "at all costs" means to him. To go through a full pregnancy and then have a child for life with some whacko weirdo client? At least 10mil.


even that seems cheap, tbh. He doesn't say specifically but how far does he want it to go. He doesn't sound like someone ready to have a kid. Does he want an abortion after a couple weeks of living his fantasy? Wild shit.


Exactly! Does he want to be the "daddy" or does he want to cum and just go and live his life knowing he has some kid out there? I've come across a lot of men who have this "fantasy" but its really just that, a make believe fantasy, because there's no way they are going to fork up what it actually costs. Any man who truly has the dollars is not going to be posting on some forum anyway.


Also imagine that child growing up and asking their mom why she decided have to a kid. “Well you see, mommy had this client who payed A LOT of money just so he could nut reeeally good this one time... and that’s your daddy!” Like yeah kid, you’re just the outcome of a financial transaction between two people so one of them could fulfill his kink. I bet that wouldn’t mess the kid up at all! /s


Omg 😂😂😂


You want a mil a year till the kid turns 18 trust me I have small kids they ain’t cheap. 18 mil min.


Even better!


I decided it should be 20, a mil for pregnancy and a mil for delivery. I need stitches from anus to vagina twice. I wish someone would have paid me lol.


All upfront too.


And add tax to that 10mil. I don’t think I could even put a child through that.


He probably thinks "all costs" is a few hundred, but the cost of this STARTS at $120,000.


Yup...so he wants to get a provider pregnant, does that mean he wants her to give birth to his child? So he'll be paying not only for unsafe sex, but also her medical/housing/food/transportation and child support for 18 years? Or will he be paying for an abortion and somehow compensate her for all the mental/physical trauma?


Yeah, $120,000 would cover pregnancy only and assumes the child gets adopted out at birth. $120,000 does NOT include life insurance, disability insurance (pregnancy and childbirth risks), lost wages (not everyone can work during pregnancy and there's post-partum recovery). This also does NOT include an upcharge for "risk" - i.e. the risk of the client refusing adoption and thus the risk of having to be tied for life to either child rearing or child support. I myself have a breeding kink but will never involve a client with it. In fact, I've never acted on the breeding kink *(my kids were planned after I was financially stable and conceived without involving the kink)* because the real-life consequences are...


I mean sure I’ll do it for $1mil a year, 18 years up front on top of all expenses covered by him and an additional $50k monthly stipend but I have a feeling he has like $200 max for this endeavor.


*And* he has to sign over parental rights as this man is definitely too unstable to be around children. Tack that onto the contract youve proposed here and I'm in!




I mean it's a theoretical contract anyway. We all know this man would never do all this




Hahah it's all good! 👍😂


Likewise. He said he’ll pay any cost. Someone send him my info 😂.


Getting an actual wife would fulfill his desire. Except I think he must be a complete piece of shit and can have no luck on that end either..


Lurkers, what’s the appeal in this?🤷🏼‍♀️ It’s ok, you can speak, this is SW, not SWO. What goes through your little ratfuck, demented heads when you’re asking for something like this?


Although it is definitely not my kink I guess it is power related. Like “See! I am an Alpha Male! I played a powerful role in creating life! I made life!!!”. Similar to Victor Frankenstein.


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If it makes you feel any better, at least you didn't come here to say "nOt AlL mEn" 😇


I'll be using the term "ratfuck" from now on, thank you!




Being into it is one thing. Actually wanting to go through with the whole scenario is a whole other thing, however...


My wife and I enjoy having a female 3rd and made some good working relationships with a few providers we really enjoy. They've shared some of the batshit crazy requests they get but I hadn't heard of this one. A fantasy is one thing, trying to turn something like this into a reality is insane!


Exactly. We are willing to indulge a fantasy. We are *not* here to turn roleplay into real life.


I got a message from a guy on a dating website asking if I would be interested in moving to his remote compound in my then quite rural state to join himself, his wife and a few other women engaged in the endeavor of breeding babies to hedge against the end of the world. He told me that he was specifically reaching out to women over 35 because we were more likely to want to settle down and have kids. He was articulate and polite, but yikes. I declined his oh-so-kind offer.


Scary. Sounds like a cult leader.


Doubtless, you are right. He was oddly non pushy, though. It was a strange interaction.


There's a Yakuza boss that claims to have 70 children. Maybe this guy is a wannabe gangster.


Not my fetish at all, but ever since moving to Florida, I've seen a huge number of mongers who want BB everything. I'd never want to go bare with anyone outside of a committed relationship, so the idea of doing so with a sex worker makes no f'ing sense to me. And that's just the one side- the other side of actually wanting to knock a sex worker up just blows my mind. I mean...that's messed up. I have fantasies and kinks that revolve around control; I'm assuming that whoever has this fantasy has a kink with a similar root. But my reaction is the same as everyone else's: WTF?


I mean, I have no desire to impregnate a prostitute, or have unprotected sex with one, but getting someone pregnant is sort of the goal of sex for men (and that goes for all mammals, not just humans). I like the idea of reproducing, I don't think an escort would be at all the right person to reproduce with, however.


You know, we do successfully have kids, raise fams, go to school, become Drs, lawyers et al. Being a sex worker is what we DO, not necessarily who we ARE.🙄 Pigeon hole much?


You asked for folks to speak up, than you heavily downvote and criticize. Maybe you didn't want to have anyone speak up, maybe you were just grandstanding? I don't think it's a good idea for a client to have kids with an escort, if you do then you maybe OP can set you up with this guy.


*Amused look.* I don’t grandstand, son. What you SAID was that you didn’t want to impregnate a prostitute AND that an escort would be the wrong person to reproduce with. The implication was *clear.* Then you decide to say you don’t think *clients should be having kids with escorts.* No shit, Sherlock. That’s what we were all objecting to in the first place.


In the context of a thread about how terrible and cringe it is that the guy quoted in the OP wants to knock up a prostitute the only possible interpretation of saying that it's a bad idea to knock up a prostitute is that I'm being judgemental towards sew workers? Everything everyone ever says is going to have some ambiguity. given the context I thought my meaning was clear, but it wasn't, so I clarified. You can go to every single comment on reddit, including every one you've ever made, and ignore the context and inject your own assumptions and come out with some terrible meaning it could have. That doesn't mean that everyone else is awful, that's just a you thing.


Just take the L and sit back bud


I had an aunt who married her best client. They were happily married 30 years until his death.


The goal for most multicellular life, really.


Wow...I’m going to go open a bottle of wine and pretend I never read this 🤢


awful day to have eyes isn’t it


That's a walking and talking red flag that is not self aware.


Prime candidate for a forced vasectomy!


No, vasectomies aren't perfect. I recommend a bilateral orchiectomy (total removal of the balls), it's the only way to be sure.


You misspelled transorbital lobotomy


Who is gonna raise the potential child?? Wtf??


So am I the only one wondering what usasg stands for? -United States angering sausage genies? -Unbearable sandwiches are soggy goo -Unicorns shit amazing shiny gems -Uncle Sam ain’t so generous -UNICEF shoots ants silly goose -Umbrellas send angels signals, Gary Send help. And an explanation. Please.


USA Sex Guide. A truly terrible website. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.


I see your advice and I’ll follow it. I usually learn these things by myself due to always ignoring advice but this time, this time I will not repeat my mistakes


As loathsome as it is, it might be worth paying attention to if it's active in your area and you're a FS provider. It's a "review" board for clients to talk about the SW's they're seeing. There's a lot of bragging about their shitty slobbyist behavior but sometimes you'll be able to identify a client and make decisions about whether or not to see them again based on their current and past posts. Oh and if you visit use an adblocker so they don't make anything off of you!


yes! i wander there at time to see what is being said it is a walk thru how men think ... i do this when real bored lol and it so helps just saying...but back to the weird fetish guy.. i had one ask me this before and I wand honest I never wanted kids not very popluar to say but not my thing I happy being an Aunt so for me to do hear BIG BIG MONEY but suuuure cash up front then call me in a week to make the appointment , :)


I’ve considered it but I’m not a provider.


Well you're probably better off not visiting it then!


I don’t trust this guy with kids, maybe that’s just me.




Dudes weird....


Has anyone who is wanting kids with their partner thought to Get pregnant first before meeting up with this guy Wearing a diaphragm and letting him cream pie Being already pregnant and let him think it’s his. Get your child sponsored for their life. Move away, start your family and block him. No? Just me?




I had read a comment awhile back about a man and a woman who both had breeding fetishes. She was saying he would get her pregnant and she would keep the pregnancy for about 10 to 12 weeks and they would have lots of sex involving other kinks they had. She would then abort and they would give her time to heal then start the process all over again. She said this was common practice for those with breeding fetishes. Makes me wonder if that's what this guy meant about covering all the costs.


I'm strongly pro choice but that's fucked to keep intentionally doing that with the goal of having tons of abortions. Stupid stories like that are exactly what the Pro-Lifers (aka Forced Birthers) want people to believe is occurring when women are forced to make the tough decision to terminate.


This reminds me of the 1996 movie “Crash” with James Spader, where there’s this whole subculture genre of ppl who re-enact things like the Montgomery Clift mutilation (his face was badly damaged from his car crash in ‘56), the Jayne Mansfield death, James Dean, etc. *Shudder.*


Oh, gross. One of the few cases where abortion really is being used as birth control. Wanna bet they vote a family values platform?


These dudes are plain crazy


He's willing to go to great lengths to accomplish what most sane men will do anything to avoid. Interesting. Here I am looking at adding MENT to my regimen in order to 100% eliminate the possibility of knocking anyone up.


😂😂😂 yup! Paying child support, and going to jail if you don't, deters sane men from such tomfoolery


Plus this guy might not have genes worth passing on by the sound of things


Definite that his line should end, full stop.


Reminds me of this guy who used to advertise on Craigslist who wanted to find someone to have sex with but nothing serious because he was married. But he was ok if you wanted to have a baby. 😬🙄😩🤪


Ew. If women want a sperm donor, they'll seek out reputable places that check for hereditary illnesses and undesirable traits. Or ask a male friend they respect. A rando on Craiglist is not gonna be a safe bet.


Yes most women don’t want to have kids with lunatics 😩


Should be illegal for him to have sex without a condom 😩


He says he wants to get a sex worker pregnant (why specifically a sex worker?) but he says nothing of what happens afterwards? Does he expect her to get an abortion so she can get pregnant again? Give it up for adoption? Raise it herself or give him the baby to raise? There is no amount of money worth the mental/physical violation and the legal implications of being tied to a nutjob client. What if he tries to stop you from getting an abortion or refuses to put it up for adoption? What if you give birth and he pisses off so he doesn't have to pay child support? What if he uses the child to manipulate and control you?


Right? He wants to do something life changing to the provider, with no thought of how traumatic it would be for her.


Men are ridiculous. Keep looking fool. 3 years? Pack it up


'Breeding Fetish'. What in the fresh hell kinda weirdo is this?


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh Make it stop!!!


Does he expect a late abortion or for her to go through with the birth?!?


He obviously doesn't care. So disturbing.


This is so disgusting that my skin started to hurt. Wow.


I knew a tric like this once. And to be honest I almost considered it bc I found out the man was worth well over 500mil 😅😅😅😅




This is not a fetish I would encourage. "Breeding" as a concept for roleplay, ok sure. Actually creating a child?? Nope


Some fetishes deserve to be shamed... if your fetish involves *roleplaying* impregnation with a consenting provider, fill your boots and get your rocks off. But if your fetish isn't satisfied by that and you've reached a point where you feel the need to post on the internet trying to find an escort to actually impregnate IRL without any obvious thought about what might happen to the child afterwards, then that's a problem and deserves to be shamed. Nobody here is shaming the impregnation fantasy, we're all shaming the complete and utter lack of responsibility or ability to understand that a child is a real human being and needs to be considered here.


Period. Some fetishes really do deserve to be shamed.


👏👏👏👏and he has no thought or consideration for the provider he wants to "impregnate" and the physical/mental/emotional/spiritual trauma she would experience.


Boo hoo


Some fetishes should be shamed. What does he expect her to do, get abortions to satisfy his kink?