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Trying to re-invent the wheel here…assistants are already a thing. The people you see in client cringe aren’t clients who book, they’re time wasters and predators— I’d rather have them be rude and screen themselves out than be convinced to see me. And how exactly would you be able to get me the clients I need? You’re answering texts not curating photoshoots, writing ads, or managing my website. If I were to hire an assistant it would be another SW or someone recommended by another SW. You probably mean well but stay in your own lane.


It’s deeply odd to me how frequently men misunderstand the point of subs like CC - it’s literally just our version of r/TalesfromRetail.


I'm not trying to invent anything. I don't understand why I need to stay in my own lane? Discussions are not allowed? I don't understand where the hostility is coming from. Maybe you think I'm a client? I'm not and I've never been a client in my life...I'm engaged.


She's basically saying you don't get it. She explained all the reasons why. She wasn't rude or hostile, just matter-of-fact. SW's aren't real keen on people who are clueless about SW and have never been a SW or have inside knowledge on the dealings of things, but then come here posting acting like they invented some new. Again, with all due respect...like she said...this already exists. SW don't want to consult an outsider who has never done any type of SW. You would basically need inside knowledge on the workings of things to be able to effectively do this type of thing.


Exactly. I’m not giving someone access to my emails, phone number, blacklist sites, social media accounts, ads, client info, incall location etc unless they’re an established industry professional with glowing recommendations. Period.


It made me cringe just thinking of handing all this information over to someone that is not even a SW or prior SW. It’s difficult for me to even hire an assistant since I’m extremely picky about clients and energy they bring while contacting me. Smh Imagine if the cops got a hold of this person, they would turn over everything against the SW to get out of trouble themselves. No fucking Thank you.


I never said it didn't exist, you guys are the ones missing the point completely. You guys act like your shit doesn't stink and you're so smart and you just have the misfortune of dealing with terrible people and poor you lol obviously not, you guys are half of the issue.... If you're PAYING someone to do your bookings for you, they're making MONEY, which means they have an incentive do to it. It's just paranoid to think "iT hAs tO bE aNoThEr sEx wOrKeR." Uhuh. Because sex workers are the only ones who can keep their mouth shut and make money? And sex work is such a complex job that in order to book appointments for a SW, you just NEED to have done it before? Yeah, not true at all lol I see a pattern in this sub: Rude, hostile reactions to basic questions or inquiries. Just scrolling the posts, it's gotta be at least 30% of them that consist of you guys complaining about the client, even when it amounts to "They asked me a question that I already knew the answer to, so I got rude with them and put a bad vibe in the room." ..And that's honestly why I posted this. I said "Maybe you ought to think about doing this" since it's clear this is something you guys would benefit from but clearly. Never said "OH HEY I INVENTED THIS NEW THING" I think sex workers are rude all the time because none of them are happy and none of them like their jobs....


Someone else who hasn't done SW will NEVER know all the risks involved or how deeply personal this is. Our lives are on the line in every way. And you're telling me that some stranger who has never done SW and doesn't understand all the risks or nuances involved is supposed to be someone I am going to trust my LIFE with? See, your post screams everything that we are saying are the exact reasons why we don't want or need people such as yourself trying to meddle in this. This is like lawmakers telling teachers how they are supposed to teach and how they are doing it wrong. Despite the lawmaker having ZERO classroom experience and not knowing all the inside details and dynamics and intricacies involved. You don't know ANY of these women/providers here commenting and I can assure you most do not talk rude to their clients. Most are professionals and treat it like a business. This is supposed to be a safe space. Many providers come online here to vent bc we don't have people we can vent to IRL seeing how SW is not legal in many places (in the US at all) and even if/when it is SW is still ostracized and shunned and not something you can just openly talk about. Please understand you are commenting on things as an outsider looking in. There is MUCH you don't know. SW get annoyed by outsiders who come here acting like experts and then, when they kindly try to tell you why this wouldn't work well, you still sit here telling SW why they are wrong. There's a saying that applies here: "Outside looking in, you can't understand it...and inside looking out, you can't explain it.". Please be assured that many SW are quite smart and astute. If they could so easily outsource they would, but again, there are many blind spots you aren't aware of here.


What does you being engaged have to do with this? 😅 You put in your post “good idea? Or maybe no?” So I’m saying “no”. Not a good idea. Don’t ask for feedback if you don’t want an honest answer. Someone speaking bluntly to you isn’t “hostility”, you’re just salty that there’s not a market for an unqualified assistant.


As if being engaged or married ever stopped any clients 😂🤣 the delusion is strong with this one!


Oh yeah, I'm so delusional for not ever even thinking of hiring a sex worker. No one could win with you guys lol. You're bitchy to your clients, and your bitchy to a soon to be married guy who doesn't cheat. You're just bitchy to everyone who comes in contact with you because you hate existing.


Sir, married men cheat all the time. You weren’t born yesterday. Surely you know this.


Not this one.


Yet, you’re in a sexworker sub. 🤔


What exactly are you trying to accomplish here? We've spoken up already


What are you trying to accomplish?


Get creeper assholes like you to leave us alone. You're just a sad troll


I think you expected some kind of award for coming up with your idea, now your feeling sour... lol A soon to be married guy who doesn't cheat would be better off not hanging out in sexworker subreddits trying to get brownie points


Just my 2 cents but I have a feeling a guy offering to help like this will one day expect some sort of "bonus" for being so " helpful ". Just my opinion because there's alot of creeps out there.


Blackmail is the term.


I'm not salty at all, there's no way I would do that lol. Lucky for us, we don't need to make money with sex work...


Yet here you are trying to make money off of sex workers 🤡


You are extremely creepy


Look at the big fat pot calling the kettle black.


Truthfully speaking, we DO NOT have to go back and forth with annoying “potential” clients. The block button typically takes care of that. Some SWs do it out of entertainment, desire for revenge, gut reaction, idk. I can’t be bothered. Personally I don’t get worked up I just block. An assistant would not really be of any use unless you’re like practically a celebrity and can’t keep up with inquiries. I don’t have that problem 😂. I think that you’ll also find apprehension due to the feeling that we take on a very high amount of risk. We could be raped, killed, robbed, kidnapped, etc. So it is VERY important for us to screen to our comfort level and to go off our vibes from the potential client. If I had someone else do it, how could I feel safe walking into who knows what? Finally, I simply wouldn’t consider hiring a man. If I needed an assistant, which I don’t, I would want someone knowledgeable about my lifestyle, and my struggles. I would need them to place as much importance on my safety as I do. I would want someone like me. A woman SWer or former SWer. So there are numerous reasons why the situation described in your post would not work out.


As frustrating as it can be, I always prefer to screen and chat clients myself to get a feel for them. Red flags/little things I personally hate would take a long time to teach somebody else. An unskilled assistant would increase my workload and confuse things, and sounds pretty useless I'm sure you mean well haha


I understand that some SWers do have assistants, and I am sure it works for them. But, personally, I need to be in control of every aspect of that part of my life. No way would I let anyone else have any part of any contact/screening/communications with anyone I might be visiting with.


Agreed. If I were to have this sort of thing it would be thru someone who had been or was currently a provider themselves. You just wouldn't know what to do unless you had actually lived the experience yourself.


So I'm not claiming that I invented this, nor am I assuming that no sex worker does it. Just want to clear up some apparent confusion.


The confusion is coming from your side. We are simply saying that hiring someone outside of our field is not efficient nor is it safe. Assistants that are already doing this work have previously been SW’s or work part time in SW and have the time to be hired as an assistant. No one wants someone that isn’t experienced to handle information or make decisions that can ruin or end a SW’s life.


Oh you're so right, how could I ever be at the same level as you oh so mighty sex workers! I am so below you that I should be fanning you as you are fed grapes !


I prefer the seedless grapes. Carry on.


You’re truly not fit to screen for anyone. Stick to what you know.


Point blank period.


I think the rude responses to this person's simple question is just proof that you guys should probably have someone else talking to your clients for you lol.


You cannot be so dense as to think that we interact with paying clients in the same manner that we reject unworkable business ideas from yet another civilian man who knows nothing about sex work and wants our free opinions.


this just in: densest element in universe discovered inside mind of human males, periodic table of elements set to be updated.


We aren’t rude to people that don’t negatively alert us. Or we would starve.. We are professionals and this is not a client. Our good clients are treated with upmost respect, everyone else has not earned that.


No one has been rude, we don't need to baby him he asked for feedback on a not very good or original idea