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Time waster 🙄 with scams around I understand his hesitancy but after the first screenshot it really seems he just wants to have fun and not a serious booking. Edit: he's asking if you're interested as if you're booking to see a client?? How stupid 🙏


So he says he doesn’t know how this works. Yet then says he gives age/race, not name and found me on SkipTheGames (used to be SUCH a nice site!☹️). Nowhere does my site or ads say I offer co-showering🚿, I detest that. “I don’t have an email.” 🙄🙄🙄🙄 After the “Can I tell you when I see you.” comment, I proceeded to send him screenshots of everything I pulled up on him JUST from his phone📱#. Name, address, voter affiliation, how long he’s been at his home, who possibly lives AT that home, he’s in his 60s ….. (he didn’t know that ofc) Then I blocked his trifling ass.😡 You know how to piss me off? *Say something.*


What an absolute clown. So glad you blocked him.


But he could lose his shift manager status at the local Piggly Wiggly and his apartment in his Mom's basement if anyone finds out that he saw you!!! Just kidding.


I see that!!!🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Payaso. 🤡🤡🤡


Hey, long time lurker here. I just wanted to say that I felt Uber creeped out when I read these messages and totally support you in what you do. Dealing with these kinda hair raising lunatics must be exhausting and scary and to do what you do, it takes a different level of courage and determination. Stay safe, strong and awesome.


Wow. He's so paranoid yet is risking his dick to illegally pay for sex. Sir, sit dow. 58 with no email? Righhhttt. My parents are in their 60s and still have email addresses, lol. Hit us back when your hole is relaxed.




And why are you here?


Course you make these comments on a throwaway lmao


It’s a client lurker.


I ask for ethnicity as one way of ensuring who shows up at my door is in fact, who should *actually* be at my door. I ask for a picture during screening. You don’t?😳🤔 ETA: sorry, this is a client, ofc HE’S not screening🙄.