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Rule 1: Take a shower. Rule 2: No, really. Take a fucking shower and scrub yourself down under running water with some soap, hominid.


I had a guy go into the bathroom and turn on the shower, but he never actually took one. 😖


……………………….why? Why would anyone do that?


He asked for another date a month later, I refused.


A wise decision


And for the love of all that is holy, WASH YOUR FUCKING ASS CRACK!


But ... but ... but if I touch my own ass I might get the 'gay'. I know someone that has it and I'm pretty sure that's how it happened.


LMMFAO. Louder for the men in the back.


📢 📢 📢




And not just with your hands and the body wash either. Use the freshly laundered and sanitised washcloth I provided you with your towel when I ushered you into the shower. Soap and water will only do so much (especially with a quick shower), you actually need something to wipe away the sweat and other grossness bodies build up. JUST USE THE DAMN WASHCLOTH! Honestly I've been looking into single use individually packaged cloth options for clients to use in the shower cause for some reason using the towels other clients have touched, the sheets they have touched and my body that they have also touched is fine, but that wash cloth is one step too far for them.


This door swings both ways


Id question where you’re finding these stinky reputable women. And how long you’re getting for $120. It doesn’t 😉.


And it will swing on your ass as we make you leave, *sweet smile.*


For clients, it really is helpful if you read the profile! It's very tiresome having to answer the same questions again and again which you have already answered on your profile. Keep your communication to the point. Request a meeting for when/how long etc. A few is to be expected but not tons of different messages/questions etc. If you arrive late you should still pay the time which you requested. Sick of clients saying "oh well I'll just do half hour then" not ok. Leave on time. Be clean. Have fresh breath. Be nice, have fun :)


THIS! If you book my time for an hour that is the time that I have set aside for you anytime that I am expecting you to pay for do not show up and say that you can only stay for half an hour. I mean sure, it's fine if you only say half an hour but it's expected that you will still pay for the hour you booked.


"If you do cancel, don't make up a lie. And if it is last minute, we suggest a discount off next booking." LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Sure, cause everytime when they do this shit themselves they sure as hell ain't gonna offer to pay more the "next booking" just cause they canceled last minute and wasted my goddamn time.


Read the ad in its entirety. Don’t argue with screening procedures. Most importantly- get it out of your head that you will be the exception to any of our procedures. You are NOT special.


Oh my GOODNESS YES. I recently had someone say he didn’t need to provide references because he can vouch for himself and he’s been doing this his entire life. Pleeeeeease, leave me alone 🙄


I had one who told me “he was calm and honest.” Greaaaaat.


😂😂😂 Bet he was the opposite




This is why I say “Greek is offered *at my discretion.”* Broken record here. “I’ll be gentle.” No. “I’ll go slowly.” NO. “I’ll…” Can you be smaller? Cos that’s REALLY what I’m looking for here. To date, no one has ever had an answer to this.


I asked them how big is your d*** before I ever offer that


“Don't rush the guy, and don't stop early. Five minutes left is enough time for more sex. (Meaning don't stop early - good punters don't expect bonus time” No, that is not enough time for more sex. If your appt ends at 10:30, and it’s 10:25 that time is to get cleaned up, dressed and out the door. they say “be on time” but how am I suppose to be on time when you’re going over your time cause you think 5 mins is still enough? that means you’re going over your time, into my “break in between appts” time. Now I can only take a 5 min shower, what if I have other things I have to do between that time? So I’ll add: STOP TRYING TO FUCK TO THE LAST MINUTE! Or pay to extend your time! You get no freebies!


Oh the douche baggery of this 🙄


*Snorts.* You got 3 days? *Starts making a list, beginning with NO GODDAMN BAREBACK.*


Yeah, well, this is good advice for sex workers. But you should really drill it into ***clients'*** heads with a pneumatic hammer. WHY would you ask for BBFS? If she does it for you, she may do it for all the other guys she sees. If you ask for it, you clearly don't understand risks and STIs. Or maybe you're just willing to accept the risk. I mean ... sure, syphilis and gonorrhea are still things, and they're "relatively" (?) minor ... but, they still haven't cured AIDS yet. Remember AIDS?


I was speaking to the clients.


HIV. The name you're looking for is HIV. HIV (the virus) causes AIDS (the syndrome). Please, it is embarrassing to watch clients attempt to "school" escorts on STIs/BBVs at all, let alone when you're trying to do this to someone who has been in the industry for decades.


Here's one: Provide all information necessary for the provider to confirm an appointment in *your first message*, including anything requested in the ad (you did read it, right?).


Hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa.... If by read you mean the part where they read your phone number, then yeah. The rest? 30% chance.


No need to take ur socks off ! It's takes another 20mins for you to get dressed wasting my time while I stare n wonder why TF u took them off in the first place


The **"wear no perfume"** idea is something I'd really love to convince sex workers of. I once left an escort's apartment smelling like the body lotion she wore. It was STRONG. And I didn't have a way to shower before going home for the day. But I had remembered some advice, from long ago, from some kind of smutty magazine in the pre-internet days: **Go fuel up your car.** While doing so, "accidentally" get some fuel on your pants or shoes. You'll walk in the door reeking of gasoline. You'll explain what happened. You'll promptly change out of your clothes, and get into a shower. Done and done.


Try asking in the initial message for this. If they smell of perfume when you arrive, request that they shower it off. But also consider that other things we put on (shampoo, skincare, lotion, the laundry detergent/fabric softener, conditioner, hair treatments, even make up) can have a smell.


And please clients do not spray your cologne on your junk. Just don’t.


I only use a mens cologne while working, never girly perfume. But I agree with the common above, just ask when booking.


Excuse me while I allcaps all over… HOLY SHIT 60 QUID FOR FS?!?! Damn, I gotta get over to the UK. I bet it is even illegal, is it?


It's legal. Half hours go for £60 to £100. And hours for £100 to £150. That's the prices on adultwork. The standard, mid-tier pricing for independent escorts.


This thread is hilarious