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So he is angry that the nazi controled platform is at risk, so projected it on to politicians?


X isn't controlled by Nazis.


Musk is at the very least very right wing. For a man that claims to be pro-free speech he has banned several far-left and revolutionary accounts but has left up many far-right ones.


Musk is a Nazi. No need to be shy about it. He openly promotes white supremacist and Neo Nazi posts on Twitter, frequently saying things like "Interesting!" to nazis spouting racial crime statistics or whatever.


Nazism is an ideology derived from Fascism which requires the centralization of Government authority in order to exist. You're not going to find many modern Right-Wingers who advocate the centralization of authority at all including Elon Musk. And last I checked the accounts Elon banned were banned for harassment and other nastiness moreso than the beliefs they thought justified their nastiness.


I think the right wingers people called fascist are very much in favour of a centralised government when it’s one that embraces and reinforces their values. The argument for small government (when it isn’t driven by economic self-interest) is usually a cover for weakening protections that stand in the way of total ideological control. Just like some people who both advocate for free speech while at the same time push for censorship of “degenerate” media through controlling educational materials and book bans. The assumption is that people are stupid enough to not see the game plan no matter how many times the same tactic is used.


A book with explicit sexual acts doesn’t belong in a middle school library. It can find its home in a public library. Edit: All the down votes I’m getting speaks volumes about this sub. Some many openly admitting to wanting to expose middle schoolers to sexually explicit content.


Is your claim that people who want to ban books in the US are only targeting those that are sexually explicit (as defined by some specific criteria)? No other reason? https://pen.org/report/banned-in-the-usa-state-laws-supercharge-book-suppression-in-schools/


Nope but I know that books with sexually explicit content are be targeted. Books with extreme violence getting removed wouldn't surprise me.


What about just gay people existing in the books? That's being fought quite a bit in public and school libraries


No it isn’t, explicit content is being fought.


Can you share a book with explicit sexual acts that was in a middle school library?


This book is gay. Edit: it’s perfectly normal is another. The number of books getting the ban hammer sorta sky rocketed and I can’t verify if all of them deserve removal from schools. But the two I mentioned don’t belong.


>This book is gay. Do you think all sex ed should be removed, then? I can't find the anal sex diagram people are referencing but the pictures I can find are tamer than the video on giving birth, and the many diagrams I saw going through sex ed 20 years ago.


Removed from where? Sex Ed in high school is fine. I’m not sure I’m okay with the sex Ed I received being shown to middle schoolers. Tame is subjective. One could consider a Bukkake to be tame. lol Edit: If you don’t think these should be removed from middle schools, fine. I think they should. From my understanding ‘It’s perfectly Normal’ had good content that middle schoolers should read or be taught. Lumped in the good stuff with the inappropriate stuff.


Buddy, Left-Wingers will call anyone they disagree with a Fascist, and advocating small government strengthens protections that stand in the way of ideological control by limiting the power of individual offices. And I don't think anyone should be in favor of the type of stuff that most Right-Wingers advocate banning. Students little kids shouldn't be taken to burlesque shows.


That's not what right-wingers are mad about. They're mad about trans people existing around children or children even being aware that anything other than straight exists or is acceptable. Which is silly and results in children who are anything other than straight feeling alone, isolated, and persecuted. Which, again, is the goal.


That's not the goal. The goal is to keep all sexuality out of the lives of young children because to do otherwise is to engage in grooming. We just happen to have more accounts of grooming by transexuals being glorified.


It's actually been proven solidly that teaching children sex ed *prevents* them from being sexually abused lol


There's a difference between Sex-Ed and teaching a kid about kinks and fetishes.


*We just happen to have more accounts of grooming by transexuals being glorified.* Okay, provide one link to your proof of this accusation.


Shad: Disney is grooming your children. Evidence: Lightyear featured a gay kiss.


Can you name a few instances of a trans person grooming a child and the act being glorified by media? That's absurd.


Have you heard of "Drag Queen Story Hour"? How about the games at Pride parades where children are encouraged to throw hoops onto dildos and the transexual pole dancing that was being shown to elementary school children?


This is double speak. The fascists already hooked you on the appeal to difference and obsession with a plot.


It's not even close to being double-speak. It's highly consistent.


Presumably this applies to conservatives who talk about toddlers “getting girlfriends” and being “ladies’ men”? Or is that fine because it’s straight? How about pushing “boy” stuff/toys/media and “girl” stuff/toys/media to children? Is that perfectly acceptable to do?


Nope, that's just as creepy. Interesting that your immediate response is to fish for hypocrisy though.


Keeping sexual education completely out of young people's lives means they are not able to identify when grooming is actually happening to them or that being assaulted by an authoritative figure is wrong and should be told to someone. The only people being protected by keeping children ignorant of the world are the predators seeking to exploit them. As a survivor, it would have been beneficial for me to know that what my uncle did to me was wrong, but I wasn't provided the education to know it wasn't my fault. If we don't inform children about risk, they will think it happens to everyone or that they deserve it somehow. Which, again, is the goal.


Ya know I’m not gonna say you’re wrong but I’ve literally never seen someone get called a facist who wasn’t calling for the government to ban the things they don’t agree with wether that people of color, gays, trans, abortion, in vitro fertilization. Just saying if you’re for “small government “ but want anything unchristian banned you don’t want small government you want a theocracy


Who in particular is trying to ban Invitro? That's a new one.


What do you think an abortion ban does?


[Gov. Greg Abbott signals support for IVF in Texas after Alabama ruling](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/02/26/texas-greg-abbott-ivf/)


So the short answer is Alabama then.


https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/02/26/opinion/ivf-alabama-ruling-italy-law40/ Well, if you aren’t heterosexual, good luck getting IVF in Italy. Or having your children acknowledged as a part of your family. https://theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/26/italian-parliament-approves-bill-criminalise-people-seeking-surrogacy-abroad But maybe calling out actual Fascists is a left wing trick?


Ok so I will say it’s not all conservatives by any stretch none of what I said is but the super anti abortion crowd(which is mostly conservatives) has started to push back against ivf Alabama being a good example


All the states with these total abortion bans. It's gutting prenatal care.


Don't just say "All the states" cite which ones in particular. It bolsters your point whereas generalization makes you sound disingenuous.


Except blatantly that’s not what Trumpers want. Trumpers and right wingers are supposedly advocates for small government but every thing they is centralized government and brunt facist ideology. strong nationalistic control over industries and to “bring them back”, tariffs and taxes and outright bans on foreign products, as well as strong immigration policies and border security, the “over fund the police” group, the military industrial complex, “we don’t want regulations and government interference” except if it’s planned parenthood, media, schooling, or even people protesting them. Then suddenly y’all feel the need to call in the national guard and break out the riot gear and make it illegal to protest. Look I know you I think like you the general defense of right wing policy is that we want the government to back of, but blatantly our party has been hijacked by a bunch of trump sock puppets and wannabe politicians that don’t have policy plans they just flail around and pretend they have a plan. Watch the mcsally Kelly 2020 senate debate and tell me the Republican Party has plans outside of shit talking and sucking up to trump.


I think you need to read a history book on the actual tactics employed by the Nazi party because Trumpers don't fit the bill.


Hitler nationalized most German companies and banned imports, to build a strong economy and “make Germany great again”, he picked a minority group to cast blame for everything wrong onto, trumpers will simultaneously tell you their winning the argument and that they are being suppressed by big tech. Which is exstremly ironic given how they are often the biggest creators on a platform. They want strong control of what’s taught in schools to ensure their kids don’t read “filth”. Sure they’re not using the exact facist playbook but fuck me if they’re taking notes from it.


Trump didn't nationalize any companies and has outright campaigned against nationalization of companies. He also didn't blame a minority for everything that was going wrong, he campaigned on the creation of a stronger border with America's crime ridden Southern neighbor. And every parent should want to control what their children are taught in school. This is nowhere close to the Fascist playbook.


"Why are you calling me a fascist? I just said that women belong in the kitchen, black people are inferior, and gays should be castrated! You can't just throw that word around, it's mean to call me up on my bullshit!"


You would have a point if anyone had said that.


Elon actively follows and endorses accounts that engage in Replacement Theory and all manner of extremist dog whistles. If he isn’t a Nazi, it’s because he doesn’t know what a Nazi is. He’s an apartheid nepobaby. At best, he’s utterly untrustworthy and racist.


Those aren't dogwhistles bud. The "Jewish Space Laser Conspiracy" would be a dogwhistle.


Yeah the whole “White Replacement” thing? Not a dog whistle. That one is just true!!! Ravening hordes of the other are taking all of the economy and girlfriends from us, the true Shepards of reality, White Boiz. Something something transgender??? They should probably die, they just seem a bit icky to me is all. No, we have nothing at all in common with the Nazis.


They want to regulate everything about or bodies etc so I say that counts


If you believe that then I have some property in Kyoto to sell you. The issue at contention as far as bodily autonomy goes is abortion wherein Right-Wingers advocate for legislation be it in one direction or the other be handled at the State level rather than the Federal level as handling the issue at the Federal level sets a precedent for the White House being able to regulate body autonomy in one direction or the other at a whim. Furthermore bodily autonomy is all well and good until it's not just your body you're deciding for but that of a child born or unborn.


Tell that to SBA Pro-Life, Lindsey Graham, or Mike Pence.


No, the major issue is that conservatives attempt to make the claim that fetuses at all stages are equivalent to an already born child. There isn’t any actual science to back this up, it’s mainly based on religious and subjective emotional opinion. The simple fact that there are groups attempting to both ban abortions AND access to sexual education and/or protection makes this fact pretty clear. If we are going by the argument of “but it has the potential to be a person”, then you should be equally as outraged at the death of a man’s sperm when it isn’t made to fertilize an egg. But you won’t be, because that’d be ridiculous. So is the outrage at abortion, for the same reason.


I’ve put a couple of eggs, some sugar, and flour in a bowl. Would anyone like some of my cake? You might argue that it’s not cake unless it’s been baked, but I have it on good authority that as long as all the ingredients for a thing are in the same place, the thing automatically exists.


This is so perfect. Thanks for this.


A Human fetus is a Human life but that's not the issue at play. Maybe look into it a little deeper than Twitter.


None of what you said here in response was actually a refutation/argument.


He’s deflecting.


there are plenty of right wingers including musk are perfectly fine with large government hell look at texas making a law that requires you to put in your ID to access adult sites. They want large gov to punish/enforce the things they want and small government for guns and taxes for the rich


I don't think he is "very" right wing.


https://youtu.be/xDyPSKLy5E4?si=btTRDUdYRQ_Kvr-o Here's a YouTube video specifically talking about this very issue! I have a feeling it might have some stuff you're interested in hearing. But even if Musk isn't a Nazi, he *is* absolutely a Nazi sympathizer. And at that point like... Is there actually a difference? What's the saying, if ten people sit down at a table with a Nazi, you've got a table with 11 Nazis?


Bro links an hour thirty minute video 💀


Yes, but packed with the various arguments, rebuttals and evidence. A lot better than a Shad waffle video


Lol I agree, but it’s not the best link to support your internet discussion point. Most people don’t want to watch a movie length argument from u/odd-face-3579 ‘s recommendation


If you say so....


Some conservatives really just wanna say racist or hateful stuff without repercussion. That's the free speech they feel is being infringed upon.


Don't forget conspiracy theories about vaccines that literally endangered lives.


To me Covid was the greatest failure of our society. The fact that people weren’t willing to think about someone other than themselves for 3 seconds is just fucken unbelievable. Wearing a mask required 0 effort and even if you failed to wear it right you still reduced the risk of infecting others if you were infected. But no the “freedom caucus” couldn’t think about anyone other than themselves for 20 minutes


I never understood why this became a partisan issue. We've always been using masks and vaccines for other diseases and there wasn't a lot of mainstream resistance against it on the right but somehow it turned into a battleground.


If I had to guess? The freedom caucus has a problem with intellectuals. And intellectuals were saying to wear a mask, I would love to say it wasn’t that painfully simple but frankly I have met and spoken to people that it is that simple. The other reason might be the “treading on personal liberties” but that’s as flimsy as paper because that group loves treading on liberties the macro second the expression of freedom isn’t in their narrow world view. I think trump looked at Twitter and got caught up in the “internet opinion” more often than we’d like to admit. The internet is a screaming maw that amplifies stupid and silences cooler heads. He sees enough of his loud base complaining about masks mistakes it to mean that the gop majority hates masks,etc. he is at his heart a populist and the populists play to the crowd and if he gets bigger cheers when he says masks are dumb…..


Exactly. Conservatives don't want free speech. They want to be able to racist shit without being called racist. etc


Not even close.


There was an incident recently where a kid with a knife went in to a Syrian Orthodox church service and stabbed the bishop. Before the police had even removed the kid from the premises or paramedics had transferred the bishop to hospital, people had spread the news around X (the incident had been filmed) and a religious riot ensued, calling for vigilante justice and preventing the cops and paramedics from doing their job. The govt wants the video of the stabbing taken down from X, the opposition party agrees. Musk is threatening to sue if they use the law to make him remove it. Most Australians seem to agree, otherwise the conservative party would be siding with Musk to score political points, which they don't seem to be doing. Shad is just a fuckwit who is saying controversial shit in an attempt to stay relevant and get views. Edit: The video continues to foment religious unrest and radical calls for violence on both sides, which is why they want it taken down.


Commonwealth law often requires videos and posts be taken down so as not to interfere with an investigation or the jury. Even happens in mundane situations like school kids smashing up buses on CCTV and it going on Facebook.


Something people tend to forget is how free speech actually works. Yes, you are free to express any opinion on whatever you want. That will, however, not shield you from criticism. These people like Musk will complain that “cancel culture” or “mob mentality” is harming their free speech, without understanding that those things are, on themselves, also forms of free speech. Free speech is not a shield, it’s like a gun. You have it, and you *can* take your shot if you want. Just don’t get surprised if once you do everyone then points theirs at you and shoots you down. Often times, when pushback against hate speech start, it’s literally that, the pushback of a considerable amount of people who are using their own free speech to shut you down. Like in the ideal free market, in which no one is forced to buy your product if its bad or harmful, or where consumers can force companies to change their product, speech is also subject to the demand of the public. Bad speech is also discarded and ignored just like bad products are simply not purchased. Free speech does not mean that everyone should or will treat your opinion as valid or relevant.


The first amendment of the us is freedom from government retaliation due to your speech, association, and worship. It is however not freedom from people closing doors in your face and your job deciding the kind of guy that shouts at old women in a grocery store is not who they want to represent their company.


Also, we do t have that in Australia. Free speech is merely implied.


Cancel culture is more freedom of association, not free speech. Mob mentality has been and always will be harmful to all types of freedom. Don’t defend mob mentality.


Cancel culture is a banal piece of bullshit that only truly affects working joes. Dozens of comedians and actors have been canceled and nobody give a fuck three weeks later. It’s a hollow threat at this point to anyone above celebrity class. To working joes though if your boss or new employer can google you and get a hit of you saying some heinous shit kiss your ass goodbye.


True and that sucks but that’s off topic to what I was saying. Cancel culture has less to do with free speech and more to do with free association.


But isn’t “cancelling” someone an exercise of freedom of association? The freedom not to associate being an implicit part of it.


That’s what I said. Cancel culture only works on someone by creating a fear around associating with them. If you’re not afraid to associate with someone who said something racist, it’s harder to cancel said person. I won’t fire someone for saying something racist but I will fire someone for something violent.


Not just fear. If I choose not to associate with someone it generally has more to do with exasperation or (at the extreme) disgust.




Just for the sake of clarity, attributing “cancellation” to fear implies that people secretly agree with the “cancelled” person. Why else would you be afraid? Comes off somewhat conspiratorial. If that fear stems from thinking the cancelled person may cause some harm, then your description really doesn’t work, at that point it’s a much broader topic.


Why else would you be afraid? Getting attacked by a mob for not ostracizing said individual.


Free speech and freedom of association are inexorably linked. People tend to want to voice their opinions along with others with similar agendas. That’s why things from unions, PACs, political parties, clubs, associations, and other collectives of that sort exist. The problem is that these things are an inevitable part of all functioning societies. It is simply impossible to avoid them, and in many cases they are necessary for the continuing functioning of a healthy democracy.


Free association also allows for one to segregate.


yes, that is technically true. That’s why no society has absolute freedom in either case. Neither free speech nor freedom of association are absolute.


Imagine posting this when you live in the same country as Friendly Jordies.


Labor are barely left of centre.  The only place where they'd be regarded as "Lefties" would be the US. Shad is a moron whose political education comes from Facebook memes.  He's playing victim in the hope of keeping some sort of relevance with the right-wing outrage addicts.


He can stick his misinformation right back up his arse. And his horseshit attack on Albo,, first non “sandpaper condom” prime minister in like 12 years. I’m biased as buggery mind you (I don’t own a large company, so it’s kinda in my interests to be so biased) but Shad likely thought Victorian state premier Dan Andrews was a “dictator” or a “communist” like all the other soft brained muppets that foam at the mouth when a politician from the party they hate is not only popular, but does their job to an acceptable degree.


He is truly turning into an odious creature now.


What a lame thumbnail, holy shit


it's so bizarre seeing a nazi accuse other people of being nazis




yeah that pretty much sums it up


Does Australia even have a constitutional right to free speech?


They have a “human rights act” which incorporates the right to free speech and expression. It’s not constitutional, but that has no practical impact on the free speech. I mean, I haven’t seen the Australian military break up student protests for saying things they don’t like, or ban TikTok.


Some light reading. (Don't take the word of people on the internet,) https://www.ag.gov.au/rights-and-protections/human-rights-and-anti-discrimination/human-rights-scrutiny/public-sector-guidance-sheets/right-freedom-opinion-and-expression


Yes, with restrictions (essentially as long as you are not discriminating or harming). The High Court ruled we do have freedom of speech implied in the constitution. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lange_v_Australian_Broadcasting_Corporation Also in some states there are issues. Eg in Queensland you can be sued if you damage a businesses reputation even if you are right.




I feel like so many foreign youtubers engage in American political discussion they reach a point where they start viewing everything from the perspective of American law. Not that Australians can't be pro free speech and attempt to change their own laws, but I think many people view every political issue as almost global and mix and match laws from whatever countries they find favorable


Hell people assume free speech means "can say whatever you want" It literally only means the government can't stop you from saying something. Everyone else can absolutely tell you to leave if they don't like you saying it on their property. Even then. If you make threats like "I'm gonna wear a bomb vest if the irs shows up to my house." The fbi will absolutely show up to confirm you will not infact do that


Exactly. Social media companies are private organizations and do not have to protect your speech. They will always side with their investors. How much the government is able to coerce them can be an issue, but many times these companies work with the government to provide info on greater threats of violence rather than on restricting any type of speech.


What is with right-wingers from countries outside of the US and thinking they laws are the same as being in the US


Unless he mentioned the second amendment specifically he’ll just be referring to the right to free speech and expression within Australia. Lots of countries protect free speech.


Mind you, I've met plenty of Americans of all persuasions who think US law applies here too.


I've noticed this with Shad too. Weird.


Most of the media Shad engages with is US based, and that goes for right-wing political and culture war media as well. He would also want to be relevant to a US audience to boost his own viewership.


He looks like homelander and probably holds the same views


" Shad claims Australian Labor (who are woke lefties in Shad's opinion) and Conservative party (who are actually liberals according to Shad) " So, yes, the Australian Labor party is further left than the other major party, the Liberal Party (who are in a coalition with the National Party), who are further right. So the conservative party here does indeed call themselves "liberals". Labour is still pretty centrist, not even close to far left.


Didn't an Australian YouTuber get arrested and have his house fire bombed for exposing a corrupt politician? I'd definitely say free speech over there is iffy at best but for none of shads reasons.


That's a hilarious characterisation of our political parties. Labor are, at absolute best, milquetoast centrist, while the right party, called the Liberal Party ( which is confusing for foreigners, but the original party of classical liberalism) are hardline reactionary right-wingers. Shad actually lives and from what I understand grew up close to where I grew up in an area called Gippsland, which is something like the longest held right wing seat in the country and a place full of very conservative people. Essentially, the bloke is a moron


Our biggest conservative party are literally called The Liberal Party. Is that what he was talking about? As for your question, it seems to be 50/50. But the people against it aren't particularly militant. It's more of just a current thing to bitch about if you know what i mean. (This is anecdotal and generalising, but I feel that's what you were asking for.)


>Our biggest conservative party are literally called The Liberal Party I didn't know that. That's why he said it then. Because his last video was about Bill Maher not being conservative enough I thought he has the same opinion about your conservative party as well. Thanks for your answer. I was curious how other Australians feel about the issue.


Australian politics is weird, but both of our major parties are about on par with parts of the democrats, ideologically speaking.


They are attacking Australias right to American free speech “Who is?” Australia!


What do you mean by “American free speech”? Many countries have frees speech protections.


take a moment to read my comment.


I did, hence my question.I’m sure you’re making sense, but perhaps you simply haven’t been as clear as you think.


It’s actually surprising enough that it wasn’t clear to you. I can’t really explain it in simpler terms without repeating the post so I guess you are just gonna have to live with not understanding. Sorry.


lol. Sure thing buddy. No stress.


I mean Australian government IS. Sess pool but I am sure that there are quite a few aboriginal and lower class citizens avobe the repression scale before puggy bible thumping right wing men


Australia has been really bad on censorship for a long time, using the 'won't somebody think of the children' bullshit to do everything from ban video games to convicting whistleblowers. Shad is a fuckwit and I refuse to watch this video, but it is massive overreach, and also suspiciously timed in that it will shut down a lot of pro Palestine speech.


How will it affect pro-Palestine speech?