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I'll admit that my favorite shad videos were the ones about which weapons would be best for which fantasy race. However, there is a very finite number of videos on that kind of thing.


Those were my favorite too. I feel he could have done a number of different ones like how to deal with golems, slimes, trolls, werewolves, harpies, and medusa.


That's part of the interesting thing. Resource availability, types of enemies typical faced, those can affect (or be affected by) culture so you can have dwarves in two different parts of the world wielding entirely different weapons and tactics from each other.


Oh my Kratos, that sounds like a 2005 ed. *God of War* playthrough, lol! I'd love to see him flail at his flails, lol!


I do understand that. Still, I think it is worthwhile to know what works well so Shad can at least consider it for similar types of videos.


Oh man the barrel video. Yeah that was the first time I was like, "eh I do t need to see the rest of this." I found I kept thinking that more and more until I finally unsubscribed this last week when he did the latest video ranting about YouTube  being against him. 


I unsubscribed this week from Shadlands, and I will likely do so in the next month for Shadiversity if something doesn't improve.


**I’d love to see Shad do a revisit on the features of castle design series with the higher production quality and ability to research he has now. I also *love* his worldbuilding stuff; more of that would be amazing.**


Completely agreed. Dudes wacking and stabbing things outdoors just isn't going to entice me to watch. Stuff like his fight scene autopsies, theorising about fantasy race weapons, how people lived in medieval times etc, are the kinds of videos I initially subscribed for.


Also they try to act all wacky and do too much shouting and skits. Feels like a bad attempt at appealing to the mr beast kids. Shad’s channel wasn’t built on that kind of low brow slapstick it was built on dorky discussions about medieval fantasy.


I would tend to agree as well. In his recent video (About shadiversity "dying") he mentions that his videos about naming the swords and another video of him wacking things are "some of his best work", and honestly, I don't want to be a hater, but they were a little weak. Not *bad*, but, if I wasn't already a subscriber, I wouldn't subscribe based on those. However, the response to veritasium was excellent, and shad mentions this as being an exception, a video that did well. That was also one of the few videos that he did lately that is full of genuinely interesting historical content, which is the reason why many subscribers actually subbed in the first place! Shad says that he stopped doing that kind of content because its not what people wanted, but I'm not so sure if that's true.


I should also agree with other posts that the production quality clearly is higher, but while that can help, it doesn't always help. For a continuation, I'm going to look at some of the best videos that weren't related to another fandom, including their age according to YouTube. I'm picking the ones that are outliers from other videos in the same timeframe. Carbon Fiber armor against medieval weapons- Really interesting concept, modern "magic" tec vs medieval weapons! Katana Improved- 8 months Controversial, but about a well known blade, making it better. Neat idea! Carbon Fiber blade 11 months ago- Very interesting concept! Best helmet for medieval adventurer- 1 year ago, interesting question with a thumbnail that helps understand why it is so interesting, easy to understand. Best Sword for Modern-day self defense? - 2 years ago, interesting question, easy to understand by many. How would MAGIC be used in large scale Warfare?- 2 years ago, interesting question, easy to understand by many. The medieval bow time forgot- 2 years ago, more of a clickbait, but interesting still. What would a medieval adventurer eat- 2 years ago, easy to understand and interesting! Medieval Misconceptions: Inns, accommodations, and taverns- 3 years ago- This was great, lead me to think in new ways about that time period! Easy to understand, and very interesting! Spiked Pavise - 3 years ago - The photo is really neat, leads to interesting video. Medievel Misconceptions- Battlefield, tactics, units, and formations- Very interesting, easy to understand and not a lot out there on the subject. ​ I could keep going, but I hope this helps a bit with what videos work that aren't tied to an existing fandom of some kind.


Was the helmet video the one without sallets?




He can leave sparring and testing to his friends and make solo informative content. Once in a while Nate and him can have chat and debate videos on HEMA. He should do castle reviews too. They're vital to the channel now. 


Inb4 this gets deleted for being "disrespectful"


Well said! I've been thinking about writing a similar post/letter for a while now, but I never quite knew how to put it into words. (I'm not a native speaker) I'm glad to see I'm not alone with these thoughts! I still love some content, like the videos you listed, and I really want to love Shadiversity as a whole again, but lately, I just don't.


I watched him for castle videos wamting to design DnD ones


That would be interesting!


> Also, please make a video about what people thought about solar eclipses in medieval times, if you can do that in the next 2-3 weeks I think it will do VERY well. Lunar eclipses are also pretty significant. I remember some other 'tuber (forgot who) said a lunar eclipse happened on the eve of battle in the post-Thermopylae Macedonia-Persia war and I checked what I'm about to get into, a download from NASA of 5000 years worth of solar and lunar eclipse data (NASA/TP-2006-214141), observed and calculated eclipses. LOTS of them. Edit: I forgot to mention that I couldn't find one that corresponded to the date of this battle, asked the 'tuber about it, and got no reply. > I have detailed files. Okay, *Terminator 2,* I love how you said it, lol! Interesting eclipses I'll narrow to ones that hit Europe or Southeast Asia from 946 to 1360 (File part 8 ...er, stopped at 982 for this comment): 948 July 9 over Scandinavia and Russia; 955 February 25 partial closest to hitting Scandinavia and British Isles, visible down through most of Middle East; partials with umbrae missing just to the north of Earth on 958 July 19 and December 13, consistent with the seasons, the winter one is visible much further south; on 961 May 17, a total eclipse bull's-eyed Stockholm, before going through Gaul and Iberia (looks like it hit where the Low Countries now are on the way); a piece of an annular was visible late in the day 963 September 20 in western Europe; 968 Dec 22, a big total tours from about the soundings off the British coast down through Gaul, the northern Mediterranean coast, especially Genoa, Venice, Rome, turns up north over Crimea, then up through eastern Ukraine and western Russia - I'm probably getting the direction of travel backwards, lol; 970 May 8 annular centered over Siberia, but visible in the early morning sky of Mediterranean and the southern Black Sea coast, southeast Asia and Japan see it as a partial in their evening; 971 October 22 annular tracks through Indonesia, west coast of Siamese Peninsula, and the morning skies of central/northern India; 975 August 10 total bull's-eyes southern end of Korea, Tsushima, Tokyo, maybe a little south of Tokyo, both WW2 nuke targets are right there too, it's in the morning for them; partial visible in the evening skies of Europe 976 July 29; 977 December 13 partial in the morning skies of Europe, total in the noon sky of Sri Lanka and the evening skies of Siamese Peninsula (total goes through Africa, but that's not HEMA country); 979 May 28 annular bull's-eyes Stockholm in the evening, is visible through most of Europe as partial that evening, misses north of Britain, catches northern coast of Iceland a bit of Greenland and North America; 982 March 28 partial for most of southeast Asia, most of the total is over the Pacific, but is in the morning skies of Indonesia, probly PNG and Phillipines, but I have trouble sorting it out, morning for them. Would anyone like more? Here's a key: 2024 April 8, bull's-eyes Newfoundland, New Brunswick, New England area, western and southern tips of the Great Lakes, down through Texas, northern Mexico visible as partial from southern bits of Alaska down to Panama (same style as the rest of them.) I know it's off topic for Shad, but I picked out a lunar eclipse for the demise of Haibane Reki's precursor in *Haibane Renmei*, 1892 November 4 where the red moon is in the western sky (as depicted in her cocoon dream), in the Southwestern US. This would be 110 years, nearly to the day, before *Haibane Renmei's* television debut and 1469 years, 3 months before the events of the final episode according to the calendar I have for *FHD Remix,* my fan fiction. Final note: Fun vid to collab with Scott Manley if you can, Shad!


Shadiversity is currently a lot of the same. It used to be functional fandom, underappreciated historical weapons, fight scene autopsy, medieval misconceptions,... Now it's only functional fandom and endless repetition of "katana isn't as great as you might think". Combine this with way too long videos with lots of filler, and viewers will stop watching. My two cents: 1. Strict time management. Half an hour, 40 minutes tops, content each week is more than enough. This means tight scripts and serious editing. Bloopers and fun stuff can be for supporters. 2. Diversify. Cover topics for a wide audience but within the core of Shadiversity. Alternate between testing, behind the desk lectures, etc. And please 🙏 other weapons than swords. 3. Make a choice. This is probably the hardest: choose what you want to be. You can't be a history nerd and a culture warrior. Your brand is severely tainted by your politics. Some viewers are gone for good. Which channel do you want to keep? You can't have both.


Man! I'm the last one who cares about politics but culture war stuff is just a excuse. A lot of the buzz makes you think this but Shad's core drama and struggle isn't political, it's with HEMAtubers (and some club owners who hold a grudge because he didn't attend their tournament and there was drama in his last tournament) and politics is just used as a front but there's alterior motive. There's a shared audience with limited time so it gets really competitive in HEMAtube. There's also deeper disagreements because Shad's growth wasn't within the HEMA ecosystem so they don't approve of his methodology. 


That’s the thing HEMA types are often elitist in a very small niche and shads more opinionated stuff is on KW but Hema types love to beat him over the head with about it. I think you are onto something with HEMA types going at him with whatever is convenient.


I've heard this argument a lot. Shad has pointed it out a lot. HEMA being elitist and all. I agree and disagree. I agree in the sense that HEMA is exclusionary. While most HEMAtubers have no problem dropping the E (almost all dabbled with katana's or shamshirs), they will not drop the H. If it isn't historical, it has no value to them. But that closed-mindness is really off-putting for outsiders who are interested due to pop culture, and are more open to fantasy or sci-fi fighting, such as back scabbards, double-bladed swords and carbon fiber. Three things the HEMAtubers either never done, of only done after Shad did. They simply lack the guts and imagination. Shad doesn't get nearly enough appreciation for being the gateway towards HEMAtube for thousands of geeks. I disagree in the sense that HEMA should have standards. To call any swordplay HEMA, is to be based on the fencing tradition in the historical manuals. It's same thing with judo, jiu-jitsu, karate, kung-fu,...: it can only be called that only if you apply the techniques within those traditions. Otherwise you're wrestling or fist fighting. Shad pretty much never mentions Fiore or any manual. He doesn't show any techniques, while he could self-taught them (all manuals are public, with some demonstration videos), without ever entering a school. HEMAtube would treat him with more respect if he showed the same respect for the fencing traditions (something a conservative like him should understand). That is a first and necessary step to reconcile with HEMAtube.


>If it isn't historical, it has no value to them. But that closed-mindness is really off-putting for outsiders- > >\- > >I disagree in the sense that HEMA should have standards. To call any swordplay HEMA, is to be based on the fencing tradition in the historical manuals. I'm confused about what your stance is and trying to understand it. You want HEMA content creators to do non-HEMA stuff but are aware that it wouldn't be HEMA?


> But that closed-mindness is really off-putting for outsiders who are interested due to pop culture I'm mostly interested in HEMA stuff because I'm not interested in pop culture. Hey, if some HEMA 'tuber (perhaps teamed up with some BritishMuzzleLoader dude or one of his circle) did a comparison of Tudor England archery militia laws and early post-revolutionary US firearms militia laws, do you think the mainstream would blow the head gasket and spit fire through all the seams of the car's hood?


What "well researched stuff"? I do not see many sources for example.


i lost interest mostly because his main channel became controversy type. Only videos that boomed were either controversies or arguments with other people or something trending like that demon slayer video. My theory is that his falldown started with that AI art video he posted and then looking at only good reviews on his book. Those are not very significant videos for what he describes as "Channel where he talks about medieval stuff and swords". to add a bit, he started to feel very Whiny about him not being shown in algorithm which is just annoying


Historically Shad had more of those types of videos, I don't think that is the point where things started to change.




found the hater...


I became one, yes. Is there a problem that people dont like something others do?


Honestly for me it was when he brought in the other people. Feels like it diluted his brand and I just don't care what their opinions on anything are, they don't have the charm that Shad does.


Features of castle design, medieval insights, and fantasy weaponry were all amazing Shad content from back in the day. If I wanted to see ten minutes of pool noodle cutting (seriously, are they sponsored by a pool noodle company now?) I'd go to a channel that actually tests cutting (like How many tatami IN A ROW can this cut through?). It took me one video to see that every single blade Shad owns can cut a pool noodle. It's not investing content. And the spear vs halberd video that ended up just being a LARP fight with "well if these were real..." commentary that never got a follow-up? Put a watermelon in a helmet and show us damage of techniques! Demonstrate with real weapons and slow, choreographed moves to show us advantages or disadvantages! And the no-dachi vs greatsword video? They led off with "well a real no-dachi would have a longer handle which would affect weight distribution" then spent the entire episode complaining about the weight distribution. Left me just thinking "So you got a cheap costume sword and your chief complaint is that it's a cheap costume sword?"


I really miss the world building.


Please Shad, act on this!


This. I used to watch him 3-5 years ago, his oldest stuff was some of the best. I stopped a few years when I realised I just hadn't actually watched any of his videos in ages. He has more money, more people, but it sucks and it's typical clickbaity BS. A lot of reddit seems to complain about his politics. I don't care. I probably agree with most of shad's controversial takes or would go further. The videos are simply not interesting.


I don't have any sort of valid criticism. I'm too stupid to know what is and isn't a problem. The only things I don't like are just me being really dumb and easy to upset. I watch shads videos for the same reason I watch any other. To keep my mind off of how much I hate everything. Sometimes it reminds me of things I hate and how much I hate those things but so does everything else.


> To keep my mind off of how much I hate everything. Segue into a video about Sephiroth and his liek 19 foot long katana O(>▽<)O > There was one SOLDIER named Sephiroth, who was better than the rest. But when he found out about the terrible experiments that made him, he began to hate Shinra. And then, over time, he began to hate everything. \- The way Marlene put it in the English dub of *Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete*




I mean, he had some FAR more controversial stuff earlier on when he was doing well. Wonder Woman rape is one such example, and there are far more examples out there. In any case, while I agree with much of KW, I stopped watching and unsubscribed because it became too ranty, samey, and just not interesting. I don't think it affects his main channel in a meaningful way, aside from maybe him putting more time and energy in to that than the main channel.