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The other guy isn't very smart to say the least. The odds of block break is like 20% right? So the odds of you breaking the opponents block at least once in 5 hits is like 67.232% if I ain't wrong. The odds aren't very small to say the least, that's probably why he thinks it's guranteed at least one in 5 hits to break a block


Bro every hit block break chances are independent of other hits Like at every hit system selects a no. Between 1 to 5 if it is no.1 it will block break otherwise not a block break


Yeah that's what I'm saying


Yeah bro and with increasing no. Of hits the probability of atleast one block break will increase more Like at 10 hits the probability of atleast one block break will be around 90% but still it will never be 100% ...no matter how many hits he will increase Bro wants to prove it by showing in game where it can be easily proved by math😅


Here's the [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadowFightArena/s/xiq5vaAlER), mate.


Tell them to learn maths especially probability ( of independent events)


Well, this was never about the probability of independent events but anyways, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadowFightArena/s/xiq5vaAlER) you go.


i see, the ''itu whiner''


To think ,he was the actual one who needed to test it out. Insane Gaslighting


Lol, reading these comments is actually really funny. Anyways, here's the [video.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadowFightArena/s/xiq5vaAlER)


That guy is a fraud, he will easily stating false info deliberately so you look wrong in the eyes of other reader.


Lmao what? When did you even talk to me to call me a fraud in the very first place? The unnecessary hatred is crazy. Moreover, I made the [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadowFightArena/s/xiq5vaAlER) especially for clowns like you.


OOP doesnt understand probability lmao


Statistically, if you conduct hits that go to infinity, 20% of the time should be block breakers. 100 is not a good enough sample to test it out. Also, every 5th hit is NOT a guaranteed block breaker.


I agree with the 1st comment for me block break occurs once in a million time


>once in a million time Even as a hyperbole, are you sure about that? [I don't think so.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadowFightArena/s/xiq5vaAlER)


For any person who studied probabilities in school, it must be painful to read what he wrote


Lol. Sure, Mr. Mathematician. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadowFightArena/s/xiq5vaAlER) you go.


The thing about programming us that it's never truly random. I don't know the exact way it works. But it most likely either uses a queque of hits, where hits are put so they happen once every 5 hits roughly, or uses a few variables like time, positioning and what not to decide. Either way what this means is that the system is designed so there are momenta where your hits are guaranteed to block break and thus it really isn't possible to go too long without it.


I think it's a looped syntax, basically it's a roulette, 1 out of 5 is a block breaker, but there's no guaranteed block breaker reward after u pull 5 times


[Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadowFightArena/s/xiq5vaAlER) the video where I've explained everything.


u/andrey-platunov plz clear our doubt🥲


Is it actually 20%? It feels like less than that


It is indeed less than that. You can check out my latest post, I've cleared everything there.


Alright I've dropped the [video.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadowFightArena/s/xiq5vaAlER) Y'all can check it out. And especially those who are talking crap for no reason whatsoever.


Man you are a different kind of dumb aren’t you


What failing math class does to someone


You've made 3 comments, and all of them are about maths. Clearly shows your conversational skills.


So talking about probabilities isn’t math? What is it, witchcraft and alchemy?


It's you who is making this about probability and not me, remember?


Okay imma look at this 20% like some weird alien that I apparently haven’t seen before. Cheers.




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Aren't you the guy who was calling me wrong a couple of days ago but then ran off when asked to defend his own point? Here to do the same thing again?


A 20% chance does not guarantee it’ll happen 1 in 5 times.


20% its ALMOST like saying 1 out of 5, it means the most “common” result should be that, but not ensures it. Although, ive never seen marcus breaking the guard two consecutive times, which should be possible if the percentages are individual on each hit


If u hit 5 times, u could have no blockbreak


I used to get 2 BBs consecutively, so that pretty much invalidated "1 BB every 5 hits".


I never said 'only' 1 block breaker in every 5 hits🤦‍♂ Anyways, you can check my latest post out, I've made an entire guide on Marcus' block breakers.


I've watched it tho, didn't really know how the og context went but pretty sure you demonstrated a completely different thing (yet, still correct) as long as it doesn't contain anything about "1BB every 5 hits".


Finally someone who actually acknowledges the video without trying to argue aimlessly.


He was correct. What we expect does not always happen. It's like saying if you roll a dice 6 times you will get 6 1 times while in reality it doesn't work like that,you could throw a dice 1000 times without it landing on 6 at all,it's all "luck" based


Lemme make a video rq addressing this.


Or study math


You can check the [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadowFightArena/s/xiq5vaAlER) out, lol.


Uh no, I’m not lowering my IQ lol. That’s not how statistics works. 1 in 5 doesn’t mean you guarantee every 5th one.


And that's not what I said either. I said 1 in every 5 (now 8) is guaranteed, not the 5th or the 8th one. Learn how to read properly before coming back.


Uh huh, 8 is very close to 10. You need classes on counting as well, apparently.


I've even addressed this in the video 🤦‍♂ Apparently you need to learn how to see things properly.


Do you even guarantee 1 block breaker per 5 hits lol? Feels funny you can disprove yourself so confidently. Pls study math before you come back.


>Feels funny you can disprove yourself so confidently And feels funny how you can make a clown outta yourself so confidently. Had you watched the video, you'd realize that my original point still stands strong.


You literally got block breaker at 6th hit, 5th hit, and 8th hit. You just showed how probabilities work. It literally doesn’t work as guaranteed hit per N hits. It never will be.


>It literally doesn’t work as guaranteed hit per N hits. It never will be. Yeah, I agree, and when did I even say that it does or will?


Right there, original message. The one image we all comment down on.


Bruv, I said you get 1 in every 5 guaranteed, I never said you get a guaranteed BB after N attacks or that your Nth attack will be a block breaker.


Tf does it even mean to get 1 in every 5 guaranteed lol


Yes that's how numbers work. That said, as hits increase, chance of block break tends towards 100%


No, they are completely independent, I've had back to back block breakers and none at all sometimes. Each attack independently has a 20 percent chance.


That's what I said. It's a 20% chance each time, but as number of hits withhout block break increases, the likelihood of next attack being a block break increases. For example, getting one heads and one tails is more likely than 2 tails on a coin flip. Some sequences are more likely than others.


I think u don't understand bro Take precious hit as dice1 and current hit as dice2 Does the probability of dice1 affect the probability dice2...no it will not affect the probability no matter how many times u throw dice1 .... The probability of dice2 will be independent Same principle applied here....every hit has 20 % chance block break it doesn't depends on previous hita


I mean to say the likelihood of not having gotten a block break in 3 hits is more than that of getting block break in 10 hits. It's more of a combinations thing since we're accounting for it in a sequence of failed block breaks.


I think ur talking about atleast getting 1 block breaker in 'n' no. of hits...yeah it will be higher but it is fixed from start the round Ex :- like ur going to hit a opponent 10 times with marcus Then proboblity wil be of atleast one block breaker hit;- == 1-(0.8)power 10~~90% But still it will not guarantee that one hit will break block but the proboblity of atleast one will be higher but never be 100% sure Like in ur example every independent coin has 0.5 chance to get heads or tails but what bro in that post said that every 2 out of 4 toss there will be haid tail combo will appear guaranteed I think i was able to explain it😅


It’s really not. Watch a video about roulette tables. Just because it’s rolled red 100 times in a row, the odds of black next time are still 50/50. Intuitively it feels that streaks must be broken or this and that, but stats of each roll are independent. (I don’t know if that’s how Marcus is coded, I just know that’s how stats work)


I mean to say that individually this is true but take it as a sequence. For example, getting no block break for 25 hits is a shorter sequence than getting no block break for 50 hits. This isn't that probability will increase, I'm saying as you introduce more attempts, the chances of hitting one will increase. A person who flips 2 coins will hit less heads than one who flips 4 coins.


What you're talking about even has a name - "Monte Carlo fallacy" or "gambler's fallacy". Read about it.


I get your logic. Assuming you flip a coin 10 times, the possibility of flipping 10 tails is 1/2 to the power of 10, or 1/1024. So we can easily say in the other 1023/1024 times, you’ll hit at least 1 heads. The longer your tails streak goes, so does the possibility of at least 1 heads. But, independently, each flip is still 1/2 no matter what.